Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Kitten with a pacifier, hear him roar!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    A little long, but how to make a perfect roast chicken with root vegetables and a foolproof sourdough bread recipe.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Identifying antique cast iron skillets.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 49 out there now with an expected high of 76 and no chance of precipitation.

    Had bacon, eggs, and a small piece of cornbread for breakfast. I tried (sort of - Eduardo made some changes) a "small batch" cornbread recipe, for inspiration, and the result fit perfectly in my 6 inch cast iron skillet. It turned out beautifully. Popped right out of the skillet with no mess at all and no sticking.

    Carbs, I know, but one of the things Eduardo did was use whole fat Greek yogurt instead of buttermilk. Using the yogurt added more protein and probably fat, to help offset the glycemic load of the dish. I was good and only ate 1/4 of the cornbread. The recipe said it was 4 servings. I forget whether it gave nutrition values. Another thing Eduardo did was omit the sugar called for in the recipe that was used for inspiration. To be fair, there probably wasn't really enough sugar to make it taste offensively sweet, but I really prefer my cornbread with no sugar added at all, and that's how this was made.

    At any rate, I was pleased with the taste and texture. A bit more moist than most cornbreads. I would have been happy to eat another piece but the rest is on a paper plate, in a gallon freezer bag (for freshness), and will be enjoyed with later meals or snacks.
    Hi Ed
    That sounds like a Nice Meal :smiley:

    The Cornbread is Carbs right enough, OTOH now and then in moderation...

    I think I like my Cornbread sweeter than some, OTOH I also like it moist.
    Not much on the agenda for today, though I did send out feelers to see if a friend is interested in lunch with me. I was thinking of heating frozen tamales, and perhaps making some Spanish rice and refried beans for sides. There are 6 tamales in the frozen package, and while one COULD individually re-wrap the tamales, for easier portion control, I haven't decided whether I really want to do that or not. I'll decide on opening the package, I guess. If S wants to join me for lunch, I'm sure he'd eat one or two. Probably one, if I make sides, and the same for me.

    J is still in Kentucky but, as of last night, was planning to come back tonight. There's some movie he was wanting us to go and see on Sunday night, and had talked about going to it "if he got home in time" on Sunday. Yesterday, apparently, he decided to come home on Saturday instead, perhaps to assure that. However, this being J, I'm not necessarily holding my breath on him actually coming back tonight. We'll see. LOL.

    Well, cats are fed now. Just need to clean yesterday's cat bowls. Then check my blood sugar in about an hour to see how the cornbread affected me.
    My Brother takes the easy way with Spanish rice and generally only makes it when there is a container of Chinese Take Out Rice available. I have a suspicion that You use fresh cooked rice.

    Our Taste buds for Spanish Rice were formed in High School when that was a staple in the Cafeteria. Lots of Ground beef and not spicy. The Local ShopRite sometimes has it in their Hot Foods section, I tried and was unimpressed.
    Onion rings. 8 ways.
    Call Me a traditionalist, Onion Rings should only be a ring of onion and batter.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 1 cent. The temperature this morning was 52 degrees. The walking was fine today. yesterdays rain was lighter than forecast in the morning then it returned after 6PM and ended by 9PM Then it was raining this morning when I left for my walk.

    Woman who destroyed Popeye's window was 'very drunk,' manager says

    Outdoor Recreation Driving Population Boom in Rural Areas

    Europe, US police seize servers used by IS propaganda sites
    Good !

    They’re now making vodka from San Francisco fog

    You can now get your pastrami in beer form

    Weird to say the least
    Powder seized by police after car crash was human remains, not heroin

    Took an ancestry DNA test? You might be a 'genetic informant' unleashing secrets about your relatives

    800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

    Have a Great Sunday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 48 out there now with an expected high of 71 and no chance of precipitation.

    Nothin major on the agenda today. J did get home sometime between 5 and 6 this morning so I don't expect to see any more of him before noonish.

    I guess then we'll decide whether we're going to see the new Labyrinth movie.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    edited April 2018
    $155 dinner? I'm gonna say NOT worth it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    PERFECT bacon bowl maker vs. a muffin tin.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2018
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 48 out there now with an expected high of 71 and no chance of precipitation.

    Nothin major on the agenda today. J did get home sometime between 5 and 6 this morning so I don't expect to see any more of him before noonish.

    I guess then we'll decide whether we're going to see the new Labyrinth movie.
    Hi Ed
    We already had our rain for the day and a forecast high in the 50s, Your weather is so much better.

    Since I do not watch Advertisements on TV or go to movie Theaters I have no idea what a Labyrinth movie is, the one I know is the David Bowie one, Labyrinth (1986).
    Maybe some appetizers.
    Not looking appetizing to me FWIW if that matters.
    $155 dinner? I'm gonna say NOT worth it.
    I think they covered him on the Local TV news a while back, Not my cup of tea TBH.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Since I do not watch Advertisements on TV or go to movie Theaters I have no idea what a Labyrinth movie is, the one I know is the David Bowie one, Labyrinth (1986).

    Have a Nice Day

    Apparently I misunderstood and he was, in fact, talking about the 1986 David Bowie movie. Some kind of special re-release of it I guess. There has been talk of making a sequel, I know. Maybe this is an advance to see if they think it would be popular enough to make a sequel. Of course they'd have to have a new Goblin King in a sequel.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Here I am. What an interesting day? Started with some cleaning...boring though necessary. Then I ate breakfast at 11 while watching a speaker at the 2018 Food Summit. (no bacon bowls and no $155 dinners either)...they have some kind of video issues going on..I noticed it yesterday, and was going to write it off as my crappy wireless speed. Then it started today, and they said they had a problem, thought they could fix it...short delay. Delay was short as promised, but didn't fix anything for me...and since I was listening on my phone, I was free to roam...took some treats out to Tom E. at the start of the noon broadcast, and the sliding glass door latch, which sometimes can be sorta 'loose', closed and latched behind me. Tom E. and I were locked out. And NO way back into the house...Front door locked, as was the storm door. Garage door was down, and back door locked. This happened to me one other time, years ago, and I took the second garage door opener and stored it in the hen house in the back yard.
    The brambles that I cleaned out of the back yard, last summer, did not include those around the hen house...and between the brambles and the weedy vines of something...and several large azalea bushes it took me about 20 minutes to go maybe 10'. I was not dressed for the occasion, and had on house slippers...but I did get there, did not lose my balance and fall into the brambles (thank goodness) Who was the book character that fell into the bramble bushes and couldn't get out???? I don't remember. from Uncle Remus maybe??? IDK. Then I got out, much easier than getting to the opener, and the next question was, will it work?? Years out in the weather, age of opener, etc. BUT, the really really good news was it WORKED!!! Large sigh of relief. I need a more civilized place to hide my spare garage door opener !!!!

    Watched Emmy make bacon bowls, the long video of the guy with all the cast iron mostly skillets...that was interesting!

    I think there are clothes in the dryer that would love to go for a quick warm spin, and then be folded or hung and put in their proper places, and no doubt a 'Be Focused' turn or two in the new addition would be beneficial...and a 5 or so minute clean up of the area that I cut/trimmed/ whatever yesterday evening. I took the bulk of the decapitated forsythia branches to the woods for discard yesterday when I was finished, but it could use a bit of a sweep so I can call it done!

    Looks like I'm going to be busy.

    After my brunch today I washed some big blackberries that were on sale and let some 'So Delicious' vanilla flavored coconut milk with no added sugar for dessert! Really good. The ice cream is not overly sweet, so its perfect to put on fresh fruit...mmmmm. May have some more for dinner dessert????

    Hope you are both having a good day...beautiful here.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Not a Non Stick Pan


    oblivious - brought about by passion for golf



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 1 cent. The temperature this morning was 46 degrees. The walking was fine today. There is a light breeze, Not to mention it is hard to believe that it will be in the 80s later this week.

    French museum discovers half of its collection are fakes

    Tesla driver caught turning on autopilot and leaving driver’s seat on motorway

    World’s biggest active geyser erupts at Yellowstone National Park for third time in weeks
    Increased activity at Steamboat Geyser after three years sat dormant

    Blue light like that from smartphones linked to some cancers, study finds

    Poor Fiscal Policy Mortgaged State's Future
    Data from Moody's shows that each Connecticut resident owes $10,300 in unfunded state pension liabilities — one of the highest rates in the U.S.

    New York City
    ‘You Just Don’t Know What To Expect:’ Subway Attacks Leave Straphangers On Edge

    How to be alone: ‘I feel most alive when I'm with my own thoughts’

    Pan-Asian Eatery Yellow Fever Facing Backlash Over Name After New Location Opens Inside Whole Foods 365

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Since I do not watch Advertisements on TV or go to movie Theaters I have no idea what a Labyrinth movie is, the one I know is the David Bowie one, Labyrinth (1986).

    Have a Nice Day
    Apparently I misunderstood and he was, in fact, talking about the 1986 David Bowie movie. Some kind of special re-release of it I guess. There has been talk of making a sequel, I know. Maybe this is an advance to see if they think it would be popular enough to make a sequel. Of course they'd have to have a new Goblin King in a sequel.
    Good Morning Ed
    Ah, that makes sense. They seem to do these re-releases these days and of course toss in directors cuts and they could be testing the water as You say about a sequel or possibly do a remake.

    The water of creativity seems to have gone dry. They have a hit and work it to death. I wish they would drop this obsession with Marvel and do something original, Lots of luck with that.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Here I am. What an interesting day? Started with some cleaning...boring though necessary. Then I ate breakfast at 11 while watching a speaker at the 2018 Food Summit. (no bacon bowls and no $155 dinners either)...they have some kind of video issues going on..I noticed it yesterday, and was going to write it off as my crappy wireless speed. Then it started today, and they said they had a problem, thought they could fix it...short delay. Delay was short as promised, but didn't fix anything for me...and since I was listening on my phone, I was free to roam...took some treats out to Tom E. at the start of the noon broadcast, and the sliding glass door latch, which sometimes can be sorta 'loose', closed and latched behind me. Tom E. and I were locked out. And NO way back into the house...Front door locked, as was the storm door. Garage door was down, and back door locked. This happened to me one other time, years ago, and I took the second garage door opener and stored it in the hen house in the back yard.
    The brambles that I cleaned out of the back yard, last summer, did not include those around the hen house...and between the brambles and the weedy vines of something...and several large azalea bushes it took me about 20 minutes to go maybe 10'. I was not dressed for the occasion, and had on house slippers...but I did get there, did not lose my balance and fall into the brambles (thank goodness) Who was the book character that fell into the bramble bushes and couldn't get out???? I don't remember. from Uncle Remus maybe??? IDK. Then I got out, much easier than getting to the opener, and the next question was, will it work?? Years out in the weather, age of opener, etc. BUT, the really really good news was it WORKED!!! Large sigh of relief. I need a more civilized place to hide my spare garage door opener !!!!
    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if it could be worse, It sounds as if You used really good batteries in the opener.

    Time to change the location now that it has been posted :wink:

    The same reason that some people hide spare keys under things and that the crooks know to look for them :smiley:
    Watched Emmy make bacon bowls, the long video of the guy with all the cast iron mostly skillets...that was interesting!

    I think there are clothes in the dryer that would love to go for a quick warm spin, and then be folded or hung and put in their proper places, and no doubt a 'Be Focused' turn or two in the new addition would be beneficial...and a 5 or so minute clean up of the area that I cut/trimmed/ whatever yesterday evening. I took the bulk of the decapitated forsythia branches to the woods for discard yesterday when I was finished, but it could use a bit of a sweep so I can call it done!

    Looks like I'm going to be busy.

    After my brunch today I washed some big blackberries that were on sale and let some 'So Delicious' vanilla flavored coconut milk with no added sugar for dessert! Really good. The ice cream is not overly sweet, so its perfect to put on fresh fruit...mmmmm. May have some more for dinner dessert????

    Hope you are both having a good day...beautiful here.

    I really do need to Vacuum the Living Room as for some reason where my brother puts his shoes builds up grit :(

    On the good side I have managed to dispose of the Blackberry and Raspberry bushes trimmings and the pieces of broken branches that accumulated over the winter.

    I also have to plant a couple Dahlias that were dug up last fall after the frost hit them. I planted the first one last week that had shown it survived by sprouting and now more show signs of viability by sprouting too.

    Other than that and the Vacuuming nothing much on my agenda beyond possibly falling into the Internet.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 44 out there now with an expected high of 75 and no chance of precipitation.

    Need to probably do laundry today and maybe get a little grocery shopping done but don't think there is anything critical on the shopping list.

    And need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned, the cats fed, and the dishwasher running.

    We did see Labyrinth on the big screen last night. It was fun seeing it on there instead of on the television.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...