Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    The most valuable foods on the planet.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Three ways to use Spring dandelions.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Transparent aluminum isn't just science fiction any more.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 56 now with an expected high of 85 and no chance of precipitation.

    I've cleared the sink and had my breakfast. The cats will have theirs in a while. Lilo got me up a bit earlier than I wanted to but to be fair J's phone had been making noises for a while already that kept waking me from my dozing.

    Supposed to be going to Myrtle Beach this evening to meet the bosses-in-law at tomorrow night's barbecue. Well, what else do you call the boss of your spouse? LOL.

    I've been given to understand that the hotel isn't particularly close to anything, though I did see an art museum 1.4 miles away or less and may check that out while J is at work tomorrow. Or I may just hang around the hotel. We'll see.
    Hi Ed
    It seems that You have cooler weather than we do sadly.

    Bosses in Law, Good Question.
    Edible spoons?
    How durable can they really be ?
    Transparent aluminum isn't just science fiction any more.
    That was one of the Star Trek Movies as I remember it?

  • faithfornsKathie
    faithfornsKathie Posts: 2,480 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Good evening to all. Home from work. We had a nice sunny spring/summer like day.

    Hi Kathie
    I see I beat everybody here posting today :wink:

    Today through the next couple of days we are forecast to have summer weather, There goes the Electric bill up, up and away :(

    Have a Good Day Working
    Good evening Roger. Love the funnies today.

    Hi Kathie
    I'm glad to hear that You love the funnies, that is why they are done. Everybody needs a good laugh.
    Good evening to all. It was a long busy work day. Ready to hit the hay. :)

    Hopefully today is an easier day for You.

    Have a Nice Day

    Good evening, thanks, yes it was an easier day today. Got off early. That is always a good day.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi All.
    I realize it will be tomorrow morning when you all read this. :)

    Hair cut done...enjoyed seeing the new shop, and seeing old friends from the old shop this morning. Came home, ate a portabella mushroom sandwich with lettuce, onion, tomato, and melted some cheese over the mushroom part...was good.
    Napped, then went to Sweet Tomatoes to enjoy a fresh raw veg. salad, some vegan black bean chili, ate a small piece of non-vegan corn bread (can't always be perfect ya know), and then drove over to watch Olivia in gymnastics. Tonite she learned a new (move, Trick, whatever,) and exited the balance beam with a back flip. That is a leap of faith! But she did it several times... and didn't break anything or land on her head :)
    Home, took out the trash to the street, and fed Tom E. I'm about ready to hit the hay, will do my word puzzle and a suduko, and if Ted has played, I'll add a Scrabble word to our game. If not, will play a word in the morning..

    Its been a good week, and I look forward to tomorrow..still love to see Friday, even after being totally retired now for 3 years.

    Oh, Ed...loved the clear Al windows, the dandelion recipe's, didn't watch the edible spoons, but I think its a dandy idea. Hope you enjoy your weekend at the beach! Myrtle was one of my fav. beaches when I lived in TN. 5-6 hour drive, nice clean beaches, but still many places to go shelling. Used to love the Christmas Shop there. And yes, I've used a starfish sprayed gold as a Christmas tree topper a time or two in my life!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Howdy y'all from the Hampton Inn, Murrel Inlet. It's fantastic Friday. just got here and J has to be at work by 9 so it's bedtime for sure.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member









  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and No cents. The temperature this morning was 71 degrees. The walking was OK today and today's high is forecast to be in the high 80s. Yesterday ended up in the 90s with records being broken.

    The Lawn has some sort of purple small flower blooming in it, Purple Violets are also blooming in it as well as Yellow Wildflowers, AKA Dandelions :)

    Wave Of Huge Alligators Wreaking Havoc Across Southern States

    Family Finds Ancient Horse Skeleton While Landscaping

    Hawaii volcano could erupt after 250 earthquakes recorded in 24 hours
    Lava flowing beneath main road and could burst through ground, geologists say

    WATCH: $600,000 Flies Over Highway After Brinks Truck Door Opens

    CBS2 News Investigation: Flies In Operating Rooms Force VA Hospital To Postpone More Than 80 Surgeries

    Pediatrician, Husband Accused Of Replacing Bar Codes In Self-Checkout Scam At Target
    Authorities say Dr. Elizabeth and David Hooper fraudulently manufactured bar codes and affixed them to items of greater value at Target stores located in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, and Woodland Hills starting in January.

    Three-eyed fish and two-headed turtles? The stench of this river spanning U.S.-Mexico border is legendary

    Market correction of 30-40% could be coming soon, investment guru Mark Mobius warns
    Not being the Stock Market, Big Yawn for me, for others ??

    Wall Street Slaps Down NYC Again With AllianceBernstein's Move to Nashville
    AllianceBernstein Holding LP is moving its corporate headquarters and about 1,050 jobs to Nashville, Tennessee, the company said in a filing Wednesday

    Backup cameras now required in new cars in the U.S.
    Backover crashes kill more than 200 people annually and injure more than 12,000.

    Tourists flocking to Peru's newfound 'Rainbow Mountain'
    Stripes of turquoise, lavender and gold blanket what has become known as "Rainbow Mountain," a ridge of multicolored sediments laid down millions of years ago and pushed up as tectonic plates clashed. It's only within the last five years that the natural wonder has been discovered by the outside world, earning it must-see status on Peru's burgeoning backpacker tourist circuit.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good evening to all. It was a long busy work day. Ready to hit the hay. :)

    Hopefully today is an easier day for You.

    Have a Nice Day

    Good evening, thanks, yes it was an easier day today. Got off early. That is always a good day. [/quote]
    Hi Kathie
    I used to love being able to get off early with the days work being done so that I also got the full days pay :wink:

    Have a Good Day Today
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All.
    I realize it will be tomorrow morning when you all read this. :)

    Hair cut done...enjoyed seeing the new shop, and seeing old friends from the old shop this morning. Came home, ate a portabella mushroom sandwich with lettuce, onion, tomato, and melted some cheese over the mushroom part...was good.
    Napped, then went to Sweet Tomatoes to enjoy a fresh raw veg. salad, some vegan black bean chili, ate a small piece of non-vegan corn bread (can't always be perfect ya know), and then drove over to watch Olivia in gymnastics. Tonite she learned a new (move, Trick, whatever,) and exited the balance beam with a back flip. That is a leap of faith! But she did it several times... and didn't break anything or land on her head :)
    Home, took out the trash to the street, and fed Tom E. I'm about ready to hit the hay, will do my word puzzle and a suduko, and if Ted has played, I'll add a Scrabble word to our game. If not, will play a word in the morning..

    Its been a good week, and I look forward to tomorrow..still love to see Friday, even after being totally retired now for 3 years.

    Oh, Ed...loved the clear Al windows, the dandelion recipe's, didn't watch the edible spoons, but I think its a dandy idea. Hope you enjoy your weekend at the beach! Myrtle was one of my fav. beaches when I lived in TN. 5-6 hour drive, nice clean beaches, but still many places to go shelling. Used to love the Christmas Shop there. And yes, I've used a starfish sprayed gold as a Christmas tree topper a time or two in my life!!

    Hi Valerie
    Was the Portabello Mushroom used in between bread or as the bread ? I have seen them used both ways on cooking shows.

    I believe that it takes practice and commitment to do that sort of move. I know I would fall off just trying to walk on a balance beam.

    I have You beat on the complete retirement duration, OTOH I suspect that You worked to an older age. When They closed where I was working a couple of days before my 65th B'day I did not look for other work as There was not much of anything for a while due to Superstorm Sandy and being tired of working. I had started working back in High School.

    Just curious what would make it non-vegan corn bread ? In my case I think it might be the Butter I spread on it.

    Anyhow, Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all from the Hampton Inn, Murrel Inlet. It's fantastic Friday. just got here and J has to be at work by 9 so it's bedtime for sure.

    Hi Ed
    You posted at 3:20 AM, I have no doubt that You will be on later than usual today.
    Enjoy Your Vacation.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Howdy again y'all, from Murrells Inlet, right near Myrtle Beach. J is running a bit late but that's all right. I had a nice "free" hot breakfast in the hotel lobby. Free for me anyway, as the company is paying for it. :)

    As soon as J is ready, I guess we'll be taking him to work and then I think I'll come back to the hotel and go back to sleep...4 hours is not enough.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Can't wait to see if Ed was really able to get back to sleep. All too often when away from small children, and pets I couldn't nap to save me! And that was frustration X2!!
    Enjoy Murrells Inlet! If I recall correctly that is just a tiny bit south of Myrtle Beach and is a great area! We used to stay South of Myrtle Beach when we'd go July 4th and again for Thanksgiving long weekend.

    Roger...Eggs, Butter, and Milk would make cornbread non-Vegan. (flour, cornmeal, and leavening are vegan though!) The way I fix them is to remove the black gills (not necessary, just looks better) and slice then about ⅜ thick and grill or pan fry til they soften and 'sweat'. Then the rest of the stuff along with the mushroom could go on bread or rolls. The mushrooms are 'meaty' and have a nice flavor...just an aside...the most nutritious part of all mushrooms is the part most people throw away, and that's the stem. Learned that the other day from the Food Summit!! Who knew??, though should have guessed!
    Getting a taste of summer up there in Jersey are ya?? :) hmmmm.
    As far as the Fitbit or any gps enabled device goes...it can also work to save your life in many cases. I really don't have a great deal of 'fear' of anyone knowing where I am in that respect. I was given 4 of the tracking devices called Tile for my birthday. Those are great for being tracked if lost or stolen.

    Kathie, Good Morning. Hope you have a good Friday. Do you work 5 weekdays or 4? Somehow I've gotten it in my mind that you may be working 4. If so, enjoy your weekend. and if you're working today look forward to getting off work and enjoying your weekend!!!

    Lots needs to be done IN my house, but I think I may very well take the weed eater to the back yard and cut back some of the weeds, etc. (definition of weeds....any plant that grows in the wrong place! That definition courtesy of the Master Gardener).

    I'm off for the day....I may not be able to get as much done indoors as I'd like, but at least the back yard will be done, except for the little patch of blackberries that are blooming and feeding a bunch of honey bees!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy again y'all, from Murrells Inlet, right near Myrtle Beach. J is running a bit late but that's all right. I had a nice "free" hot breakfast in the hotel lobby. Free for me anyway, as the company is paying for it. :)

    As soon as J is ready, I guess we'll be taking him to work and then I think I'll come back to the hotel and go back to sleep...4 hours is not enough.

    Hi Ed
    4 Hours was not enough for me at any age.

    Free is a decent price.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Can't wait to see if Ed was really able to get back to sleep. All too often when away from small children, and pets I couldn't nap to save me! And that was frustration X2!!
    Enjoy Murrells Inlet! If I recall correctly that is just a tiny bit south of Myrtle Beach and is a great area! We used to stay South of Myrtle Beach when we'd go July 4th and again for Thanksgiving long weekend.

    Roger...Eggs, Butter, and Milk would make cornbread non-Vegan. (flour, cornmeal, and leavening are vegan though!) The way I fix them is to remove the black gills (not necessary, just looks better) and slice then about ⅜ thick and grill or pan fry til they soften and 'sweat'. Then the rest of the stuff along with the mushroom could go on bread or rolls. The mushrooms are 'meaty' and have a nice flavor...just an aside...the most nutritious part of all mushrooms is the part most people throw away, and that's the stem. Learned that the other day from the Food Summit!! Who knew??, though should have guessed!
    Getting a taste of summer up there in Jersey are ya?? :) hmmmm.
    As far as the Fitbit or any gps enabled device goes...it can also work to save your life in many cases. I really don't have a great deal of 'fear' of anyone knowing where I am in that respect. I was given 4 of the tracking devices called Tile for my birthday. Those are great for being tracked if lost or stolen.
    Hi Valerie
    Not being a baker I was wondering about the Cornbread :smiley:

    I wonder if the stems can be put in a blender with a binder and some flavorings to stuff the tops with ?

    If I said a unwelcome IMO taste of summer...

    I never heard of Tile as a tracker. Is the GPS FitBit able to show You where You are and where You need to head ?
    Kathie, Good Morning. Hope you have a good Friday. Do you work 5 weekdays or 4? Somehow I've gotten it in my mind that you may be working 4. If so, enjoy your weekend. and if you're working today look forward to getting off work and enjoying your weekend!!!

    Lots needs to be done IN my house, but I think I may very well take the weed eater to the back yard and cut back some of the weeds, etc. (definition of weeds....any plant that grows in the wrong place! That definition courtesy of the Master Gardener).

    I'm off for the day....I may not be able to get as much done indoors as I'd like, but at least the back yard will be done, except for the little patch of blackberries that are blooming and feeding a bunch of honey bees!

    No Blooms here on the Raspberries or Blackberries, until recently they had not even started to leaf out.

    I have grape Hyacinths that have naturalized themselves in the Lawns and I do not mind. Oh well that would be despite the fact that they were not planted there...

    Enjoy the Day

    HI Kathie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    So far an hour and a half of additional, interrupted, sleep. If the AC unit would just stay on all the time it would mask the other hotel noises but it won't so I hear doors, cleaning staff, etc. I got up and had lunch and then went out to check out a consignment store and the nearby Goodwill store.

    The consignment store seemed to have nothing but women's clothing, and I didn't see anything that would really flatter my figure, so I only stayed a moment. :wink:

    The Goodwill store was really not as nice as some of the local stores in Peachtree corners, though I did briefly browse men's shirts. Some of them would have looked decent on me. Much better than any of the stuff at the consignment store. :smiley:

    Then I thought about checking out some additional consignment stores but was feeling draggy again so decided to come back to the hotel, which is where I am now. Maybe I can snag a bit more nap in an hour or so, after I check my post-prandial blood glucose and see how a couple of ham and cheese hot pockets, two (just two!) Pringle's potato crisps, and a bit of walking around in the parking lots and the Goodwill store did for me.

    Finishing a cup of coffee from the lobby (all day coffee!) and will have a bottle of water next. I could really hit the bed now but I'd have to get up too soon for the glucose test so I'll just doodle around on line for a bit.
  • faithfornsKathie
    faithfornsKathie Posts: 2,480 Member
    Good Morning!
    Can't wait to see if Ed was really able to get back to sleep. All too often when away from small children, and pets I couldn't nap to save me! And that was frustration X2!!
    Enjoy Murrells Inlet! If I recall correctly that is just a tiny bit south of Myrtle Beach and is a great area! We used to stay South of Myrtle Beach when we'd go July 4th and again for Thanksgiving long weekend.

    Roger...Eggs, Butter, and Milk would make cornbread non-Vegan. (flour, cornmeal, and leavening are vegan though!) The way I fix them is to remove the black gills (not necessary, just looks better) and slice then about ⅜ thick and grill or pan fry til they soften and 'sweat'. Then the rest of the stuff along with the mushroom could go on bread or rolls. The mushrooms are 'meaty' and have a nice flavor...just an aside...the most nutritious part of all mushrooms is the part most people throw away, and that's the stem. Learned that the other day from the Food Summit!! Who knew??, though should have guessed!
    Getting a taste of summer up there in Jersey are ya?? :) hmmmm.
    As far as the Fitbit or any gps enabled device goes...it can also work to save your life in many cases. I really don't have a great deal of 'fear' of anyone knowing where I am in that respect. I was given 4 of the tracking devices called Tile for my birthday. Those are great for being tracked if lost or stolen.

    Kathie, Good Morning. Hope you have a good Friday. Do you work 5 weekdays or 4? Somehow I've gotten it in my mind that you may be working 4. If so, enjoy your weekend. and if you're working today look forward to getting off work and enjoying your weekend!!!

    Lots needs to be done IN my house, but I think I may very well take the weed eater to the back yard and cut back some of the weeds, etc. (definition of weeds....any plant that grows in the wrong place! That definition courtesy of the Master Gardener).

    I'm off for the day....I may not be able to get as much done indoors as I'd like, but at least the back yard will be done, except for the little patch of blackberries that are blooming and feeding a bunch of honey bees!


    I work 5 days. Tuesday thru Saturday. So tomorrow is my Friday!!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Kathie, I am so sorry! I worked Tues thru Saturday for about 5 years, and it was not fun to hear everyone so happy it was Friday, and making plans 'cuz' they didn't have to get up the next day, etc.
    I will remember that your TGI___ is Saturday evening!

    It appears that Ed got his nap, maybe two...I even managed a short nap today.

    And right now I have a cat, Tom E., at the back door begging to come in to eat.
    gotta go!
