Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and found no cents. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees. It is a nice enough day outside with a misty haze in the air that has turned to a light rain around the time I arrived home.

    I managed to get two decorative pots planted with Marigolds and Begonias to decorate the front step. I left them where I filled them with the Garden soil and plants on the picnic table until the rain waters them in.

    I have posted more humor

    I'm back from walking and found no cents. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees. It is a nice enough day outside with a misty haze in the air that has turned to a light rain around the time I arrived home.

    I managed to get two decorative pots planted with Marigolds and Begonias to decorate the front step. I left them where I filled them with the Garden soil and plants on the picnic table until the rain waters them in.

    We did another run to Lowes yesterday since it was the last day of the sale and bought 6 more bags of mulch and 4 bags of Topsoil. The Much is all placed and I used some of the first bag of top soil to plant the pots of flowers.

    Study: Some public pensions funds could run dry in downturn

    10 products you should never buy generic

    Man burning American flag blanket starts wildfire

    I wrote a negative Yelp review — and it made my life a nightmare

    Pompeii: New find shows man crushed trying to flee eruption

    The World Isn’t Prepared for Retirement

    I disagree BTW
    Study: Multivitamins, Other Common Supplements Have No Health Benefits

    Have a Great Thursday

    Study: Some public pensions funds could run dry in downturn

    10 products you should never buy generic

    Man burning American flag blanket starts wildfire

    I wrote a negative Yelp review — and it made my life a nightmare

    Pompeii: New find shows man crushed trying to flee eruption

    The World Isn’t Prepared for Retirement

    I disagree BTW
    Study: Multivitamins, Other Common Supplements Have No Health Benefits

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 72 with an expected high of 82 and 90% chance of p.m. precipitation.

    Might do something today...might not. Largely depends on how well the ibuprofen works on this headache I woke up with.

    Dinner last night was home made 6 cheese pizza, baked on a preheated pizza stone. No leftovers, but J ate more of it than I did and that's as far as I'm going with that...

    Need to clean yesterday's cat bowls and feed the cats.
    Hi Ed
    Today is looking poorly, The rain having already started I am going with a 100% chance of rain.

    I chewed up a couple of aspirins before I went walking as I felt some aches and pains, I did eat a NS snack so that the aspirins that being a warmed up in the MW NS Lemon Zest Cake snack @ 140 Calories, 4.0g Total Fat, 5g Dietary Fiber, 5g Protein.

    I am hoping that helps with the twinges in the joints in one hand.
    Emmy has too much fun with frankfurters.
    Hot Dogs as Toys ? That reminds me I need to pull a pack of Hot Dogs out of the freezer to use tomorrow as a ersatz (?) protein.
    Kids try weird ice cream flavors.
    I was watching a cooking show called Guy's Grocery Game where one of the contestants made Chorizo Ice Cream, Nothing I would eat I suspect.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Just finished my dinner! Which was delicious. Amy's Tamale Verde...(Vegan) and a tiny cherry pie, warmed with my vanilla coconut ice cream! First guy that says YUCK has to watch these crazy kids for 24 hours! LOL! I would have loved the licorice and maybe even the Durian. (which I have eaten)...The trick with Durian is to not ever ever smell it. Taste is quite good...smell...YUCK

    Long day. Publix for some decent arugula and a couple other things...like veggie/tofu hotdogs. I must have sensed Emmy was gonna make pineapple franks! Anyhow, then home had a huge salad that I picked up at Publix...I'm guessing there was at least 8 oz of baby greens, topped with apple slices, blueberries, walnuts, black and golden raisins, etc. Tasty. Especially since I didn't have to fix it. :)

    Got ahead of myself, I bought gas for the lawnmower...
    Hi Valerie
    How do You manage to eat the Durian without smelling it ? FWIW I have seen it used in cooking contest shows such as Chopped. There are more than enough tasty foods that do not stink :wink:

    That sounds like a salad I have seen at either Wendy's or the ShopRite, You would likely skip them as they have cheese in them sprinkled on top, Shredded Cheddar or Crumbled Blue Cheese.

    Is someone planning on mowing :smiley:
    After the news, I made my run to Kroger. $40. Not too shabby. And I got hungry too early for dinner, so I made a one slice cheesy toast, and went to the gym.

    I am tired, and its daylight, but I'm going to bed.

    PS...I do not ever remember anything as 'exotic' as Pineapple weenies while I was at WW!! (in the 70's) Back in the day when Jean Niditch (sp) started WW. We met in out 'leaders' home once a week, and recipe's were copies from somebody's machine...it was before 'home' printers.... Seriously...I remember days and days of canned tuna with pepper and lemon..(no Mayo allowed), We were required to eat 5 fish meals...and Jack (3 yrs old) and his Dad would not eat fish...hence 5 tuna sandwiches a week. I couldn't eat tuna for several years after that. Also liver was required once a week. That I didn't mind. I think they did, but hey...'tough'!

    It rained, so I couldn't cut the grass...thank goodness. Saturday is supposed to be dry, and sunny...hopefully the grass as tall as it is will dry out enough to mow. Stay tuned.........

    Ok, good nite! and

    One slice of bread or bread with one slice of cheese ?

    Canned Tuna is not on my list of foods I want to eat. When My brother opens the cans of Tuna he turns into Tuna Salad the Tuna stinks to me so...
    That is strange since when I was Younger I liked Mom's Tuna Casserole.

    Liver, To be kind, Yuck !

    I think we have rain in the forecast through Sunday.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Howdy y'all. I've been up for hours but distracted by various things. 81 now with an expected high of 86 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    Need to wash/rinse the baking dish I cooked lunch in and place it in the dishwasher, and need to get on the laundry.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Atomic Beam Sunblast review:

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    This is not a habit, honest. Morning will return to my life. Just not sure when. LOL

    I did get the grass cut today...about 2 hours before the rain. :)

    Gym, laundry, dishwasher rung and emptied, etc...just a few of the distractions around here today.

    Roger, don't want to smell something, don't inhale when you're bringing to your mouth. Or you can have a cracked skull and concussion like Ted did...and you never have to deal with smelling anything ever again. It doesn't seem to bother him, at least I've only heard him complain once, and that was years ago, when he was going to use the gas oven in his apartment.....yeah, that might be a bit of a risk. But, it all worked out ok, luckily!

    I'm going to take a quick walk thru the house, and then I'm going to bed! Tired.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and found no cents. The Temperature out the door was 67 degrees. It is a nice enough day outside with a misty haze in the air and a overcast sky.

    Today is National Donut Day according to Dunkin Donuts :)
    They are offering a free Donut with any Beverage purchase. Not a biggie to me as I could get a free donut any time I go there for coffee with the AARP card. Not the fancy ones of course.

    Krispy Kreme is offering one free doughnut of your choice, no purchase necessary.

    Are ‘Smart’ Meters Spying On You? Rockland Electric Company Says Absolutely Not

    Police: Over 20 Explosions Caused Mysterious Booms Reported In Bucks, Lehigh Counties

    What Stores Will Be Participating In National Doughnut Day?

    A California church flirts with an unusual social experiment: to never call police again

    Weird reptile-like mammal species discovered amid ancient Utah dinosaur bones

    South Carolina lottery says no prize for 71,000 'winning' tickets

    Man punches bear in the nose to rescue pet beagle

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. I've been up for hours but distracted by various things. 81 now with an expected high of 86 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    Need to wash/rinse the baking dish I cooked lunch in and place it in the dishwasher, and need to get on the laundry.
    Hi Ed
    Today and Tomorrow are forecast to be in the 80s. Our chance of Precipitation is 100% since it rained overnight. Fortunately it had ended a short while before I left the house.
    Grain free bread?
    I plan to look at this one later once I get the replies to messages finished.

    Thanks for posting the links
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Kathie
    This is not a habit, honest. Morning will return to my life. Just not sure when. LOL

    I did get the grass cut today...about 2 hours before the rain. :)

    Gym, laundry, dishwasher rung and emptied, etc...just a few of the distractions around here today.

    Roger, don't want to smell something, don't inhale when you're bringing to your mouth. Or you can have a cracked skull and concussion like Ted did...and you never have to deal with smelling anything ever again. It doesn't seem to bother him, at least I've only heard him complain once, and that was years ago, when he was going to use the gas oven in his apartment.....yeah, that might be a bit of a risk. But, it all worked out ok, luckily!

    I'm going to take a quick walk thru the house, and then I'm going to bed! Tired.


    Hi Valerie
    If I had to give up a sense I think I would give up the sense of taste. That would definitely make weight loss easier :wink:

    I would not like to have it happen as it did with Ted.

    Distractions, Hmm...
    Internet happened in my case yesterday, Then a personal energy shortage left me feeling like a good nap would help, That did not work sadly.

    Congratulations on getting the mowing done, our grass is looking ragged already.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 68 with an expected high of 88 and 60% chance of late afternoon/evening precipitation. I guess that means I need to get out to the grocery before it's too late this afternoon, eh? Probably after 10:00 this morning should be good.

    First load of yesterday's laundry is folded and the other load is in the dryer.

    Need to feed the cats and get out to the store!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    edited June 2018
    Opinions on supposedly "toxic" cookware to be avoided...take with a large grain of salt. I'm aware of most of the dangers listed here, but I'm still here and have cooked with all of these at one time or another. Some for years. For example, the Teflon...relatively safe if used at low to medium temperatures, but I don't use it any more. I haven' t used aluminum in years, and never did use it a whole lot. My mother used copper bottomed pans, as did I, but knew about the dangers of using all copper with acids and never did that myself. I have, and occasionally use, one Red Copper ceramic pan but had already planned to dispose of it if/when the coating cracks, just as I have with any other pans that are coated on the inside with anything. If treated carefully, ceramic coated cookware can be very nice, but as with anything, know what you have and how to care for it. When it breaks, it's broken.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    BOILED burgers? Blech! I remember a friend once told me about dining on a road trip and a restaurant's (presumably new?) chef didn't have a clue on how to prepare catfish. What they sent out was not a nice chunk of fried catfish but a soggy lump of boiled catfish. He was not amused.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,515 Member
    edited June 2018
    Some opinions about what people are wrong about when they think about cats. Once again, take with a grain of salt. Our cats like milk (but we give them some of J's lactose free milk) but only in small quantities.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    10:35 and already I'm running behind! Running towards what?? I dunno.
    Have had my coffee, and cheesey toast..(one slice of bread, one slice of dairy free vegan cheese,) and one large banana. I should be free to roam till at least lunch time.

    The video about cats was interesting. I knew you shouldn't feed milk to cats, and now I know why...cats and I are lactose intolerant. Hmmmmmm.

    Roger, isn't it amazing how quickly the grass begins to look shaggy after being cut?

    Hope everyone has purchased anything from auto's to kitchen stuff, etc before today. You can bet prices are going up and up if it includes steel or aluminum.:(

    Ok, time to get moving, and see what this day has in store for me....

    I also sent Ted a link to Free Donut Day in ATL. I know Krispy Creme is very close to his house. I have both within a mile of my house...I am NOT going...I am Not going...I am not going, I am................? LOL!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Watched the Spring Greens video. That sounds good, less the meatballs natch. I'll see if I can save that for next spring. I don't know that I know what stinging nettles look like..pretty sure I've never eaten them, but some spring green mix with spinach, parsley, etc would no doubt work. Will have to think on the egg and cream. I may have to do something sorta like it with beezan and tahini, or, maybe some soft tofu??
    Anyway it could be a fun thing to play with in the kitchen.

    I've never given Tom E. milk...I'd always heard it was not good for them...now I know why.

    Never did make it to the gym today...I was dressed and ready to put on my shoes, and the storm came. and came., and went on and on. Everything well here as far as my eye can see. But areas close by had big tress fall on houses, cars, etc...and some flooding, etc. Anyhow, it never did 'break' so today I am officially a lazy toad!!!

    My brother in MO called. Among other things that we talked about...he has purchased another flock of sheep/lambs, and this year also some baby goats! And he's getting some small cows, an Irish breed Dexter I think he said. Normally John does not like cows, but these will be something 'new' for him to mess around with. Can't wait to see the video's of his new livestock. He has 2 pair of Canadian Geese on his lake....followed by about 10 baby goslings. I suggested goose for dinner!

    The other interesting thing...remember I had a piece of toast with a slice of melted cheese? Well this afternoon/evening I decided I was going to have a piece of avocado toast. Pulled out 2 slices of bread, and they were moldy! as were the other 3 slices left in the loaf. Wanna bet what I ate for breakfast???? LOL!! One way to get my penicillin I guess.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and found no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. It is a humid day thus I worked up a sweat. I did see a Fox on my outbound leg after picking up my coffee.

    Local man wins $100,000 with 'best mistake I've ever made'

    Dying shopping malls are wreaking havoc on suburban America

    Animals in Colorado Springs being attacked by blow darts, wildlife officials say
    Sick People out there.

    Savings Rate Tumbles Back Near Record Lows As Americans Spend More Than They Make For 28th Month In A Row

    Constant Interruptions From Smartphone Can Impact Brain Chemistry, Scientists Say

    Sign Ripped Away From New Jersey Home During Sandy Washes Up On French Beach

    New Jersey’s Obamacare tax will disproportionately hit low and middle income New Jersey taxpayers:
    -78% of New Jersey households hit by the Obamacare mandate tax make less than $50,000 per year.
    New Jersey Resuscitates Obamacare Mandate Tax

    Educational decline: Homeschooling surges as parents seek safer option for children
    Violence and bullying a drive force but school shootings tip the balance for many

    Have a Great Saturday