Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I thought of You and Ed with this cartoon.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    LOL Roger!!!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    The only thing I need at Costco today is the Sweet Tango apples...if they don't have those I'll go back to Honey Crisps...
    I get my old fashioned Quaker Oats there, organic ground flax, nuts, (almond for nut milk, and walnuts for other, also cashew for cashew cream which makes a great base to make sauces, etc.), I use their pharmacy, and hearing center, get my gas 6-10 cents cheaper than regular gasoline stations, etc.
    But, you are absolutely right about checking products. I don't find their TP, or paper towels, etc. any cheaper, sometimes much more expensive.. grocery stores put those things on sale, and if you have a coupon, its a double savings!.
    Good for you, checking on prices.
    Hope you have a great day...and YEA on the steps already today!!! I need to be following you around. Need a shadow??? LOL!!
    Sun is trying to shine here....I may have a shadow of my own before the day is out! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I've eaten my salmon breakfast and it's off to the salt races. Wednesday is tag day which can be interesting...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    I see brightening skies, could it be???? Supposed to be.... I so hope to see sunshine! I have leaves so deep and so wet... I have laundry going, and need to find breakfast, my friend Marietta is traveling, plane leaves at 9, so she should soon hit the boarding area, and will call to pass the time til she boards. Meanwhile, once she's on her way to Texas, I'm heading out for groceries and lotto tickets. By then it should be warming up a bit (its 46 on my porch now), and I can start on the leaves. There's a seminar I'd like to listen to at 2 pm, but it will be available for replay later should the leaves still be 'everywhere'.... ugh. Somebody remind me why I love my trees....please???

    No Sweet Tango apples at Costco yesterday...some of these 'different' apples are short seasonal because they're new varieties. (I can remember when Fuji and some of our now 'common' apples were new, they too were in short supply) So, I got Honey Crisps. Will have one with my lunch today. Hope they're good ones.

    Laundry is now sounding suspiciously quiet, so it must be ready for the dryer...

    Hope you guys have a good day.....and Ed, what the heck is 'tag day'?? :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today, Cool and comfortable and in my area the rain had moved on earlier. I wore a Sweatshirt and gloves starting out, Later I removed the gloves.

    Have a Good Holiday
    The only thing I need at Costco today is the Sweet Tango apples...if they don't have those I'll go back to Honey Crisps...
    I get my old fashioned Quaker Oats there, organic ground flax, nuts, (almond for nut milk, and walnuts for other, also cashew for cashew cream which makes a great base to make sauces, etc.), I use their pharmacy, and hearing center, get my gas 6-10 cents cheaper than regular gasoline stations, etc.
    But, you are absolutely right about checking products. I don't find their TP, or paper towels, etc. any cheaper, sometimes much more expensive.. grocery stores put those things on sale, and if you have a coupon, its a double savings!.
    Good for you, checking on prices.
    Hope you have a great day...and YEA on the steps already today!!! I need to be following you around. Need a shadow??? LOL!!
    Sun is trying to shine here....I may have a shadow of my own before the day is out! :)
    Good Morning!
    I see brightening skies, could it be???? Supposed to be.... I so hope to see sunshine! I have leaves so deep and so wet... I have laundry going, and need to find breakfast, my friend Marietta is traveling, plane leaves at 9, so she should soon hit the boarding area, and will call to pass the time til she boards. Meanwhile, once she's on her way to Texas, I'm heading out for groceries and lotto tickets. By then it should be warming up a bit (its 46 on my porch now), and I can start on the leaves. There's a seminar I'd like to listen to at 2 pm, but it will be available for replay later should the leaves still be 'everywhere'.... ugh. Somebody remind me why I love my trees....please???

    No Sweet Tango apples at Costco yesterday...some of these 'different' apples are short seasonal because they're new varieties. (I can remember when Fuji and some of our now 'common' apples were new, they too were in short supply) So, I got Honey Crisps. Will have one with my lunch today. Hope they're good ones.

    Laundry is now sounding suspiciously quiet, so it must be ready for the dryer...

    Hope you guys have a good day.....and Ed, what the heck is 'tag day'?? :)


    Hi Valerie
    I'm glad You liked that one.

    What I do buy always at Costco is the Kleenex. They have the 10 pack in a large box that lasts much longer then the smaller boxes from the grocery stores. The Charmin TP at Costco is still the same old width. What I see at the Grocery stores is narrower :(

    I think You hit the nail on the head the new varieties are short seasoned, My suspicion is that the growers only planted a few to see how well they sold and apple trees don't start producing instantly :)

    I'll be hitting Costco Friday as that is when I can get out of the driveway without bothering my brother to move his car first as he will going out around the right time Friday :)


    P.S. I can always tell when the drier is done as it buzzes a couple of times, not so with the washer :(
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Wednesday is tag day, which can be rough. I got the tagging done, and the cigarettes counted though, and made it through! Sales were down somewhat due to the holiday, I think. Tomorrow is another day! :)

    J and I just made a HUGE wok full of vegetable biryani for him to take to work tomorrow for a potluck. He found a recipe he liked the look of and I helped him adapt it to not use whole cardamom seeds, whole cloves, cinnamon sticks, etc. so that people don't have anything to eat around. In other substitutions, I assured him a similar amount of toasted fennel seeds would work in lieu of caraway seeds (I couldn't find the caraway seeds that I was SURE I had - may need to buy some), especially in a biryani, so he went with that. Lastly, since I didn't have any cilantro on hand we subbed parsley, for color if not quite the same flavor. 46 years of cooking experience is good for SOMETHING.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    I remember that cartoon! Loved it then and still do. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Wednesdays are when we change the weekly (or longer) sale prices. It's not usually TOO bad out at the fuel center, except when there are a lot of changes to the signage on the tops of the gas pumps. Today the Monster drinks went OFF sale (from 3/$5 to regular price, $1.99 each) which did require some changing to the tops of the gas pumps. There were two other changes to be made at the gas pumps. Needless to say, I did the OFF SALE tagging first, so I wouldn't have to sell very many drinks at the old sale price. I didn't end up selling any as I got all the tags changed before anyone wanted to buy any of them. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! No tagging today, but I need to do a "random 30" inventory review to ensure that what the list says we have IS what we have on 30 items.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning.
    Not as cheery as yesterday with showers here and there, but this front should be out of here, and give us a sunny 70 afternoon. (I'm holding the weather man to that)!!!

    No big agenda for today. I may quickly hop up and go to the gym, yesterday was fun, and seeing so many old faces from 6 months ago, and all the hugs was great...except for it using my W/O time!! So, maybe today!

    Ed, the biryani sounds delicious! And thanks for the explanation of 'tag day'!!! I really had no idea. Nor had I given any thought to how, or who made the changes over the pumps!! Now I know Ed does it! :)

    Roger I'll catch up with your post later...I usually save them for reading at lunch time! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Walked today + 10 Cents less than a block from home on the way back :) Temperature was OK, One Sweatshirt & no gloves weather today. The rain stayed away until a while after I arrived home too.

    My order ship date was the 9th and the BBB arrived Wednesday the 11th & I just finished Checking in the BWB and putting it into the basement freezer today, the 12th. That is the fastest times in a while. I suspect after the Holidays, especially New Years they may have some longer delays due to New Years Resolutions to lose weight.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    I remember that cartoon! Loved it then and still do. :)

    Hi Ed
    Thanks, Sometimes I find things that will work :)
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! No tagging today, but I need to do a "random 30" inventory review to ensure that what the list says we have IS what we have on 30 items.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Thank You for teh explanation, I wondered what Tag day was.
    When I worked We never really did an inventory for several years...

    I know strange? When I did an inventory we were more likely to be over than under due to items not getting into the computer when they arrived.

    Good Morning.
    Not as cheery as yesterday with showers here and there, but this front should be out of here, and give us a sunny 70 afternoon. (I'm holding the weather man to that)!!!

    No big agenda for today. I may quickly hop up and go to the gym, yesterday was fun, and seeing so many old faces from 6 months ago, and all the hugs was great...except for it using my W/O time!! So, maybe today!

    Ed, the biryani sounds delicious! And thanks for the explanation of 'tag day'!!! I really had no idea. Nor had I given any thought to how, or who made the changes over the pumps!! Now I know Ed does it! :)

    Roger I'll catch up with your post later...I usually save them for reading at lunch time! :)


    Hi Valerie
    It is overall a gloomy looking day that had some light rain this morning. The Sun did peek through the clouds, for about 10 minutes before going away again.

    have a good day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I'll be training the new lady first thing this morning, which is a lot harder than it sounds...then can "relax" and go with normal for the second half!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning..beautiful sunrise, and sun shinning thru my trees! Can't beat that!
    Ed, hope your morning training goes well, and that the young lady is a quick learner! Enjoy the afternoon, and I hope the weekend is as sunny as predicted. (although quite chilly!) I'll remind you, as I do my my son to bring in your house plants! Its time!

    Yesterday got one shrub 'shaved', and the other brutally 'reduced'! :) Today there should be more of the same for another two shrubs. Also looking forward to a few minutes at the gym... 3 days in a row, a new retirement RECORD!! LOL! Sad, huh? I see room for much improvement.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out Walking today, Weather is nice except for a bit of wind, No Gloves needed and only a Sweatshirt for the walk. Then I Hit the Recycle Center on the way to Costco @ $163, large economy sizes of Vitamins and Minerals. Then Two bags of Frozen Vegetables, two 10 packs of Kleenex @ $17.69 = Large Kleenex @ $1.79 per. 18 Pack of Greek Yogurt, Plastic Bubble pack of Honey Crisp Apples Clementines and 32 AAA Batteries, Charmin (Please Don't Squeeze the Charmin :) ) Then Stopped for a Decaf for me and a regular Black Coffee for my Brother and $18 to fill the tank on the car. That'll hold me for a more than a month.

    Happy Friday the 13th unless You have Triskaidekaphobia :)
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I'll be training the new lady first thing this morning, which is a lot harder than it sounds...then can "relax" and go with normal for the second half!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Hopefully this trainee will stay for a while, I seem to recall that finding good help is not easy for what You do.

    Good Luck
    Good Friday Morning..beautiful sunrise, and sun shinning thru my trees! Can't beat that!
    Ed, hope your morning training goes well, and that the young lady is a quick learner! Enjoy the afternoon, and I hope the weekend is as sunny as predicted. (although quite chilly!) I'll remind you, as I do my my son to bring in your house plants! Its time!

    Yesterday got one shrub 'shaved', and the other brutally 'reduced'! :) Today there should be more of the same for another two shrubs. Also looking forward to a few minutes at the gym... 3 days in a row, a new retirement RECORD!! LOL! Sad, huh? I see room for much improvement.


    Hi Valerie
    I Hope the Honey Crisps are good too. They seemed to have the latest pack date as compared to the Gala Apples which were October 23 vs the Honey Crisp November 6.

    I have one more Gala to use up today and then tomorrow I'll know how they are. Costco had them at $12.99, is that the same as You paid? Says Mr Curious Roger.

    Way to go with the yard work.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hello to Mr Curious! :) I misspoke about the variety apples I got from COSTCO....they are "AMBROSIA", and I think that is about right for the cost....but I've looked and don't see the sales slip...trash went out last night, and has been picked up. These Ambrosia apples are nice crisp and sweet.
    ANDDDD, now out the door. Aiming for 2 more shrub shavings. Tomorrow after hockey, or Sunday there is a shrub in the back yard that is going to get 'mangled' LOL!!!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! J had mentioned yesterday that, in addition to photography for orchid judging, we had a party this evening, but I just checked the online invitation and it's the 21st, not the 14th for the party. And I've already put a cheesy casserole in the oven for it. Was going to rewarm it between orchid photography and party. Guess what we're having for dinner tonight? Oh, well, it can be a "test" casserole I guess. LOL! That will teach me to double check before cooking as he's often confused on dates.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking today, Breezy and not very warm in the Mid 40s + 13 Cents. I got hit with some light rain on the way to the post office. It Cleared up right after that and the Sun came out. I was over 10K steps by the time I got home.

    I Picked up a 2016 Calendar while I was out so I'm good for the upcoming year that way.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Hello to Mr Curious! :) I misspoke about the variety apples I got from COSTCO....they are "AMBROSIA", and I think that is about right for the cost....but I've looked and don't see the sales slip...trash went out last night, and has been picked up. These Ambrosia apples are nice crisp and sweet.
    ANDDDD, now out the door. Aiming for 2 more shrub shavings. Tomorrow after hockey, or Sunday there is a shrub in the back yard that is going to get 'mangled' LOL!!!

    Hi Valerie
    I hope the Apples I picked up are good. Today is finish off the Rest of the Old Clementines and Free Apples and then into the new Apples from Costco.

    Have a Good Day
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! J had mentioned yesterday that, in addition to photography for orchid judging, we had a party this evening, but I just checked the online invitation and it's the 21st, not the 14th for the party. And I've already put a cheesy casserole in the oven for it. Was going to rewarm it between orchid photography and party. Guess what we're having for dinner tonight? Oh, well, it can be a "test" casserole I guess. LOL! That will teach me to double check before cooking as he's often confused on dates.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    At least it isn't a loss :)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    It turned out his confusion was justified! The web page for the group has a calendar that does show the party for the 14th, but the eVite invitation clearly states the 21st, giving directions, asking for a response by the 19th, etc. As people get (and respond to) the eVite, J checked and it is actually the 21st, not today, which makes more sense anyway as it's supposed to be a Thanksgiving themed party. I can easily duplicate this casserole next weekend if desired and bring the same thing to the party. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Ambrosia apples are delicious! I usually buy some when we have them at work. Honey Crisp, Ambrosia, and Pink Lady are my favorite varieties right now.