Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to walk yesterday afternoon after all as the light rain had moved on earlier.
    I walked today too. It was a fair amount cooler than yesterday, 43 degrees showing on the front porch.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Morning you two early risers!
    I'm home, cats fed, computer hooked up...so the important stuff is done! :) I'll eat my oatmeal shortly. I think I have to get dressed and run to the store to pick up some kind of non meat protein, and some banana's. Hoping they're not greener than my front lawn!

    Amazing how fast things change...there is much more 'yellow' in the trees today than when I last saw 5 days ago!
    Afraid to look at the lawn. Driveway was 'leafy' as I drove in late last night.

    Had a wonderful, do nothing but chill and enjoy time at the beach. One walk on the beach we were beset by 'no see'ums' and eaten alive. That was a short walk!

    Today is my 'baby's' 46th birthday! Going to Atlanta and having lunch with him, take a few little 'gifts' that I know he likes, and one he may like. He bikes around midtown, as its easier than driving, parking, etc. So I picked up a cross body 'bag', with pockets to hold 'stuff'. I figure it might also be good for walks with Maya in the park, as I know he takes a collapsible water bowl for her, etc. We'll see.

    All this computer backup talk, etc...reminded me that both my devices need to update to the new 'i' version...and when I started the Mac it too wants to update. AND its Sunday, time to charge the Fitbit, and do my weekly backup on my little external. Its a My Passport, I have NO idea how much data it holds. LOL!! Long as it works! When it doesn't I'll call Ted!!! :) I love my computer for exactly what I'm doing now, and for holding my pictures, and doc's that I may create. How it works, kinda like the car. If it starts, has gas and oil, I"m good with it!!

    See you later. Time to make that grocery run, or miss breakfast!
    It's good to be back and have a routine!

    Hi Valerie
    Yup, Apple has been releasing updates and they had to do security updates for the updated versions :)

    One suggestion, Keep the Pictures in more than one location if You would hate to lose them.
    Where I worked part of what kept us in business as long as we did was Data recovery and of course Virus removal.
    I suggest Backing up Pictures to a DVD and the external for most people as there is ransomware out there that will securely encrypt the drives and any powered up externals too. Don't pay the Ransom and You can kiss Your Data goodbye.

    That is also one of the reasons I keep externals unpowered except when I use them. Another reason is wear & tear. With hard drives it is not a question of if it will die but when it will die.

    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Closing tonight, but just a 5 hour shift.

    Got all the laundry done yesterday evening, after working my 4 hour middle.

    My secure erase is still running on the old hard drive backup! It should finish before lunchtime I think.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I agree having sold Mac and PC formatted drives in the past. As long as they were USB based only the format was different and the price :)

    5Tb is a large drive. I have been going the other direction and getting 2TB Portable drives vs 3 or larger externals just to have space to put them away offline and reduce the Medusa of wiring by the computer.

    Tombstone Pizza used to be advertised on the TV, I haven't seen it there in a while however.


    I remember lots of print ads asking "What do you want on your Tombstone" but I haven't even seen any of those ads in quite a while. I guess when you're up in the top (on frozen pizza) you don't need to advertise as much.

    Some of the best frozen pizza is made by Schwan's, under various brand names, but Nestlé (formerly Kraft, but they sold their frozen pizza to Nestlé) puts plenty of toppings on the Tombstone pizza and they cook up quite nicely. We usually like them when we have them, which is rarely.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Thank You for the Information on the Tombstone Pizzas. I see I am not the only one to notice a dearth of advertising for them.

    I had to come back....its nearly 7p. Ted and I took his big white Husky for a walk, just around the block...and I saw it. $5 laying on the sidewalk! I pointed, Ted picked it up, as I had the leash, and he handed it to me, and all I could think was 'Wait till I tell Roger!!!' LOL!!

    See you all in the morning!

    Hi Kat
    Lucky You, The best I have done is the one day when I found 2 sets of 2 one dollar bills and some loose change :)

    Have a Nice Monday
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Supposed to be rainy and icky all day. Joy.

    Closing tonight, in the rain and cold.

    Hi Again
    We had light rain Sunday Morning, by later in the morning it was drying up and by afternoon it was in the 50s with sun. Our next chance of rain is Wednesday. The weather people keep talking about a moderate drought where I am.

    Have the best day You can at work with that weather
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger,
    You walked in 43 degree weather......I am such a WIMP! I'd be in my house. Good thing I have a free gym!
    I wish I could find out where we are on the rain scale. I'm pretty sure its above normal, and its Way Above what we've had past years....I'm just nosy and want to know exactly how we stand.
    The leaves that were in the yard, and there are not a lot, are now rain plastered to the ground and driveway. I'm gonna need about 3 dry days to get them loose. And I don't see that coming! :(

    I knew you'd found a few bucks, but couldn't remember just how much! :) That doesn't happen often.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! It's supposed to hover around 50 all day, and be rainy and totally BLECH!

    I've had a pound of light red kidney beans soaking all night. Shortly before I leave for my 7 hour middle shift I'll be starting them with carrots, celery, vegetable broth, onions, garlic, herbs and seasoning for my, somewhat spicier than most, Pasta e Fagioli. I'll add the ditalini and the tomato at the end, after I get home tonight.

    I've never actually used kidney beans for this dish. In fact I haven't used them much at all, as I remember kidney beans not being a favorite as a child, but I decided last night, on the spur of the moment, to give them a try again as an adult. Tastes change and there is no reason to exclude one bean because of a childhood distaste. I'm pretty sure they have been included in the 15 bean soup mixes I've made and I didn't find them annoying or bothersome at all in those so they can be the stars tonight!

    Besides, slow cooking in a crock pot can make just about anything tasty and tender. :)

    Got to drink my tea, and pet my Lilo (in my lap) and then get ready for work!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking earlier, About an hour later than Yesterday as It was around 35 Degrees at 7AM :(
    Nice Looking day so far, Rain on the way for Wednesday into Thursday however.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Hey Roger,
    You walked in 43 degree weather......I am such a WIMP! I'd be in my house. Good thing I have a free gym!
    I wish I could find out where we are on the rain scale. I'm pretty sure its above normal, and its Way Above what we've had past years....I'm just nosy and want to know exactly how we stand.
    The leaves that were in the yard, and there are not a lot, are now rain plastered to the ground and driveway. I'm gonna need about 3 dry days to get them loose. And I don't see that coming! :(

    I knew you'd found a few bucks, but couldn't remember just how much! :) That doesn't happen often.


    Hi Valerie
    If I let those temperatures stop me I would be out of walking weather until springtime. I just bundle up, for example today a knit Long sleeve shirt over a Pocket T shirt and a sweatshirt over those. Earmuffs and Some Down filled gloves.

    Rain in the forecast for later on in the week

    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! It's supposed to hover around 50 all day, and be rainy and totally BLECH!

    I've had a pound of light red kidney beans soaking all night. Shortly before I leave for my 7 hour middle shift I'll be starting them with carrots, celery, vegetable broth, onions, garlic, herbs and seasoning for my, somewhat spicier than most, Pasta e Fagioli. I'll add the ditalini and the tomato at the end, after I get home tonight.

    I've never actually used kidney beans for this dish. In fact I haven't used them much at all, as I remember kidney beans not being a favorite as a child, but I decided last night, on the spur of the moment, to give them a try again as an adult. Tastes change and there is no reason to exclude one bean because of a childhood distaste. I'm pretty sure they have been included in the 15 bean soup mixes I've made and I didn't find them annoying or bothersome at all in those so they can be the stars tonight!

    Besides, slow cooking in a crock pot can make just about anything tasty and tender. :)

    Got to drink my tea, and pet my Lilo (in my lap) and then get ready for work!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I can see why You feel that way regarding the weather :)

    I do not mind Red Kidney Beans, They are what Mom always used when she made Chili with ground Beef, the canned ones of course.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning! Ed got it right, its BLECH DAY.

    I managed a trip to the gym, and dropped into the Mex. Market next door for a head of cabbage, and I got their broccoli, as it was so fresh and good looking. Also a few more banana's.
    Just finishing lunch, will clean up me, then clean up the kitchen, and get ready to go to O's gymnastics.
    I have stuff waiting to be stir fried when I get home.

    Roger, are you going to be getting the tag end of the hurricane that was so terrible in Texas, and the lower gulf states?

    Ok, gotta go
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Got to get off to work. Opening today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Not walking today, I got going late and it is already wet outside, A Off day since my last one I was going to take did not happen should not hurt me one bit :) Crossed Fingers.

    It is a Gloomy looking day outside too, I should be able to walk tomorrow as the worst of today's rain is later on into the overnight and it should be gone or going by Thursday morning. If not then I'll be out in the late morning to afternoon on Thursday.

    Update: Laundry is now started and looking to Vacuum once the Day puts more light in the Living Room

    Have a Nice Day
    Good morning! Ed got it right, its BLECH DAY.

    I managed a trip to the gym, and dropped into the Mex. Market next door for a head of cabbage, and I got their broccoli, as it was so fresh and good looking. Also a few more banana's.
    Just finishing lunch, will clean up me, then clean up the kitchen, and get ready to go to O's gymnastics.
    I have stuff waiting to be stir fried when I get home.

    Roger, are you going to be getting the tag end of the hurricane that was so terrible in Texas, and the lower gulf states?

    Ok, gotta go

    Hi Kat
    It seems to be the remnants from what the Weather forecasts are saying, Not nearly as fierce a rain totals however 1 to 2 inches only. I Think it has come my way from You, You really shouldn't have bothered to send it :)

    It seems that since I am not walking today I will be cleaning, oh well, laundry is started and Vacuuming is next after Breakfast which I see it is time for and Since I feel hungry...

    Have a Enjoyable day.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Got to get off to work. Opening today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    One hand a early start and on the other hand a lot of day left afterwards. Are You the in charge person now?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Friday night I'll be closing, and Monday I will start being the in charge person. Not sure if I'm looking forward to that or not but I've always been pushed toward management since I got into my forties. I managed to avoid it until then except for a brief stint as assistant manager of a small convenient store in my 20s. To be fair, they pushed all along, but I pushed back. :) I was a pretty high level manager when I retired from government service, though.

    At least I got the schedule for next week done, with no help from the current manager!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Thursday Morning.
    I think our 'cold front' has arrived, though its 53 on the back porch, so maybe not.
    Yesterday afternoon was beautiful, after a miserable morning of misty drizzle. So, I went for a walk.

    Ed, good luck on Monday! Scheduling was one of my least fav. jobs when I managed an overnight lab. BLECH!, to borrow a phrase!! :)

    Roger hope you got to have your walk. I'm aiming for gym time today...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited October 2015
    Howdy y'all. it's thrilling Thursday! I think I am going to try to get to the Farmers Market on Buford to get some wood ear mushrooms and bamboo. Maybe a large bottle of soy sauce and some fruit too.

    I found a "copycat" recipe for P.F. Chang's hot and sour soup that doesn't sound terribly complicated. There was one restaurant in Memphis that used to make a vegetarian version of hot and sour that J loved, but then they went back to making it with chicken broth, just like all the rest, and he had to give it up.

    Every recipe I found in my print cookbooks, and, at first, online, called for so many ingredients, and so many different kinds of mushrooms, and was so complicated I just didn't want to go there but with this one I can just omit the chicken, sub vegetable broth for the chicken broth, and go! We'll see how tasty it is.

    No, the fruit doesn't go in the soup...but if I'm there I always look at the fruit.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hot and Sour sounds sooo good. Love soup during cooler weather. If just veg. broth doesn't quite 'do it', you might try adding just a bit of miso to 'spark' the flavors??
    Just a random thought.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out and walked this morning, T-Shirt weather :)
    A shame today is not Halloween, The day is so nice with the rain out of the area.

    Have a Nice Day
    Friday night I'll be closing, and Monday I will start being the in charge person. Not sure if I'm looking forward to that or not but I've always been pushed toward management since I got into my forties. I managed to avoid it until then except for a brief stint as assistant manager of a small convenient store in my 20s. To be fair, they pushed all along, but I pushed back. :) I was a pretty high level manager when I retired from government service, though.

    At least I got the schedule for next week done, with no help from the current manager!

    Hi Ed
    I can understand ducking management positions. That always seemed to be a thankless job IMO.

    Good Luck
    Good Thursday Morning.
    I think our 'cold front' has arrived, though its 53 on the back porch, so maybe not.
    Yesterday afternoon was beautiful, after a miserable morning of misty drizzle. So, I went for a walk.

    Ed, good luck on Monday! Scheduling was one of my least fav. jobs when I managed an overnight lab. BLECH!, to borrow a phrase!! :)

    Roger hope you got to have your walk. I'm aiming for gym time today...


    Hi Valerie
    Tomorrow we drop back from todays 70s into the 50s again. That is still not to bad temperatures for trick or treaters.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited October 2015

    Lunch was delicious! And there is enough hot and sour soup left for another meal.

    I got some mandarin oranges for me and some Taylor pears for the sugar gliders.

    My home made, vegetarian hot and sour soup:


    32 oz (1 qt) vegetable stock
    14 oz medium firm, firm, or extra firm tofu, cubed
    1 cup soy sauce
    1 tsp white pepper
    6 oz bamboo shoots, cut into strips (canned is fine)
    4 oz wood ear mushrooms, cut into strips
    4 oz shiitake mushrooms, diced small
    ½ cup cornstarch
    ½ cup water
    2 eggs, beaten
    4 oz white vinegar


    In a large pot, bring stock to boil. Add soy sauce, white pepper, bamboo, mushrooms and tofu. Stir. Let cook for 3 to 5 minutes.

    While cooking, in separate bowl combine cornstarch and water to make slurry. Add slurry a little at a time and stir until thick.

    Add eggs while stirring and cook for 30 seconds or until eggs are done.

    Turn off heat. Add vinegar, give it a quick stir. Spoon into bowls and enjoy!

    Serves 4 to 6.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    Gonna be a great day here in GA. Rains coming late tonite, and Sunday.
    Did not do a good day with walking yesterday..got only about half. Will do better today. (for starts I have to make a Costco run)
    I have a left over dried load of clothes in the dryer that I didn't get to yesterday... and I'd like to be outdoors a good bit today! Trim another shrub or three, and cut the grass as low as I dare, it will make leaf blowing so much easier.

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2015
    I got out walking this morning at 7:40, temperature around 58 degrees when I started, Nice clear sky too. Warming up nicely into the high 50s. I believe I will do a shorter walk Tomorrow as I expect to be up and down for Trick or Treaters.

    Have a Nice Friday
    Good Friday Morning!
    Gonna be a great day here in GA. Rains coming late tonite, and Sunday.
    Did not do a good day with walking yesterday..got only about half. Will do better today. (for starts I have to make a Costco run)
    I have a left over dried load of clothes in the dryer that I didn't get to yesterday... and I'd like to be outdoors a good bit today! Trim another shrub or three, and cut the grass as low as I dare, it will make leaf blowing so much easier.

    Hope everybody has a great day!

    Hi Valerie
    If I left a load of clothes in the dryer I would run it for a few minutes to warm them up to get a better job folding them wrinkle free :)
    What am I saying, If? I have done it in the past and I am sure I'll do it in the future :)

    I do not know how You do it but when I go to Costco I leave early before they open to get a good Parking spot. Then I go in with a plan and breeze through as quickly as I can so as to avoid impulse buys.

    The Rains pretty much cleaned the trees around up of leaves so Sunday or Monday we will be out raking and bagging leaves. My Brother decided to leave them for Halloween.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Closing tonight, but might have to make it an 8 hour close. It appears I'll be starting as manager with a severe worker shortage as the new lady has already quit! That leaves me with only 3 people, one of whom can only work weekends. This is NOT GOOD.

    The stress may burn me out before I even get started right. I'm already contemplating looking for another job myself...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Going to be a nice day here today, and great for our little tricksters...followed by late night rain, and rainy Monday too. So, Nate has hockey this morning at 9:30, and then Grammie had best be mowing her grass nice and short so leaf blowing will be a bit easier. Those pretty leaves are coming down! Have I mentioned I hate raking leaves? That includes blowing them as well. Probably haven't said anything for about 10 months, right??? LOL!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day....

    Ed, march your tall self right down to the Kroger store manager and explain that 2 people cannot man his gas station (I know 3rd is weekend only, but still only covers one shift per day)...he can pull folks from his precious store, until they hire someone. GRRRRRR! That was ONE reason I hated Kroger. And while you're at it dust off your resumé!!!!! Not that he can fire you...he obviously can't, but it will get you a better job. :)

    Roger, hope your walk is pleasant this morning, and while your neighborhood sleeps, I hope you get to see some wild life to keep things interesting! I saw something interesting yesterday....a really big white duck in a yard two houses down, and a mixed breed medium size dog Dog was harassing the duck, til the duck hissed at him, and darted his yellow orange bill like he was about to bite...dog backed off, then ran off toward the back of the houses, and shortly the duck went the same way! Me thinks they may be from the street over, and live in the same house! Obvious the duck could take care of himself!!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited October 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Happy Halloween!

    Let me clarify, that I have 3 people that work for me. I work too, so that does make four of us. Even so, if I max everyone out I still need help from inside. Next week I'm scheduled for 40, which is normal, as the manager is supposed to work 40. Both of the more available people are scheduled for 40. And the weekend guy (in college) is scheduled for the 15 that is all that he can work. I have a three hour period that is uncovered and a four hour period, and if they can't cover them, then S and myself will likely be the ones working a bit of overtime. Kroger HATES overtime too so they'll be doing their best, but I happen to know that 4 people in there walked last week so they are a bit short too. Might be managers from in there covering those short shifts!

    We have J's mother and sister visiting, but we already had obligations to a party/club meeting tonight that they wouldn't want to attend, as they don't know anyone there, and aren't members. They'll find something to do. I heard rumors of El Porton for today but don't know if they meant they are going (for dinner, while we're at our function) or if we're all supposed to be going for lunch. I guess I'll find out when people start getting up.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did a shorter than usual walk today, since I expect to be getting up and down and going to the door a lot with Trick or Treaters :)

    17 degrees colder in nearby Somerville, Frost on everything and Cold outside.

    During my walk today on four of the streets were trees that had been TP'd, One street with Broken Eggs and On Street that had empty Shaving Cream Aerosol cans laying on it. The Last evening before Halloween is called Mischief Night. Some Years I had to clean soap off of the car windows to drive to work. Luckily Our street was not touched the last few years.

    Have a happy Halloween
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Closing tonight, but might have to make it an 8 hour close. It appears I'll be starting as manager with a severe worker shortage as the new lady has already quit! That leaves me with only 3 people, one of whom can only work weekends. This is NOT GOOD.

    The stress may burn me out before I even get started right. I'm already contemplating looking for another job myself...

    Hi Ed
    It sounds to me as if the Pay scale is to low for the work required, That is the usual reason for a high turnover.

    Good Saturday Morning!
    Going to be a nice day here today, and great for our little tricksters...followed by late night rain, and rainy Monday too. So, Nate has hockey this morning at 9:30, and then Grammie had best be mowing her grass nice and short so leaf blowing will be a bit easier. Those pretty leaves are coming down! Have I mentioned I hate raking leaves? That includes blowing them as well. Probably haven't said anything for about 10 months, right??? LOL!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day....

    Ed, march your tall self right down to the Kroger store manager and explain that 2 people cannot man his gas station (I know 3rd is weekend only, but still only covers one shift per day)...he can pull folks from his precious store, until they hire someone. GRRRRRR! That was ONE reason I hated Kroger. And while you're at it dust off your resumé!!!!! Not that he can fire you...he obviously can't, but it will get you a better job. :)

    Roger, hope your walk is pleasant this morning, and while your neighborhood sleeps, I hope you get to see some wild life to keep things interesting! I saw something interesting yesterday....a really big white duck in a yard two houses down, and a mixed breed medium size dog Dog was harassing the duck, til the duck hissed at him, and darted his yellow orange bill like he was about to bite...dog backed off, then ran off toward the back of the houses, and shortly the duck went the same way! Me thinks they may be from the street over, and live in the same house! Obvious the duck could take care of himself!!


    Hi Valerie
    I did see the Blue Heron Yesterday just below the Parks Dam looking for food :)

    WaterFowl can often do a good job of defending themselves. Never Annoy a Swan for example.
    I am setup for the trick or treaters. Woven Wood Bowl filled with the 50 cent pieces we hand out. This Year I am thinking I might throw in a couple of Eisenhower $1 coins for really nice costumes :)

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Happy Halloween!

    Let me clarify, that I have 3 people that work for me. I work too, so that does make four of us. Even so, if I max everyone out I still need help from inside. Next week I'm scheduled for 40, which is normal, as the manager is supposed to work 40. Both of the more available people are scheduled for 40. And the weekend guy (in college) is scheduled for the 15 that is all that he can work. I have a three hour period that is uncovered and a four hour period, and if they can't cover them, then S and myself will likely be the ones working a bit of overtime. Kroger HATES overtime too so they'll be doing their best, but I happen to know that 4 people in there walked last week so they are a bit short too. Might be managers from in there covering those short shifts!

    We have J's mother and sister visiting, but we already had obligations to a party/club meeting tonight that they wouldn't want to attend, as they don't know anyone there, and aren't members. They'll find something to do. I heard rumors of El Porton for today but don't know if they meant they are going (for dinner, while we're at our function) or if we're all supposed to be going for lunch. I guess I'll find out when people start getting up.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Again
    If those managers are salaried they may never get enough workers as salary workers don't get overtime :)
    Hopefully they will get the message if things go to heck due to not enough workers and increase the pay scales. I know some of the McDonalds that were paying near $10 to start to have enough workers and that was when the Minimum wage was a lot lower too.

    Good Luck

    Happy Halloween

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, I forgot to mention I loved your 'Ode to Friday' from the other day, as well as the Halloween pix today. Thanks. I hope things work out for Ed....Kroger is a penny pinching, corner cutting bunch. Sorry they just are.

    Oh, and I'll be heading for NJ soon....Roger's handing out coin!!!! :)!!!

    Ed have a great time at your party!

    Oh, Nate's little team WON! This is rare. And Nate's goal was one of them. He had several shots on goal. ... Er, excuse me...Proud Grammie!!!!