Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh no Ed...I saw the address...I meant I will get directions from my driveway to Salada. You are corresponding with the original Daniel Boone failure. Last La Crosse game Jack asked me if I knew how to get home...."sure I said'....and about 15 or twenty minutes later my phone started ringing....I answered not with 'Hey Jack' but by saying..."I'm going the wrong way, aren't I ?" My favorite phrase is 'Siri...directions to home please'... LOL!!
    I'll leave a bit early, so I can get turned around/lost at least once and not be late!!! Its how I live my life........
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 57 degrees and the rain had moved out of the area, not that early from how wet things were. Today's forecast high is in the upper 70s, Too soon BTW.

    Skyscrapers are killing up to 1bn birds a year in US, scientists estimate
    New report ranks deadliest cities for feathered travelers, who often collide with glass-covered or illuminated buildings

    Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

    Dog owners are much happier than cat owners, survey finds
    Pet owners and non-pet owners are equally happy (or unhappy) but among pet owners, there is a big difference.

    'Area 51: An Uncensored History': Journalist shares photos connected to the infamous Roswell UFO Incident of 1947 as she claims it was hoax designed by Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin

    Grandfather goes to garbage dump, comes home with $10 million

    Have a Nice Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! It's supposed to get quite warm today and there is a 40% chance of rain. I was disturbed during the night by some lightning and thunder but easily got back to sleep. Might get out a bit this morning.
    Good Morning Ed
    Our Rain moved in and out while I was sleeping :smiley:

    Once my sleep is disturbed it takes me a fair while to fall asleep again, I wish I could go right back to sleep like You and my Brother are able to do, Oh well.
    Bacon Wrapped Spring Chicken - Food Wishes
    The Chicken looks delicious, After looking at the recipe and the preview I would call it a stuffed Chicken Breast wrapped in Bacon, Bacon Yum. Not one mention in the recipe of spring chicken, Makes me wonder where the name came from.
    Kids Try Stinky Foods from Around the World
    Those kids are braver than I eating foods that stink, I would likely take a sniff and throw them out as spoiled.
    Sandwich Déjeuner Au Bifteck, Aux Œufs Et Au Fromage
    A quick trip to Google Translate yielded Sandwich Lunch with Steak, Eggs and Cheese. That is pretty much what I thought it was. I will also say that in the preview image the steak looked a lot like a Sausage patty. With the flaky biscuit it looks pretty tasty too.
    Flavorful Egg Recipes Anyone Can Make
    They lost me at the under cooked egg yolk in the first dish. That is just so wrong breading and deep frying the Egg White before filling them with the Deviled Egg Mix. The one that was cooked in a baking pan OTOH looked useful and tasty.
    Poêlée de Pâtes à la Bolognaise
    Pan-fried Pasta Bolognese, It might be good, I like a crispy Pasta as well as Aldente and well done pasta. I would of course use Butter to fry the dish in for the taste.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ok, Good Morning! I'm here...and shouldn't be. I need to be fixing some lunch, and cooking (mostly steaming) a few veg's toward dinner....but..

    Spring clean up is happening here in GA Roger. You're probably about 3 weeks behind us in weather??? I think the people dying from their food is most likely higher than 1:5. They just haven't figured it out yet, or the people self reporting what they eat isn't accurate. (and that's a pretty known fact about dietary intake and reality!)
    As for cats knowing their own name...having only one cat...its not a fair test...but Ed having several cats, if his cats each know their names...then I'd say that is reasonable. Tom E. certainly knows his own name...but he has a huge capacity to ignore me! Yep, he's all cat. :)
    Hello Valerie
    I have seen some of the yard services working already, I think of starting before the grass is growing as a money grab. A couple of the neighbors were raking things out of the lawn, It seems early to me. The Cherry Blossom festival has started in a park here in NJ, It was described as just starting yesterday.

    I agree, that the foods that are logged are likely incomplete either due to memory failures or self deception.

    I meant to query my brother about the cats as his family had several over the years.
    I should be in the backyard pulling brambles, and such. Yesterday Ted cut down a mulberry tree, which was just too close to the house to suit me....Had it been at the fence line it would have been great! And birds are eating something purple, right now. I don't know what, but purple poop is evidence! lol!!!

    I had half an inch of rain sometime last night! No wonder I slept soundly for over 5 hours last night!

    No real agenda for today. Some things I might like to do...but except for a trip to the gym.......
    I need to get out back and chop up the branches I pruned off of the berry bushes so that they fit into the Yard waste bags provided by the town and get them to the curb in time for the once a week pickup they do.

    We had the Purple problem too, Then the neighbor cut down the source to expand parking and with that tree gone, no more purple stains.

    The Noise from the rain helped You sleep, Not in my case and that is a good reason why despite durability there is no way I would roof with a metal roof.
    Ed. Lunch at Salada on Tuesday is on!!! Eleven works for me! I will look up location later today, and put it in my phone, or just trust Google Maps!?!???? Love falafel, and chickpeas are good in salad and in most soups. Looking forward to seeing you friend!

    Before Ted left yesterday he asked if I'd go with him to Aldi's!!!! Wait, really? Seems as though it being a part of Trader Joes was what it took to catch his interest!! LOL! He's funny! I have two, one about 3 miles, the other more like maybe 5 miles. I'll have to check out the far one, its an older store, but at least from the outside appears to be a bit bigger store..... All this over the kid who shopped at Whole Foods pretty much exclusively! Wonders never cease.

    Google Maps are OK, If You don't mind printing them out ahead of time. I still prefer the old style folding maps that show every street.

    Whole foods and to a lesser extent are not what I think of when I think of a low price store.

    Actually TJ's and Aldi are separate (but sort of related) companies. In Europe, Aldi split into Aldi Nord (north) and Aldi Süd (south) years ago, due to disagreements between the founders (brothers) about the future direction of the company.

    In the United States, Aldi Nord bought Trader Joe's and kept the name, rather than trying to re-brand it, and then expanded the company to many more stores.

    Aldi Süd started opening Aldi stores here in the United States and their presence continues to grow.

    Trader Joe's tries to be a little bit more of a "trendy" store, offering a few more high end or "classy" products, while still having competitive prices on a lot of "every day" groceries.

    Aldi seems to concentrate more on advertising the great deals and cost savings from shopping there, but there are definitely some surprisingly high end, high quality items to be found there too!

    There are certainly some similarities between the way the two are run, but Aldi and Trader Joe's have separate and distinct ownership and operations.
    Thank You ed for the interesting facts regarding Aldis and Trader Joes.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! It's supposed to get pretty warm today with 100% chance of rain. I hope it's a quiet rain so it won't interrupt my nap.

    As for my getting back to sleep easily...well that depends on how deeply asleep I was and how awake I had to become! If I am lucky enough to only sort of half waken I can usually fall right back asleep.

    Don't plan to go anywhere today if I can help it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    So far so good today with the weather....but...I'm heading for the gym shortly. Will probably give the rain gods a good chance to soak me to the bone! Is ok, I"ll just drip my way thru Publix...:)
    Rain is expected tomorrow....nice Wednesday and Thursday.. with more rain on Friday. What a week!

    I watched the food safety vid. Mostly agreed with what I saw. Just remember sell by and use by dates are quite different...AND to top it off, they are set by the mfg...meaning NO regulations! Fox is in the hen house again, eh?

    Canned meat. That one cracked me up, and I'm not a fan of The Wolf Pac..or whatever he calls himself. I was interested in what he would do with it. Roger you should watch...find out how far from 'true' Philly Cheese can go!!

    I'll try to get back to the others later.

    Roger I don't hear rain. Heck, I don't even hear most thunderstorms.. And I'd love to have a steel roof! :)
    I've said it before..Whole Foods is only as expensive as you let it be...their prepped foods and salads are pricey, as are most of their spices, but there is always plenty of cheaper fruits and vegetables...shop the sales, and as a Prime Amazon member with a Whole Foods App on my phone I get additional off as well as special member sales. So.....

    Ok, Off to the gym. I'm not sore from yesterdays battle of the vines in the back yard..may as well see what tomorrow will be like..(I may wake to 'second day sore'. :( ) Or not???? LOL!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 47 degrees and rain is in the forecast and the forecast high is 55.

    Why Scandinavian Banks’ Clean Reputations Are Threatened by Dirty Money

    Would you get a pizza shop’s logo tattooed for free food? These Des Moines residents did.

    Serendipity ?
    Suspected rhino poacher in South Africa killed by an elephant, eaten by a pack of lions

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! It's supposed to get pretty warm today with 100% chance of rain. I hope it's a quiet rain so it won't interrupt my nap.

    As for my getting back to sleep easily...well that depends on how deeply asleep I was and how awake I had to become! If I am lucky enough to only sort of half waken I can usually fall right back asleep.

    Don't plan to go anywhere today if I can help it.
    Hello Ed
    It was warm yesterday, it was still 75 degrees at 10PM, Then overnight the temps fell. I turned off the heat a couple of days ago and it is still 70 degrees in the house, I may end up turning the heat back on, it depends on how the interior temps are later today.

    I always hope it is a quiet rain, unfortunately I can hear rain rattling down the downspouts.

    It does not seem to matter, it is 1/2 hour or more before I fall back asleep :(

    Not going anywhere either, OTOH no money until at least tomorrow when SSI lands in my bank account is part of that.

    I have a coupon for $1.99 a pound butter and a different grocery store has Grand Opening plastered on the front page of their circular even though we checked them out a couple of weeks ago. Sale items with a $15 purchase are 18 large eggs for $0.98, Kraft Mayo for $0.98, a 24 pack of 1 liter bottled water for $1.98 and a 30 ounce Maxwell House Coffee for $3.98, a free pizza with the purchase of another one, Pass on that. Bounty or Charmin 12 pack Essential Paper Towels. Sounds cheaper than the usual CostCo price, I need to check them out, the word essential makes me wonder.
    5 Ice Cream Scoops Compared!
    No way I would pay for the $35 scoop. I might go for the Dollar Store or one of the others in the 5 or 6 dollar range.
    Trying Burger King's Impossible Whopper
    I think I'll pass on that in favor of the lower cost real burger. Since I throw the bun away and eat the Burger as a chopped steak and the vegetables as a salad... The impossible burger patty did not look real once it was cooked, I never saw a Hamburger patty with surface cracks.
    Canned Beef.....WHY?? - WHAT ARE WE EATING?? - The Wolfe Pit
    Why not and with a 25 year shelf life I can see doomsday preppers buying it. Add some dried beans and Dried Rice and Pasta to the shelf and it could form the basis of a survival pack. Dehydrated Hamburger has been around for that purpose for years.
    Debunking Food Myths You’ve Believed Your Entire Life
    This one looks interesting also.
    Irish People Try Drink Roulette - Strongest Alcohol Edition (95%, 190 Proof)
    Who needs a drink that strong ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So far so good today with the weather....but...I'm heading for the gym shortly. Will probably give the rain gods a good chance to soak me to the bone! Is ok, I"ll just drip my way thru Publix...:)
    Rain is expected tomorrow....nice Wednesday and Thursday.. with more rain on Friday. What a week!

    I watched the food safety vid. Mostly agreed with what I saw. Just remember sell by and use by dates are quite different...AND to top it off, they are set by the mfg...meaning NO regulations! Fox is in the hen house again, eh?

    Canned meat. That one cracked me up, and I'm not a fan of The Wolf Pac..or whatever he calls himself. I was interested in what he would do with it. Roger you should watch...find out how far from 'true' Philly Cheese can go!!
    Hello Valerie
    Drip or Drip Dry :wink: Rain today and a couple of more day later this week.

    Believe it or not I am aware of the difference between Sell by and Use by dates, Even with a use by date I do not believe the food item goes from safe and nutritious to it'll kill me when midnight of the use by date happens :smiley:

    I trust the manufacturers to err on the side of caution, After all why risk a damaging lawsuit or publicity ?

    I remember when the freeze dried hamburgers were discontinued by NS and they were not even in a can. The thing they still sell "The Hickory Smoke Flavored Beef Patty" is in my opinion inedible and I tried different things to make it so and had no luck.

    I plan to watch the Wolfe Pack one next so I will know what You are referring to. Even around here in the state next to Pa. there are so many variations on a Philly Cheese Steak :smiley:
    I'll try to get back to the others later.

    Roger I don't hear rain. Heck, I don't even hear most thunderstorms.. And I'd love to have a steel roof! :)
    I've said it before..Whole Foods is only as expensive as you let it be...their prepped foods and salads are pricey, as are most of their spices, but there is always plenty of cheaper fruits and vegetables...shop the sales, and as a Prime Amazon member with a Whole Foods App on my phone I get additional off as well as special member sales. So.....

    Ok, Off to the gym. I'm not sore from yesterdays battle of the vines in the back yard..may as well see what tomorrow will be like..(I may wake to 'second day sore'. :( ) Or not???? LOL!

    Lucky You not hearing the Rain or thunder. A steel roof would be nice from a longevity viewpoint, from a noise perspective I suspect it could be noisy, Maybe lots of insulation under it to deaden the sound ?

    I Saw all the Amazon plugs for Prime members, Not for me, I'm not going to get a Smart Phone just for that when the old flip phone keep chugging along and only needs charging once a week or longer depending on my use of it.

    I suspect that if You are not sore the first day You will be fine.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to meet Valerie today for lunch at Salata. Then, since I'll be out anyway, I plan to get some cat food and, perhaps, a few grocery items.

    RogerToo wrote: »

    I remember when the freeze dried hamburgers were discontinued by NS and they were not even in a can. The thing they still sell "The Hickory Smoke Flavored Beef Patty" is in my opinion inedible and I tried different things to make it so and had no luck.

    Of all the things they discontinued, that was the one that hurt the most for me. Those freeze dried beef patties were one of the best things they distributed. A little bit fragile, but so tasty and convenient! I never could find a similar product that I could order, though there is an abundance of freeze dried ground beef available. If the beef patties were available they would be great for backpacking, camping, survival, or emergency rations. I haven't searched online for them in a while. Maybe I will do that this morning.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Map in the phone ready for action. I've been lost, really lost in that area before. At one time, years ago Jack worked in that Technology Park and I went to meet him for lunch. I'd been there before..don't know how I got so turned around...finally found myself at a place I could give Jack a location, and we ended up at Medlock Bridge and hmmm, for lunch at Wendy's!!! After that we began meeting at the Forum! Or even at Medlock bridge (aka 141) and Pleasant Hill...there were a couple of places there we liked. SOOOOO, it is with high hopes, and Ed's phone number I will make my way to parts semi-unknown! Looking forward to seeing Ed.

    Roger I knew you knew about sell by and use by dates...but when I re read that more carefully I'm not sure they did!! LOL!

    I too loved that piece of cardboard that became a hamburger patty!! I did NOT expect to like that, and like you all, I loved it. Wonder why they stopped selling it. Mfg, distributor, etc? Something obviously didn't work for NS.

    I'm betting that if I went to sleep in the attic with a steel roof, and it rained...I'd not hear it. That's how deaf I am. No hearing aids...very little do I hear. One of the reasons I first got hearing aids...I was afraid I'd not hear emergency vehicles....

    Ok, I need to be getting some street clothes on, and such. Going for very casual...like jeans, blouse, and jeans jacket..and my ever loving sneakers. :)

    Cat's being a jerk today. Didn't want to go out, so he was carried out this morning. He finally ate his breakfast, and still he yells at me. I think he and his pillow fell off the coffee table this morning. Sorry I missed seeing that! Nobody put that pillow there for him, it WAS for my leg elevation while I sat on the couch...HE has taken it to be HIS! Which is ok really! LOL!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Great Lunch! Didn't get lost...life is good. Thanks Ed. Oh, and I got my shopping done on the way home too!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    It was great! I didn't buy much at Sprouts, but did get a little, and got the cat food I needed too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 48 degrees and the forecast high is 60.
    There is rain in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday.

    I like this version better than the original

    Eating raw garlic could help keep your memory sharp in old age by boosting gut health, study suggests

    She lived for 99 years with organs in all the wrong places and never knew it

    Brain zaps boost memory in people over 60, study finds

    Cancer ‘vaccine’ shows promise in human trial of lymphoma patients

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Supposed to meet Valerie today for lunch at Salata. Then, since I'll be out anyway, I plan to get some cat food and, perhaps, a few grocery items.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I remember when the freeze dried hamburgers were discontinued by NS and they were not even in a can. The thing they still sell "The Hickory Smoke Flavored Beef Patty" is in my opinion inedible and I tried different things to make it so and had no luck.
    Of all the things they discontinued, that was the one that hurt the most for me. Those freeze dried beef patties were one of the best things they distributed. A little bit fragile, but so tasty and convenient! I never could find a similar product that I could order, though there is an abundance of freeze dried ground beef available. If the beef patties were available they would be great for backpacking, camping, survival, or emergency rations. I haven't searched online for them in a while. Maybe I will do that this morning.
    Hello Ed
    I would not say the best thing but not too bad, As I remember the story of why they disappeared, They were a overrun in production for the military and when they were sold out they were gone, Not even a search of the internet turned any up at that point.

    I did order Hamburger in a can just to have something on hand that is easy to use.
    This one
    Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Beef, Ground, 14 Ounce, 2 cans and just for the heck of it as I had a Amazon gift card left from December I also ordered this one.
    Ready Meals, Beef Rib Steak served with Potato Kugel Carrot Tzimmes and Farfel – Dairy Free - No Preservatives - Glatt Kosher (12 ounce - Pack of 1)
    by KJ Poultry
    Way expensive and I am guessing because it is Glatt Kosher whatever that means, I have noticed that Kosher items in the Grocery Store are expensive :smiley:

    I found this https://www.lehmans.com/product/freeze-dried-hamburger-patties only $79.99 for 15 or 16 Hamburgers and this
    $79.00 and indicate
    These Freeze Dried Hamburger, Ground Beef Patties were manufactured by a large military defense contractor.
    Single Can Freeze Dried Hamburger, Ground Beef Patties, 15-16 Patties per can
    U.S. Government/Military Surplus
    25+ year shelf life
    No Refrigeration Required

    No bargain for other either of these.
    Top 10 Unhealthy Health Foods
    No Surprise.
    Vegan Greek Stew in 5 Minutes! - VEGANUARY
    Vegan Greek Stew, I doubt that it is very traditional.
    Tartiflette Recipe - French Potato, Bacon, and Cheese Casserole
    Looks OK, Who doesn't Like Potatoes, Bacon and cheese cooked into a casserole. I suspect OTOH that I would probably use shredded or sliced Cheddar in place of the more expensive cheese in the recipe :wink:
    Caponata Pasta Bake Recipe
    a Sicilian eggplant (aubergine) dish, hmm... My Brother might like this since he grows Eggplants every year and makes Eggplant parm.
    Top 10 Foods You NEED to Eat At Breakfast
    Anytime someone says You Need I start digging in my heels, Does that make me strange or stubborn ?
    There are no foods IMO that You have to have in a breakfast.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Map in the phone ready for action. I've been lost, really lost in that area before. At one time, years ago Jack worked in that Technology Park and I went to meet him for lunch. I'd been there before..don't know how I got so turned around...finally found myself at a place I could give Jack a location, and we ended up at Medlock Bridge and hmmm, for lunch at Wendy's!!! After that we began meeting at the Forum! Or even at Medlock bridge (aka 141) and Pleasant Hill...there were a couple of places there we liked. SOOOOO, it is with high hopes, and Ed's phone number I will make my way to parts semi-unknown! Looking forward to seeing Ed.

    Roger I knew you knew about sell by and use by dates...but when I re read that more carefully I'm not sure they did!! LOL!

    I too loved that piece of cardboard that became a hamburger patty!! I did NOT expect to like that, and like you all, I loved it. Wonder why they stopped selling it. Mfg, distributor, etc? Something obviously didn't work for NS.
    Hello Valerie
    You can see the answer as to why NS stopped selling in in my reply to Ed, in short they were not selling enough to have the manufacturer do a production run just for them, I suspect that a small production run would have been very expensive.

    Maps on a phone, Too small and no use to me with my Dumb Phone :wink:
    I'm betting that if I went to sleep in the attic with a steel roof, and it rained...I'd not hear it. That's how deaf I am. No hearing aids...very little do I hear. One of the reasons I first got hearing aids...I was afraid I'd not hear emergency vehicles....

    Ok, I need to be getting some street clothes on, and such. Going for very casual...like jeans, blouse, and jeans jacket..and my ever loving sneakers. :)

    Cat's being a jerk today. Didn't want to go out, so he was carried out this morning. He finally ate his breakfast, and still he yells at me. I think he and his pillow fell off the coffee table this morning. Sorry I missed seeing that! Nobody put that pillow there for him, it WAS for my leg elevation while I sat on the couch...HE has taken it to be HIS! Which is ok really! LOL!

    I'm sorry to hear that I hear anything, My problem is separating one voice from another which is also a form of a hearing problem as I understand it. When I walk with the iPod playing in the headphones I use I can hear cars coming from a long way off so It is OK, I have a audible warning and can turn and look :smiley:

    As I see it Your cat is just being a cat.
    Great Lunch! Didn't get lost...life is good. Thanks Ed. Oh, and I got my shopping done on the way home too!
    Both good achievements

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited April 2019
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! It's supposed to get quite warm today, with no chance of precipitation. A little house cleaning to do (ah, the joy of having a long haired cat) and I need to run the dishwasher.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Eating raw garlic could help keep your memory sharp in old age by boosting gut health, study suggests

    Not to mention making you reek of garlic and keeping you safe from vampires.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Brain zaps boost memory in people over 60, study finds

    I think I'll pass...

    RogerToo wrote: »

    I found this https://www.lehmans.com/product/freeze-dried-hamburger-patties only $79.99 for 15 or 16 Hamburgers and this

    $79.00 and indicate
    These Freeze Dried Hamburger, Ground Beef Patties were manufactured by a large military defense contractor.
    Single Can Freeze Dried Hamburger, Ground Beef Patties, 15-16 Patties per can
    U.S. Government/Military Surplus
    25+ year shelf life
    No Refrigeration Required

    No bargain for other either of these.

    I found those, and similar products, but they would not be nearly as convenient. They are not precooked and would take significantly longer to prepare. I imagine they are probably good, but I am not about to spend that much money to find out.

    I suppose I could buy a dehydrator and try my hand at making dehydrated, cooked beef patties, but that's a lot of money too, and I'd have to use them up a lot sooner than 25 years.

    Guess I'll stick to fresh or frozen. LOL


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Yet another "best keto bread ever" with no breadmaker machine required!


    One meat sauce and one vegan pasta sauce!



