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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Currently It is 66 degrees outside. The predicted high is 81 with a cold front moving in and highs in the low 70s for Monday & Tuesday. There are Thunderstorms in the forecast for Late afternoon and ending by Midnight.

    Don't take responsibility for the debt You incurred :(
    Debt-Laden Americans Flee Country To Escape Crushing Student Loans

    average millennial has an average net worth of $8,000. That's far less than previous generations.

    Mysterious flashes of light observed on the moon’s surface

    Good Job helping people
    Millions in crushing medical debt — gone. All thanks to these churches

    Doctors Were Alarmed: ‘Would I Have My Children Have Surgery Here?’

    Golden retriever named Mueller is mayor of Southern California town

    Having ‘Cold,’ Unsupportive Mother Linked To Premature Aging, Increased Disease Risk

    DoD bought phony military gear made in China, including counter-night vision clothing that didn’t actually work
    The U.S. military, government agencies and other purchasers bought more than $20 million worth of Chinese-made counterfeit goods designed to look like domestically produced gear from a company that defrauded the government and helped to orchestrate the counterfeiting process between January 2013 and October 2018, Justice Department officials said last week.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's another sizzling Saturday, but not as sizzling as the prior one. My pension hasn't even pre-posted yet, though I know it is in the can, as the allotment to the pets' account HAS posted, in the other bank. Once weekend processing starts, I should have the bulk of that pension payment available. My other annuity is scheduled to post on or about the 5th.

    I did get a few items while out to dinner last night. I enjoyed goat curry at a nearby Jamaican restaurant and then stopped by Dollar General, which was a mistake. On the other hand, the smoked cheddar flavor of the wavy Pringle's is not bad. Terribly salty, but not bad

    I guess I'll postpone the major shopping until at least tomorrow.
    Hello Ed
    Curiousity prompts me to ask what is a Pets' account ? Do You have a account for the pets or is it something else entirely ?

    I had hoped my Pension check would arrive in yesterdays mail, Nope :( That means maybe Monday and the earliest that I can run to the bank and cash it is Tuesday.

    I find that stopping at any place selling food is a mistake, That is the reason I have three out of the four Kraft Mac & Cheese I bought tempting me :( It is also why I let my brother pick up the few things I need at the Grocery Store. Today's shopping list is huge :wink:
    3 zero calorie Gatorades, A package of sliced cheese, and Maybe Dearborn Farms Sesame Chicken from the refrigerated case. I find that I prefer it to the Grocery Stores Chinese Take out counter version for a couple of reasons.
    1. It isn't floating in lots of sauce
    2. It actually has Sesame Seeds sprinkled on it.

    I tried the fried rice from them too, It reminds me of what Fried Rice used to be here. Bits of scrambled egg, peas, carrots and onions. The Local Thai food place has fried rice that is also the same.
    Kid MasterChef vs Adult Tasty Chef
    I have seen kid chefs on Chopped and they have some skills.
    I never heard of Jenn Harris the judge.
    Kids Try Their Great Grandparents' Favorite Childhood Foods
    Spam !!
    He called it Sauerkraut & Sausage, We always had Sauerkraut & Hot Dogs or Sauerkraut & Kielbasa.
    Boneless Baby Back Rib Sandwich (McRib® Copycat)
    I always ate the McRibs when they had them available :blush:
    The McRib sauce was the Key to the taste.
    The ones in the video look real tasty until he put the slaw on them. I wouldn't call them a McRib Copycat when McDs had chopped onions not slaw on them.
    Andy Makes Pasta with Bolognese Sauce
    I don't have the patience to start cooking and wait three hours to eat it.
    College Kids Try 2019's Biggest Food Trends
    CBD seems to be everywhere, I still have my doubts about its efficacy and safety.
    With one item the comment that it tastes healthy ?

    Oh well, Thank You for the Video links
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys...wonderful Saturday!
    It was 63 degrees at my house this morning when I woke about 7:30ish.
    I enjoyed about half a cup of my new coffee, (Mushroom Coffee Mix). The coffee was good! A slight bitter taste, sorta reminded me of a very dark chocolate taste.
    Then I fed Tom E, and he sat with me for a short while before deciding he would go out the cat window and up onto the roof! Where he continued to 'over see' the work I was doing in the back yard. Like I need a supervisor? a mouthy one at that!
    Finally quit about 11 a.m. it was by then 80, and the mosquitoes were beginning to stir. So, I've been eating lunch watching noon news and reading our posts, video's and laughing at the cartoons!
    Hello Valerie
    Mushroom Coffee Mix, Probably not for me as I have never had a flavored coffee that I did not taste and discard :blush:

    A noisy Supervisor cat, lucky You.

    I suspect that all over the country Mosquitoes are going to be bad with all the standing water left after the rains.
    Have either of you ever made butter? There was a time that Dad had a milk cow, and a big black iron weird looking thing sat in our kitchen...it was a cream separator. I don't know that I ever saw it used. Must have been one of those things that happened before I got up, or more likely after I was asleep for the night...anyhow, we always had quart jars of fresh cream in the refrigerator. Then, there was this square glass container with a threaded top. The top had 4 paddles that went into the jar, and a geared handle to turn. That churned the butter. I always begged to do that. Which I half way did before it got to hard for me to turn.
    Fast forward to about 1979, when my neighbor came over for coffee and was complaining bitterly about some 'bad whipping cream' that she got at the grocery. She was whipping it with a rotary hand held beater, and she noticed there were yellow lumps in that cream. She was taking it back to the grocer. AND she didn't believe me when I told her she's over whipped it and it was forming butter. So, I had to make butter for her!! The odd things I do! :)
    I never made Butter, I believe that we did have fresh churned butter when I was young and we visited a relatives farm.

    I thought everyone knew not to overwhip cream, I see I was wrong. You can also over churn ice cream.
    Yesterday I got ALL of my chores done! That's not usual. At the post office they looked but couldn't find my package. When the mail ran, Kelsey left my package in the mailbox!! That's the second or third time something like that has happened. and I guess 2 or 3 times in 23 years is a pretty good average!

    Found by accident a stand alone car wash as I was coming home from the PO. So for $5 bucks I got my car cleaned. There were more expensive option, but I just wanted the dust, and the one big splot of birdie poo on the hood gone!

    Our financial workings are so different! I haven't looked yet, but my pension check from the Red Cross should have posted yesterday, and I'll go online and look later. My Social check posts on the third Wednesday of the month...and is not 'day dependent'. I rather it was day dependent, so I'd know that check was deposited on the 16th or what ever.

    Ok, I've eaten, will check in with my bank, and then I think it must surely be nap time!!

    I'm guessing You got a message that You had a package at the Post Office ?

    I would have thought that all car washed were stand alone ? Or do You mean a hand wash ?
    BTW $5 is a really good price.

    My SSI should be in the account on the 12th, 2nd Monday and my brothers one week later.

    If I said I do not have to check with the bank, I have both banks accounts set up to send automatic notices of balances, deposits and withdrawals via email.

    I actually had a decent nap Saturday, I was tired.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's simmering Sunday! Another hot one, and only 20% chance of rain.

    We have a joint account in a local bank where we can both put money toward pet expenses. Once there, the rule is that it can ONLY be spent on their expenses. I have some automatically allotted each month and J currently puts money in when I remind him to. He used to have an automatic allotment but with his currant employer, that isn't as easy having it come right out of the pay check.

    My money hasn't posted yet on my main bank, so big shopping just keeps getting bigger and probably will happen tomorrow.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...





  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Day! Sunday here!! and cool morning! Sweet!
    worked out in the back again this morning. It was nice out. My supervisor (Tom E.) was nowhere to be seen. I think he was up on the roof, as I did see him go up there while I was drinking my mushroom coffee this morning. Listened to a couple pod casts while I worked. also a little music. Filled my wheel barrow with pine cones, and had about half of a barrow full yesterday. Darn things are everywhere! My mystery plant turned out to be a day lily. Did I tell you yesterday that the mulberry tree that Ted sawed off a few weeks ago, has all these sprouts...mulberry bush???
    I've finished lunch (eggless egg salad stuffed pita with pickled onion, and a hand full of salad greens. And a small plate of sliced red bell pepper, celery, and those small cukes, and a few pieces of apple.
    Next up, shower, gym clothes, visit with Jack and Jenn so I can give Jenn her birthday gift a couple days early. and then stopping at gym and finally home again! That's my day I've looked twice, and I do not see a space for a nap :( ???? hmmmmm.
    I'll come back and watch a couple video's later, I watched most of the MRE one? I dunno why.
    Why am I not surprised that DoD bought bogus stuff from China? I will read that, and most of the other news links later too.
    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    I did get out to get cat food. And when did it decide to rain? Yep, as I was out getting cat food. And stopped right after I got home. Maybe I should have stayed out longer, so we'd get more rain. I didn't because I had braised lamb shanks and carrots waiting in the slow cooker, and I needed to get home, make the mashed potatoes, and thicken the gravy.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    J's night blooming Cereus picked tonight to open this bloom. It will be open the one night and then it's done with that bloom. If only there were some way I could capture the heavenly scent and post it with the picture!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Currently It is 57 degrees outside. The predicted high is 71 now that the cold front moved. The Thunderstorms in the forecast for Late afternoon and ending by Midnight on Sunday arrived a little before 9 PM with heavy rain.

    After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars

    A new credit bubble gets ready to burst

    137-year-old Winchester rifle found in Nevada has new home

    NSA Deflects Blame for Baltimore Ransomware Attack

    Socialism at work
    Venezuela healthcare collapse: Four children die in same hospital this month

    I can't believe I missed One :(
    We'll Give You Three Cities, You Tell Us the State!

    How an insane demand for truffles is leading to sabotage, fraud and death

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's simmering Sunday! Another hot one, and only 20% chance of rain.

    We have a joint account in a local bank where we can both put money toward pet expenses. Once there, the rule is that it can ONLY be spent on their expenses. I have some automatically allotted each month and J currently puts money in when I remind him to. He used to have an automatic allotment but with his currant employer, that isn't as easy having it come right out of the pay check.

    My money hasn't posted yet on my main bank, so big shopping just keeps getting bigger and probably will happen tomorrow.
    Hello Ed
    That makes a lot of sense, Sort of why I have a more or less untouchable savings account and free checking in one bank and free checking in another. One is for paying one credit card and other misc. expenses and the other pays the other credit card and is where SSI lands. The Savings account purpose when I set it up was for money to accumulate for the quarterly property taxes.

    I hate it when the shopping list gets too big as that makes it cumbersome to bring into the house.
    How to Make an Easy Recipe for Pad Thai
    They say "How to Make an Easy Recipe for Pad Thai" ? Since they do show how to follow the recipe IMO OTOH I might just be being picky ?
    I do not recall ever seeing Radishes in Pad Thai. Pass on the shrimp and Chiles too, I will say that the dish looks tasty. I also suspect that the Thai restaurants in the area buy big bags of ready to use rice noodles to save time. Sort of like what a lot of fast food places do with bags of diced lettuce and bags of diced onions for example. Which has the added benefit of reducing the risk the unskilled workers will slice them selves open :wink:
    3 Kebab Recipes COMPARED (Quick vs Lean vs Ultimate)
    I have never made a Kebab nor do I usually see them for sale except at food stands at Carnivals or food events. Picky me says one of those is not a Kebab :smiley:
    Hawaiians & Californians Swap Snacks
    Slim Jims, Yummy, the rest Meh.
    2019 FSR 24 Hour Ration MRE Review Menu #6 BBQ Pork Wrap Meal Ready to Eat Taste Testing
    The U.S. First Strike Ration is interesting, three meals at 1/2 the weight of 3 regular MRE if I understood correctly in one pouch with a decent variety. The foods looked OK, Some of it reminded me of NS such as the Shelf stable Bagel :wink:
    Recreating Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington From Taste
    This may not be easy. I'll go further, You can smell, taste and smell but not see, I would say impossible.
    I did get out to get cat food. And when did it decide to rain? Yep, as I was out getting cat food. And stopped right after I got home. Maybe I should have stayed out longer, so we'd get more rain. I didn't because I had braised lamb shanks and carrots waiting in the slow cooker, and I needed to get home, make the mashed potatoes, and thicken the gravy.
    Re: the rain, Murphy never sleeps :wink:

    Sometimes things happen, I hope You managed to stay dry. I have a folding umbrella that actually fits in a pocket and I have disposable Rain Ponchos too.
    J's night blooming Cereus picked tonight to open this bloom. It will be open the one night and then it's done with that bloom. If only there were some way I could capture the heavenly scent and post it with the picture!
    I'm still waiting for smell-o-vision :smiley:

    At least it is not like the corpse plant that typically blooms every 7 years Plus or minus and has a less than heavenly fragrance.

    Your Dinner plate looked so good. Mashed Potatoes & Gravy who could resist, Not I :smile:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Day! Sunday here!! and cool morning! Sweet!
    worked out in the back again this morning. It was nice out. My supervisor (Tom E.) was nowhere to be seen. I think he was up on the roof, as I did see him go up there while I was drinking my mushroom coffee this morning. Listened to a couple pod casts while I worked. also a little music. Filled my wheel barrow with pine cones, and had about half of a barrow full yesterday. Darn things are everywhere! My mystery plant turned out to be a day lily. Did I tell you yesterday that the mulberry tree that Ted sawed off a few weeks ago, has all these sprouts...mulberry bush???
    Hell Valerie
    Day Lilies are real hardy too, A couple of years ago when we tried Sunchokes and decided that they did not work in the front yard I took a couple that we had missed when we dug them and planted them along the shed by the fence in the back yard. There are a lot of them now. They tend to spread easily. The Raspberry bushes are spreading all over too, they keep having to be weeded out of the raised Planting bed.
    I've finished lunch (eggless egg salad stuffed pita with pickled onion, and a hand full of salad greens. And a small plate of sliced red bell pepper, celery, and those small cukes, and a few pieces of apple.
    Next up, shower, gym clothes, visit with Jack and Jenn so I can give Jenn her birthday gift a couple days early. and then stopping at gym and finally home again! That's my day I've looked twice, and I do not see a space for a nap :( ???? hmmmmm.
    I'll come back and watch a couple video's later, I watched most of the MRE one? I dunno why.
    Why am I not surprised that DoD bought bogus stuff from China? I will read that, and most of the other news links later too.
    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Eggless Egg Salad ? What did You use to replace the Hard Boiled Eggs ?

    I do not fault the DoD except that they did not test the products. I blame the person who sold them Counterfeit goods.

    The MRE one was interesting and having a few days of MRE meals around in case of a disaster is not a bad idea. I have a version of that with the non refrigerated NS foods :wink:
    And a have a special straw that lets You drink through it safely from unsafe water.

    Oh well, in some ways busy is a lot better than bored.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's merciless Monday! Yet another hot one with no chance of rain. My "first of the month" money finally posted, so a big Kroger run is on today's agenda. I just might get lunch while out, though I have plenty o lamb, carrots, potatoes, and gravy left. My breakfast plate looked a whole lot like last night's dinner!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Monday!
    Was 65 degrees when I woke, and is now 67...the brief wild storm that blew thru and 'cleaned' everything...it smells incredible too! Had my coffee out in the swing while Tom E. ate his breakfast. I really didn't want to come in! I may need to find a sturdy small table to put out there so I can take my laptop out on these sweet cool mornings.

    Watched the 'mock' tofu video...or at least that portion of the video. I love using Besan/chickpea flour.
    Ted's coming out this morning for yard work, and he was planning to wash my car...but I sorta did that the other day, so we'll wash his!
    The box I was after last week Roger was my mushroom coffee, and I got varying messages about its where abouts. From 'Delivered' to 'Incomplete address'. (the address was perfectly correct FWIW)... but always saying it was out for delivery. Right now there's a package from an insurance co. "out there, somewhere". Waiting for it to show up, cuz I'm really curious to see what it is. Don't know the company...didn't request any kind of new insurance, etc.
    Pretty sure the temp will warm quickly, and be steamy as well. I think we're in for another 90 degree day.

    Hope you both have a good day. Glad you were able to get your handicap sticker Roger! Nice to have if you need it. I've seen so many people misuse them. lIke the guy who would come to the gym...park in the nearest handi spot, with handi sticker and then come in walk on the TM, use machines, etc...one day I just couldn't stop myself from asking why he thought he needed a handi sticker, and how did he even get it??? He would drive his wife's car, SHE was the handicapped one..he was just a jerk.

    Ed, saw the pix of the two cats sleeping together! That's exactly what Tom E. needs! He was fine until he was the lone cat. Hope you can beat the crowds at Kroger this morning. Don't know about you Kroger, but it doesn't pay to go too early to mine, as a lot of the produce has not been put out. Which frustrates me, cuz primarily that's what I buy!!

    Well, Ted's here, and he's mowing, so I need to get going too.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    I made it out to Kroger and it wasn't too bad. I didn't get EVERYTHING on the list, but I did get all the critical stuff and quite a bit of the non-critical (but would have needed fairly soon) stuff. $126.92 later, I got home and unloaded what seemed like a paltry amount of groceries. Back in the day, that much money would have got me at least 5 week's worth of stuff.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






    Me Too :(

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Currently It is 51 degrees outside. The predicted high for Wednesday is in the mid 80s.

    India heatwave temperatures pass 50 Celsius
    50 Celsius equals 122 Fahrenheit, now that's hot.

    You have to be kidding me, Pogo Sticks ?https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2019/05/31/swedish-startup-to-bring-pogo-sticks-to-s-f-as-e-scooter-alternative/
    Swedish Startup to Bring Pogo Sticks to S.F. as E-Scooter Alternative

    California’s jails are so bad some inmates beg to go to prison instead

    PC insanity may mean the end of American universities

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's merciless Monday! Yet another hot one with no chance of rain. My "first of the month" money finally posted, so a big Kroger run is on today's agenda. I just might get lunch while out, though I have plenty o lamb, carrots, potatoes, and gravy left. My breakfast plate looked a whole lot like last night's dinner!
    Good Morning Ed
    Another hot day in paradise for both of You :wink:
    Yesterday and Today the predicted high are 70 to 72 degrees. Tomorrow starts a stretch of 80s with overnight lows in the upper 60s so it could be worse for us.

    Your first of the month money posted Monday and my Pension check arrived in the mail around 3:30 PM to late to run to the bank. Today my to do list is simple. Bank, Post Office, Call NS and see if they can suspend the account since I will not be able to handle the delivery weight for 2 plus months or I'll have to cancel.

    Hint Drive don't run to Krogers :wink:

    I have been know to eat dinner for breakfast and a breakfast for lunch or dinner. I do not feel the need to hew to the convention that the only meal for breakfast is breakfast food.

    Eating out could help avoid getting tired of eating the same thing for several meals in a row, OTOH I could eat Cheeseburgers and fries or pizza all week long, so...
    HUGE Cereal Haul - What Cereals To Buy & Avoid At the Grocery Store!
    I'm starting to watch this but I have a good idea of what ones to avoid. I like Grape Nuts, so crunchy. It looks like I should not re-buy the Shredded Wheat once I finish it. I tried the Alpen Muesli, pass. Cheerios :smile: Most of the cereals he showed I do not recall seeing on the shelves, Non sweetened seem to be on the wane.
    BTW Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat seems to have disappeared from the cereal aisle here.
    I Made Giant 50-Pound Pancakes For The Try Guys
    it would appear that the reality is a 50 pound stack of pancakes not a 5o pound pancake.
    The cooking took a long time and I suspect that the pancakes were cold by the time they were served as they were cooked one at a time. I base that in part due to the butter not melting :wink:
    EPIC SOY FREE VEGAN TAKE OUT | burmese tofu
    Hmm... Soy free Vegan, how good can it taste ? I'll discover as I watch.
    The teriyaki tofu noodles looked pretty good. The peanut tofu salad sounds a lot like a Thai Salad, Am I wrong ?
    I do disagree with calling them Soft boiled eggs :smiley: If You were to call them Vegan Egg Look alikes I have no problem or am I being picky ?
    How to Make Our Recipe for Panang Beef Curry
    Curry :( Well marbled beef :smile: She made it much to hot for my taste.
    I made it out to Kroger and it wasn't too bad. I didn't get EVERYTHING on the list, but I did get all the critical stuff and quite a bit of the non-critical (but would have needed fairly soon) stuff. $126.92 later, I got home and unloaded what seemed like a paltry amount of groceries. Back in the day, that much money would have got me at least 5 week's worth of stuff.
    I agree that food prices are not what they used to be add in the shrinkage in the weight of the packages of food and what used to buy a heaping shopping cart now pays for maybe a half filled cart :(

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Monday!
    Was 65 degrees when I woke, and is now 67...the brief wild storm that blew thru and 'cleaned' everything...it smells incredible too! Had my coffee out in the swing while Tom E. ate his breakfast. I really didn't want to come in! I may need to find a sturdy small table to put out there so I can take my laptop out on these sweet cool mornings.

    Watched the 'mock' tofu video...or at least that portion of the video. I love using Besan/chickpea flour.
    Ted's coming out this morning for yard work, and he was planning to wash my car...but I sorta did that the other day, so we'll wash his!
    The box I was after last week Roger was my mushroom coffee, and I got varying messages about its where abouts. From 'Delivered' to 'Incomplete address'. (the address was perfectly correct FWIW)... but always saying it was out for delivery. Right now there's a package from an insurance co. "out there, somewhere". Waiting for it to show up, cuz I'm really curious to see what it is. Don't know the company...didn't request any kind of new insurance, etc.
    Pretty sure the temp will warm quickly, and be steamy as well. I think we're in for another 90 degree day.
    Good Morning Valerie
    Those are nice temperatures to sit on a open or screened in porch which I wish we had, oh well.

    You got to love the technology that lets You track from shipper to You door :wink:

    Where did You see that You had an insurance Co. package ? There are a lot of scams out there. In the last week I had two different emails saying Invoice with no company name. One wanted me to open a probably malicious attachment and the other had a spoofed likely malicious link to see the invoice.
    Hope you both have a good day. Glad you were able to get your handicap sticker Roger! Nice to have if you need it. I've seen so many people misuse them. lIke the guy who would come to the gym...park in the nearest handi spot, with handi sticker and then come in walk on the TM, use machines, etc...one day I just couldn't stop myself from asking why he thought he needed a handi sticker, and how did he even get it??? He would drive his wife's car, SHE was the handicapped one..he was just a jerk.

    Ed, saw the pix of the two cats sleeping together! That's exactly what Tom E. needs! He was fine until he was the lone cat. Hope you can beat the crowds at Kroger this morning. Don't know about you Kroger, but it doesn't pay to go too early to mine, as a lot of the produce has not been put out. Which frustrates me, cuz primarily that's what I buy!!

    Well, Ted's here, and he's mowing, so I need to get going too.

    I'm not surprised that he was doing that. You should call the police anonymously since that is a expensive ticket-able offense to misuse them like that. Mine is subject to forfeiture if used by anyone else. I will be handy today at the post office.
    I have seen people swoop into a handicap spot hang the placard and trot into the store.
    BTW in NJ You can get a Handicap License plate or a placard to hang on the mirror.

    You could be right about Your cat being lonely.

    My brother mowed yesterday so that's done until next week.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2019
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Another pretty warm one with no chance of rain. Today I intend to get out and purchase the rest of the list, along with watering some things, and getting the garbage and recycles to the curb for tomorrow's pickup.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    He's making them vegan but I'm sure similar REAL burgers could be done.






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi..7 pm news is starting...boy I'm really late...and I still need to go to the gym.....egads!
    Intown visit with chiro, lunch with Ted, then we decided since the temps were low, and the humidity even lower to go to the Botanical Gardens...I was about 10 minutes from home when Jack called...(its Tues). So, talked to him til 5:30...fixed some dinner as I was really hungry...now I"ve eaten, want to watch the news and then hit the gym. Quick work out..30-35 minutes cardio..then I should run by Publix pick up a lottery ticket and then home! I'll sleep well tonite..already tired.

    Roger, besides not being able to walk, (which must be tough for you considering all the steps you've put in over the last several years), how are you feeling? And do you have a date for surgery? I'm so glad you have your brother to help you thru all of this.

    I'm sure Tom E. is lonely...I'm just not a cat, a point he drives home on occasion. Like ignoring me, or hopping up and leaving the porch, etc. I dunno!!!

    Gotta get moving...need to get into my gym clothes for starts.
