


  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Congratulations Roger! That is a great victory.

    Nice video of your family Richard Cook!

    Val.... Take a picture of you on those rides! You are doing great.

    Sslbelle......your posts inspire me each day. I am guilty of reading your food choices and you are living proof that it can be done. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great day my Friends!
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Nice video of your family Richard Cook!

    Thank you!
  • DorisSilver50
    DorisSilver50 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Ricky,

    Did you already have the surgery to remove the bone spur on your toe?

    Re: Sharing embarrassing moments. I had waited an hour in line with my daughter to ride a roller coaster. It was finally our turn and we got in. The young man came by while I was still getting settled and shoved the bar into me quite hard. Then announced to everyone that I was too fat for this ride. I told my kid to go ahead and go without me. But it was really embarrassing to have to get up and leave.

    Take care,

    Val that is horrible!! I don't know why some folks have to be so ignorant and rude. I agree with RogerToo, you should have spoken to management and gotten a refund. It sure it is a good feeling to be able to ride in them now without embarrassment. I am sure it was hard on your daughter too:(
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Ricky...another cool episode! :)

    Roger...congrats on your NSV!!! Keep up the good work. B)

    I had that same one recently...I was wondering why my legs were getting shorter...then realized, I was losing some of the padding under and behind me, so I had to adjust the seat and mirrors.

    You are so right about standing my ground. I'm working on it. I did my best with who I was at the time. I can't be responsible for everyone else, and it takes a lot out of me when I try to stand up for myself. So, I have to choose my battles. On the other hand, I am MUCH stronger and more protective of rights when I see other people's rights being infringed or personhood being insulted. Then I'm a tactful diplomatic pit bull! I'm trying to put me on that list.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Thanks Dodi! My kid is really cool. It bothers me much more than her when people make comments to her about her mom's weight and/or age. She knows that when people make ignorant insults, it is much more about them than anyone they may be commenting on.

    She's slender and almost as tall as I am (age 12). We talk about society's views and prejudices...that's not why I'm choosing to change. We talk about health and readiness to participate in life...those are my reasons. I showed her the nutrition info on MFP app, and she's really interested in learning about balancing foods and all. She loves that I have my snack baggies of single-serving PFs, SCs, and veggies all lined up...and she is constantly grabbing them as snacks (I've told her it is totally fine!!!). So, she's eating much more healthfully and has learned that there are tons of veggies that she really loves. I thought NS was for me, but it's helping teach my child healthful ways.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 317 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Congratulations Roger! That is a great victory.

    Nice video of your family Richard Cook!

    Val.... Take a picture of you on those rides! You are doing great.

    Sslbelle......your posts inspire me each day. I am guilty of reading your food choices and you are living proof that it can be done. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great day my Friends!

    Thanks for those words of support, but despite the good food choices I am making the weight loss is extremely slow. Getting closer to 60 I wish now that I could have completed the whole process 9 years ago when I first started to lose the weight. But I ran out of money and couldn't maintain beyond a year. Plus having a chef move in with me wasn't the smartess idea at the time. Oh well, I Iearned no more chefs for me.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Dodi! My kid is really cool. It bothers me much more than her when people make comments to her about her mom's weight and/or age. She knows that when people make ignorant insults, it is much more about them than anyone they may be commenting on.

    She's slender and almost as tall as I am (age 12). We talk about society's views and prejudices...that's not why I'm choosing to change. We talk about health and readiness to participate in life...those are my reasons. I showed her the nutrition info on MFP app, and she's really interested in learning about balancing foods and all. She loves that I have my snack baggies of single-serving PFs, SCs, and veggies all lined up...and she is constantly grabbing them as snacks (I've told her it is totally fine!!!). So, she's eating much more healthfully and has learned that there are tons of veggies that she really loves. I thought NS was for me, but it's helping teach my child healthful ways.

    What your doing with your daughter is fantastic. I think it is wonderful that you tell her it is totally fine to eat your single serving portioned snacks. She is seeing first hand that good food choices will help her to stay healthy. I wish I had more good examples from my parents as I child, instead of all the criticism and yelling.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    khaki329 wrote: »
    So glad to see you here and working the plan.
    I've always enjoyed your very well made videos.

    Have you been able to find somewhere that has a scale that you can get your current weight? That sure would help if you could see the documented evidence that all your hard work is paying off. What about using 2 regular scales and standing with one foot on each and then adding the total? That might give you a good ballpark figure.

    Anyway, keep up the good work and feel free to message me if you have any questions on NS.

    Enjoy the journey.

    I finally got a scale about 3 days ago!

    linna62 wrote: »
    Ricky you are so going to get this done! We are all here cheering you on. You've got us kiddo!

    Thank you!

    Okay! I have to agree! These are really great videos and I love your posts! Val posted to check it out, and I am glad I did! You are pretty talented! I wish you could have helped NS with their transition! I have been the brunt of things too. Sometimes you just grin and bear it. Heavy or thin, I am still me. I have learned to be thankful for those that recognize who I am and my worth, and those that don't, well, you can still learn something from them. I was turned away from a ride with my grand daughter too, the person was still really nice. But it is still embarrassing and hard to explain to the grandchildren you love them , you just don't fit or can't do something. I have had Dr.s where I worked to say mean things, because they appreciate having their egos stroked by pretty thin young things. Does not matter you do your job well. ( Or you are the only one not terrified by said DR.-LOL). I have been really grateful for the people here! It is a journey, and I sure will enjoy watching you take it! You are going to do great!! You also have a killer smile! And you walk with dogs! Puts you okay in my book! Looking forward to more posts!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Amanda - Thanks for your kind words. I was raised with unhealthy food attitudes and habits, and learned to use food for comfort and to escape. Mom always made eating a contest...I was "good" at winning that contest. I do have to admit, when Em first started grabbing my snacks I felt possessive (they were mine!). But fortunately big-picture came over me and of course I want her to have healthy portion-sized snacks! What was I thinking? I can go back to the market for more bell peppers and zucchini.

    Hi Jan - So glad you came over to check out Ricky's page. One 'advantage' of being fat is people quickly show me how shallow they are, so I can find people that can really see my value. It makes me angry and sad to hear that people (including doctors) have said mean things to/about you. In every post that I've seen, your kindness, compassion, and sense of humor shine through! I rather pity anyone that is unable/unwilling to see with more than just their eyes based on societies published thin-centric 'values.'

    Hi Ricky - You do have a great smile and charming personality. Wishing you continued success at achieving all your goals. I look forward to being here for you during your journey. I am seriously hoping that you become a well-paid NS spokesman using your video clips during the QVC and other infomercials! Your work is THAT GOOD! And your story and transition is currently and will continue to encourage others. Thank you!

  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Okay! I have to agree! These are really great videos and I love your posts! Val posted to check it out, and I am glad I did! You are pretty talented! I wish you could have helped NS with their transition! I have been the brunt of things too. Sometimes you just grin and bear it. Heavy or thin, I am still me. I have learned to be thankful for those that recognize who I am and my worth, and those that don't, well, you can still learn something from them. I was turned away from a ride with my grand daughter too, the person was still really nice. But it is still embarrassing and hard to explain to the grandchildren you love them , you just don't fit or can't do something. I have had Dr.s where I worked to say mean things, because they appreciate having their egos stroked by pretty thin young things. Does not matter you do your job well. ( Or you are the only one not terrified by said DR.-LOL). I have been really grateful for the people here! It is a journey, and I sure will enjoy watching you take it! You are going to do great!! You also have a killer smile! And you walk with dogs! Puts you okay in my book! Looking forward to more posts!!

    Well thank you!
    Hi Ricky - You do have a great smile and charming personality. Wishing you continued success at achieving all your goals. I look forward to being here for you during your journey. I am seriously hoping that you become a well-paid NS spokesman using your video clips during the QVC and other infomercials! Your work is THAT GOOD! And your story and transition is currently and will continue to encourage others. Thank you!


    Holy cow! You think so? Thank you! :p
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ricky...another cool episode! :)

    Roger...congrats on your NSV!!! Keep up the good work. B)

    I had that same one recently...I was wondering why my legs were getting shorter...then realized, I was losing some of the padding under and behind me, so I had to adjust the seat and mirrors.

    You are so right about standing my ground. I'm working on it. I did my best with who I was at the time. I can't be responsible for everyone else, and it takes a lot out of me when I try to stand up for myself. So, I have to choose my battles. On the other hand, I am MUCH stronger and more protective of rights when I see other people's rights being infringed or personhood being insulted. Then I'm a tactful diplomatic pit bull! I'm trying to put me on that list.


    Hi Val
    That was probably part of it, the other was the shrinking waist line.
    OT observation, My old Pontiac and the current Buick both have longer seat belts than my brothers Taurus. :)

    I think we all need to learn to be assertive!:)

    Thanks Dodi! My kid is really cool. It bothers me much more than her when people make comments to her about her mom's weight and/or age. She knows that when people make ignorant insults, it is much more about them than anyone they may be commenting on.

    She's slender and almost as tall as I am (age 12). We talk about society's views and prejudices...that's not why I'm choosing to change. We talk about health and readiness to participate in life...those are my reasons. I showed her the nutrition info on MFP app, and she's really interested in learning about balancing foods and all. She loves that I have my snack baggies of single-serving PFs, SCs, and veggies all lined up...and she is constantly grabbing them as snacks (I've told her it is totally fine!!!). So, she's eating much more healthfully and has learned that there are tons of veggies that she really loves. I thought NS was for me, but it's helping teach my child healthful ways.

    Hi Again
    Congratulations on having a daughter that likes healthy snacks and not junk!

    The MFP Food Planner/Log is so much better.

    ssflbelle wrote: »
    Thanks for those words of support, but despite the good food choices I am making the weight loss is extremely slow. Getting closer to 60 I wish now that I could have completed the whole process 9 years ago when I first started to lose the weight. But I ran out of money and couldn't maintain beyond a year. Plus having a chef move in with me wasn't the smartess idea at the time. Oh well, I Iearned no more chefs for me.

    I would have though a chef could cook healthy?

    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Congratulations Roger! That is a great victory.

    Nice video of your family Richard Cook!

    Val.... Take a picture of you on those rides! You are doing great.

    Sslbelle......your posts inspire me each day. I am guilty of reading your food choices and you are living proof that it can be done. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great day my Friends!

    Thanks for the nice words
    April 25, 2015 -157.5 Pounds Lost

    My Fitnesspal links
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    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and only shows my loss since I joined My Fitness Pal
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    edited May 2015
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    This is a slow observation. I am almost 62 yrs. old, and I just love R2D2. Always have. I also have a diet coke can with headphones that dances that I find I can not throw out! It is like really liking Ricky's silent flicks almost the best, and chuckling because of the tech stuff in them! What can I say...
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Ricky I've been watching your videos since we all moved over to this site and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy and am inspired by them!!! You should be doing this professionally!

  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    This is a slow observation. I am almost 62 yrs. old, and I just love R2D2. Always have. I also have a diet coke can with headphones that dances that I find I can not throw out! It is like really liking Ricky's silent flicks almost the best, and chuckling because of the tech stuff in them! What can I say...

    I do enjoy making the Silent Film-style videos :smiley:
    mslesam wrote: »
    Ricky I've been watching your videos since we all moved over to this site and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy and am inspired by them!!! You should be doing this professionally!


    Thank you!
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Thx for sharing (I seriously look forward to each new episode!). You were an adorable kid! That's awesome that you have videos from your childhood. My childhood is in black and white, and my sister has the album.
    Take care, Val
  • TheBigDirection
    TheBigDirection Posts: 265 Member
    Possibility of Going Back to School?!

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    School sounds like a great idea! You definitely have the talent for Digital Cinematography! You didn't spend the whole day at the got in your five laps! WTG Ricky!