Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, Hopefully the Swamp are as amusing to You as to me

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 75 degrees, And it is still humid outdoors :(
    I noticed That Yesterday a third airliner had an outbreak of flu coming out of Meca, Only two of the three were reported on TV here, They never mentioned the one in France.
    1.4 billion risk disease from lack of exercise: WHO
    Virtual reality tour brings ancient Jerusalem to life
    Visitors will be able to ‘walk the streets’ of the city at the time of King Herod in the first century BCE
    Bad Idea IMO
    Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail
    Weird hexagon on Saturn is way bigger than scientists thought
    The sharp-cornered structure extends a staggering 180 miles above the ringed planet's cloud tops.
    Eight bird species are first confirmed avian extinctions this decade
    Most of the extinctions were caused by deforestation in South America, a new study of endangered birds shows
    Woman Mauled To Death By A Pit Bull She Rescued 2 Weeks Earlier
    The dog, who was still leashed to the post, was barking and lunging on its leash. It was subdued by animal control officers and ultimately euthanized.
    A necropsy will be performed to determine if the dog was sick or had rabies.
    Roger Asks: A Question, are rescue dogs tested for disease, I would have thought so.
    In Cuba, condom use stretches far beyond sex

    Have s Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne

    Hi Vix

    good morning, well the byers have agreed on our terms and signed off and they set up an appt for a home inspection for Monday I guess the realtor must of talked to him. I believe the closing is still set for the 1st,I will find out later today . Roger it is so hot here the only thing I plan on doing is hanging out at the pool hey Jo and Vix
    Hi Irene
    Good News regarding the house, is this the First buyer that wanted so many conditions ?
    If so it sounds like they were trying them on for size as some sort of negotiating tactic and when You told them no...
    Or is it the ones that viewed the house this week ?
    good morning, Well I only mowed the front yard it got so hot I figured I can mow the back maybe Monday the back is actually fine . Well I won't have to go to the home inspection the realtors prefer if we aren't there which is fine with me. Now our home inspection is set up for the following Monday you should see the list that they will be looking at lets hope we pass. take care everyone, oh I did walk this morning and it was still warm 72 at 3am
    I was out watering the front flower bed Thursday Afternoon as the Dahlias were wilted, what I did was let the hose trickle by the where the stems come out for a while at each plant and moved it periodically and that used up three hours to get a good soaking, the first ones had perked up before I finished. It was too darn hot in the afternoon to do more that run out move the hose and run back in. You must have been feeling it mowing.

    Interesting that they prefer You not to be there, I know my Youngest brother was present for the home inspection when he sold his home before getting out of NJ.

    You were lucky it was warm and humid this morning, IMO the Weatherman Lied about the overnight temperatures and humidity levels.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Irene
    Hi Joanne
    Hi Vix

    More humor posted momentarily

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 70 degrees, And it is still humid outdoors :(
    I did see one Deer near home on the outbound leg heading for my coffee, Approximately 1/2 way to picking up the coffee a drizzle started that turned into a steady slow rain. It was not all that comfortable under the rain poncho, then around 6 blocks from the house the rain ended.
    CDC Investigating After Multiple Passengers Fall Ill On Separate International Flights Coming Into Philadelphia International Airport
    Wind and solar farms can make their own weather, including extra rain over the Sahara
    Thousands of spiders, scorpions and more stolen from Philadelphia museum in 'insect heist'
    Want to live longer? NIA study links fasting to longevity
    There aren’t enough doctors to go around.
    Will espresso-loving Italy embrace country's 1st Starbucks?
    Probiotics labelled 'quite useless'
    By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent, BBC News

    Have a Great Weekend
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,214 Member
    good morning, went for our walk it rained the whole time I did have a rain jacket on but I took it off the rain felt good. Roger If we lived there I would probably be there but if I don't need to be there I will stay home. The following Monday we have another inspection but it is with the city it does involved a lot it actually has 3 pages of stuff so we will go over the paper and hopefully everything will be ok because if they have to come back they charge 50.00 I never heard of this when we sold our house in Spokane ,Wa we didn't have to do this but nj is always trying to get more money it already cost us 200.00 for the inspection keep you fingers crossed that we pass the first time. take care everyone
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,165 Member
    Good morning;
    It has been cooler here for the past 3 days. I actually had a light jacket on most of yesterday.
    We went to Brimfield antique fair. It is held three times a year. We walked 5.3 miles. I didn't buy anything but got in some exercise.
    I didn't get my license renewed. The registry computers went down statewide. I got there a little before 9. Two people were able to get their license before the computer went down. I sat there until 11 and they still didn't come up, so I will try again Monday.
    Irene-good luck with the home inspection.
    Roger-I found 11 cents this week.
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather.
    Have a good day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted any moment

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 58 degrees, And there is a light rain falling.

    I had planned to Mow the lawn today, Unfortunately the next few days according to the weather forecasts are predicting to be rainy. A darn shame since today's high temperature is forecast to be in the 60s.
    Southwest passengers in Texas possibly exposed to measles
    One of Most Popular Mac Apps Acts Like Spyware
    Two Ohio cities illustrate a growing divide between the old and new economy
    Just 70 miles apart, the business of Dayton and Columbus are headed in different directions.
    California takes financial wallop from unrelenting wildfires
    'Capsule housing' project sparks outrage in Spain

    Have s Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, went for our walk it rained the whole time I did have a rain jacket on but I took it off the rain felt good. Roger If we lived there I would probably be there but if I don't need to be there I will stay home. The following Monday we have another inspection but it is with the city it does involved a lot it actually has 3 pages of stuff so we will go over the paper and hopefully everything will be ok because if they have to come back they charge 50.00 I never heard of this when we sold our house in Spokane ,Wa we didn't have to do this but nj is always trying to get more money it already cost us 200.00 for the inspection keep you fingers crossed that we pass the first time. take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Interesting, I hate getting wet.

    I agree, if they could figure a way to charge for each breath we take NJ would do it.

    3 pages is a lot of things to check. I hope all goes well with the inspection.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It has been cooler here for the past 3 days. I actually had a light jacket on most of yesterday.
    We went to Brimfield antique fair. It is held three times a year. We walked 5.3 miles. I didn't buy anything but got in some exercise.
    I didn't get my license renewed. The registry computers went down statewide. I got there a little before 9. Two people were able to get their license before the computer went down. I sat there until 11 and they still didn't come up, so I will try again Monday.
    Irene-good luck with the home inspection.
    Roger-I found 11 cents this week.
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather.
    Have a good day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    The computers going down sounds like NJ TBH.

    Today was the first day I felt the need for light gloves, no jacket needed as with the light rain the rain poncho served as a windbreaker and it was enough.

    You did better than I finding money this past week.

    Wow, lots of miles and it must have been interesting doing the walking.

    Good Luck Monday
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,214 Member
    good morning, we did another walk in the rain I got an hour in it was really nice we did have rain jackets on but it was only a light drizzle . But I did get 8000 steps haven't done that in awhile. take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,605 Member
    Back from Maine. It was nice and we had good weather. It only rained when we went on a boat tour, but they had a covered section and visibility was still good. The seals were swimming instead of sunning. The main road into Bar Harbor is under construction, so we were using a lot of back roads to get places. We were there in the early 70s, rented a room over a bar on Main St., walked down to a simple waterfront restaurant/shack. Those are gone. It is so built up now. Still a quaint town, but so much more commercial. Acadia is nice, pretty views. It was good to get away for a few days.
    Good luck with the inspections, Irene.
    Belated Happy Anniversary, Jo. Hope you had a good one. :) Nice that you have time off and some cooler weather to enjoy.
    Roger, I still like seeing deer even if they eat gardens. There was one wandering around the lawn at our hotel, also almost ran into a fox while walking up the driveway.We stared at each other for a few seconds. They have very small reddish squirrels, very quick and chattery. We saw bald eagles, 2 types of seals, and lots of birds.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,165 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-I am glad you had a nice time and that the weather was good.
    Yesterday I put away some of the deck furniture and lawn ornaments.
    We are expecting rain today and tomorrow the temps will sore again and be humid.
    I am going to try my luck at AAA to get my license renewed again. Since I will be over that way I will stop in at Whole Foods.
    Hi Irene and Roger.
    Have a wonderful day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from not walking so no cents. The Temperature outside the door was 58 degrees.It rained all day Sunday once it started, a light rain but it never really went away...
    Then I could hear it hitting the window AC and as I look out the window there is still a light rain falling.
    I am getting ready to have my first sip of coffee.

    Why no walking ? Sore Knee, I did not see a Rock in the rain and the less than perfect vision from the hoodie and when I stepped on that rock, that was all she wrote, Scraped one knee, banged up the other one worse. I shall live to walk another day, I decided that with the soreness I would take a couple of days off from walking. Next Time I go that way I plan to throw that darned rock where I can not do that again as I do go that way approximately every three days.
    Interstellar travel BREAKTHROUGH: New material to ‘speed spacecraft to 134,000,000 mph'
    A NEW material capable of propelling spacecraft to 20% of the speed of light has been engineered, fuelling hopes of imminent interstellar travel.
    Study: 1 In 4 College Students Diagnosed With Mental Health Condition
    New survey shows 75 percent of students at U.S. colleges have battled significant stress in the past year, leading 1 in 5 to consider suicide
    Bible prophecy FULFILLED as first ‘red heifer born in 2,000 YEARS' signalling END OF DAYS
    A BIBLICAL prophecy has been fulfilled as a “red heifer” was born signalling the end of days and the coming of the Messiah in both Christianity and Judaism.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we did another walk in the rain I got an hour in it was really nice we did have rain jackets on but it was only a light drizzle . But I did get 8000 steps haven't done that in awhile. take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    I worry about walking in the rain since I always have things in my pocket that I would not want to get wet. Your rain sounds lighter, I have finished walking in the rain when it was a light drizzle, not worth the bother to open the Rain Poncho and put it on.

    Congratulations on the Steps
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Back from Maine. It was nice and we had good weather. It only rained when we went on a boat tour, but they had a covered section and visibility was still good. The seals were swimming instead of sunning. The main road into Bar Harbor is under construction, so we were using a lot of back roads to get places. We were there in the early 70s, rented a room over a bar on Main St., walked down to a simple waterfront restaurant/shack. Those are gone. It is so built up now. Still a quaint town, but so much more commercial. Acadia is nice, pretty views. It was good to get away for a few days.
    Good luck with the inspections, Irene.
    Belated Happy Anniversary, Jo. Hope you had a good one. :) Nice that you have time off and some cooler weather to enjoy.
    Roger, I still like seeing deer even if they eat gardens. There was one wandering around the lawn at our hotel, also almost ran into a fox while walking up the driveway.We stared at each other for a few seconds. They have very small reddish squirrels, very quick and chattery. We saw bald eagles, 2 types of seals, and lots of birds.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Welcome Home, I am not surprised that it has gone commercial TBH. I'm sure getting away was great. BTW Is the house equipped with an alarm if for nothing else when You are away or is Your area that good that there is no need.

    The Deer are OK to watch as long as I am not looking out the back window at them in the garden :wink:
    I see tons of common Squirrels and Rabbits when I am walking. I hear non melodic Honking and see the Geese flying overhead on their way to feed. I am more likely to see Buzzards that Eagles :( I do see Hawks and or Falcons flying overhead riding the thermals looking for their next meal. The Ducks are neat the way they land on the lake and streams.

    Have a Good Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Vix-I am glad you had a nice time and that the weather was good.
    Yesterday I put away some of the deck furniture and lawn ornaments.
    We are expecting rain today and tomorrow the temps will sore again and be humid.
    I am going to try my luck at AAA to get my license renewed again. Since I will be over that way I will stop in at Whole Foods.
    Hi Irene and Roger.
    Have a wonderful day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Is it that time of year to put the yard things away already ?

    That is out forecast too, Warmer for much of the week with the humidity soaring and rain showing through Friday depending on where or if and the path of the Hurricane that is currently predicted to hit the Carolinas.

    I decided that Whole Foods was not worth the visit when the discontinued the Breakfast Hot food bar and the only thing that was there that I liked was their Butter. And now I see that the workers want to unionize and considering who owns them that could get ugly quick.

    I try to get my License and Registration renewals done early usually middle of the month before they expire. My D/L was renewed in 2017 and runs out in 2021. How long are Yours good for ? Registrations are only good for one year and can be done at the MVC office or by mail.

    Good Luck with the Renewal.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,214 Member
    good morning, well we sure are getting a lot of rain . We only did a short walk about 40 minutes Annie needs her exercise now she will be good for the day. I have no plans today I am hoping the home inspection goes good I figured we will hear something the next couple of days. Our home inspection with the city is next Monday we went and got a new fire extinguisher and 2 new smoke and carbon alarms so keep your fingers crossed. Vix it sounds like your vacation was nice on our honeymoon we went to Bar harbor we loved it , I would like to go back sometime , Jo good luck with getting your license. well take care all Roger hope your knee is doing better
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,605 Member
    Good morning.
    Rained here all day yesterday and into today too....looks like mostly rain for the next 10 days, although the temps are mostly in the 70s which is ok with me. My DL is good for 8 years (got it renewed in 2013, due in 2021) We can renew our registrations online, and they mail the updated registration card and sticker.
    Irene, we saw a few cars up there with "just married" on them. Popular honeymoon spot. :) Good luck with all the inspections. It is simpler here in MD.
    Roger, hope your knees are feeling better...always bad to take a fall. My bruise is finally fading from my shot 3 weeks ago.
    Jo, hope all goes well with getting your license renewed. The little hassles...
    No plans for today. We went grocery shopping yesterday and I did the laundry from our trip.
    I have some straightening up and paperwork to take care of today. That's about it.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,165 Member
    Good morning;
    Roger-I hope your knee is feeling better soon.
    Irene-good luck with your inspections.
    I got my license renewed, in and out in about 20 minutes. I got the new one called real ID.
    It will be needed to fly within the US by 2020, if you don't want to carry your passport.
    I did need to show my passport, current driver's license, a W2 form and a credit card statement. These all got faxed into the registry data base. It is good for 5 years.
    Today I plan on getting a pedicure and running a few errands.
    Our rain started last night and is supposed to continue all day.
    Hi Vix.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor was just posted, I wonder how they did the animated image ?

    I'm back home from not walking with no cents. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees, It is drying out from yesterdays rain outside.
    Connecticut Woman Blows Off Hand After Mistaking Dynamite for Candle During Blackout
    I ask why would You have Dynamite in the house ?
    Antique Cannon in Central Park Found Loaded
    Mississippi homecoming queen boots game-winning extra point
    OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss. (AP) — One Mississippi high school senior had to quickly discard her crown after being named homecoming queen — and put on a football helmet.
    Kaylee Foster was crowned homecoming queen of Ocean Springs High School before Friday night's football game.
    She then put on her football uniform and later kicked the winning extra point to lead her team to a 13-12 victory over George County High School, local news outlets reported.
    Foster kicked two field goals earlier, giving her a majority of the team's points.
    Dog interrupts Russian news broadcast, anchor a 'cat person'
    Kitten rescued from California woman's wheel well
    Man brings home kitten that turns out to be bobcat cub
    Chinese village beset by giant mass of soap suds

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2018
    good morning, well we sure are getting a lot of rain . We only did a short walk about 40 minutes Annie needs her exercise now she will be good for the day. I have no plans today I am hoping the home inspection goes good I figured we will hear something the next couple of days. Our home inspection with the city is next Monday we went and got a new fire extinguisher and 2 new smoke and carbon alarms so keep your fingers crossed. Vix it sounds like your vacation was nice on our honeymoon we went to Bar harbor we loved it , I would like to go back sometime , Jo good luck with getting your license. well take care all Roger hope your knee is doing better
    Hi Irene
    You got out and did the walking, congrats

    I hope the inspection went well for You. I had not heard that a Fire Extinguisher was a requirement, Maybe a Trenton requirement ? Smoke detectors I know, In Some areas also a CO2 detector is required possibly all nowadays. I have both in the basement since I do spend time down there.
    That reminds me I need to put fresh chimney cement around where the furnace pipe goes into it, I noticed it was crumbling last year and the can stated do it with a cold surface so I want to get it done before heating season arrives.

    The Knee feels OK and probably I shall resume walking tomorrow. It does not take long to get out of shape. The worst pain now is the sore arm from the Tetanus shot since I could not remember when the last one was, Likely it was before Superstorm Sandy. I plan to get to the Drug Store for a Flu Shot in the near future, Likely the next time my brother will be out of the driveway for a while and I can get the car out, I plan to also go to the bank and fill the car at that time. This will be the third time I put gas in the car this year. I do not put many miles on as You can see.

    Good Luck with the house
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Rained here all day yesterday and into today too....looks like mostly rain for the next 10 days, although the temps are mostly in the 70s which is ok with me. My DL is good for 8 years (got it renewed in 2013, due in 2021) We can renew our registrations online, and they mail the updated registration card and sticker.
    Irene, we saw a few cars up there with "just married" on them. Popular honeymoon spot. :) Good luck with all the inspections. It is simpler here in MD.
    Roger, hope your knees are feeling better...always bad to take a fall. My bruise is finally fading from my shot 3 weeks ago.
    Jo, hope all goes well with getting your license renewed. The little hassles...
    No plans for today. We went grocery shopping yesterday and I did the laundry from our trip.
    I have some straightening up and paperwork to take care of today. That's about it.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    The rain in the forecast is somewhat depressing :( Monday it would rain, start to dry out and rain once again, repeating most of the day. Looking out the window the street is mostly dry and that means that the lawn is soaked and I had hoped to mow today :(

    From here:
    N.J. drivers now have option of renewing licenses by mail
    In this file photo, the line stretches around the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Wayne. The MVC is allowing customers to skip their next trip to MVC offices and renew their driver's license by mail -- stretching out the time between visits to every 8 years instead of every 4 years.Star-Ledger file photo

    So not as good as a 8 year license but better than having to go to the MVC office each time. Fortunately our local office is fast not like Wayne which is as far as I can remember does more things and is in a higher population density area.

    Someone on this forum told me that holding pressure on the spot where they draw blood for example prevents bruising which makes sense as that keeps blood from leaking out which is what causes bruising as I understand it. Before that I had a Bruise in the arm every time they drew blood for weeks. You would have thought that the Phlebotomist would have said to do that.

    Since my weight is up somewhat I am afraid to go to a grocery store, too many temptations :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Roger-I hope your knee is feeling better soon.
    Irene-good luck with your inspections.
    I got my license renewed, in and out in about 20 minutes. I got the new one called real ID.
    It will be needed to fly within the US by 2020, if you don't want to carry your passport.
    I did need to show my passport, current driver's license, a W2 form and a credit card statement. These all got faxed into the registry data base. It is good for 5 years.
    Today I plan on getting a pedicure and running a few errands.
    Our rain started last night and is supposed to continue all day.
    Hi Vix.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Thanks as I posted above the knee is good today, I am not looking forward to getting a flu shot as just like the tetanus shot they leave my arm sore for days, Am I the only one that happens to ? I wonder what the difference is between the license You had and the Real ID one ?

    I hope that database is protected, it has a lot of Your info in it. I have two birth certificates :wink: One is the one issued by the hospital when I was born and the second is a certified Copy of the State Birth certificate. Our Father picked that one up for all of and Mom saved the other one from way back then. Same Information on both the state one has a embossed seal and signature from the county clerk.

    Am I the only one that has covered the camera on the computer to prevent hackers from seeing anything or am I a bit paranoid ?

    Have a Nice Day and Stay Dry
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,214 Member
    good morning, had a nice walk this morning no rain. Roger the new smoke detector also is for co2 also. I don't know how the inspection went yet they are also are doing radon test and they will pick that up tomorrow I am sure if they find anything we will know. Glad your knee is feeling better Roger. Jo that's great that you got your license . Vix there always seems to be things you have to do when you come home from vacation but it is always nice to go. Take care everyone
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,165 Member
    Good morning;
    Roger-My arm was sore for 2 days after I got the flu shot. I was also achy.
    The standard license is what I had, the Real ID has a gold star in one corner, which identifies you as having the federal ID and can be used to fly within the US and Canada, no passport needed. If you opt for the standard license you will need your passport to fly within the US.
    I am glad your knee is feeling better.
    Hi Irene.
    Hi Vix.
    I am going to get my hair cut today.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted momentarily, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 72 degrees, It is dry outside. However the Humidity is high and can be seen as a haze in the air or maybe a light fog. Either way it was no fun walking.
    While I was walking I did see two Deer run across the road 2.5 blocks from the house on the outbound leg.
    I Did remove the rock I had tripped over, I suspect that I did not see it when it was wet from the rain as it was a black rock on dark ground and likely blended in with the low light from that nearby parking lot not illuminating it well.

    Subway $5 Footlong is going away, but paninis may be coming
    Not that anyone here eats those :)
    Subway $5 Footlong is going away, but paninis may be coming
    Theft Charge Possible In Cold (Cut) Case
    Cops: Grocery worker copped to ham and salami noshing spree
    I used to want to see Paris, Now Not so sure
    CINEMA BLOODBATH Paris attack – Two Brits ‘stabbed in head and chest’ by rampaging Afghan knifeman ‘who posed as child migrant’ before injuring seven
    Pro- and anti- whaling nations set for clash in Brazil
    Legendary Bible sites including Noah’s Ark FOUND on 1,000 year-old map
    Superbugs jumping frequently between humans and animals

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    good morning, had a nice walk this morning no rain. Roger the new smoke detector also is for co2 also. I don't know how the inspection went yet they are also are doing radon test and they will pick that up tomorrow I am sure if they find anything we will know. Glad your knee is feeling better Roger. Jo that's great that you got your license . Vix there always seems to be things you have to do when you come home from vacation but it is always nice to go. Take care everyone
    Hello Irene
    Radon, When my brother sold his house they tested for that and it was present in the basement so as a condition of the sale he had to have a system to remove it installed. I hope You are luckier.

    Oh yes, return from Vacation and in my case more tired than when I left and things to do to add to that :(
    I enjoyed the vacations OTOH and sort of want to go one of these days, Just not sure if I want to go to Florida in January off season when the prices for lodging are lower and the weather cooler and less humid like I did in the past or go West or ...

    There was no rain, just that everything was drying out and the lawn was soaked so no mowing.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Roger-My arm was sore for 2 days after I got the flu shot. I was also achy.
    The standard license is what I had, the Real ID has a gold star in one corner, which identifies you as having the federal ID and can be used to fly within the US and Canada, no passport needed. If you opt for the standard license you will need your passport to fly within the US.
    I am glad your knee is feeling better.
    Hi Irene.
    Hi Vix.
    I am going to get my hair cut today.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    I'm happy that the soreness has mostly passed, Now Thursday or Saturday when My brothers Pickup will be out of the driveway I suspect I shall get the Flu Shot at the Drug Store.

    I wonder if the Gold Star is a federal thing or a state thing ?

    I really should get a passport, My brother finds that it makes License renewals easier as it count for a substantial part of the points needed here in NJ.

    Not as glad as I am that the knee feels better :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,214 Member
    good morning, well I think it stopped raining, I am getting tired of all this rain. I walked this morning saw 3 deer 1 was a baby they are just so cute. well take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,605 Member
    Good morning. Just overcast here so far this a.m.
    I was in classes yesterday, guess I never made it to my computer....sometimes it's good to have a day like that.
    It looks like they're shifting the storm a little south today, but you never know. We're a long way inland (at least 50 miles from Chesapeake Bay, about 150 miles from the ocean), and probably about 800 feet above sea level. We will probably get flood warnings, and I'm hoping the wind doesn't get too bad.
    Hope the coast up north doesn't get hit for those of you in NJ. Doesn't look like it'll get anywhere near MA.
    My SIL left yesterday for California....she's moving. She has friends and cousins there.
    No special plans for today.
    Happy Wednesday. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2018
    More humor is about to be posted :)

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. The Humidity is high and there was a light drizzle out the door that ended while walking, It was no fun walking. The rain came in Wednesday afternoon and I could hear rain drops hitting the AC overnight up to at least 3AM as that was the last time I woke up, I suspect the drizzle was leftover rain so it likely continued after 3AM. I did see one Deer run out of a side street, across the road ahead of me and continue down the side road after crossing the main road, a few seconds later a car came out of that side road likely why the Deer was running.

    Wednesday, Despite the Humidity I put on long pants and mowed the Yard. Why the Long pants ? To protect my legs from the whatever they are that bite and leave a itchy mark. I also Picked and consumed a bunch of Raspberries, Some had ripened too much since my last picking :(
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    Bad Move IMO :(
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    For starters, the FDIC estimates that 7% of the U.S. population is still unbanked. In other words, they live an all-cash life, so would be entirely shut out in a cashless society. Some also like the anonymity that comes with paying cash. Others use cash for budgeting reasons (when you’re out of cash, you stop spending).
    That's me, no cash, no buy and I leave the Credit cards at home unless I expect to need one.
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    Have a Great Thursday