MAY 2015 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    @dave So gad you went. All the walking around they made you do, does count as miles :):p@sufferlandrian, yup Dean, the miles are really piling up. I hope he lets me come back to do the TDF. Made goal today, so I am going to hog up some bonus miles. I like this Grand Tour challenge. Gets me out every day to ride, instead of thinking about it. I have 500 miles on the new bike already. Its starting to look like a ridden bike, I got the newness off. This is the earliest I have hit goal in quite a while.

    05/15 - 9.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 7)
    05/16 - 13.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 8)
    05/17 - 13.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 9)
    05/18 - 2.0 miles walking (Giro Chalenge rest day)
    05/19 - 2.0 miles walking
    05/19 - 8.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 10)
    05/20 - 2.0 mies walking
    05/20 - 11.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 11)

    Total: 212.0 miles


  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,406 Member
    @Dave: I am so glad you are here to tell us about what is going on. You are very fortunate as I am sure you know. And you will master the Coumadin/ Warafin. My dad has been on it for a long time and he has managed it well. I know you will too.

    May 20: 10 miles of walking 4 and running 6
    TTD: 189.15 miles


  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    edited May 2015
    10 on the ex bike before work. That was all I did cuz I ran my tail at work, cleaned for the bachelor friend and then brought my 2 yr old grandson home with me, did all with a nasty headache!
    If we donate miles we must just stay at goal on our tickers right? I will change mine back when I know what we are doing!

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,241 Member
    Adding 33 miles for 274 out of 300.


    @vhuber - No dropping your goal to make bonus miles. Dave wouldn't accept that. :smile:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Had a docs appt today, so I only walked with DH and Bean this morning. Tomorrow I will do double duty that way I'll hit goal sooner. It was another beautiful day.

    Wed - 7.64 miles


    Hope Thursday is great for everyone.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    @Chris - It was OK. I was going downhill at about 30 mph and the bear wasn't really into fast food. He was more interested in organic unprocessed food. :laugh:

    Dean, I'm sorry, I totally missed this...I laughed out loud! FOOMCF!!! It made my evening!
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I got in 15.7 miles today... that puts me at 64.62... which puts me in the GREEN (at least until midnight!) I'm planning to go to spin class on Friday which should put me solidly in the green. WOOT!!!!
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    Congratulations to ANACONDA469 on making GOAL today!! :drinker:

    To everyone wanting to donate miles, please indicate in every post the number of miles you are donating each day, and I will split them up, evenly, between Dave and LoveMyAlex (unless they tell me they don't want me to do that). You will need to leave your own tickers at your 100% of your goal, but not over goal... so, @vhuber, yes, lower your ticker back to 150 miles, and I have you down for donating 15 today. Sound good, everyone?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,241 Member
    I'm cool with it. :smile:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Sounds perfect to me. :)
  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    adding 8.84 miles

  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    19 May 5.6 miles
    20 May 1.9
    21 May 5 miles

    MTD 127.1 miles

    @Dave - so pleased you are still around! Hope your recovery is swift :)
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    So now I really need to get it going so I have those bonus miles to share. :) Went to visit my college student yesterday and help her make her apartment more homey. She now has a small rug, a bookcase and a bedframe (the bedframe needs some work, but it'll do for a few more days.) Plus we put down some nonskid pads to keep her couch from walking across the Also walked to the grocery store for a small restock and then walked down the street to get dinner. Almost want to go back to a college town myself, nice to be able to get most everything I need without having to get in the car and drive.

    Added 4.25 miles May total 76.5 miles


    Have a great Thursday All!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Adding 3.57 miles for a run at the gym yesterday. I should make goal this weekend and next week's miles will be bonus miles to donate!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    May: 175 miles
    Yearly Challenge: 454.5/1500

    May 1 - 3: 12 miles
    May 4 - 5 miles
    May 5 - 4 miles
    May 6 - 4 miles walking, 6 miles biking
    May 7 - 4 miles walking + weight lifting
    May 8 - 10th: 11 miles
    May 11 - 3 miles
    May 12 - 2 mile walking, 8 miles biking
    May 13 - 5 miles
    May 14 - 17: 14 miles
    May 18 - 4 miles + yoga
    May 19 - 4 miles walking 8 miles biking
    May 20 - 4 miles walking + weight lifting

  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    May: Goal 300
    1st: 4.8
    2nd: 4.2
    3rd: 1.6
    4th: 2.5
    5th: 2.69
    6th: 4.21
    7th: 4.36 + 7.6 = 11.96
    8th: 2.95
    9th: 7.54 + 6.5 = 14.04
    10th: 3.33 + 3.9 = 7.23
    11th: 4.29 + 4.8 = 9.09
    12th: 2.15
    13th: 3.12
    14th: 2.24
    15th: 3.08
    16th: 4.37 + 12 = 16.37
    17th: 5.33 + 15.3 = 20.63
    18th: 2.57
    19th: 3.64
    20th: 3.09 - Total: 122.16
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'll give 800 miles ago, but have a lot on this month

    01-05: 12.17 miles (in Wales - 1798 ft climb)
    02-05: 36.55 miles (in Wales - 1332 ft climb)
    03-05: 46.90 miles (in Wales - 3041 ft climb)
    04-05: 30.99 miles (in Wales - 1539 ft climb)
    05-05: storm with 45 mph wind, too dangerous
    06-05: 22.06 miles - wind gusting to 50 mph, what the heck!!
    07-05: virus
    08-05: virus
    09-05: virus
    10-05: 20.23 miles
    10-05: 24.28 miles (with son)
    11-05: 31.19 miles
    12-05: virus still around
    13-05: 31.11 miles
    14-05: 35.20 miles
    15-05: 7.05 miles (post-service check)
    16-05: 26.28 miles (with youngest 2)
    17-05: 75.12 miles
    18-05: torrential rain
    19-05: 40.16 miles
    20-05: rest day
    21-05: 41.03 miles
    May miles: 480.19

    YTD miles: 2955
  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Ttd 72 miles
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    I am going to bank some more goal miles then I will donate all of them up to that point. I think I will have a lot of them with the Giro challenge. I will post when I am ready to donate. I want to give them a good chunk of miles.

    05/15 - 9.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 7)
    05/16 - 13.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 8)
    05/17 - 13.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 9)
    05/18 - 2.0 miles walking (Giro Chalenge rest day)
    05/19 - 2.0 miles walking
    05/19 - 8.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 10)
    05/20 - 2.0 miles walking
    05/20 - 11.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 11)
    05/21 - 15.0 miles cycling (Giro Challenge stage 12)

    Total: 227.0 miles


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