Quarterly Posts Ending June 30, 2015.



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    As usual, here in Maryland if you blinked you missed spring. My mind is almost unconsciously starting to think cold cereal vs oatmeal and tuna salad vs soup.

    As my first week back on the wagon, I'm not doing spreadsheets this week but just eating on "my plan".

    Yesterday I had smart ones frozen breakfast, huge salad with turkey for lunch, 1/2 NS mac n cheese and chili for dinner along with a huge plate of steamed vegetables and in the evening NS cheese puffs and WW chocolate cake. Somewhere in there I had what my local grocery calls a "red beet egg" which was a "pickled egg" when I was growing up.

    I take Jack to the vet at noon (just routine) and have a NS bar already in my purse!

    Today I find out if I have jury duty Monday. It's weird - as an attorney I've love to be on a jury - but I never will be - so going and sitting all day is a waste of time. For that reason only I hope I don't get called.

    In spite of being sick I've been working very, very hard and am not that far behind on my work load. That could change tomorrow but right now I'm "relatively" current.

    Of course the rest of my life is a disaster.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    The original inspiration for my now beloved egg breakfast was a gorgeous frittata mix sold at my Giant. About 1/4 inch square - white onions, red/purple onions and red, green and yellow peppers. Then they stopped selling it. Found mixture at Weis of same ingredients but in more like 1/2 inch square or larger. Grumbled but went over just about every week and bought a container. Now Weis has decided that they should sell the components separately. This week the closest I could come to what I like was to buy 3 containers - one onions, one green peppers and one red peppers. That seemed like too much so I left out the green peppers.

    I'm thinking I need to check Safeway. There's nothing special I need that store for but my memory is they may have freshly chopped vegetables.

    Now you may be saying to yourself - why doesn't she just do her own chopping? The answer of course is either she's too darned lazy or too darned busy. You choose. LOL!!!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jack and I are back! The vet is pleased. His blood pressure was normal, even after the stress of the drive (we're not at all close to the vet), and the wait and the exam. They sent our bloodwork to make sure he's still not diabetic (always a risk with a cat on high doses of pred).
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--You have had a busy day taking Jack to the vet. It is good news that the vet is pleased, a sign that things are going well. Yes, you are busy! Pre-cut is a convenience; I'm not worrying about it because I enjoy convenience myself. I hope jury duty isn't in your future. I know they give you the civic duty pitch but it isn't something I enjoy doing. It usually interfered with my plans, which they considered low priority.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jean - cool little chart!

    I've decided on Monday I'm taking Kindle and books and magazines and paper. If I should have to go back a second day I'd have to take the lap top. I literally haven't had two consecutive days off work in at least 5 years. (And that includes weekends.). I point blank asked my boss once and he says he uses his lap top everywhere across the country on public wi-fi. Starbucks, airports, etc. So he could hardly complain if I try it. Of course I'd have to figure out how to use it but I could just swallow my pride and ask the youngest person in the room. LOL!

    I've stuck with my eating plan 4 days in a row. Hopefully today will be day 5!!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Congrats upon sticking with your eating plan. Keep up the great work.

    Using public wi-fi is easy. When you turn on the wi-fi, it will search for a signal. Just don't do any private financial stuff on a public wi-fi as they are not secured.

    I hope Pam, Helene and our new members are doing well.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    Just got home from our trip. We had a good time but as always, I'm really glad to be home.

    Branson was interesting. We saw two shows. The first was called Fair and it was a group of four young men who were all adopted by the same family, and one young woman. They sang a variety of music styles, but mostly contemporary. They were very good, but because it was midweek, there were only about 25 people in the audience so the energy was rather low. The next night we saw an act called Three Redneck Tenors and they were fantastic. The redneck part of the act was totally deceptive as all three were classically trained musicians. The leader of the group is a Juilliard graduate who has sung on Broadway as well as with the New York Metropolitan Opera. Interestingly, all three of the men reside in the DFW area, and the leader of the group runs a theater here in my hometown. I definitely plan to watch for productions at his theater. He said he will be playing the lead in a production of Les Miserable there in July. The attendance was fairly low for this show as well, but the tenors put on a fantastic show anyway. Branson is a lovely place to visit with lots of hills and beautiful scenery. Prices are low as well, and all of the shows are very affordable. It's a very family-friendly place and every show features a tribute to the military. I doubt that you would find any show that you couldn't take a child to safely. So that's my report on BrNson, if anyone is interested.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Down a pound.

    Pam--It sounds as if you had a great time. I imagine Branson has its biggest influx of visitors during the weekends and Summers.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Pam - sounds like fun!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I've been researching Board certified veterinary cardiologists in Minnesota. How's that for a strange Sunday morning research project. A couple who recently adopted two kittens from us - both with heart murmurs - is moving back home to be nearer to her dad. We've ":known" these people for years and I have no qualms that they won't take the cats to the cardiologist but I want to give them all the info I can. I figured if I have a list I can send to our cardiologist here and find out if he knows anyone or knows anyone who might know someone. Turns out there are three which surprises me. I was afraid there might not be any.

    I keep forgetting there's no signature on here!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I've seen posts with signatures but I don't think it is automatic. I think you have to save the info in a file and then paste the info when you post. Good job on locating cardiologists for the fur babies.

    Jean--formerly Midnight's Mom.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I'm up early to get ready for jury duty.

    I did lose a pound last "week" (actually 6 days) so that's a good start to the week!

    Had my weight control oatmeal with raisins - Jean!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Congrats upon the pound lost. Have "fun" with jury duty. I approve of your breakfast!! :)

    I'm off to sub today. Guess what I'm having for breakfast? The Quaker Weight Control oatmeal!!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited May 2015
    Off to sub again. Four weeks of school left. I had the usual Quaker Weight Control oatmeal for breakfast.

    My Amazon Subscribe and Save hasn't shipped because of some problem with FedEx. I learned a long time ago to voice my concern. As a result, I got my Prime membership extended a month..

    I got the Daily Dose clicks in for another $10 discount. I guess I'll keep clicking as long as it lasts.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    More than you want to know about jury duty:

    The worst parts of jury duty: (1) getting up WAY too early in the morning, (2) hurry up and wait and hurry up and wait, and (3) being in yet another waiting room where TPTB think people can't live unless there is a TV blaring. I forgot ear plugs (note to self for the future). Luckily I remembered from last time that the few seats/tables in the vending machine area can't hear the TVs so I staked out my seat there early.

    I was amazed how many people walked in empty handed. Do some people not know that they will be just sitting for hours? Or just not care? I had a huge tote bag loaded down with work and books and legal pads.

    The only case I was called up to the courtroom for was a middle aged white man accused of sexually abusing a 4-year old boy. I'd been saying for weeks I wanted to be on a jury but once the judge described the case I changed my mind fast. I SO did not want to hear that. I was sitting next to a kindergarten teacher who was just beside herself. I distracted myself by whispering to her and telling her what was going on (to the best I could having never been the kind of lawyer who goes to court). The judge finally got to a question about whether anyone would have trouble being impartial on a child sex abuse case. Personally I wanted to say yes (wouldn't everyone) but I knew as a lawyer the judge would be having none of it and would just yell at me. But I did encourage the kindergarten teacher to speak up and she was excused. They never got to my number (or the number of either of the other two attorneys in the pool) when they were finally seating the jury so I didn't get to find out if one or the other lawyers would be excusing lawyers just because.

    Interesting factoid: when the judge asked whether anyone or someone in their family had been a crime victim only 3 people spoke up (including me). I was surprised.

    I think the prosecutor must think she has a strong case because she challenged not one juror. The defense counsel OTOH was obviously making sure that she got no white men on the jury, which I still can't puzzle through.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jean - I'm still doing the clicks. Who knows how long it will be until they "pull the plug".
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    Maryanne, I also never get chosen for a jury. I've always said I wouldn't mind serving, but hope not to get on a panel for a murder trial. The closest I ever came was a panel for a murder case where the accused was a 50-something woman who allegedly had murdered both her parents by bashing them in the head with a cast iron skillet. I was very glad that I was excused from that case, which I then followed in the papers. She was convicted and is now serving life without parole, I think. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for the jury to hear the testimony and see the evidence. Like you, I always go with a bag full of things with which to occupy myself since it is an all-day affair. In our county now they have an on-line process where you register after receiving your jury summons. A day or two before your scheduled date, you are notified whether or not you wil have to appear. So far, DH has been excused this way once, while I have had to go downtown and appear, then wait all day and eventually be dismissed.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I've been chosen for a jury and it was the pitts. I had to give up a day of subbing so I lost pay. After I got there, I was not needed. I was also a key witness for something that dragged on for two years, with the "featured players" being asked to appear on Geraldo when his show was popular. I declined as I had no desire to be part of it. I was very much fed up with the whole deal after all that time.

    I see the MFP tracker estimates that I will lose five pounds by June 23 based upon my 1200 approximate calories per day. That is about one pound a week.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I'm not working today which is good as I didn't sleep well last night and also need to make a run to the city if I get my act together. I need to buy flowers for Memorial Day and decoration of the various graves.

    I did hop on the scale for a mid-week check; it says I'm making slow progress!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jean - great that you're making progress!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Helene--Glad you were able to attend your brother's college graduation. It is great that he did that. I've seen in the newspaper or internet where many older people are going back to complete their dreams, etc.

    Maryanne--Evening snacking can take many forms. I've just started trying to take Dannon's Light and Fit Greek Yogurt and sticking it in the freezer for an hour to an hour and a half. It then closely resembles frozen custard or ice cream type dessert.
    We spent the weekend at the Jersey Shore visiting BIL's family. Weather was poor but it was lovely to see them. We arrived home Monday night completely wiped out. I woke up Tuesday with a terrible cramp in my calf. DH had to rub it for me as I couldn't even get out of bed. Usually I stand up and get the blood flowing and that helps. I was surprised he could actually see the knot. I figured it was all internal. Rubbing it helped and I was fine for the rest of the day. I think it was too much driving and not enough water.

    Jean...I liked the idea of freezing the Dannon yogurt. I had the NS granola and Light and Fit yogurt and starting logging today. I really couldn't get my mind into tracking while we were traveling. Today is my fresh start.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    I've been chosen for a jury and it was the pitts. I had to give up a day of subbing so I lost pay. After I got there, I was not needed. I was also a key witness for something that dragged on for two years, with the "featured players" being asked to appear on Geraldo when his show was popular. I declined as I had no desire to be part of it. I was very much fed up with the whole deal after all that time.

    I see the MFP tracker estimates that I will lose five pounds by June 23 based upon my 1200 approximate calories per day. That is about one pound a week.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I've been called for jury duty about a dozen times. Some times I had to appear and sometimes I didn't. we have a call in system. You call a number the night before and are told whether or not you have to come. The last time, I was chosen for a DWI trial. it was a young pregnant women. She was a waitress and had a fight with her BF before going out for a drive. She stopped to text him and fell asleep on the road. The prosecutors didn't have a good case and the police were poor witnesses. They made a lot of assumptions about what was happening. We voted not guilty. The judge came into the jury room afterwards to tell us we'd done a good job and that the case hadn't been proved. It was nice to hear him validate what we'd decided. It was interesting but I'm not anxious to do it again. I was glad I didn't get a murder trial.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Asian Cole Slaw


    Traditional coleslaw may be delicious, but the heavy mayonnaise most recipes call for can be a diet disaster. As the weather warms up and the barbecues and parties get in full swing, try this tasty, easy alternative to the cookout classic. Your tastebuds and guests will thank you!

    •12 oz. packaged, shredded cabbage (green, purple, or blended)
    •1 medium cucumber, thinly sliced
    •1 medium bell pepper (red or green), thinly sliced
    •5 medium green onions, sliced
    •12 washed, fresh basil leaves

    •1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
    •1 clove minced garlic
    •3 Tbsp. vinegar (white or cider)
    •1/2 tsp. sugar (granulated)
    •1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. low-sodium soy sauce
    •1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

    1.Combine all vegetables in a bowl and toss. Combine dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk to blend well.
    2.Pour dressing mixture over vegetables and toss well. Serve.

    Yield: 6 servings. Calories: 42, Carbohydrate: 7g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 1 g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Sugar: 4g, Dietary Fiber: 2g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Sodium: 107mg.

    SOURCE: www.heart.org
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Fifth day on "my plan." Started the day the usual way with the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Asian Cole Slaw


    Traditional coleslaw may be delicious, but the heavy mayonnaise most recipes call for can be a diet disaster. As the weather warms up and the barbecues and parties get in full swing, try this tasty, easy alternative to the cookout classic. Your tastebuds and guests will thank you!

    •12 oz. packaged, shredded cabbage (green, purple, or blended)
    •1 medium cucumber, thinly sliced
    •1 medium bell pepper (red or green), thinly sliced
    •5 medium green onions, sliced
    •12 washed, fresh basil leaves

    •1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
    •1 clove minced garlic
    •3 Tbsp. vinegar (white or cider)
    •1/2 tsp. sugar (granulated)
    •1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. low-sodium soy sauce
    •1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

    1.Combine all vegetables in a bowl and toss. Combine dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk to blend well.
    2.Pour dressing mixture over vegetables and toss well. Serve.

    Yield: 6 servings. Calories: 42, Carbohydrate: 7g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 1 g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Sugar: 4g, Dietary Fiber: 2g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Sodium: 107mg.

    SOURCE: www.heart.org
    This looks delicious. Now that I'm home, I'm feeling more inspired to make food from scratch. This looks like a keeper.

This discussion has been closed.