How I'm doing....



  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Me too! I almost didn't exercise tonight but needed to stick to it because I knew you all would. I had a wonderful day. Did my part by donating blood this morning. First thing they ask you is "did you drink some water before coming in" & well of course I've been drinking lots! since I've committed to do more of that this week. Hadn't weighed myself since May 25 and was excited to step on the scale tonight (for once!) - pleasantly surprised. Hope everyone else is having a great day too!
  • judyheinze57
    judyheinze57 Posts: 93 Member
    Okay so far this week is going good started T-25 love it but man I'm sore.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    quick question are we weighing in on Mondays???
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    quick question are we weighing in on Mondays???
    That's the plan!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Today was a lazy bones day. The kids, the dog, and I went for a short walk but that was it for physical activity so at 10 pm I decided to play Just Dance to get the rest of my steps in. I still didn't have enough so I ran in a small circle through the house and hit my goal at 11:59. Good grief! And I really need to go shopping. I didn't eat very well today either. I didn't have any desserts or anything terrible but I didn't eat nutritiously or get all my fruits & veggies. And I got a warning from MFP that I didn't eat enough. That's a first! LOL! I had an egg, veggie soup, a couple english muffins, and some crackers with peppers. I was sure I had eaten more today but I guess it was all the dreaming about food that I did that made it seem like I'd eaten more. That's my only complaint about tracking and trying to stay within a certain range. It seems to make me think about food 24/7. I'll think of something yummy I'd like to have but probably shouldn't which will lead to thinking about something else I'd like to have and pretty soon I've catered a meal complete with 100 desserts in my head. At least it was only in my head! But dwelling on food like that isn't good so tomorrow I will stock up on healthy ingredients to have in the house.
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    No exercise for me yesterday either. Lazy day & nap after work. Had planned to get some in after dinner as usual but watched oitnb instead! Back on track today!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    haven't been feeling well the last few days but today was a better day. Worked this morning and have a grad party this afternoon. Going to eat before i go so i will not be hungry that doesn't mean i won't be tempted to eat unhealthy. Going to try real hard to stay way and look for fruit and veggies. Tomorrow going to an early fathers day picnic and i have decided that i will bring my own Turkey Hotdogs that should help.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    CatAlii wrote: »
    Today was a lazy bones day. The kids, the dog, and I went for a short walk but that was it for physical activity so at 10 pm I decided to play Just Dance to get the rest of my steps in. I still didn't have enough so I ran in a small circle through the house and hit my goal at 11:59. Good grief! And I really need to go shopping. I didn't eat very well today either. I didn't have any desserts or anything terrible but I didn't eat nutritiously or get all my fruits & veggies. And I got a warning from MFP that I didn't eat enough. That's a first! LOL! I had an egg, veggie soup, a couple english muffins, and some crackers with peppers. I was sure I had eaten more today but I guess it was all the dreaming about food that I did that made it seem like I'd eaten more. That's my only complaint about tracking and trying to stay within a certain range. It seems to make me think about food 24/7. I'll think of something yummy I'd like to have but probably shouldn't which will lead to thinking about something else I'd like to have and pretty soon I've catered a meal complete with 100 desserts in my head. At least it was only in my head! But dwelling on food like that isn't good so tomorrow I will stock up on healthy ingredients to have in the house.

    Sounds like you got this. :)
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    My only "exercise" was cleaning the house. Dusting, sweeping and vacuuming... I also bathed the dog. I may go for swim later this evening, but there's boxing on so that may not happen;-)
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    JMRod wrote: »
    My only "exercise" was cleaning the house. Dusting, sweeping and vacuuming... I also bathed the dog. I may go for swim later this evening, but there's boxing on so that may not happen;-)
    Bathing the dog can be a serious workout! :p

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Can't believe the amount of carbs, sugars and calories in a 6oz size cup of Rita's Water Ice. WOW maybe i should of had passed. 160 calories, 40 crabs and 38 sugars.
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    had a great weekend visiting with friends but did not stay on track; tried to take smaller portions & went for a 30 minute walk. back on track today! weekends are going to be hard - I see that now!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Just had an no scale victory, had measurements taken today lost total of 52.25 inches since i started MFP last June.
    I need to remember that the scale isn't the only way to measure my success in this journey. 9 more pounds to my first goal of 100 pounds lost.
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Just had an no scale victory, had measurements taken today lost total of 52.25 inches since i started MFP last June.
    I need to remember that the scale isn't the only way to measure my success in this journey. 9 more pounds to my first goal of 100 pounds lost.

    So awesome!!! Congratulations. You are an inspiration. That must have been a wonderful feeling to see those measurements. So proud of you!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited June 2015
    CatAlii wrote: »
    Just had an no scale victory, had measurements taken today lost total of 52.25 inches since i started MFP last June.
    I need to remember that the scale isn't the only way to measure my success in this journey. 9 more pounds to my first goal of 100 pounds lost.

    So awesome!!! Congratulations. You are an inspiration. That must have been a wonderful feeling to see those measurements. So proud of you!

    Thanks :)
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    so happy for you in all that your doing to achieve your goal! Such perseverance, dedication & determination along the way, in your journey! I certainly know who I can seek if I need a friendly reminder, or swift kick in the britches ;) ~I hope you have had many moments of happiness in your process as well, as I imagine you beam from ear to ear with those victories being achieved! *HUGS*
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    I am having a fairly pleasant week and tracking everything, could use a bit more motivation in the exercise department this week........that will come, as it is sooooooooo much more enjoyable living & playing in my garden, which I know counts~ however seems too pleasurable to put it down as exercise ;) ~
    I want to wish E...V...E...R...Y...O...N...E a supportive and wonderful weekend ahead, I know this can be a time of challenge for myself and some of you~just remember were not alone! This weekend I will be very mindful of my emotions, and eat to nourish my body not my emotions~ <3
    Have a beautiful weekend ALL~*HUGS*
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    SIERRANV1 always have your back <3 , and even a swift kick in the britches ,LOL, when ever you need.
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck this weekend! Try not to fall to hard off the wagon but be sure to have a little fun. Calling for nice weather so I'm sure I'll be enjoying the outdoors after being stuck in an office all week. I have a birthday party and of course a fathers day brunch on Sunday - I'll be repeating " small portions" all weekend!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    <3 you guys!