How I'm doing....



  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    I've had a great week so far. I stumbled upon a few fun finds this week. First, the Madras Lentils at Costco, mmmm so delicious. They come in ready to eat pouches and are lentils, red beans, & spices in a creamy tomato sauce. They taste like creamy chili. The kids love them too so I've had no problem splitting the pouch with them and eating *only* a serving. The box says they are vegetarian, gluten free, no preservatives, no MSG, kosher, and GMO free. Yipee. My second find was the Fitness app on the Xbox One, although I don't think my son is thrilled that I use his Xbox now ;) . They have a bunch of free workouts preloaded - I've tried a few of the 10 minute workouts and have liked all of them because I can always fit in 10 minutes and give it my all for 10 minutes. I also love the Mossa workout - it's a 30 minute workout based on MMA moves - great background music and instructors that are super motivating. It was tons of fun and I was really sore the next day - yay!

    I've been under or just slight above my caloric intake goal each day. I stuck to my new goal of 7,000 steps each day and even went over 10,000 steps yesterday. We went out for sushi and I happily stuck to eating less than usual and didn't feel deprived at all. I haven't bought or made any desserts to have in the house - I have no willpower if that stuff is around. And less desserts certainly doesn't hurt the kids either, they don't seem to miss it. Once in a while we can walk to get ice cream or frozen yogurt - I can get some extra walking in that way while they enjoy a (less often) treat. Win-win!

    Now all I need to do is stay on the wagon for the weekend and I am optimistic about seeing a (small) loss on Monday.

    Good luck to you all and thanks for being here!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited June 2015
    Most and many mornings i hate the scale!!! :s

    Weighing in last monday at 179.4 my all time low since starting MFP this morning i am at 180.2 i sure hope its water weight. I wish i could say, "my bad","I shouldn't of eaten that cake" but i didn't eat anything that was bad for me this week. I should be happy about saying, " i ate healthy and worked out 5 out of 7 days", but the scale makes me very unhappy today. It takes away the good feeling that i had all week, i hate that it has so much control over me. :(

    Hope to see it go but down tomorrow but if not i guess i will change up my week and see if it makes a difference.

    Why does have to be so hard. :'(

    Sorry for venting and i know i have complained about this many times before but it feels good to just get it out. Thanks again for listening !!
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    UGH!!!! So I had a gain of +1 from this past week, and I know exactly where I strayed~tracked beautifully all week long, then came the weekend~I posted prior to the weekend, that I would be mindful of eating to nourish my body, not my emotions~ which it wasn't food that was my challenge this weekend, it was yummy delicious cool fresh margarita's, so I wasn't eating mindlessly as has been one of my biggest challenge's. Ready to move ahead into a new week, and be thankful that I am here with all of you! Congratulations to every-one of you & remember that the most important thing is that we are here for each other, in challenging weeks & victorious weeks, we always have somewhere safe and non judgmental to go~ <3
    Have a beautiful week FRIEND's, because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    matthewsfive - I don't know why the scale and those numbers have so much power over us. After working hard and choosing NOT to eat things we probably wanted to eat, it's so defeating to see a gain or even no loss at all. Hang it there. It'll happen and you'll look back on the hard weeks and be so proud that you stuck with it.

    Sierra - Never fear, you'll be back down again before you know it! Here's to a GREAT week!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone, all of your posts are so positive and inspiring. I also wish there was a "like" button for each post! I have had trouble getting in the groove lately, but you all are helping! Yesterday, I wrote up my goals and printed them out on a small sheet that I can have on me or near me. I posted it on the week 3 thread, but will post it here too in case it inspires others.

  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    I love it Stefie! I think I will do something similar. I love the idea of placing a copy in a few key spots so that you're reminded throughout the day, and at those moments where you are tempted to fall off the wagon.

    It reminds me a little of a step in the book The Beck Diet Solution. Did anyone read that? The very first day you are supposed to write down the reasons you want to lose weight and then refer to those throughout the day. One of our foster dogs half chewed up my copy of the book (I joked that it was because he loved me just the way I was) so I was just looking on Amazon for it and see that she wrote a new book, The Diet Trap Solution. It sounds like it's similar in that it uses cognitive behavioral therapy to train your brain to think differently and make the entire "dieting" process easier, and your new healthy habits a way of life as opposed to a "diet". Curious if anyone else has read either of those and what you thought.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    <3 the post Stefie! What a great idea, thank you for sharing~ :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    @Stefie love it, awesome idea
  • cindileeb
    cindileeb Posts: 15 Member
    Just had an no scale victory, had measurements taken today lost total of 52.25 inches since i started MFP last June.
    I need to remember that the scale isn't the only way to measure my success in this journey. 9 more pounds to my first goal of 100 pounds lost.

    You have inspired me to get back on track, thank you. :)
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning friends~ <3
    I had some good news this morning when I weighed, I lost that 1# that I gained last week, and what I really want to share with you is that I am reveling in the decision I made late last night, which was by far more of a VICTORY than anything on the scale this morning. I returned home from work after 10:00 pm and was in one of those eating frenzy kind of moods, I made a very conscientious decision when I decided instead of going down that path I would take my 3 furry children (Capone, Nacho & Pacino/ Pugs) for a walk around the University and then if I returned home I would permit myself to eat something. Our walk was 45 minutes, and when I returned home the mental hunger was gone, so the results this morning were more than just the scale, it was an absolute NSV (non scale victory) for me, as I took complete control of the situation, rather than my mental/emotional hunger bringing me disappointment and guilt this morning~my self control brought me happiness!
    Have a VICTORIOUS day friends!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    @SIERRANV Way to go and shutting down your craving and not giving in. you must of felt great getting off the scale this morning, bet you did the happy dance. :)
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2015
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Our walk was 45 minutes, and when I returned home the mental hunger was gone, so the results this morning were more than just the scale, it was an absolute NSV (non scale victory) for me, as I took complete control of the situation, rather than my mental/emotional hunger bringing me disappointment and guilt this morning~my self control brought me happiness!

    Wow Sierra! :o AMAZING and so inspiring!!! Thanks for sharing. I have been focused on my goals this week and it is going well. It feels so good to be in a good groove, making healthful decisions. <3
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Yay Sierra and Stefie - love your positive thoughts. And congrats on your victories this week so far!

    I want to thank everyone for being here and supporting each other on this journey. In the last couple of years I have decided to lose weight many times. I'd plan to start, I'd track my breakfast on MFP and sometimes make it through the day and sometimes give up by lunch! I know the difference in my attitude and commitment this time has a lot to do with all of you here. Your support means so much. Knowing you are here to listen and feeling like I will let you down almost as much as I'll let myself down if I throw in the towel is making a huge difference in my determination and motivation. This time around I have not once thought "Who cares!" or "Forget it! I give up, what's the point?" Of course there are moments and days that are hard, when I want to eat too much or things I really shouldn't. But I've gotten through them. I've had a few treats and stopped at a reasonable amount. I've slipped a few times and not let it derail the entire day. I really feel like I can do it this time around and so much of that is thanks to our little support group here. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so full of gratitude and appreciation and admiration for you all.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    cindileeb wrote: »
    Just had an no scale victory, had measurements taken today lost total of 52.25 inches since i started MFP last June.
    I need to remember that the scale isn't the only way to measure my success in this journey. 9 more pounds to my first goal of 100 pounds lost.

    You have inspired me to get back on track, thank you. :smile:)

    Your welcome
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    CatAllie--it goes both ways. Thank YOU for organizing this group. It is asking a difference for me too. :)
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Today we went to a movie and, while I didn't eat any popcorn or snacks, we did go to lunch after where I had a veggie burger with fries. Later today I had a dessert. So my grand total for the day was almost 2200 calories. Eegads! Tomorrow is a new day. :#
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thursday and Friday night dinners out, so controlled what i ate Salad with Shrimp no dressings for both nights. Didn't do well with water the last few days and it showed up this morning. Scale moved up a little over a pound. Going to drink all day today until I float away. LOL. Hope that helps to that what i think is water weight to come back off. :s

    Tonight a graduation party, not looking forward to it. So tired of temptations. :'(