How I'm doing....



  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    CatAlii wrote: »
    Today we went to a movie and, while I didn't eat any popcorn or snacks, we did go to lunch after where I had a veggie burger with fries. Later today I had a dessert. So my grand total for the day was almost 2200 calories. Eegads! Tomorrow is a new day. :#

    I went to a wedding and had cake and a margarita! I went over as well but I danced the night away so I'm sure I burned a few of those calories. No regrets, but more careful eating today.

    My big issue is I'm leaving for Disney world tomorrow and I'll be gone 9 days. Making the best choices will be a challenge, but I hope not impossible. Wish me luck!
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    NSV! Shorts that were busting at the button went on comfortably today. Went out for breakfast with the family and skipped the normal omelette and went for the BLT (weigh-in day tomorrow !)
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Cat--you resisted the popcorn! That is a victory. Vera--I hear you on the temptations!!! I am going on vacation in a couple of days and am a little nervous...always harder to keep on track when away on vacay.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    StefieS wrote: »
    Cat--you resisted the popcorn! That is a victory. Vera--I hear you on the temptations!!! I am going on vacation in a couple of days and am a little nervous...always harder to keep on track when away on vacay.

    Stefie enjoy your vacation away, just don't give in to the vacation when it comes to eating. You will have an awesome time. I found that dinner was the hardest, but remember if you are at a sit down type of place maybe they will cut back on the fats when they are cooking your food just ask them. It worked for me this past march when i went to Antiqua.

    Have Fun
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good Morning Ladies! I want to thank you all for your kind words & support, so many beautiful words of encouragement and endless support here~I wish everyone a wonderful & safe week ahead! I am heading out the door soon, for the day and wanted to take a moment to post this morning and let you ALL know I appreciate YOU~Have a beautiful day!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    After weighing in today i decided that my weigh in day will be on Wednesdays. I weigh in at the gym every Wednesday. I have a real problem with getting on the scale. I have to stop getting on everyday. Its driving my crazy. I can't see the yo-yoing anymore. I work soooo hard and when the scale goes up instead of down it makes me want to quit. I am not quitting. As :) i hope that no one minds with me going to Wednesdays. If my gym schedule changes to Monday i will go back to Mondays. I do like Monday weigh ins because it keeps me motivated over the weekends to make the right choices. I refuse to give into the weekend trap. I work so hard during the week i will not lose it over the weekends. :)
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    You need to do what works best for you in keeping your momentum going. You have so very much to be proud of and I am so inspired by you and your posts here in our group. I myself have to make it a point to stay off the scale, accept for weigh in days as I don't want to get discouraged about that damn number! I actually weighed at home this morning and after I worked out at the gym today, if I put either one of those weights in for this week, I will have to cry :'( ~however rather than sabotage myself I have decided to proceed with the week, and just get through the 4th of July! I know Cat is very supportive of each and everyone of us, and I imagine she would support your decision, and have you post on the weekly weigh in on the day that supports your journey.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    <3:)@SIERRA Thanks
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Despite the emotional up & down I've been on this week trying to stay focused. Counting my blessings and trying to shake it off so to speak. Remember people only have power over u if u let them.
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    I am on vacation and it's harder than I thought to stay on track bc the place I'm staying offers complimentary continental breakfast w croisants and cinnamon sticky rolls, both to die for!!! Sigh...
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Stefie stay focused, don't give in.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    Thankful this week is almost behind me. Challenging especially with all of the deliciously delightful indulgences that go along with the 4th of July~ B)
    Happy 4th of July to everyone!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great week and a wonderful 4th of July. It was definitely a challenge with the holiday weekend. Thank goodness I don't weigh-in on Fridays or I would have BLOWN IT on Saturday. I didn't do too badly over the weekend but I guess we'll see what the scale thinks tomorrow am. :#
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    I am still away on vacation---and am NOT doing well w my eating. These are excuses, but hard to be on vacation w kiddos and a holiday, with so many delicious treats everywhere! There is a special bakery, special ice cream parlor, etc. resisted ice cream yesterday when my kids got it, and have managed to continue with some tennis lessons, but scared to get on the scale come Monday (I return home Sunday). Hope everyone had a good July 4th and that you are doing well!!
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    StefieS wrote: »
    I am still away on vacation---and am NOT doing well w my eating. These are excuses, but hard to be on vacation w kiddos and a holiday, with so many delicious treats everywhere! There is a special bakery, special ice cream parlor, etc. resisted ice cream yesterday when my kids got it, and have managed to continue with some tennis lessons, but scared to get on the scale come Monday (I return home Sunday). Hope everyone had a good July 4th and that you are doing well!!

    Stefie, you can only try to do your best.

    I was at Disney World for 6 days and Universal Studios for 2. I tried to make the best choices, but I didn't always. I'm hoping the 27 plus miles I walked during those days will help the scale not move up too much. Yes, I know it will move up so I'm not going to freak out. I'll just have a get back on track and move on.

    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    Stefie & JMRod,
    Enjoy your vacation Stefie & welcome back JMRod from yours! The fact both of you have exercised while vacationing is so wonderful and encouraging. Additionally you are making and have made conscious efforts & decisions along the way, all the while staying in touch with your MFP friend's!
    (your supposed to be on vacation!;))
    You two have inspired me in knowing I will make it through mine at the end of this month~thank you both.
    <3~ Memories ~ :) have and are being made so enjoy!
    To all of my beautiful MFP Friend's I hope everyone is having a good week. Thank you for being here for you, me & us!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Stefie you will be okay just refocus . Don't let the number on the scale upset you, i know its easier said then done. Just remember the water weight gain from the flight. IF you can hold back don't weigh in, give yourself extra time. Wait until the end of the week.

    Have a safe trip back.

    Should be a good weekend not much happening, temptations should be low. Goal is to workout all three days. Want to see that scale move on Monday, the right direction.

    Wishing you all a great weekend. <3
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Was too scared to get on scale yesterday after vacation, and am still having trouble getting back on track. Time to re-read my goals and insist that I refocus, which actually feels like starting over, because I really haven't lost any weight and likely have gained from my starting weight. I can do it!!! Need to take care of mysf!
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    StefieS wrote: »
    Was too scared to get on scale yesterday after vacation, and am still having trouble getting back on track. Time to re-read my goals and insist that I refocus, which actually feels like starting over, because I really haven't lost any weight and likely have gained from my starting weight. I can do it!!! Need to take care of myself!

  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a little frustrated with my gain this week. I know the huge loss the week before was mostly (or all) water but I didn't expect to see the scale go back up that much. I walked SO much last week but I also ate more than I have been. The frustrating part is that even though I ate more than my daily goal most days, I still ate less than I used to and low enough that MFP would tell me that I would lose weight if I continued to eat this much. So I didn't expect to see the scale jump back up so much. What I really hate is how bad it made me feel throughout the day. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a window and thought "EW!"