ACTIVE AUGUST - Exercise Related August Challenge



  • abi111
    abi111 Posts: 50 Member
    What is your current exercise level/program?
    nothing except day to day walking

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month?
    walking minimum 8,000 steps a day. adding some body weight and weights with my 6kg dumbbells in 2 times a week.

    What are your goals and expectations?
    to start building up my fitness and strength.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    What is your current exercise level/program?
    - I lift weights in my garage a few times a week and do some walking

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. which item(s) from the suggested list are you adding or modifying)
    -I want to have a solid lifting programme that I stick to. I will be doing lifting 3 times per week.
    -I want to walk an average of 15,000 steps per day
    -I want to play more physically active games with my kids (2&4 years of age)
    -I want to be more active on the weekends
    -I want to do a short jog 4 times a week (10 minutes each jog)

    What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety, tone, lose inches, build muscle mass, improve endurance, jumpstart metabolism, train for marathon, etc. )
    -I want to reach 76.5kg by the end of the month (currently 79.5kg)
    -I want to be active enough to eat more food :-)
    -I want my kids to move more

  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I'm in too for this and the Appetizing August Challenge

    What is your current exercise level/program?

    None under doctor's orders

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. which item(s) from the suggested list are you adding or modifying)

    I am going to walk at least 30 minutes each day either outdoors (preferably) or Walk with Leslie
    I am going to start building strength after the 15th (doctor's appt) with squats, adding a little every couple of days
    I am going to continue building strength the following week with wall push-ups, adding a little every couple of days

    What are your goals and expectations?

    Build endurance, make my muscles into fat burning machines, keep inflammation low

  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    htecky76 wrote: »
    Is this what the challenge is looking for or am I misunderstanding?

    You got it!!

  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    What is my current exercise program... None, I have medical restrictions right now.

    The specifics of my challenge for the month..... I want to keep moving. . I have to stay within my restrictions, but I want to be able to track my steps on my Fitbit Charge HR.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited July 2015
    Learning from the July Fasting challenge, that I usually don't do well on very high ambitions, my babysteps are fairly low for this one. It's better for me to not expect anything, then be happy when I surprise myself of doing more than I set out to do.

    What is your current exercise level/program?
    Current regime is 1-2 hours mostly walking/hiking per day. 1x/week I train very hard including sprints with a longer session lasting up to 2-3 hours, this would be cycling, a bit of BWF, ski/rowing machine and hilly walking for example. 1x or so I try do an Ashtanga yoga class which is very BWF oriented. I also try to stretch/foamroll, but I often push it to next day... I try to vary my training in intensity and form.

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month?
    I have tendonitis in left arm, so can't backsquat, OHP or bench. I suspect muscle imbalances, maybe too weak chest and lats. This month I will try go to a strength class or do BWF on my own at least 1x/week in addition to my regular training. If I can do mini workouts every day à la Grease the Groove, I will do that too as a bonus. I will also aim to do some sort of rehab work on my arm every day.

    What are your goals and expectations? My goal is to repair tendonitis in arm, get more flexibility in hip and hams, stronger upper body. I know from experience that slow and organic building fitness works better for me. So I don't expect any miracles, what I would like is to further improve my training habits for a more balanced lower and upper body.

    Everything is about balance. Crushing it every single workout is not sustainable if you do it every day. Training is a good way for me to be in the present moment, work through emotions and it forces me to listen to what are healthy boundaries. Sometimes I also get a dopamine rush that feels like happiness. If the effects of training could be put in a pill, that pharmaceutical would make someone rich...
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member

    What is your current exercise level/program? Close to nothing

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? Recoup from a big toe procedure, start walking more. Getting used to pushing off with it when walking, I kind of walk flat footed now.

    What are your goals and expectations? Get my step count to 5k daily
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    Have decided to add a swimming challenge as a goal for the month and have signed up to the British Swimming site challenge to swim the distance of the English Channel, 22 miles. I will need to swim about 45 lengths a day to do it in the month ( I am away for a few days with no access to a pool) Currently only manage about 30, but plan to keep adding a few lengths each day. May not finish in the month, but will give it a good go.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I'm happy with the exercise levels I'm achieving at the moment so my challenge to myself for this month is more of a lifestyle change I guess. I have become preoccupied by the number on the scale and weigh myself 2-3 times per day right now, I think something inside my head feels more in control with the constant feedback. Now that I feel like I am sticking well to this way of eating I want to challenge myself not to weigh for a whole month.
    The goal is to teach myself that I don't need to be monitoring my weight on a daily basis to benefit from this diet, the weight will come off even if I'm not looking.
    My start weight today is 75.9kg. Based on my loss for the last couple of months, next time I stand on the scales I'd like to see 72.x :-0. I have a summer break and a marathon swim to fit in between now and then so that may be quite a big ask this month!
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I'm getting ready for tomorrow. I just installed a pull up bar on my kid's swing set. :)

  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Initial post:
    What is your current exercise level/program?
    I walk almost daily on my lunch for about 30 minutes

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. which item(s) from the suggested list are you adding or modifying)
    I joined @slimzandra group for 30 days of yoga. I started yesterday with day one. I plan to do the full month of august. I also started a 5 minute plank challenge on Wednesday and can really feel it today, since my core needs the most work, I am going to do that program every other day. I will continue to walk on my lunches

    What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety, tone, lose inches, build muscle mass, improve endurance, jumpstart metabolism, train for marathon, etc. )
    I really hope to loosen up my neck and back with the yoga. I've had back problems for many years and each time I try to incorporate any form of strength training I end up with muscle spasms that sideline me for at least a week. I believe strengthening my core will help my back. I also suffer from some si joint issues as well as hip flexor pain from sitting at a desk all day, I would really love to no longer have that pain so I can sleep on my back for longer than 10 minutes.
    I would really like to lose some inches too, I have a pair of size 6 jeans that were given to me by a friend, even though I can fit in other size 6 pants, these ones have never fit. I want to wear them!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Am I the only one thinking "oh crap! This starts tomorrow!"?
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    Am I the only one thinking "oh crap! This starts tomorrow!"?

    No you're not alone. I'm sitting here with my toe swollen and bloody,
    thinking "How in the world am I going to start walking, let alone 5k steeps."

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Am I the only one thinking "oh crap! This starts tomorrow!"?

    No you're not alone. I'm sitting here with my toe swollen and bloody,
    thinking "How in the world am I going to start walking, let alone 5k steeps."

    I don't have any injuries. I'm just lazy! Lol
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Making the final push for the last 10 pounds.

    Goal is to work out 5x weekly for 30 minutes at moderate to high intensity level.
    Since I really resist exercising I want to try out a variety of exercises and find which ones I might like enough to work into a sustainable plan.
    My structure will be to get the job done in the am to avoid a day long "excuses parade."
    I will post weekly progress on Sundays and in between as needed.

    Good luck everyone!
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    Am I the only one thinking "oh crap! This starts tomorrow!"?

    I am thinking "oh crap" if I go swimming every day for a month my hair is going to look like a birds nest by September!!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Am I the only one thinking "oh crap! This starts tomorrow!"?

    I am thinking "oh crap" if I go swimming every day for a month my hair is going to look like a birds nest by September!!

    Coconut oil!
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member

    Coconut oil!

    Thanks, will try this. Do you use it like conditioner and wash it out?

  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member

    Coconut oil!

    Thanks, will try this. Do you use it like conditioner and wash it out?

    Nope just leave it in after you shower. You can use an apple cider vinegar with water mix as a conditioning rinse after shampooing then after you get out of the shower massage a little coconut oil into your hair
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. I obviously won't get much done in the challenge, but if it's OK, I would like to stay in it until my surgery....