ACTIVE AUGUST - Exercise Related August Challenge



  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. I obviously won't get much done in the challenge, but if it's OK, I would like to stay in it until my surgery....

    Of course, it's okay. It may help with your recovery too
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    toadqueen wrote: »
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. I obviously won't get much done in the challenge, but if it's OK, I would like to stay in it until my surgery....

    Of course, it's okay. It may help with your recovery too

    Thank you.
    I thought it might help, too.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day. But I got restless and went for a bike ride. Then my daughter wanted to go to the track after dinner, so I jogged a mile and sprinted a bunch. Oh well, now it's time to focus on strength....

    I bought two books: The New Rules of Lifting (weights) and You Are Your Own Gym (bodyweight). I've decided to focus on bodyweight exercises, since they're much more convenient, seem less risky in terms of injuries, and I haven't come close to exhausting their potential in terms of difficulty yet.

    So I installed a pull up bar, and I did one pull up today. Much room for improvement. :)

    I did a bunch of push ups, including decline push ups. I used the book's idea of "perfect form" and touched my chest to the ground with each push up. Much harder than my old style.

    I also tried to do a hand-stand push up. Ehrm, I'm not ready yet. :(

    Finally, I did a bunch of squats.

    I still need to develop an actual routine, but I like the variations presented in You Are Your Own Gym, so I just need to settle on something. I may cut way back on cardio this month as part of the experiment.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day. But I got restless and went for a bike ride. Then my daughter wanted to go to the track after dinner, so I jogged a mile and sprinted a bunch. Oh well, now it's time to focus on strength....

    I bought two books: The New Rules of Lifting (weights) and You Are Your Own Gym (bodyweight). I've decided to focus on bodyweight exercises, since they're much more convenient, seem less risky in terms of injuries, and I haven't come close to exhausting their potential in terms of difficulty yet.

    So I installed a pull up bar, and I did one pull up today. Much room for improvement. :)

    I did a bunch of push ups, including decline push ups. I used the book's idea of "perfect form" and touched my chest to the ground with each push up. Much harder than my old style.

    I also tried to do a hand-stand push up. Ehrm, I'm not ready yet. :(

    Finally, I did a bunch of squats.

    I still need to develop an actual routine, but I like the variations presented in You Are Your Own Gym, so I just need to settle on something. I may cut way back on cardio this month as part of the experiment.

    Wow! Impressive if you ask me!
    Exercise is my current hurdle. I've tried a little bit of several things, but consistency is my issue.
    I still need to get my walk in today. But I am going to do it!
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Exercise is my current hurdle. I've tried a little bit of several things, but consistency is my issue.
    I still need to get my walk in today. But I am going to do it!

    You know how low-carb becomes easy once you've established it as a habit? Same for exercise.

    For me, it helped to establish a specific goal, like training for a 5K event. Once that happened, I kept running to improve my time for the next event. Momentum keeps me going.

    The step counters do seem to help with establishing a walking habit. Download an app on your phone if you haven't already.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Just saw this but i am sooo in !!

    will post back with what i got in for today!!
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    What is your current exercise level/ program?
    I exercise around 4 times a week usually around an hour doing different cardio and strength training exercises.

    What are the specifics of your challenge this week/month?
    To get in a 5 th day each week, and switch things up a little. I really want to try this boot camp class.

    What are your goals and expectations?
    My first goal is to break out of this 7 week stahl, and I love to reach 100lbs down by the end of August.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am so happy that I started today! I have not been able to do any kind of exercise at all for medical reasons. The 1/2 hour of walking was tough but I did it! It was too hot out so I walked to "So You Think You Can Dance" - okay O danced a little too. I already feel pain in my legs (all over actually) but I am going to continue unless my doctor tells me to stop. I still have muscles!!!
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    toadqueen wrote: »
    I am so happy that I started today! I have not been able to do any kind of exercise at all for medical reasons. The 1/2 hour of walking was tough but I did it! It was too hot out so I walked to "So You Think You Can Dance" - okay O danced a little too. I already feel pain in my legs (all over actually) but I am going to continue unless my doctor tells me to stop. I still have muscles!!!

    Good for you! I took Winslow for a short walk... Long walk for him with his short legs. :-D
  • simbartes
    simbartes Posts: 64 Member
    edited August 2015
    What is your current exercise level/program?
    Zero. Zip. Nada. I'm a slug and I haven't done formal exercise in years. To be honest I hate exercise at my current weight. It's painful.
    I used to do two to four hours a day of aerobics and weight training in my twenties, I was trim and fit and loved the feeling that a spin class for example gave me. There ain't no way I got four hours (or even two hours) to spare for that kind of regime now.

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month?
    1. I brought a Fitbit one. I want to increase my activity level throughout the day. I tossed up getting a Fitbit flex but thought that a fitness band on the wrist of an obese middle aged woman would be vaguely ridiculous. I can hide the Fitbit one. I'm really looking forward to it. I plan on setting a vibration alarm to remind me to walk around for ten minutes or so every hour I'm at work.
    2. I've lost 25 pounds in the last two months (very happy with this) and now feel it's time to add some exercise into the picture. There is an excellent well equipped gym at my apartment complex which I want to start using.

    What are your goals and expectations?
    1. Get at least 5000 steps (recorded by Fitbit one) and hopefully increase that to the 10000 recommended by the end of the month.
    2. Take the stairs at work (three flights) twice a day.
    3. Start a fitness program, focusing on weighs and fifteen minutes or so of cardio. Three times a week. I've even taken a week off work to figure it all out and try and work out what time of day to do the workouts.

    1. Keep losing weight or inches
    2. Tone up a little bit
    3. Sleep better
    4. I do expect to feel sore and tired and sorry for myself. But I also expect to feel like I achieved my set goals and that the negatives were worth the gains.

    Ridiculously long reply. Sorry.
    I am just a bit excited about slowly getting back into fitness and health. I remember well how good I felt and looked when I was fit. I remember what it was like to have my body do the things I asked of it and I want that feeling back. I know it's a slow process though. This challenge is perfect for me this month and replying once a week will be great.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    What is your current exercise level/program? Close to nothing
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? Recoup from a big toe procedure, start walking more. Getting used to pushing off with it when walking, I kind of walk flat footed now.
    What are your goals and expectations? Get my step count to 5k daily

    8-1 1533 steps
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited August 2015
    toadqueen wrote: »
    I am so happy that I started today! I have not been able to do any kind of exercise at all for medical reasons. The 1/2 hour of walking was tough but I did it! It was too hot out so I walked to "So You Think You Can Dance" - okay O danced a little too. I already feel pain in my legs (all over actually) but I am going to continue unless my doctor tells me to stop. I still have muscles!!!

    I love that show!...You're such a trooper :)

    Week 1 report: I have successfully done a strength class today, plus 1 hour spinning. Did NOT feel like doing it this morning, but I said to myself: "I'm gonna feel so good after!"...Yep.

    Have done my other sessions as well this week, including 2 hrs hike in the woods yesterday and more foamrolling than usual in the night infront of TV. I'm happy so far. I don't feel overwhelmed by the goals I set at start.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    What is your current exercise level/program?

    Gym 3x week, with a general goal of being less sedentary the rest of the week but nothing specific there.

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. which item(s) from the suggested list are you adding or modifying)

    I'm going to participate in the monthly challenge from reddit's great flexibility sub:

    I need to be doing a daily stretching routine, right now I do take a few minutes every day to stretch something but its pretty random. I know my hips are insanely tight, possibly a cause of the one strange pelvic floor pain that I had that hasn't gone away, and definitely a focus when I had a knee injury earlier in the year.

    What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety, tone, lose inches, build muscle mass, improve endurance, jumpstart metabolism, train for marathon, etc. )

    Improve flexibility, improve my squats/reduce risk of injury while doing them.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    Stretches. All the time. Stretches while sitting, stretches while standing, stretches while lying down.... you get the picture. :smiley: This is working remarkably well. A few stretches at a time across the entire day while going about daily life is relieving a lot of the tightness in my back, neck, hips and legs. Going to add in some yoga poses (which I'm finding are creeping into exercise routines across the net with new names). People are doing yoga and don't even know it.

    I did some spring cleaning get myself off my butt a bit more and am planning on oiling the wooden window sills that need attention.

    Spring is just around the corner so I'm going to get the garden ready for planting and will get some pots ready to replace some of the flowers.

  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    We are off to a great start! There are 28 participants thus far. We will have the posts for each week on Saturday/Sunday or whatever works best with a wrap up at the end of the month. We can also post anytime for support and encouragement!

    It is really good to see the level of enthusiasm for this challenge...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    The challenge is really helping me make myself stick to it. I committed to 30 days of yoga, yesterday and today I didn't really feel like doing it but I would've felt really guilty if I hadn't. I think this will help force me to develop a good habit of daily exercise.
  • PasPlus
    PasPlus Posts: 31 Member
    Started on Aug 1st but posting late sorry. So far so good though :-)

    What is your current exercise level/program? Busy life and sawing wood by hand for the fire each night.

    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? 30 minutes exercise - treadmill and weights each night plus 10,000 steps per day minimum.

    What are your goals and expectations? Providing structure to activity so it becomes habit, maintaining weight and increasing stamina and strength.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    edited August 2015
    8-1 1533 steps

    8-2 567 steps, my toe still hurts :(

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Luiz, Good goal. Yea, stop daily repeated weigh ins. As a former scale bouncer, I actually found just weighing in Monday morning, Once a week, is working out much better for me. I have something to look forward to. I have a healtho'meter doctors scale, so instead of mindlessly nudging centimeters along the weight line, up and down every day, I can get a solid 1-1.5 lbs at the beginning of the week. It's a much more satisfying experience. Giggle.

    I'm on Day 3 of my Yoga with Adriene. . I'm really enjoying it, except that at my current weight, I've really noticed my lumps getting in the way. Oh well. Not for long.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I'm behind on my steps so far but I plan to get caught up today.