100% Challenge – Losing on a Jet Plane! August 3rd to September 13th



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Aw, love the pic, Sue.

    Fingers crossed for ya for your BD. :)

    100% 8/21
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    08/21/2015 Not 100%

    Hi All
    Short story behind the not. I was busy De-cluttering in the basement and missed a plan snack, When I realized it it was way, way past so I just left it out for the day :)

    I was walking and what a beautiful day, cool and low humidity and a mild breeze. I walked past 7 deer in three locations, one in a front yard near the brook, and two clusters of three along that brooks parkland. I keep looking for the Owls I hear every day during the walks and have yet to spot one.

    Have A Great Weekend

    P.S. It seems I am the first one posting here today :)
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Hello Gang :),

    god what a week....I am glad and grateful that one is behind me.....stayed on track hoping on a good weekend :).

    08/19 - 100%
    08/20 - 100 %
    08/21 - 100 %

    Congrats Rhonda on your nice drop :). Especially since your scale wasn't behaving well in moving that kind of drop is nice to see :).

    Flo, I hope your issues with your eye will be resolved soon and that it gets better soon.

    Otherwise, I hope everybody is doing well :). Not sure how many know but I set myself a goal to reach 180 lbs. or below on my birthday which is on 08/30 so 9 days from today....I have a feeling that I am not going to make that mini goal which is ok but it would've been nice lol....maybe Mr. Scales will be nice....either way....one good story to lift up my spirit was when we went to Sea world last week and I posted pictures on Facebook. Tons of wonderful comments how good I look now with all that weight loss so that made me grow instantly 2 inches lol.

    Posting one with me and my son :)


    Hi Sue
    Good Luck meeting the Birthday goal.

    What a Nice picture, You Look great too, I bet You enjoyed Seaworld too.

    Have a Nice day
  • rlshelor
    rlshelor Posts: 598 Member
    8/21 - 100%


    Goal: June 24, 2012




  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member

    Rogertoo - sorry the pic is so big, but your turkey sighting made me think of this pair that flew up 3 stories to the railing of my deck and scared the heck out of me one Sunday morning when I was making coffee. About a dozen of their friends were down on the ground. I see one here and there in the suburbs, but never this close or this many...

    Flo - that's terrible about your eye and hope it heals quickly with no long-term effects. Do you play music?

    Sue - awesome pic and you look very happy! : - ) sounds like it was a good trip!

    It's been a tough couple of days for me. Eating out too much & thinking about my dad. His birthday was Wednesday and today marks the 2 yr anniversary of his passing. Miss him every day, but must march on...

    Well that it's for me for now... Need to get a few things done before I go to yoga.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Roger, it makes me think of My Cousin Vinny when I read that you are looking for the owls.

    Mary, yes, I play the Pipe Organ and compose music as well. I know it's hard when those anniversaries come about. Bless you, hon.

    Raining steadily and it is wonderful. Will be doing all my moving inside today, however.

    Eye is improving every day and hopefully will continue to do so with no need for laser repair. I just have to be careful doing some things and minimal time online. Just hope tomorrow I can play the Organ w/o any problem ...

  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    100% 8/21 Got to wear casual clothes yesterday at work so I put on some jeans that a couple of months ago were to tight and they were loose! It felt really good

    Mary Nice picture of the turkeys! sorry about your Dad. Those anniversaries are so hard.

    Flo--glad your eye is better!
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    Way to go on the jeans, Ginny! What a great feeling!

    Flo, wow! What a tremendous instrument, the pipe organ! I wish I would have stayed in music. I played the accordian competively as a kid and did well. But quit in rebellion as a teenager and never went back to it. Still love music though, thus Jazzercise as my exercise of choice and musical theater as entertainment in the summer.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Good for you, Ginny. Doesn't it feel wonderful? :)

    You would be surprised how many calories I burn practicing that huge 3-tier Pipe Organ, too, Mary. I was surprised. Oh, I rebelled, too, as a teen. LOL! Brings back memories. But, I had had around 12 years of Piano lessons and guess it stuck with me. The Pipe Organ, however, is all self-taught. I still have a lot to learn with it. Very challenging instrument for sure. I play both instruments at Church and Piano at home; practice former twice weekly and latter just about everyday. I also play the Psaltery, Guitar, and Indian Flute.

    You ought to pick up the instrument again, Mary.

    100% 8/22



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  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    8/22 100%
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited August 2015
    100% 8/22 WI 198.6 (-1.2)
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited August 2015
    that's just weird...I just posted that above on 8/23 (my current weight) and it says I did it yesterday evening?
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    Hey Ginny... I see 8/23 at the bottom of your post...
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi all :).. Thanks for all the positive comments... This picture and others were huge for me as I never liked my picture taken...always thought people are judging and looking because of my weight...silly I know but my confidence level last year was at an all time low....not anymore though ...it's a battle and I am getting there....sneakpeak in the scale is promising but officially tomorrow :).

    Mary I know just too well how you feel..my mom passed 6 years away and I am still struggling with it...her birthdays and holidays are hard for me.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    08/22/2015 Not 100%
    -1.5 pounds despite the two not 100% days

    Hi All
    I Walked past the Supermarket and wore my $10 Backpack so I could do some light shopping, 10 Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, They had Strawberry Cheesecake flavor and Boston Creme Pie and Passion Fruit. 5 Bananas and a couple of Crystal Light and 2 cans of Coconut water @30 calories (Impulse Buy) :) Before I left I pulled the Frozen Water bottle out of the freezer, wrapped it in a Bath Towel and used it to ensure the Yogurt stayed cool. 2.89 miles + whatever distance I did walking around the Grocery Store. It would be nice if they had fruits and dairy adjacent instead of at opposite ends of the store, I know why they do that to encourage Impulse Buys.

    A beautiful Morning out, in the 60s with low humidity and still only 69 degrees when I finally got home 2.5 hours later. I weighed the Backpack @ 9.5 pounds and It sure impacted my speed walking. I could not believe I used to carry a lot more than that in excess weight :)

    Have a Great Sunday

    Rogertoo - sorry the pic is so big, but your turkey sighting made me think of this pair that flew up 3 stories to the railing of my deck and scared the heck out of me one Sunday morning when I was making coffee. About a dozen of their friends were down on the ground. I see one here and there in the suburbs, but never this close or this many...

    Flo - that's terrible about your eye and hope it heals quickly with no long-term effects. Do you play music?

    Sue - awesome pic and you look very happy! : - ) sounds like it was a good trip!

    It's been a tough couple of days for me. Eating out too much & thinking about my dad. His birthday was Wednesday and today marks the 2 yr anniversary of his passing. Miss him every day, but must march on...

    Well that it's for me for now... Need to get a few things done before I go to yoga.

    Hi Mary
    Interesting picture, 3 floors up too, they must have really wanted to be up there.

    If You run Windows, You have MS Paint as a part of it and You can use it to resize an image easily, That is what I use despite also having a Photo editing program I could also use.

    Here is what a 10% resize looks like. I made it that way to save storage space, I resized it and then cropped it to remove white space.

    Sorry about Your week, I get that way at the date of Pops passing too.
    Roger, it makes me think of My Cousin Vinny when I read that you are looking for the owls.

    Mary, yes, I play the Pipe Organ and compose music as well. I know it's hard when those anniversaries come about. Bless you, hon.

    Raining steadily and it is wonderful. Will be doing all my moving inside today, however.

    Eye is improving every day and hopefully will continue to do so with no need for laser repair. I just have to be careful doing some things and minimal time online. Just hope tomorrow I can play the Organ w/o any problem ...

    Hi Flo
    IMO You have serious skills playing all of those instruments.

    Continued Good Luck with the Eye
    ginnywed wrote: »
    100% 8/21 Got to wear casual clothes yesterday at work so I put on some jeans that a couple of months ago were to tight and they were loose! It felt really good

    Mary Nice picture of the turkeys! sorry about your Dad. Those anniversaries are so hard.

    Flo--glad your eye is better!

    Hi Ginny
    Congratulations on the NSV tmje.gif

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Hi all :).. Thanks for all the positive comments... This picture and others were huge for me as I never liked my picture taken...always thought people are judging and looking because of my weight...silly I know but my confidence level last year was at an all time low....not anymore though ...it's a battle and I am getting there....sneakpeak in the scale is promising but officially tomorrow :).

    Mary I know just too well how you feel..my mom passed 6 years away and I am still struggling with it...her birthdays and holidays are hard for me.

    Hi Sue
    I have very few pictures of myself, I never liked looking at them. I completely understand Your reasons :)

    Good Luck with the Weigh In
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for the tip, Roger. Admittedly, I have a laptop that I don't use well. Bought a new one for myself last Christmas with Windows 8 and find it clunky to find anything on with the touchscreen. Sure miss the start menu...

    Sue, I'm right with you with the camera. Once it gets pulled out, I'm walking the other direction. Never have been very photogenic and feel the same as Roger, never like looking at myself in them.

    Appreciate all the supportive posts... We can all relate to the loss of a loved one. Not looking at it as an excuse, but definitely one of those life's moments getting thrown at me this week...

    Oh, and Flo, I just was telling my sister that I think I'm going to get rid of my desk in my office and buy a keyboard so I can take piano lessons. Took 8 yrs of accordian lessons and was at an advanced level, but that was 40 years ago. Will let you know if I pull the trigger and actually do it... No longer have an accordian and they can be kind of pricey & its hard to find music & teacher...

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks, Roger.

    Oh, and Flo, I just was telling my sister that I think I'm going to get rid of my desk in my office and buy a keyboard so I can take piano lessons. Took 8 yrs of accordian lessons and was at an advanced level, but that was 40 years ago. Will let you know if I pull the trigger and actually do it... No longer have an accordian and they can be kind of pricey & its hard to find music & teacher...

    Oh, that's wonderful, Mary. Glad you are going to get a keyboard. I have one here, too, and use it with a lot of my compositions. You should be able to do this w/o much effort since you already know how to read music.

    I was able to play the Pipe Organ and Piano w/o any problem this morning. Just enlarged the music a little more and plunged in. The blurriness is all but gone. So, think I've dodged the bullet. Will see Doc again this week.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    WI: 170.8 - no change - no loss/no gain

    100% 8/23



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  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    8/23 100%
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    These hot temps and humidity are killing me. My temp showed 101 today. Can even step outside without feeling the heat. And just think, in FL we don't get cooler for a few more months.