what did you do for your body today?



  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    So where to begin..... Well I did a 20 min bike warm up then we got in to it. He is not following 5x5 to a tee but I think this may work. So we did 5 sets of 5 reps at 185lb deadlifts followed by stretches and 5x5 standing overhead presses at 65lbs. I tweaked my lower back on my last set of deadlifts. Perfect form until I did not reset the weight and tries to pull the weight back up while it was going down. I persevered and moved on to pull downs 5x10 at 125 lbs then 3x10 box jumps. I tried the kettle ball toss but that hurt in the lower back. Then moved on to body weight rows to push ups 5x5 again with no rest so very high intensity cardio as well.

    Muscles ache but it's a good ache. Lower back still hurts but not insanely painful, so I think I will be ok. I bought some protein powder and changed up my diet to help with muscle recovery while hopefully still maintaining a calorie deficit of some sort. MFP has me at 1900 cals but I have been eating closer to 1350 per day. My new eating has me up to 1900-2000 but jacked my protein up from 100 to 180-200g. I will monitor my weight loss and measurements closely as I do not want to halt my weight loss.

    I guess if I am adding lean muscle and still shedding fat even if the scales don't change I should by all rights be getting smaller.

    Now because we haven't worked through all the excersizes but will over the next couple Friday's I will be doing some what modified workouts. My plan once I have all the tools in place is this. M-W-F will be weights in the am before work and then my 3km walk at lunch. T-T will be 25 min cardio in am before work and my 3 km walks at lunch. Weekends will be rest days unless I do a walk or a hike but I will try to keep low intensity here.

    I am super excited to see if this works as planned lol
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Had a follow up fitness assessment done on Wednesday. Heart health is better, I doubled my sit ups, I increased flexibility, I lost 4% body fat, I lost weight, and I lost inches. All this is great but I also lost strength and muscle, I have only been doing cardio. I have always wanted to try the 5x5 strength training system. So I asked the trainer if he could walk me through it with their equipment. I pulled the trigger and bought 3 personal training days (1hr each). My first session is with him this afternoon, I am excite about it. This will also mean a change in my diet, upping my protein and maybe a slight increase in calories, however remaining in a caloric deficit.

    That's awesome BT! You'll have to tell us how it went this afternoon- hope you had a great session! Congrats on the improvements. It looks like you're making great strides towards your goal- keep it up! I'm rooting for ya!
  • Kiismyaces
    Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
    That's great to hear, keep us posted! Thinking personal training is definitely going to boost you :)