First Responders Meat and Greet



  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    yay, I can't wait to get started. I am going to be really lazy and just ask here when we start (I know it is in the information section of the page but I am too lazy to look for it!). I am moving house and starting a new job in the next couple of weeks so will be getting into a new routine and I am sure I will be tempted to spend a lot of time sitting on my *kitten* so everyone is encouraged to shout at me to put down the crisps and go for a run! :smiley:
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    Hi all, I'm Joy and I am a communications supervisor for a private EMS agency. I have a long way to go before I hit maintenance and I'm up for a new challenge.

    On that, does anyone know if we set new goals weekly or if the initial goals are to be carried through all six weeks?

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi Sara! Thanks for the heads up on this, I really needed it. You are awesome!

    Hi Louise! I'm so glad you are doing this challenge with us. What is your new job? and moving? again? WOW!

    I logged all my food from yesterday so I am off to a good start, but I didn't do the night things until this morning, so I might give myself a little leeway on that point (on my weekly goals). I still only have the ipad for the house, it just not my favorite computer to work on.

    Hi Joy, I think the goals you set are meant to last the whole challenge, but I could be wrong, send Cindy a message, she is great at getting back to people with answers.

    Happy Thursday everyone!!!
  • twofastdogs
    twofastdogs Posts: 37 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello! I'm not in the medical field, but I'm required to deal with lots of emergencies and issues in my job, so this is close enough! Here are my three goals:
    1) Diary every day.
    2) Stay within calories 5/7 days a week.
    3) Gym/exercise four days a week.
    Let's stay alive and avoid those zombies. :)
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks Angi!

    With that in mind...
    • Pre-log my food plan for the next day.
    • Drink my water goal every day.
    • Stay wit

      I struggle with all three of these goals, but they are the ones I want to master. I know that may seem like a push - calorie goal every day, but I figure it's only six weeks. If I can't push myself a bit more than normal, then it isn't a challenge. Also, I admit that I factored in that Thanksgiving doesn't fall in any of those weeks.

      Also, if anyone wants a new friend, feel free to add me :)
  • kaylamichellemason
    kaylamichellemason Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I'm Kayla and I am an Oncology nurse. I love me some Walking Dead! Ive been trying to be healthier and to lose weight so that I have more energy. I've lost 8 pounds so far.
    1. Stay under my calorie goal 6/7 days
    2. Follow my walking challenge every day
    3. Only eat out 1x a week.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome! Don't forget to watch or record the new episode this Sun night!!
  • honeynutloop
    honeynutloop Posts: 271 Member
    Hi. I'm amy. I've only watched the 1st series of twd but am up for a challenge (another one - I'm in the game of thrones challenge too).
    My weekly goals are:
    1. Stay green - make sure mfp cals are green at the end of each day after logging everything
    2. Yoga 4x weekly
    3. 5hrs total exercise per week.
    Hopefully this will help me on my way to my 54lb weight loss (32 down, 22 to go).
  • tabicat1031
    tabicat1031 Posts: 26 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey all. I'm just beginning my new health regimen. I had back surgery in March and am still in recovery mode so my challenges are going to start off a little lite. I love the walking dead and can't wait to watch fear now!!
    Anyway my weekly challenges are the following:
    1. Do cardio of at least 30 minutes 3 days this week.
    2. Do strength training/PT exercises 4 days this week.
    3. Drink at least 7 glasses of water.

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Welcome everyone, I can't wait to start this challenge.
  • cupski6
    cupski6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, this is my first challenge and I'm new to MyFitnessPal. Love the Walking Dead and being a part of a caring community, so this will energize me to stick with it. I have 16 pounds I need to lose to help my recovery from 3 bulging lumbar disks and allow me to keep working towards my goal of running a marathon in the fall.

    Weekly Goals:
    1. Do PT exercised 6/7
    2. Stay within calorie goals 5/7
    3. No beer Mon - Thurs (this is a tough goal considering almost everyone in my family works at Anheuser Bush)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Okay Guys, Girls and Undead, we're coming down to the start of the challenge.

    The Horde will gather tomorrow and begin planning their first attacks: who/where/what. Their decisions will be based on the pilot episode and on the strengths and weaknesses they see in each team throughout this first week. Their attacks or challenges will be posted early next Monday, August 30th. Each team will have unique challenges to overcome and each individual MUST meet their own goals.

    For this week, I will post the initial challenge after the show tonight and it will apply to ALL the teams, including the Horde.

    It will be a basic Fit Test as well as a challenge video that is a favourite among past participants of out Walking Dead challenges. As always, please ask for alternatives if you have an injury and modify the workout to your fitness level. I will post again here when it is up. Questions?
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    Hi all! If there's still room, I'd like to join. This will be my first challenge. My weekly goals will be:
    1) run at least 4x a week
    2) do strength training at least 3x a week (minimum 80 minutes)
    3) stay within my calorie goal 6 out of 7 days
  • fbinsc
    fbinsc Posts: 735 Member
    Hey everyone!
    My goals are
    1. Stay under calorie limit 6/7 days a week
    2. Run at least 20 miles
    3. Strength training at least 4 days
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited August 2015
    You're both added. The list should be up to date now if everyone wants to make sure they are on there and on the right team.
  • kirstenkelly298
    kirstenkelly298 Posts: 62 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm Kirsten, I was recently part of a 3 month challenge and I was doing awesome! Then today I went to check in and it was shut down for some reason :(. So I went in search of a new challenge and I found this group!

    My 3 goals are:
    1. Cycle 100 miles and walk/run 5 miles per week
    2. Stay at/under calories 7/7 days per week & drink at least 64 oz water per day
    3. Lose 1 lb per week
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited August 2015
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,201 Member
    I'm Kirsten, I was recently part of a 3 month challenge and I was doing awesome! Then today I went to check in and it was shut down for some reason :(. So I went in search of a new challenge and I found this group!

    My 3 goals are:
    1. Cycle 100 miles and walk/run 5 miles per week
    2. Stay at/under calories 7/7 days per week & drink at least 64 oz water per day
    3. Lose 1 lb per week

    I was also in the same challenge with Kristen. She was awesome enough to send me the info on this challenge so.. I figured I would follow suit and we could continue on and still support each other.

    If it's not too late to join...
    I'm V or Frosty.

    My goals are:
    1) Strength Training 3-4 days a week (alternating) 4 if only one can be chosen.
    2) Cardio 3-4 days a week.
    3) Stay within calories goal 6/7 days.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    You're in. :smile:
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    Working on that fitness test. I'm just saying: I despise planks, lol.