The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Good luck Karah and baby K!

    Caleb didn’t have a ton to say, of course Bernie kept trying to blather on about a million things but Caleb was tired and just wants to basically do it himself I think. At some point he’ll probably want to chat about stuff but it won’t be on Bernie’s schedule or intensity. Bernie tends to forget it’s not his college experience

    Sending healthy baby vibes
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I don't know C but does he seem like he is a little overwhelmed? He's had a tough year emotionally, just graduated, and now is preparing and getting ready for college in about 6 weeks. A lot of stuff all in a short period of time.

    How was your birthday? It sounds like you had time to yourself so that is nice.

    My garden is alive and thriving so far! Russ is still putting the trim on the fence and I need to attach some pepper plants to poles and fix my trellis for the sugar snap peas, but otherwise good so far.

    I watched some of the Tony Awards last night. Wow, some very talented people.

    I am getting motivated to paint a couple of chairs I didn't get to last summer. I just need to find the spray paint I bought for them. These will go in the basement bunk room.

    Karah went to the hospital last night. I would imagine she is in the process of being induced now or very soon. I hope all goes well and baby girl is born healthy and strong. I'm worried!

    I did my first volunteer stint at the theater yesterday. Pretty easy! There were two employees of the non profit that owns/runs the local theater, with me. I'm not sure why they needed me but they like to fill in with volunteers. I did drinks, another person filled popcorn, and the other did the cash register/card reader. It was the 4:30 show and we sold about 25 tickets. The movie was the new Jurassic Park: Dominion. I'm glad I saw it free. I wouldn't pay for it. Kind of like an action movie with lots of dinosaurs.

    Have a great Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hoping things are going well for Karah and baby. Are they waiting to announce a name until after?

    I haven't ever been a huge fan of the Jurassic movies. I like action movies, but never really enjoyed seeing people get eaten.

    I'm sure Caleb is feeling all the things. Lots going on for him.

    Super hot and humid. Yuck

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Alayne Kinsey Major was born at 3:47pm today weighing 5 lbs, 14 oz. and is 18" long. All is well and they said she seems fine and won't need the NICU. I'll private message you a photo on FB. Alayne looks beat and has a strawberry mark on her forehead. Jeff was born with that too. Time will tell if growth issues in utero had any impact. I'm hopeful all is going to be well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I don't think 5 -14 is terribly small. A wonderful addition to the family for sure. Little girls! Do you know when you might get a chance to meet her in person? Portal is great, but I bet you want to get your hands on her.

    More hot today.

    I'm bored, time to surf Indeed again.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Typo above...Alayne Kinsley Major. Alayne is Karah's middle name but she dropped it and uses her maiden name as her middle name since she married Jeff. They plan to call her Laynie I think. I'm hoping they come to visit with Rory and Hannah in early September. I don't think we would be flying to FL this summer with cost of flights and the heat. If they don't come in September or October we will fly down there. I want to see her in person and hold her but costs are sky high. We will see how it goes... Portal is great we just can't touch her but at least see her.

    I went to my sister's pool today and learned how to clean it so I can help her and use it. Hot here and the sun was intense today.

    I have a 6 month doctor check up on Friday. I don't know if I need to fast for labs or am just getting meds updated.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    It is hot! I fed my perennials this morning with plant food. I'm hoping the boost will make for some nice blooms and healthy shrubs. Garden seems to grow overnight. Lets hope we get some healthy tomatoes, peppers and cukes.

    Too hot to work outside anymore today. I may drive to a local country market and see if they have any home made scones. They just opened and are in an obscure location so I hope they can make it. They are just a round the corner from us so I find the location for me to be great.

    Any thing new on Indeed?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    What a pretty name and sweet touch for Karah.

    It was record hot Monday and Tuesday. Fortunately, it dropped overnight. Brutal. I was too scared to look at my flowers this morning. Maybe tonight I'll be brave enough to see how they did.

    That would be great if they can visit in September. That's really not that far away. I hear you about the costs of EVERYTHING. It all hurts.

    Nothing great for me. Lots of engineering jobs.

    How were the scones?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The market was out of scones since I got there just before noon. I bought peanut butter and oatmeal scotchie cookies and some lemon furniture oil to use on a few pieces that need some TLC. It's home made and natural so I thought I would try it.

    Russ is outside teaching himself to replace the broken belt on his John Deere tractor mower. I need to go to the pharmacy but otherwise no plans. I want to ride but the temp and humidity are very high. I will feed my last perennials later when they are in the shade. We did get some rain in the night so that is good for all my green babies trying to survive.

    I haven't heard from Jeff and Karah since Monday so don't know if they went home with Laynie. I need to contact them today. I hope all is well.

    This upcoming recession and interest rates is a bummer.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The temps are back in the 90's and above. Yikes. It's like everything is all bad everywhere, scary bad.

    That formula plant shut down again due to flooding. I just can't fathom. All of this plummeting into awfulness does make me want to start hoarding again. Because like what's next?

    I hope you touched based with Jeff and see they are doing well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Finally Friday. Nothing new, watching the temps soar and trying to stay busy.

    Hope things are well and you get to chat with the fams.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Laynie went home Wednesday with her parents. She is doing well. I will be watching her development but assume all will be well since she hasn't had any issues.

    I went to my sister's pool again yesterday. Very windy! We floated but leaves were blowing in the pool all around us. Everything we took out with the net was replaced by more.

    Today I went in to see my doctor for a check up. She updated meds, checked my back and chest for possible skin cancer on my request, and prescribed a stronger medication for my flare ups of arthritis. It is damp here with all the lakes and Lake Michigan surrounding us. I think the dampness and humidity affect my joints. Tylenol and Advil just don't take the edge off. I requested something I can take only when needed, no side effects of dizziness, weight gain, etc. and non addictive. I can't remember the name of the drug. I had never heard of it. I'll pick up at the pharmacy when they call to say it is ready.

    Russ and I went to some plant nurseries and checked out some bushes. We didn't buy anything but may go back next week when they get some we are interested in, in stock. We are meeting my sister's at a food truck in a little town in our county for dinner. It is Polish food (pierogies, schnitzel, cabbage rolls, saurkraut, etc.) and we want to try it.

    Very windy and my tomato plants need more support. I put baskets around some but need a couple more. This wind is drying out the containers even though I water a bit each morning. They need a good dousing.

    Any special plans for your weekend?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The Polish food was good but heavy. I love cabbage rolls but it took its toll on my digestive system over night. Today we went to a brewery and listened to music, had some beer and shared a pizza for an early Father's Day dinner and a date. Tomorrow I volunteer for the 4:30 show at the local small town theater. It is still Jurassic Park so I won't be watching the movie since I saw it last week.

    I had told Chantrelle that if she needed me to come to AK when the baby is born to care for Halen to let me know. Today she texted and asked me to do so. Her mother will be going to Maine to help her sister who is having a second baby. So I will be using some of our miles on Alaska Air and flying out in October sometime. Due to the baby's abnormal heart, they will be delivering in Anchorage rather than Homer. They plan to rent an Air BNB in Anchorage so that is where I will stay and care for Halen while they are at the hospital. I would love to be there about 2 weeks so the distance isn't such a factor but we'll see what they want.

    Tomorrow I need to cut the tomato baskets to fit the garden and get that situated. It has been windy for 3 days and I didn't check the plants today. Hope they are all still alive and upright. I'll go out there tomorrow morning and provide care.

    Hope your weekend is great. Any Father's Day plans?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Short stint volunteering yesterday. I filled drinks, we sold about 15 tickets to the movie, ate my free popcorn and went home. Easy peasy...

    My sister brought us dinner yesterday so that was nice too. We had gone to a brewery Saturday afternoon and had pizza and beer for an early Father's Day date/time together since I had my volunteer shift on Sunday.

    Temps are rising up to 90's today. It rained in the night so that should help the garden. My sister and I are heading north for the day on Wednesday to ride a different trail. It will be much cooler there so it's a win for us.

    Russ and I are taking his truck to the mechanic today to see if they can find out what happened when it was hooked up to the camper. Something in the computer system of the truck we think. Hope they can find it. I will follow him to Traverse City and after he drops off the truck we will find a place to eat dinner. I'm not familiar with restaurants there so I need to do some searching. We don't want to go downtown this time of year due to tourists, traffic and parking.

    I imagine it is hot in NE.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Super hot. I love cabbage rolls but haven’t had them in forever. So glad to hear that Laynie went home. I think it’s great that you can go up and help with Halen and get some special time with her. What a treat that will be. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    Yesterday was a blur. I threw up seven or eight times and I am now sitting at urgent care for a strep test. I would have gone in yesterday but stomach was too iffy. But I’m pretty sure it’s strep, my tongue is completely white today. Bleh. Don’t know where I got it from. Hopefully the antibiotics help quick

    Good luck with the truck

    I love hearing all the fun things you are doing
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Negative strep and negative Covid. Just a virus. Sigh. Even longer before I’ll probably feel better. Bernie is traveling for work this week and I didn’t realize it until today. So that’s fun. Caleb finally has his advisor meeting tomorrow. That will be a relief to get taken care of.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm sorry you feel so lousy. Are you back at work or home? Rest and fluids is what my mother's generation always preached.

    We took the truck to the mechanic to be looked at yesterday. No word from them yet. After we dropped it off we went to a brewery for dinner. We hadn't been there before. The food was excellent! We will go back at some point.

    I've put those baskets around my tomatoes so they don't blow over in heavy winds are supported as they get bigger. Everything is growing like crazy. The Thai Pepper plant has lots of mini peppers growing, the basil plants need to be picked and so do the chives. I've picked some lettuce but am letting the lettuce I planted from seed grow bigger and fuller.

    Tomorrow is my bike ride with my sister on a trail north of us we have never ridden. I hope it is pretty. I've read we ride along a lake for most of it and end up at Lake Huron in Cheboygan MI. It will be woodsy, water, pines, etc.

    I just watered the pots at the cemetery. They are looking great but were dry. Charlie went with me again and peed on one of our pots this time. Luckily just on the pot and the creeping Jenny plant cascading over the side. I put water on the plant and then doused both pots. On the way home I stopped at a farm stand that had fresh, local strawberries and bought two quartz. Yum! We have vanilla icecream in the freezer so a strawberry shake sound good on this very hot, humid day.

    I hope C likes his advisor and gets a good class schedule. Is Bernie liking his job?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Caleb seems pretty content with his schedule. He has calculus, physics, intro to engineering and some sort of renewing energy class. Nothing before 9am. He said Monday and Friday are pretty chill, Tuesday and Thursday are pretty terrible and Wednesday is very chill (his words). I’m glad he’s content. Hopefully it all clicks for him. It’s going to be a lot of work. I hope it’s fun too.

    How was the bike ride?

    Still feeling punky (as my grandma would say) but back at work

    Not quite as hot today but warm enough
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hair day today and doc and dentist appointment for Caleb. I have been feeling 'meh' about my hair, hopefully I don't do something silly and regret it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We completed 36 miles round trip on our ride. I am so beat. I've taken my shower and am sun burnt on my arms. The weather was beautiful with sun, a breeze, low humidity, and a beautiful view of Mullet Lake for 3/4's of the ride. The lake was huge! I had never been to that area as an adult. The little towns were so cute and old time cabin resorts along the lake and old/new cottages. So pretty! We packed our own lunches and ate at a picnic shelter at the halfway point. I haven't ridden that far in one ride before. Russ and I use to ride about 30 miles when we were in our early 30's but now I am not in the shape I was then. Becky and I are trying to push ourselves to ride more miles and try different trails.

    C's schedule sounds intense but balanced over 5 days. I'll be curious to know if he likes his renewable energy class. Rory enjoyed the solar/wind info he got in his sustainable energy class in college. That's what lead him to take the Solar Program in CO after college.

    I get my hair cut tomorrow and get a pedicure. Spa day! Did you change your hair? Russ' truck was fixed today at the horrible amount of $850. They found the problem so hopefully we can go on our next camping trip the first week of August.

    I'm fading so I'll touch base tomorrow.