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The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Presents wrapped in packed to mail to AK and FL. I'm glad Rory and Hannah opened theirs with us and took them home. What a job. It will cost me a small fortune to send the boxes (3) but it is once per year. FL family gets two boxes since kids' toys are in them. We bought Halen and Ellis a Yoto Mini with cards, case and headphones per Chantrelle's request. I had it sent directly to AK when I ordered online.

    Still snowing and blowing but plow has been here so we can get out if needed.

    Just received Christmas text about what to bring to Becky's Christmas Eve. I will take dessert. Now to figure out what to make.

    How are your Christmas preparations and festivities moving along?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Waiting to hear about the new grandson. Karah was induced this morning. They usually take their time letting us know details. My guess is they haven't chosen a name yet so are waiting to give us info.

    We went to my great nephew's 2nd bday party this afternoon. He was so in to it! Such a cutie.

    I went to the dermatologist before the party. I told her she couldn't biopsy anything before Christmas. I'm not wearing bandages and dealing with that until late winter/early spring. She has three spots she is watching and two are on my face.

    I mailed the Christmas packages today so that is done. Yay!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Lynn and I were suppose to go to a sale and out to lunch this morning. I knew when she texted me earlier and told me to call her when I woke up she was in crisis. I took her to the ER this morning by noon, and we spent the afternoon there. She woke up with inflamed wrists, fingers and knee joints and could barely walk or grip/lift anything. She was fine at the bday party for her grandson yesterday afternoon.

    I first told her to call her doctor and see if the doctor or nurse on call for the weekend would call back. She couldn't find the right link on the phone to leave a message. I made her some protein packed mini egg quiches in a muffin tin because I think she has not been eating anything that is nutritious. On Friday she existed on sugar only. Her diet is horrible because she has extreme back pain and it zaps her energy and appetite. She couldn't get through to the doctor's office so I said I was picking her up to go to the ER. I knew they would run a blood panel and do whatever tests necessary. Luckily, no one was waiting and we got right in. Amazing...

    Blood panel showed higher than normal hemoglobin which could indicate dehydration, elevated white blood cell count, sed rate and creatinine which indicates inflammation. Luckily, no infection in her body or in her blood. She is prone to Sepsis. Kidney function looked good so that is a plus too. So they gave her a steroid and fluids through an IV and cut her loose. She has to take Prednisone for a week and pain meds as needed. I got her set up with water to drink in quantity when we got to her house. She has difficulty gripping and pouring using her hands due to the pain and swelling. If she and I hadn't had plans I never would have known she was in trouble. She had to tell me because she couldn't function and needed help. Her typical MO is to wait so long to get medical help that she is near death from infection. I told her we weren't doing that this time.

    How are you and are you finding time to get ready for Christmas?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    That IV of steroids worked magic on Lynn. I talked to her this morning and she was hyped and chatty. She hasn't sounded so good in a long time. She said her back even felt better but not pain free. The steroid took the edge off the pain. I told her to mention that to her doctor and see if they can figure something out to relieve pain. The swelling in her joints went down and she has use of her hands. I am taking her a meal in a bit and then going to visit Sarah at the nursing home. Even though my parents have passed on, I seem to have plenty of people to help and take care of in my retirement. More motivation to be healthy and more fit.

    Temps have warmed up and snow is melting. We will get more mid week but the misty rain has depleted the snow banks and cleared the roads.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Wow. You have had a lot going on in the last few days. I’m sorry your sister went through that but am glad you were able to get her to help before she became too sick. And it is also wonderful to hear that the treatment really improved things for her.

    The weather was beautiful here this weekend. I am not looking forward to the snow and ice. You have really had a lot of it up there already.

    Hopefully that baby is here and healthy and mom safe and healthy too.

    Sunday boo
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Baby arrived Friday Eve around 8pm. His name is Hayden Wesley Major and he looks just like Miles when he was a baby. He weighed 7lb 2oz. I can't wait to meet him.

    I visited Sarah today and took a meal to Lynn. She is so much better and the steroids have her pretty energetic and upbeat right now.

    Sarah seemed tired and confused as usual. I spent quite a bit of time with her since her husband leaves at 2pm to do his grocery shopping and have Sunday Eve on his own. She was pretty tired and her eyes were drooping by the time I left. My friend's mother lives there too. I saw her in the hallway and she wanted to know what I thought of how Sarah was doing. She is worried about her because she sits in her wheel chair and stares out the window or at the shade, if down. She only leaves her room for meals and if someone wheels her to movement class. I don't think my friend's Mom realizes the degree of damage to Sarah's brain. She thinks Sarah should want to get better and go home but isn't trying. I think therapists couldn't justify more tx due to lack of progress. Insurance was done paying and John applied for Medicaid. That took more than 6 months and now he is advocating for a PT evaluation. She has regressed so much I don't know how it would go or if they would see her. Sad!!

    Our snow is melting now that it is 40 degrees outside.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    That’s really sad to hear about Sarah. It’s good you and her husband are doing what you can.

    Happy Hayden arrival! Blessings!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    ZACH GOT THE JOB AT BD!!!!!!! Thank you God. Thank you Lord. Thank you dear J for your additional prayers. I am a happy for him. I am so relieved. I so happy for him. He said I finally don’t have to cringe when people ask how the job search is going. Woooo!!!!! I’m finally excited for the new year. January 14 starts the new start. Woooooo!!!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Congratulations to Z on his job!!! My heart skipped a beat when I read your announcement. I am so happy for him and he must be too.

    We have another storm coming through tonight through Thursday. Russ was suppose to do the a book delivery in the northern lower peninsula of MI for Power Books but told them he won't do it this week with the snow expected and high winds that will cover the area he would be driving.

    I went to Aquafit this morning. I had missed 3 classes due to weather and Thanksgiving. I'm guessing Thursday's roads won't be good so I may miss again.

    Tomorrow I will put the ornaments on the tree and then enjoy the tree.

    I bought yarn to start Layney's poncho. I would like to take it to FL when we go Jan 31.

    I hope your week started off great I imagine with Z's news it has been great. When does he start?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    January 14th!!!

    Wow, your trip to Florida isn’t too far away. And more snow, yikes. I think we are due to get our first precipitation this week. Boo.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Winter Wonderland here today! I went to Power Books to help out and the director sent us home at 2:30 due to snow and the winds that will eventually pick up. It is beautiful today but visibility coming home was about 1/8th of a mile.

    We really need to confirm our hotels, etc. for February. I told Russ this weekend is our deadline to firm up our plans. I need to send off a few Christmas cards. I've received less this year than typical and I don't always send them out so I've probably been taken off some lists. I'm fine with that. They seem to be a thing of the past.

    I made Sourdough Cheesy Crackers from my Sourdough Discard this morning. Pretty tasty! I will continue to make them when I have discard to use. I used up my jar making these which isl a good thing. It will take a couple of weeks to build up the discard supply again.

    I still have to get the ornaments on the tree. I spread the branches and I'm ready to do it tonight with a glass of wine or tomorrow with hot cocoa (maybe both), LOL!

    Maybe I will make some bread tomorrow while decorating the rest of the tree.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Tree finally decorated. Drive way drifted in so no where to go today. Lots of drifts and blowing snow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    It sounds like I may be having Christmas dinner. So I guess I better get the tree going. And I am finally feeling more cheerful with Zach on a path for moving forward. So maybe merry!

    Things at very wintery up there for you. Take care
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Do you switch with your sister on who hosts?

    I need to bake cookies and put together a cookie dessert tray for our Christmas Eve dinner at my sisters. I ordered a dozen frosted Christmas sugar cookies from the local bakery. I will put a few on the tray with home made ginger crinkle cookies, short bread dipped in chocolate, peppermint bark and a few odd assortments.

    I made a bread dough last night and will bake it this afternoon to go with Russ' veggie chili. I put swiss/gruyere cheese in it so we will see if it bakes well. If not, he bought a baguette as a back up per my request.

    The sun is finally out. The snow will begin to melt this weekend due to 40 degrees temps. What a weird winter so far.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Ooh ginger crinkle… do you have a good shortbread recipe? I had the most delicious cranberry orange shortbread cookie from our local bakery last weekend and I have been thinking about it ever since

    My mom has been having Christmas up in Wayne for the last few years since they moved up there. And last update mom still wants to have it.

    We had freezing rain yesterday. Slick here but Omaha got it really bad. I hate ice. Hopefully it melts today
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Sloppy outside with temps around 40. Yuk!

    I volunteered at Power Books and just got home. Now they are closed until after the New Year. Russ and I booked our places to stay in New Orleans, Laurel MS, and Nashville. We will wait until it is closer to the time we leave and come home to book hotels to stop at on the way to FL and between Nashville and home.

    I have never made shortbread but found 4 ingredient recipes to make an 8x8 pan. They are bars and I will cut them small and rectangular. You could probably search Pinterest for a shortbread recipe with cranberry and orange and will get several recipes.

    So you will go to Wayne to your parents for Christmas? Is your Mom able to handle it or do you and your sister do most of the work?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Class and hot tub felt good today.
    I went to a specialty cheese shop and found some good Asiago and aged Swiss to use in my next baking of sourdough.
    I was going through our bank statement and discovered I had been charged for learning kits I ordered two years ago for Miles in FL. I did not re order last year but they had my order from 2022 as continuous until canceled. I don't know how that happened because I made sure not to order for more than one year in case they didn't like the kits. I finally found a human at KiWi Co to talk to and canceled the order I never knew was happening. Poor Karah has been receiving monthly learning kits for two years for Miles and didn't want them to continue after one year. Glad I caught it.
    I am enjoying my pine scented candle, luminaries and tree lights while Russ is gone delivering books for Power Books.
    I made croutons with my sourdough Christmas loaf that was getting stale. They are cooling on the stove top.
    I messaged David in Japan. He said he will arrive back in Homer on the 22nd and will surprise Chantrelle and the girls. They don't know he will be home for Christmas. I wish I could see their faces when he shows up.

    Did Z start his job yet?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Aw, how exciting he gets to be home for Christmas

    Zach starts January 14, but has been getting a lot of the onboarding stuff going

    I am only working through tomorrow this week. Thursday I am taking Caleb to the oral surgeon for his wisdom teeth appointment. Assuming unless something weird happens they’ll remove and then I’ll get to spend several days worrying about him as he recovers. As least I know he has to stay home for several days because the surgeon says so.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Work is nuts this week. It was going to be super busy anyway with people getting ready for holiday and having to do month end work this week, but they threw in all these meetings for the new ERP system (the system that runs all the order entry, scheduling, purchasing, forecasts, engineering, etc) because it worked for the consultants. Well basically no one in our team is available due to people on vacation, out sick and no way I’m rescheduling. But it’s not a great look for the team and it’s stressing me out. But if my boss didn’t think she needed to be there it should be fine for me to miss. But why do I feel so bad? Because I saw the operational excellence (gag) lady come stomping into our area wondering why we weren’t at the meeting. Thanks Dawn for making the team look bad
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I wish you could find a new job that treated all of you respectfully and you enjoyed. It sounds so stressful all the time. That isn't good for any of you. The only positive sounds like the paycheck.

    I had my dental appt today and all is well. I told him I cancelled the implant appt because I'm not paying $2000 for an implant and another large amount for a crown to go on top of it. He understood and didn't lecture me.

    Chantrelle sent a box of presents from AK and the postal delivery person ignored our address and dropped them at a house down the highway from our road. Luckily the person who received it brought it to our door today. The postal service around here is pretty pathetic. They are understaffed, can't find delivery people and the ones who do it don't seem to care about the job they do.

    The snow is still sloppy but we had flurries today. I don't think we will get much new snow before Christmas and what we have could be gone if it stays warm.

    Good luck to C with his wisdom surgery and excited for Z and his start date.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    We are on day two following the removal of all four of Caleb’s wisdom teeth. He is doing pretty well so far. I am on nurse mom mode. Tracking and keeping his meds going and we seem to be staying on top of his pain so far. Not much sleep for me but he rested pretty good so that makes me happy. He’s hungry and we struggled finding something satisfying and that settled. The mashed potatoes seemed to do the trick and he got down part of banana vanilla protein shake so I’m glad he got some nutrition. Tomorrow may be the day swelling sets in, hopefully not. I’m hoping after tonight and tomorrow that he’s through the worst and we don’t have to do middle of the night wake ups for meds

    Our weather is holding pretty good aside from that freezing rain last week.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    It’s good you have nice neighbors who will bring you your mail!

    Any new sourdough recipes?

    My niece finally found a migraine medicine that was helping her and then her insurance company denied it. Now she has to try yet another and maybe then her doctor will consider appealing. Infuriating
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I haven't made Sourdough since my Christmas loaf and those crackers. I will after Christmas. I baked cookies for my cookie tray I will put together for Christmas Eve at my sister Becky's house. Today I made chocolate peppermint bark, ginger crackle cookies and short bread. Tomorrow I will pick up the frosted sugar cookies I ordered from the bakery. I'll put some together to take to Sarah tomorrow along with a gift and then arrange a tray on Tuesday for the Christmas Eve gathering.

    Four wisdom teeth out must be rough for C. Ouch! I hope he doesn't get those dry sockets people talk about. I'm sure he is so appreciative of your taking care of him. I bet you enjoy having him home too.

    We have snow so it should be a white Christmas this year. We have had single digit temps/wind chill this week so that is cold for here.

    Russ and I went out for dinner tonight and then drove through the villages in the county to see the Christmas lights. Each village has its own personality and they do a beautiful job with lighting up the trees and windows of the shops and a village Christmas tree too.

    David was suppose to arrive home from Japan today. He borrowed a Santa suit and was surprising Chantrelle and the girls. They didn't know he would make it home for the holiday. I can't wait to find out how that went.

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas with your family. I don't know if I will be back on here until Christmas day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    David called this morning. He was in Anchorage and waiting for a flight to Homer. He was going to arrive at the house in his Santa suit putting gifts under the tree very early this morning. The girls and Chantrelle would probably still be sleeping. I hope he was successful with his plan.

    I went to the nursing home with a cookie plate and a gift for Sarah. She wasn't there and the nurse told me she was at the hospital but couldn't and shouldn't say anything more to me. I called her husband when I got back in the car. She went to the hospital last Friday with a 103 degree fever and they found viral pneumonia in a lung. John called me at 4pm and said she was getting discharged back to the nursing home. I am going to wait until the weekend to go see her so she can recover. When the nurse hesitantly told me she was at the hospital, I was worried she had another stroke. It could happen at some point. Callous to say, that may be a blessing for her too.

    I hope you have tomorrow off and can enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    Merry Christmas!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that Sarah was so ill she had to be hospitalized. I hope she does ok

    I hope David’s plans to surprise his family succeed. What a fun memory that would be.

    I think Caleb is over the worst of it. Tonight he said he would try doing his own overnight pills. I think he has been enjoying having me “mom” him. Although it’s mostly due to how bad he has felt. I really expected him to go back to Lincoln by today. But I think he’s hear until Christmas now. It’s not a fun use of vacation, but certainly could be worse. But it’s satisfying too

    Happy Christmas Eve Eve
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Glad C feels better. Wasn't he planning to be home for Christmas? I hope you have both your boys home with you.

    I went to aqua fit this morning. It was fun and lots of laughs, also a good workout with the substitute teacher. Even the lifeguards were dancing to her music. It was hilarious.

    I arranged the cookie tray, and am making my lasagna sauce so I can build the lasagna in the pans before we leave for Becky's. I'll make the egg bake tonight before I go to bed and bake it in the morning.

    It is a white Christmas although somewhat balmy.

    David did surprise his family. Chantrelle had the door locked to the house because she is alone with the girls. He didn't have a key. They typically don't lock the door. He had to knock on the door in his Santa suit at 7:30am. The girls and Chantrelle were asleep. She went to the door and saw a guy in a Santa suit wanting to get in but didn't recognize David. She made him pull his beard down so she could see his face before she let him in, LOL! I told her I'm glad she didn't club or shoot him as if he was an invader in their home.

    Well I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Merry Christmas!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Merry Christmas!

    Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

    My egg bake was tasty. We are going for our walk soon. Lasagna dinner later today just the two of us. Last night at my sister's was very nice. The dinner was wonderful but rich so I didn't sleep very well. I think I'm getting a cold too. I'm glad I prepared the egg bake and lasagna yesterday. I wouldn't feel like doing it today since I'm tired from a restless night.

    Enjoy your holiday!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    How was your Christmas?

    I've been lazy and reading a lot. Today I went to water yoga and I am going to try a studio yoga tomorrow with the same teacher and see what I think.

    Yesterday we portaled with AK family. We ended up talking to Chantrelle and David the most. The girls were busy.

    Raining today so the snow is just patches and dirty along the roads. Very sloppy and 40 degrees.

    Have a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I checked my security settings on FB and changed my password. FB said all was ok and old password was secure but I changed it anyway. You and one other person told me I had sent a friend request. I don't get how it all works but it annoys me.

    I went to studio yoga at the Y today. It was a lovely gentle flow class with the same teacher from my water yoga. I only had to adapt two stretches because I can't kneel on my artificial knees. It felt so good to do the movements but my balance was a challenge during lunges. I'm use to the pool where the water supports the body but also moves around it and has its own. My goal between now and when we leave for FL that I get to the Y 3-4 times per week (aquafit, water and studio yoga, and maybe an "active older" studio class to see what that is like).

    I had to use up a loaf of sourdough that was getting old so I made bread pudding with bourbon sauce. The sauce was so strong that I felt a buzz after eating it!

    Happy Saturday!