The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Today is dark with lightening and thunder. I hope we get some rain. I was reviewing my gardening class and it turns out it is at the man's home. He is an organic gardener and my sisters told me his yard is beautiful. If it is not storming I will go. I have questions about watering and healthy soil. I always over water my plants and kill them.

    The sky is getting lighter in color so I think it has passed us without rain. Better luck next time.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The class was random but interesting. He didn't have much of an agenda but talked about organic fertilizer, compost, keeping weeds down with a mulch material, what to grow from starter plants and what to grow from seed, and how he keeps critters from his fruit trees and plants. We got to taste his dehydrated apples from his trees and a Ratatoille mixture he makes from the tomatoes, eggplant, onion, and peppers that he grows. He roasts the veggies after harvest and then freezes them to be used with rice, etc. for his meals. The mixture was very good. He was kind of a hippy from the 60's type but grows a lot of food for himself and is artistic with creating things out of wood. It was fun to go.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hopefully even though it was random you got something useful out of it.

    Still waiting to hear back from the doc about the ultrasound. Also, hopefully Zach will be able to stick to eating cleaner and get on track health wise. It's definitely a struggle in this family.

    Sister came to work for the first time in three and a half weeks. Still on crutches, but can put weight on it now, so easier to get around. It sounds like he wants her progressing fast now. From no weight to putting weight on it and next week down to one crutch. She says it hurts a lot.

    Hoping to make progress this weekend. Probably have to break down and get all new flowers. (remember Bernie bought a bunch before it was warm enough and then let them freeze). Ugh - so much money wasted.

    Let's do this!

    Still sending prayers and thoughts for that lil' one. Grow baby grow!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I want to do flowers and plant the veggies so bad but I know I have to wait. Hot today but this next week will drop to 50's and 60's. I don't know what nights will be and we can still have frost here in to June. Better to wait although many people don't. I'm not one to pull pots inside or cover them. Too lazy!

    How is Z feeling about it all? I hope test results give good news.

    I feel for your sister. It is so awful to have pain and have to get around. I hope she heals soon and can get back to normal.

    Are you ready for the party next weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I tried uploading a picture of one of my pots, but it didn’t work. I’m happy with how they look today. Let’s hope I can keep them alive. Whew so tired and sore.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I bought some starter plants for my garden and some seeds today. I still need more but will go to the sale next week again. They will have more variety next week and the week after.

    My sister came over for dinner tonight and just left. She stayed longer than she usually does. My middle sister is in CO visiting friends until next week.

    I put my hummingbird feeder out today. It only took a couple of hours for a hummingbird to show up and find it. I hadn't seen one around until I hung the feeder. I think I may get a second feeder for a tree near my deck.

    Tomorrow morning we are going to a farmer's market. I may ride or pull weeds in my garden areas in the afternoon. We finally had a few minutes of a down pour today. It was nice to see and hopefully gave the grass and plants a little water.

    I have never been able to figure out how to upload pictures here.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We went to the farmer's market today. It was one we hadn't gone to before. They allowed dogs on leashes so we took Charlie. He enjoyed getting treats from the dog rescue woman that had a booth there. More crafters than veggies, but there were bakery tents selling treats and bread. Russ bought his big bag of Kettle Corn and I found a Pampered Chef booth where I bought a mini spatula that had broken this week after 20 years or so. One of my most heavily used utensils so I'm glad she had one.

    When we got home, I washed my car in the driveway and wiped down the dash and front seats. It needs vacuuming but I will have to go in to town to use the vacuums since I don't have a hand held vacuum right now.
    I fell asleep in the recliner after reading on the porch. Lazy day!

    David has begun his fishing season so he is not home with Chantrelle and Halen for awhile. I wish I could help her with Halen and give her a break.

    Hope you are having a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I bet I know exactly which Pampered Chef mini spatula you are talking about. Something I also use almost constantly and usually a go to gift for me if I have a bridal shower for someone younger/just starting out.

    Only a few more hours here at work and then I am off the rest of the week. Current goals. Wednesday: big grocery tomorrow morning with Zach for muscle. Fry bacon for Calico beans. Make another batch of peanut butter balls, get Bernie to get the tables set up Wednesday night, and mow (or maybe that will have to be Thursday). Thursday: work on getting all the pictures moved to the garage and displays put together. I'm sure more shopping of things forgotten. Bathroom touch ups. Friday: begin picking up special orders - like the slider buns, etc. Continue to freak out and hopefully have a good handle on everything. I know it will be great, just really want Caleb to think it's great since it's probably the last party that is just for him really.

    Caleb was bummed he didn't get the male student of the year for choir (that's a vote by students), but I am sure proud of the academic all-state aware. His teacher had to recommend him and there is only one vocal music student that he did.

    Here we go!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Busy week for you! What did you decide was your final menu for food? Have a great time and try to enjoy the process with family helping. This is it! Onward to adulthood for C and empty nester life for you and Bernie in the Fall.

    We are getting ready for the garden. I picked up more seeds, a trellis, and ordered organic fertilizer and insect covering if I need it. Lots of crazy bugs here but I won't use unless I see they are eating my plants. We will pick up soil and compost by the weekend and fill the containers. I will plant lettuces to get them started. Cold wind today but sun is out.

    Have a great week and try not to stress too much. It will be wonderful and no one will know if it doesn't meet your expectations.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I downloaded some Youtube videos for yoga for seniors. I just completed one for sensitive knees meaning I did not have to do stretches on my knees but did other stretches to acquire the whole body benefit. It felt good! I have at least 4-5 videos for different parts of the body. Just what I need.

    I'm sure you are frantically finishing up at work so you can prepare for your party tomorrow and the next days after that. Has C finished exams?

    I am going to head off on a bike ride if not too cold out. It has been chilly!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We filled our tubs for the garden. Russ will build the fence this weekend or early next week. I will plant lettuce and kale tomorrow and maybe get the cukes, carrots and sugar snap peas started too. I won't do peppers, herbs and tomatoes until the fence is in. Probably June 1st to avoid frost, hopefully. It's all an experiment. Hopefully something grows and survives to be eaten.

    Russ and I are going out for pizza later. We shoveled dirt and compost from the truck to tubs this morning. I'm expecting my insect covering and organic fertilizer to arrive today.

    I'm sure you are very busy cooking, decorating, making picture boards, etc. I hope you have good weather.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Party setting up like a fiend.

    Your yoga sounds like a great idea. I wonder if I could find one that modifies the shoulders. Something to think about if I survive!

    Sounds like a yummy garden. Good luck. I hope Karah and baby girl are growing. They have been on my heart.

    Caleb is officially done and checked out. Has to go back tomorrow for practice.

    The garage is full of tables and about 75% complete on pictures and displays. I got an almost smile out of Caleb. I’m feeling good he approves. Got my big grocery shop done and starting to prepare what I can. Cutting up some fruit. Dear god so expensive. Making the filling for the tortilla roll ups. Cooked bacon and beef for calico beans.

    Just keep picking away and hopefully it works out. So hot today. Should be not as hot Saturday thankfully

    Be well!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Good luck today! It sounds like you are ready. Have fun!

    We have friends coming over for burgers tonight. They are the cherry farmer friends and work so hard so this is a friend break for them and Russ will grill.

    I haven't planted seeds yet. We had a really heavy rain yesterday with high winds. An hour east was a tornado that damaged a town and killed one person. So sad and devastating. I'm glad it didn't land here.

    I went to two nurseries yesterday and bought some perennials, tomato frames, a new watering can, and some chives. Today is the organic starter plant sale again so I'll go and see if I can pick up a green pepper, jalapeno, and one more tomato plant. I also need carrot seeds. I will work on seeds tomorrow. This next week is only suppose to get as low as 40's or 50's at night so I think I could put in my perennials. I won't plant veggie starter plants until Russ gets fence built. Hopefully he will start on Tuesday. He has his own timeline no matter what I say. Hopefully he can still find the wire fencing since he has waited so long to purchase it.

    Congratulations to C!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Here is the lady I am doing yoga with. This video is for neck and shoulder relief.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Party is over. I think it was a success. He had a great turnout. I’m beat. So tired. Time to clean up and get through the ceremony tomorrow. Whew
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm sure it is a relief to have the party done and a success. Today will be emotional as he gets his diploma as you know. Did either of the boys figure out summer jobs?

    I am going to see the movie Downton Abby A New Era this afternoon at our small town theater. I am sore from weeding yesterday and it is cold today so I'm being lazy. Tomorrow I have a few more veggie plants and perennials to buy and then I will finish the weeding. We have a frost advisory tonight but hopefully it will be safe to plant by the end of the week.

    We had our farmer friends for burgers last night. The Buster Bar Ice Cream Cake I made was a hit. We ate and talked until 11pm. They had to get up early for farming today.

    Enjoy your day.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The Downton Abby movie was better than the first one 4-5 years ago. It was almost 3 hours long so that was a bit much. My sisters kept quiet once the movie started so I was glad about that. They both seem a little unaware of their own behaviors, such as talking in a theater.

    It got down to 31 last night so I'm glad I didn't plant anything prior to today. This morning I am going to buy some starter plants and a couple more perennials and then meet a friend for lunch. Russ went to Traverse City to buy materials to build the deer fence around the garden. This sure is an expensive project! There is no point in planting if we don't have a fence to stall deer and rabbits.

    The sun is shining but it won't get above the 50's today. Weird weather all across the country with snow in CO, high temps in the south and east, and cool temps here. I imagine you are experiencing heat.

    I hope you recover quickly from graduation and the party. Now to get C ready for college!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Back at work and trying to get some energy back. I thought I had been active enough with all my preparations that I would have stayed the same but I am waaayyy up. Sigh. That’s really depressing.

    Caleb has two days of practice and then the concert choir heads out to Nashville for the national barbershop harmony society competition. Since he withdrew from his Europe trip and we can’t go anywhere this is his only fun thing before he starts working at Behlen (yes Caleb got a spot not Zach). I’m not exactly sure what he will be doing but he should be able to make a decent chunk for next year

    I had to cover my plants Saturday night. Crazy it got 35 on May 21.

    How is the deer fence going?

    I’m still super tired

    Caleb hasn’t opened his cards yet and seems strangely uninterested in doing so. Maybe because he is aware I expect him to do thank you notes.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Having computer problems at work and boy am I feeling some deep burning rage at all the things Behlen related. I still can’t get over what they did to him. A nice thing was two guests/friends at the open house were excited to hear what his major is and made it clear he should contact them next year when he is ready to graduate. That felt nice. Still doesn’t fix this summer. Zach does better on a schedule and while overall summer is short I don’t want him to get too into being a couch potato
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh my heart is breaking tonight.