The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Rainy here today. I think I will go to the gym to pedal and lift some weights. I also need to finish vacuuming up dog hair.

    Yesterday, Russ, my and my sisters went to the new hot dog place that opened yesterday called Capital Dog. I had a chili dog with onions and cheese, chips and a root beer. It was ok but I wasn't a fan of the chili. Next time I would get the Italian beef sandwich. This was their opening day. It has been in progress for two years. They have a nice patio in the back which will be nice for summer. The place is across the street from a wine tasting place, near a boat dock...They will get lots of business all summer.

    Do the boys know when they are starting work?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach still hasn't heard back with his official "yes we would like to have you back" and Caleb hasn't heard back since he replied on their email (about starting 5/9 or 5/16) that he could start 6/1. I'm kind of annoyed. Ok, really annoyed. They are slow walking this and acting like they have to have them super early when we aren't that busy to dictate that. And if they pull the jobs now it will make it less likely to get something somewhere else. The 'climate' has changed in the last few weeks and if their slow walking causes them to have missed out on a better opportunity. Oh well, what can I do? Caleb still technically has Runza and while that won't pay many bills it's better than nothing and Zach doesn't need the money since he barely spends any, it's just about experience for him. Maybe there is a summer class he could take.

    Raining here. We have had many inches since Friday. Yes, we were desperately behind on rain, but getting it all at once still a problem.

    Days are really going to fly.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I went to the gym and did a good cardio workout on the stationary bike. I rode for 30 minutes at a good clip and worked up a sweat. Then I did my upper body arm weights and crunches for my huge, saggy gut. 3 kids and years of being over weight have done a number on my abdomen. I've never been good about consistent exercise for that area.

    My new Samsung phone came today so I ordered a case to arrive Wednesday. Russ and I will transfer data tomorrow and get it set up.

    Tomorrow we will vote to get a new county commissioner and if not raining, I will work in the yard putting out my garden stuff and cutting back some plants for new growth to occur.

    Sorry to hear the boys haven't heard anything yet. Is new management disorganized? How is Bernie liking his job?

    My cold seems to be a lot better. Only occasional coughing.

    Jeff and Karah sent a video of Miles taking his first steps! He looks so cute and determined to walk. I can't wait to see him again. Rory called yesterday and said he and Hannah are coming September 3rd through the 10th. Jeff and Karah will come then too if their baby isn't a fuss budget and they have adjusted to caring for two. Rory and Hannah are coming back for a week at Thanksgiving but I don't know if Jeff and Karah would make it then. I would be doubtful about that. David and Chantrelle won't be coming because she will be in her 3rd trimester and delivering mid to late October.

    Good you are getting rain but I hope it slows down.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We went out for breakfast and then voted in the re-call election for county commissioner. It is over cast but I will probably go out later and cut back old growth in my front garden. My Deer Out spray has not arrived yet. I really need that stuff as the bulbs begin to bloom. I don't know what the deer eat but with my luck I'll never see the blooms if they open in the night.

    I hope you have a nice day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It’s so nice technology let’s stay in on your g-babies.

    Ugh, C’s young lady just broke up with him. He is downstairs with a friend crying. Crying! My baby. I didn’t think he should go to college with a girlfriend at home in high school, but I hate seeing him heartbroken. 😥💔💔💔💔
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Poor C! That rejection feeling from break ups is the worse. I agree it's not a good idea to go to college with a girl friend or boy friend. I did and he became my first husband. I regret not making close friends in college and taking advantage of all the university had to offer. I spent to much time with him. Rory went to college with a girl friend that was still in high school. He had a rough start to his freshman year because she wanted him to face time with him every evening while they studied and not go out. They broke up in October and he finally made friends and began to adjust to college. It wasn't a good experience for him. I hope C can see that college has so much to offer and he will make so many new friends and have fun without ties to someone. I worried about Rory's emotional state when he was so far away from us. At least C is home and you can be there for him.

    I trimmed and cleaned out my front flower garden. Tomorrow I will cut back the ornamental grass so the sun can promote new growth.

    I see my orthopedic doctor tomorrow for my 4 month post surgery check up. Then my sister, her friend and I are riding bikes in the afternoon.

    Hang in there. C just needs to feel his emotions and move forward. High school is a blip in life.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    More gross today. Behlen let Zach know they wouldn’t have a spot for him. I’m so mad. After making him make a special trip to interview and then slow walking it for three weeks. All the colleges are out now. He could have been making plans and inquiries. Gah. So mad. I left work. We have also hit a slow time in orders and they announced that they are looking for volunteers to take time off. This happens often. After they effed Zach over I texted Michele and said (among other things) I am putting in for a leave. I’m sure it will get denied and even if I get it I’m still so ducking pissed. And Caleb comes home tonight and says he doesn’t want to do honors night now.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    It sounds like a lot of stress in your household right now. How long of a leave would you take? That would be nice for you before the party. How is Z feeling about not getting a position? Had C heard anything from them? What does not doing honors mean? In college or end of high school?

    I went for my ortho appt this morning. A waste of a drive. My doctor was late due to traffic. He walked in and chatted asking me how I was doing, never looked at my knee at all. We chatted about exercise and my left knee. First step would be cortisone shots if I need them in my left. Expensive conversation to be billed to my insurance but I was given full clearance at this stage of 4 months post surgery to do whatever I can physically.

    We rode 15.25 miles on the trail near my house. It was a beautiful day although low 50's and a little windy. I took a hot shower to warm up my muscles and then took a nap at about 3:30. We are riding again tomorrow on a different trail. It is suppose to be warmer and 80's are suppose to hit next week. I hope they are right.

    I have a chiropractor appt tomorrow and I need it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Well I've ridden 43 miles this week and I can feel it. It is cold even though temp is in the 50's. The windchill feels colder. Tomorrow I have a pedicure and I'm going to enjoy it and relax.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I had my first pedicure of the season today. My feet feel so much better. Total relaxation today for me. Russ and I went to a local tavern for an early dinner and now home to relax again.

    My legs are sore today but I will hopefully do a short ride tomorrow on my own.

    I saw on FB that you went to the Honors night. Was that what C did not want to do? Has he heard on any more scholarships?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I did “make “ him go since it was the day of that he announced he never wanted to do it. I don’t know if it was a mistake or not. He was awarded one of the community/foundation scholarships. It wasn’t the big one he had interviewed for unfortunately. Every bit helps but I’m sure he just added it to his sad feelings. He also picked up his dual credit honors cord (at least 12 dual), his national honor society medal, and his top 10 percent honors cord.

    I’m still mad at work. Caleb is still sad. Fun all around.

    It sounds like your biking is going well
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a relaxing day ahead of you.

    I'm sorry C is in a slump emotionally. I hope he realizes he has accomplished a lot and is worthy no matter what.

    Rory and Hannah are doing a video call with us at 11am. Russ is cooking me breakfast on his Blackstone Griddle. We are going to make a fire in the outside fire pit and enjoy the sunny afternoon. In the 60's here today.

    I'm sure I'll hear from David and Jeff at some point too.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Happy mama’s day! Enjoy your calls and breakfast.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Jeff and Karah told us that their little unborn girl has Fetal Growth Restriction. She is in the 3rd percentile for growth at 34 weeks gestation. Karah is being monitored a couple times per week and has had to see specialists in Jacksonville. She will be induced on 6/6 so they can get the baby out and monitor in the NICU if necessary. I've been reading up on this and am very worried. Please pray for a good outcome, healthy but small baby, without serious complications. These babies can be born normal but just small. That is my hope.

    A lady contacted me about my ebike for sale. I will meet her tomorrow so she can test ride it and ask me questions. Fingers crossed she buys it.

    I hope you had a good Mother's Day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I’m so sorry to hear about baby girls scary dx. Karah, Jeff and baby are definitely in my prayers
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Thanks. I read more about it last night and it didn't calm my worries.

    On the bright side, the lady bought my bike for the price I was asking so it is officially sold and in her possession. Such a relief! Now I can put that money towards my credit card and pay off some debt from purchasing the bike and bike rack.

    I got the snow tires taken off my car and the regular tires put back on today. I'm hoping to ride my bike tomorrow for exercise. This week is warm so I shouldn't freeze. Tomorrow eve my middle sister, niece and I are going to listen to the author at the National Writer's Series presentation in Traverse City. We will go to dinner and then listen to him. This is the guy that is a retired detective that solved the cold cases of Lacey Peterson, Jamie Duggar and the Golden Gate serial killer. Should be interesting.

    We need rain badly! No chance until Sunday, if then. Opposite of last spring and summer.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    These next few weeks will likely be very stressful for mum, dad and the grands. I will continue to add the wee one and all of you in my prayers.

    We have finally gotten some rain, but are so far behind. It will likely not be enough.

    Gas went up again. Shudder.

    Glad you got your bike sold and are enjoying the new one. Hopefully a good distraction for the coming days.

    Got Zach in for a physical for the first time in a number of years and an overdue haircut.

    Caleb is on the downswing. Hopefully he will start to feel better emotionally too soon.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I rode 14 miles today. The weather is so nice and warm. I sat on a bench on the trail for a water break and had a view of a vineyard. An older man was out walking on the trail. He was limping but getting his exercise. He sat down with me and we chatted for about 45 minutes. He had just had heart surgery and was recuperating getting his walking in. He is headed for knee surgery soon.

    I need to take a shower and get ready for the evening soon. If nice tomorrow, my sister and I will ride together.

    I hope C gets out of this slump soon. Will he continue to talk to someone again?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach has to have an test done on his gallbladder Thursday. His blood work showed elevated liver enzyme’s. From what I have googled it’s probably diet related. Could be too much alcohol and fatty food. Kick in the pants for all of us to clean up our eating habits and help him this summer
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I hope Z's test doesn't reveal any serious issue. Did he have a physical and they found the liver issue or did he have some symptoms of something?

    We didn't ride today. My sister had to wait for her shower door installers to arrive and put in her door in her newly remodeled bathroom. I visited my oldest sister for a couple hours and had lunch with her and then I went to my other sister's for a bit and to pick up a trellis for my garden she was tossing.

    Russ worked on the sprinkler system and replaced broken sprinkler heads today. We tried a new frozen deep dish Detroit style pizza for dinner and are watching BBQ competitions on TV.

    Tomorrow I am going to a home gardening class at the local library. I'm hoping to pick up some tips on do's and don'ts for my home garden.

    Your party is getting close and you have had a lot of extra worries. Are you ready for the party?