The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Second time with Covid. And last week I was only at work. I called the doctors office this morning because I was scheduled to go in tomorrow for a follow up after starting the hrt so we’ll see what they say. The congestion in my head and tight cough and headache are my biggest problem. I can’t take things with decongestant due to high blood pressure so it’s tough to manage the symptoms. But while I feel miserable it doesn’t seem like last time. Last time I couldn’t even lift my head up, drink water. I was so out of it. Right now I just feel sick. So my first Monday off in years.

    I really wanted to go shopping this weekend too

    I sure hope Bernie doesn’t get it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Did the doctor recommend that med regimen or isn't it appropriate for you? I hope Bernie stays healthy. Are you quarantining in your home and he just stays away from you? Russ and I haven't experienced it yet so I don't know how it feels. I'm sure at some point one or both of us will get it. We've had our 3rd booster but I know others who have and still have gotten the new strain.

    I packed alot of books today for ages kindergarten/first grade. The lady running the shift (telling us what needs to be done and how she wants it done) was a little gruff until the end. My sister and another lady we had met last week were with me so we talked. The lead lady was all business.

    Russ is really tired tonight. He has a head ache and wants to go to bed early. I hope he isn't sick.

    Weather is turning cold, windy and wintery. Rest up!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Feeling another bit better today worked 4 hours today. I don’t know why I keep getting it!

    Thinking healthy thoughts for Russ. Though this one was way less scary

    Got word I will have to do the full colonoscopy too. The fun keeps coming.

    Mom and baby home and setting in?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Ellis is 12 days old and doing well. They are settling as a family and hoping to get her to sleep for longer periods at some point. Right now they are sleep deprived, I think. The whole family is sleeping in Dave and Chantrelle's bed. They have an extension that hooks to the bed called a co-sleeper and the baby will be there for several months. Halen comes in because she wants to be included and sleep with Ellis or between parents. Survival and sleep are where they are at now.

    I'm glad you are feeling better. You probably got it at work and are just in a setting where you get exposure. I'm surprised Russ or I haven't gotten it yet with volunteering and his assembly work. He is feeling ok now so must have just been an off day.

    Have you had a colonoscopy or is this your first? The prep is the bad part and you really are barely aware of the procedure when it is happening.

    I got my oil changed and snow tires put on my car today. I'm ready for winter except putting my scraper in the car. I should vacuum my car at least one time before snow falls. It has a lot of sand on floor and back end. I spent the afternoon making a tomato squash soup that turned out really good. We had grilled cheese sandwiches with the soup for dinner.

    Tomorrow is Power Books volunteer day. I will zoom in the morning with two MN friends.

    Hump Day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Cloudy but warmer day, in the mid 50's. I just finished zooming with two friends, and need to deliver soup to my sister and pack books at Power Books today.

    Not much else on my agenda. Tomorrow I will continue Christmas shopping and go out with the sibs and cousins tomorrow eve for dinner to celebrate Lynn's 72nd birthday.

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Those first few weeks with a newborn are so rough. Don't miss that.

    Trying to make it through a full work day today. I have about an hour left, feeling drained! I'll make it then crash for the rest of the night.

    It is over 70 today!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    So you didn't have to quarantine at home for 5 days? I am glad you are feeling better.

    I'm beat! I packed books, counted books, and carried boxes from one room to another today. The director, Kara, said she is down to less than 20 volunteers since most of the seniors have left to be snowbirds for the winter. Russ and I will help her transfer boxes of books from the office site to storage at the school on Saturday. These are boxes that are ready for delivery to schools and counties. I don't know who does all the deliveries at this point. I'm sure she will ask Russ to do some.

    I made a corn bread pudding today using left over corn muffins. It felt good not to waste them. The bread pudding is pretty tasty. I put cinnamon, nutmeg, and a sprinkle of brown sugar on top. Then I poured a drizzle of maple syrup over the warmed bread pudding when I tried it. Yum!

    I am so glad our state election is over!!!!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    that corn bread pudding sounds really good!

    Tuesday was my fifth day. I decided my migraine and scratchy throat from Thursday was the 'beginning'. Right or wrong - I had already worked Thursday and Friday (since I thought it was just regular puny), and obviously I got it from someone there anyway.

    Glad for the ads to be done for sure.

    I swapped out my keyboard finally because the other one was feeling sticky on the reaction and not sure I like this one any better. It kind of loud and clackey.

    One more day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    70 degrees here today and sunny. Wow! We have been so lucky winter hasn't arrived yet, but I think this weekend is the turning point.

    I did some Christmas shopping for the kids today. In a bit I will get dressed to go out for my oldest sister's birthday dinner at an Italian restaurant. Girls Night Out...

    Our main TV died last week so Russ went and bought a new one today. The picture sure is crisp.

    Are you feeling better and able to have a nice weekend?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Birthday dinner was nice. I really liked the restaurant, food and service. Russ and I will go there sometime.

    Today Russ and I are going to the Y to work out. I'm going to water yoga and he is going to the fitness floor. We will do some errands and get dinner in Traverse City while there.

    Gray out and winter will be arriving with temps and mix of snow and rain by tomorrow or Sunday.

    Hope you are feeling better.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We found a Thai restaurant that is pretty good! Yay! Not much good ethnic restaurants here in northern MI. We went after the Y workout because it was next to the store we went to to get some Christmas shopping done for the kids.

    I did water yoga today. It felt so good but the water felt a little cool. I think I may wear my long sleeve swim shirt next time to keep my arms warm.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Had an ultrasound this morning since doc said I shouldn’t be bleeding after going a year without. Sigh. So did that before work. I’m starting to wonder if doing all these tests are beneficial.

    Glad you found some good restaurants and got started on your shopping. Woot!!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    When will you hear the results of your test? Did he indicate what the bleeding might mean? Fingers crossed nothing serious. There is a reason women called their monthly period The Curse when I was young. It is so annoying!

    Cold, dusting of snow but the sun is shining so that is a win! I need to go do an exchange of shirt sizes at a store that I went to last Sunday. Second guessing sizes I chose for Rory and Hannah. Otherwise, I will make egg salad for lunch, begin to sort Christmas gifts per couple and relax.

    When do C and Z come home for Thanksgiving? Rory and Hannah arrive next Saturday for a week. Looking forward to their visit.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I can’t believe it is almost thanksgiving!

    Watching volleyball and stressful today! Husker struggling.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Snowed all day but will melt in a day or so as it warms up again. Russ and I helped Power Books move boxes this morning and I stuck around to inventory boxed books that are going to k12 students for Thanksgiving week. I volunteered at the theater in town. We only sold 5 tickets and two popcorns. Slow day with the first snow falling. I guess the senior citizens are either south or stay home when the weather is cold and snowy.

    We are hosting Thanksgiving and one of our ovens isn't working right. We have an LG range with an upper and lower oven. The upper one isn't working right. Just in time to cook Thanksgiving dinner!

    I am eager to go to aqua fit in the morning. I hope the weather cooperates. I need to start getting ready for Rory and Hannah's visit. They arrive next Saturday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Of course when you would be wanting to utilize two ovens - it goes on the fritz.

    I don't when I might hear about my ultrasound. After the tech did her thing, I had to wait a bit and then got told I could go - so I am guessing at least that part went ok. I also believe that I will only hear something if they see something unusual. But who knows. I have to go in on 12/2 for my pre-scope appointment. Shiver. The colonoscopy is freaking me out a bit - the prep part.

    Zach and Caleb should be home on the Wednesday. I verified with them last night that we are looking at doing our dinner (with folks and sister and fam) on the Wednesday night and they both said that is their first day of break and would be home.

    Bernie and I both watching what we are eating so while we plan for the 'normal' Thanksgiving food and side for that meal, I think we will continue to try to be careful over the holiday to not undo our progress. I finally shaved off a couple of pounds. But I am still well above where I am comfortable.

    This will be another weird week. Tony Raimondo Sr passed away last week (the owner/head of the family that owns this business). That will likely stir up more drama and shenanigan's. Power imbalances and power struggles will likely be coming. Meh.

    Happy Monday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Are you hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner or do you get to be a guest and bring a dish? A few years ago in Mpls our oven went on the blitz for Christmas. We ended up switching from having a prime rib and the fixings to a shrimp boil cooked on the stove top in a big pot. Russ thinks he can make it all work with one oven so fingers crossed that one doesn't die too. I would hate to tell guests that we aren't having them for dinner after all.

    I'm glad the boys will be home with you. Something to look forward to for you all.

    We had a small, young coyote set off our Ring camera at 2:30am last night. We got him on camera walking by our front porch and pausing near our bedroom window. Charlie is so unaware of what is around him. This morning, he and I were out and saw tracks through the front yard. He was sniffing them for quite awhile. There was a dusting of snow over them so I couldn't tell what kind of tracks they were. Shortly after, Russ sent me the video of the coyote so that answered my question.

    I went to aqua class this morning and pushed myself. I took a long hot tub soak afterward. I am staying home this afternoon and relaxing. I need to sort my Christmas piles for the kids and see what I am missing.

    My friend who came in August had given me $100 to spend on Amazon and buy a new coffee maker. I had mentioned I didn't like my Mr. Coffee and was going to buy a new one that made hotter coffee. I just purchased a Ninja coffee maker that gets good reviews. The water reservoir can be removed and filled, washed, etc. like a keurig. More sanitary...

    What kind of eating plan are you and Bernie doing? Kudos to you for losing some pounds! WTG!

    Have you had a colonoscopy or is this your first? The prep is only a pain because you have to stay close to the bathroom. Don't make plans or go anywhere the day you start the prep. The procedure is no big deal and you won't even know it is happening.

    Happy Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It’s been years since I took a turn hosting so I am taking a turn. Bernie is going to do the turkey on the smoker/grill like we did for graduation. Plan to do it over weekend and then we’ll heat back up in the electric roaster. A big pot of mashed potatoes since it’s the Zach’s absolute favorite. Will ask mom to do calico beans and pumpkin pie and sis salad and beans if she wants. I’ll probably also roast some squash for Bernie

    I am just trying to track with weight watchers and Bernie is doing something called lean and green or something like that. He’s down like 20 pounds already. I’m down 3. Typical.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Men lose so easily and women's bodies hang on to the weight when we are older. Do you feel your hormone therapy is helping with bloat and weight? I am a WW flunkie. I lose up to 25 pounds, plateau, and gain it back. I've stopped joining. For now, I am just trying to move more. I love the water classes and push myself to build up heart rate, stretch and build muscle. I feel stronger and my knee is doing so well.

    Your Thanksgiving sounds nice. Russ cooks our meal and likes to control it all. Even though guests want to bring side dishes, he won't agree. He doesn't like change and likes his traditional recipes so I let it go. I get to be the one to hear from guests that they want to bring things and I have to mediate. This year I put out a list with wine, dinner rolls, green salad, and pie. They will bring those things. We bought something new from a local meat market. They remove the bones from the turkey, wrap the white meat around the dark meat, tie it together and it has a shorter baking time and less mess carving the bird. Our friends swear by this and order one every year. Russ decided to give it a try. I hope they left the skin on. For some crazy reason our oven is working again. Fingers crossed...

    Happy Tuesday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Well that was an unhappy call to get. I guess the ultrasound showed something (thickness). I didn’t really hear and I need to go to the gynecologist now. Wow. More good news