The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I really want to hear what you think about the Ninja coffee maker. I have been looking at them a little bit too (especially with Black Friday). I lost my dear, dear Tassimo awhile back and decided to try going back to not get individual type coffee (for Tassimo it was disc) or pods. But I don't love the unit I have it's a fairly inexpensive Hamilton Beach and I had gotten it for Bernie a number of years ago it can do Keurig type pods or full pots of coffee and I'm not sure of the quality. But the pods are pretty spendy and if we are both filling up our travel mugs in the morning a full pot makes more sense. Anyway - always on the lookout for a better coffee experience at home!

    So I guess the bleeding after being in menopause is a bigger deal. And the ultrasound showed something outside of what the primary doc was comfortable with and now I have to be referred to a gyn. I don't even know who they gyn's in town are any more. I guess they will call me to schedule an appointment. More waiting. More probbing I'm sure. Of course google doc shares so many helpful things. It's hard to not let my imagination race. Just being calm and not thinking about it is not really my thing ;>). This sure just reaffirms my feelings that man I am just falling apart!!!

    I think the de-bone turkey sounds really cool. I bet it will be delicious.

    After nearly 16 years Bernie finally got around to putting hand rails on both the garage steps and the front porch steps. Even though it's only a couple of steps I was really unhappy to see a family friend (and my folks too of course) struggling to get in the house from the garage at graduation because they had to try to grab the door jamb to steady themselves. Ah well, he was finally ready to do it. You can't rush Bernie. It always has to be in his time.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    That must be a male trait for many males. Russ is on his own timeline. If he doesn't think it is necessary, he won't do it. If he says he will do it, it could take years or not at all. Now that he is retired, this has improved because he likes to putz and work with tools. This job he has puts another dimension into his timeline now. But if it pays off the generator we haven't used yet, so be it.

    Now I'm worried about your results. What are your symptoms besides bleeding like a period? Try not to do your own research on the internet. It will increase anxiety and may be giving too much false leads as to what is going on. Hard not to, I know.

    I have had more coffee makers than any other appliance beside dish washers. I had a Keurig for awhile but didn't like the idea water sat in the reservoir not used. I also didn't like the pods. I used biodegradable ones from Costco for awhile but didn't think the coffee was very good. I want my coffee to be hot when I pour it so that has been another issue. Based on video reviews, the Ninja is suppose to do that. My friend gave me the two gift cards for it so I didn't wait for Black Friday since I wasn't paying for it anyway. I really want a robotic vacuum like a Roomba to keep the dog hair under control. I may shop for that on Black Friday depending on deals.

    Snowing like a snow globe today. I sorted Christmas gifts for kids yesterday. One more errand to do and then I'll wrap Rory and Hannah's gifts for this weekend or for them to take home. I'm giving the older kids that Kiwi monthly activity for a year and several books. The babies are getting a toy and a few books. Small this year...I'm not in the mood, they don't want a lot of stuff, and I hate to shop.

    I didn't go to aqua class this morning. I had a hard time waking up, feel tired and my arches still ache from Mondays class and being on my feet at home. Roads are slick so seemed a good day not to go. I do volunteer this afternoon at Power Books but that is just in town a couple miles away.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hump Day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    the Women's clinic called last night and first available appointment is 12/8. Geesh. With the wonderful colonoscopy 12/13. SO much to look forward to, and be anxious about. Good times.

    The fiscal year end audit is still not wrapped up. Someone from RSM is finally back here is COL today asking for things and stuff. I never heard for sure if they were going to recount here, but they may have used Trident's counts to balance up what they listed as our variances. But that's still crappy for us, because it makes it look like our numbers were off of what we reported and ultimately comes back to our team. Meh. Whatever. It always gets blamed on Manufacturing.

    The new big thing this year is they have hired outside Lean consultants to come in and tell us how to get Lean and make more money. Snort. That's on top of the new Director of Lean that was hired internally. Mmm-hmm more overhead and please tell us what to get rid of and then send an invoice to pay for the privilege of that. We'll see who survives.

    Well, at least it's Friday-eve
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We have at least 3-4 inches of snow and more on the way. Rory and Hannah are driving from MN Saturday and they are getting a lot of snow too. I told them to take it slow and stop over night if roads aren't good. I will worry until they get here safely.

    Russ and I both helped Power Books today. I packed books for schools and he made deliveries of books to two local school systems. I did a little shopping at the book store in town and came home and wrapped Rory and Hannah's presents. I have a couple more places to go tomorrow, clean the guest bathroom and dust. Russ will vacuum for me Saturday while I make stuffed shells to freeze and for dinner Saturday eve.

    Your work sounds stressful. Is the new owner/company disorganized? Sounds kind of chaotic. Do the best you can and don't let work rule your life. Your family, quality of life and personal health are way more important.

    Jeff called yesterday to ask if we can get a refund on our rental house in FL. His neighbor and the guy he shares office space/rent with in St Augustine, bought another house in the neighborhood. He and his wife are moving in to it and planning to rent out the house they own and have been living in across the street from Jeff, on a weekly/monthly basis for family and friends and a reasonable price. He had a guy that was interested in a 3 month rental lease and he hadn't committed yet. If he doesn't commit, we can rent that house for a month and be across the street from them for the month. If the guy commits, we will keep our rental in Ormond By The Sea just north of Daytona for this winter. Maybe next year we could get the house across the street. Fingers crossed it works out for this winter!

    I don't know if I will have time for water yoga tomorrow afternoon.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Here's for safe travels for Rory and Hannah. I hate thinking about driving on bad roads!

    That would be fun if the house works out. But even if not this year, next year - cool.

    I need to finish my Thanksgiving grocery list and figure out what other things to make while the boys home. Well, Zach. Who knows how long Caleb will stay. My guess is he'll stay two days and then be back in Lincoln. It's fine, but I chuckle inside at how disappointed Bernie is when Caleb takes off after a short time. I keep reminding him, it's his experience (actually a good reminder for me too). As long as it's not illegal or insanely dangerous we just have to stay out of it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I found that the boys liked living on their own with friends and eventually their own apartments. Your home will always be a constant and a place to "go home to", but they like their independence and tend to return to their place sooner than later. I was the same way in college. In my household, it was hard to come home and have my Mom impose rules or ask a lot of questions about where and what I was doing. Not that you are, but that was the way I perceived my Mom. She didn't treat me as an adult. It's part of the breaking away and becoming independent. Do you think C is having a better experience at school now that the semester is almost over?

    Snow globe day again! It is snowing heavily and is suppose to continue today and tomorrow. I have to stay busy and not worry about Rory and Hannah. I worry more about other drivers and their carelessness on slick roads.

    Russ went to the grocery early this morning to beat the rush. We had a long list for Thanksgiving and for Rory and Hannah being here for the week. I wrapped presents last night. I will zoom with retiree friends in a bit and then finish preparing their room and bathroom. I'm doing my laundry so it is done for the next week.

    Charlie and I saw large deer tracks and coyote tracks in the front yard this morning. Charlie was sniffing and following them. Russ needs to get those trail cams so we can see what moseys through in the night.

    Happy Friday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I got quite a bit more to put on my grocery list - I asked Caleb what he wanted, he had several things - he sounded hungry! And Zach thinks he'll be home tomorrow and be home through break. Sounds like his classes just gave a bunch of research and other homework and won't meet.

    I can't tell if school is going any better for Caleb, I think he is spending more time with a couple of other friends who moved to Lincoln (in an apartment) and are just working. I'm not sure what they are doing - and it's certainly probably best I don't know. I think he has decided to move off campus next year. (With these same friends he visits). It's really not what I want. I moved off campus my second year, started working to support that and then it was just about all those responsibilities. I encouraged Caleb to not rush off campus (try to get the suites or apartment on campus) and just enjoy school (as much as you can enjoy insanely hard classes), but rushing the work and apartment thing not necessary - it will be there in a few years too. But, after I made my upteenth pitch, I also had to remind myself that it's his experience. He did a great job with being successful in high school (also starting to work sooner than I wanted) and he has to do what he thinks is best for him now too. I still think it's too bad he's kind of giving up on the campus experience. I personally never considered where I grew up 'home' after I left for college. I moved into an apartment immediately following freshman year and shortly after that became involved with Bernie and that was just kind of it. I was on my own at that point. Where I grew up was more 'the folks.'

    Couple more hours then HOME

    Fri-yay and GBR volleyball - hopefully a huge bounce back from the sad Sunday game.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My high school vball team lost either in the quarter finals of regionals or state. Can't remember...

    C will find his own way and his experience will be different than Z's or yours. As adults, we can all look back to college as either the best or ways we would do it differently now if we were that age again. I for one would not have a boyfriend going into college nor continue to date him at college. His dorm was near mine. I limited friendships I could have made and experiences I could have had. We married and divorced 6 years later after two babies. Oh well...

    I just baked my coffee cakes and will prepare the stuffed shells in a few hours. Rory and Hannah are crossing the U.P. of MI and have had pretty good roads up there. They said WI was a little dicey. South of the Mackinac Bridge where we are, is off and on heavy snow. I bet we've had 8-10" since yesterday. They are making good time so may be here in time for dinner if they continue through.

    My coffee cakes look good so far. Sometimes they sink because the middle doesn't cook. This time I used the bottom oven, made one batch at a time of batter, and tapped the pans on the counter to relieve air bubbles before baking. Fingers crossed they are cooked and tasty!

    I can't wait to see Rory and Hannah!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Rory and Hannah arrived around 5pm yesterday. They had a crazy drive from the bridge to our home. At one point they were driving in white out conditions with snow blowing at their windshield. They said some cars didn't have head lights on even in the dark! Terrible drivers all around them and cars and trucks in the ditch too. They were exhausted when they arrived. We had a good dinner and then sat and chatted. Rory fell asleep on the couch snoring loudly while we talked with Hannah. They slept in this morning. Hannah has to work remotely for a bit and we are watching the soccer world cup tournament in the den.

    My coffee cakes turned out perfect! Maybe I finally mastered the recipe?

    Today we are laying low. They brought quite a few Christmas gifts. I only wrapped small items, mainly edibles or locally made items. They went all out! I don't know if they are all for us but if so, I feel like I was chintzy this year.
    But we are hosting Thanksgiving and providing a party and large feast for all. It really should be about the get together with friends and family.

    We have tons of snow but I imagine it will melt this week if temps get above 32.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm so glad Rory and Hannah made it safely! The way their drive sounds would have made my hair gray(er). Yikes.

    I also hate feeling like gifts I get are of the same quantity when others give more than I do. I bet they just saw things that really inspired them, made them think of the receiver, etc.

    I got a big surprise when Caleb showed up yesterday home for the break. I don't think his classes were canceled, it just seems that he decided to come home early. I am thrilled to see him, while of course a bit concerned. I am focusing on enjoying him and making sure he knows he can talk to me he needs to.

    Unfortunately, today is my hairy-scary day at work. With the short week, we have to get all the reports and data ready for payroll by 6:30 a.m. in order for them to submit to ADP and get it back by Wednesday. (A good two to three hours early on top of what is always an early day) So this is pretty much my least favorite day of the year. There is no room for giving people extra time to get their portion done, and every year they act like they have never heard about needing to be done early, or they forget or whatever. Even though we have all been reminding all the team leads for weeks. Ah well.

    Bernie smoked turkey and ham yesterday and then we will warm it back up on Wednesday.

    Enjoy your fam time!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oy, I can't believe today is Tuesday. I was so tired last night I didn't get much of anything done. Just started prepping my butternut squash. I haveso much I would like to get done before dinner Wednesday night. Ah well. I have to set my mind to being ok with not getting it all done.

    My goal for tonight is to make a pan of brownies and get my plates figured out and washed up.

    Hope you are enjoying your kiddo. I have been loving having both Z and C home. They have both been upstairs quite a bit and interacting.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Rory and Hannah are sport nuts and have been watching the soccer world cup games. They just went out to do some shopping at a local cherry products store and go to the book store. We did our Christmas exchange last night. Russ and I each got two gifts and Charlie got two gifts. They liked what we gave them and they did not go over board on us. I was gifted a jigsaw puzzle that is our family photo from Jeff and Karah's wedding. It's pretty cool. I also got a new gardening bench/kneeler with new garden gloves. Good timing because my old kneeler didn't hold up in the weather over the Fall and needs fixing. If I can fix it, I will keep one in the garage and the old one outside near the garden. Russ got a really nice fleece pull over from Sierra Trading and a canvas tool bag. He was pleased!

    Russ is in the kitchen making his sweet potato casserole, corn bread for his corn bread stuffing, and two cranberry dishes. I will make my pumpkin pies tomorrow and the base for Ina Garten's make ahead gravy. Hannah is going to help me clean up house for Thursday and set the tables. We will start on that tomorrow.

    I am purchasing tickets for a Christmas Variety Show that I will go to with my sisters. I am trying to get tickets to a Christmas Holiday Concert at our theater in town but their website is updated with the info as of yet. I am a member of the non profit that runs the theater so am suppose to get priority advanced tickets. Hopefully we can get them. Since we won't have kids here for the holiday, I want to do some Christmassy things to make it fun.

    We are getting together with my friend Laurie and her husband on the 3rd for dinner and movie or cards at their house. I haven't seen her since last March. She is the high school volleyball coach at our old school. We played on the team together in high school and have been friends since 8th grade.

    Two coyotes were on the prowl last night through our yard. Russ saw their tracks this morning. Charlie was very interested in smelling their path. I hope we don't lose him to a gruesome death by predators.

    We can have the house across from Jeff and Karah! We are confirming dates and cost but it will be less than half of what we were paying for the other place. I hope to have the details worked out this week so I can cancel the other rental. It is way nicer, bigger, and kitty korner from Jeff and Karah. Room for Hannah, Rory, David, Chantrelle and the girls if they all come visit at once. We are so excited! I even talked Russ in to adding one more week and being there for 5 weeks instead of 4. Hopefully the owner agrees to our newly requested dates.

    Wonderful that C surprised you and came home early. Nice for the boys to spend time together too. I know my boys enjoy time together without us as parents, to chat and catch up. I'm sure your meal will be great. I always tell myself it is not about the food but having family time to connect. All should be grateful for a good meal and someone who will host the gathering. I constantly tell myself don't clean so much because it get so messy from all the people, spills, etc. I do the minimum now (clean up dog hair, wipe down bathroom toilet, vanity and floor).

    Well you will be busy tomorrow and so will I. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and visit with the boys. A break from work will be wonderful for you. Too much stress! Leave it behind...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Guests finally left. We are exhausted! Russ out did himself with the meal and he can barely move from fatigue. I told him to remember this next year. He cooks so much food and spends 2-3 days with prep ahead of time.

    I'm going to relax and not move for a bit. I hope you had a great feast with your family.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I feel you on the exhaustion. I worked the morning of Wednesday, then came home and we finished up getting food ready. We had sister, brother-in-law, nephew, niece and her fiance' and my folks for dinner that night. It was pretty late (for us anyway) since niece, fiance' and nephew had to work and then drive to town. But it was a nice night. But I was smoked after everyone left and the whole next day (Thursday) I could barely do anything. Food was good, a nice evening all in all. Just tiring.

    I did some online Black Friday shopping, got some gifts and today I was actually in the mood to put up some of my Christmas stuff. Getting tired though. I did get my two new skinny trees up and I think they look nice. I actually am moving some stuff around in my hutch to display some Christmas stuff which I haven't done in years.

    Watching Husker vs Iowa (bleck) football and feeling cautiously optimistic. Don't worry, they'll probably find a way to not win. Sigh. It has been a rough decade for football fans. Then we have volleyball vs Wisconsin tonight. Boy - we need to beat the Badgers!! GBR!!

    Caleb took off this morning to back to Lincoln. Sigh. I know he came home early, but I was working most of those days!! Sniff. I was a little sad. I hope he got rested up and ready to grind out the next few weeks and crush his finals.

    Zach is still here, been working on a lot of homework and papers. So proud of how he much he is putting into his college experience. It was so bad in high school for him, my heart so happy he found his place. Sure hope he can find his 'next' place too!

    Safe travels for Rory and H!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Rory and Hannah left about 5:30 this morning. We got up at 5am to see them off and then I went back to bed until 8am. I had a great day going to the holiday markets in the small villages in our county. I also went to the Polish Center to look at their hand made pottery and bought some of their frozen Pierogies for dinner this week. I had a lot of success for presents at the markets (local artisans have booths). I found a couple more things for Rory and Hannah so I will send them on for Christmas #2. I bought myself enough stuff too (new handmade winter hat, handmade wooden rolling pin, lavender stick for sleep). I bought a sandwich at my favorite sandwich shop and ate in my car at the beach looking at Lake MI. I wish Russ would have joined me but he is still feeling lazy.

    We are getting a reprieve from snow right now. Sunny, blue skies and green grass...

    I'm glad you had a nice time with your family. Holidays are exhausting but when family live far away or have passed on, it is bittersweet. Enjoy family time while it is there.

    Happy Saturday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I sure do love a four-day weekend.

    I decided to tell my folks that I had my eye on a new coffee system (the Ninja) and I had some expiring Kohls rewards if they wanted to get get that for me for Christmas. So I did order it and it's came already. I think I am going to open it up before Christmas. If my folks want me to wrap it - I'll just wrap the box ;>) Has yours come? Do you like it?

    When I was getting things ready for Thanksgiving I came across the cake knife I used at my wedding. I have moved it several times in the last 27 plus years. My maternal grandma gave it to me to use. It had been a gift for her and grandpa for their 25th anniversary (so 1962) from mom and uncle and then my mom used it, and my sister used it and then I did. I had forgotten about (I probably should have given it to the cousins, but honestly it's good I didn't since the last one ended up divorced and it probably would have disappeared). So I gave it to mom on Wednesday night so she could give it to Caitlin. Mom was really happy to see it and do that. I actually thought my sister would get more of a heart-tug on it. Michele had a really close relationship with our grandma, lived with her for a time during college, had her visit many summers during her early years of marriage. I don't know if she just didn't want to show how she felt, but it seemed like she had no reaction. It's weird that I kind of feel disappointed that she didn't at least give me a sappy/happy moment for finding it and giving her that tie from grandma to share with her only daughter. *Shrug*

    Wintery weather moving in tomorrow. Boo.

    Less than three weeks for the boys!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    That is a great story about the cake knife. What a wonderful tradition to pass it along to your niece. Do you think your sister wanted it herself and resented you had it all these years? Maybe she wanted to pass it on to Caitlin.

    I bought an iRobot Roomba on Black Friday off Amazon. It arrived today so I will plug in the base tomorrow and read the instructions, download the app and get it ready to roomba around my house in the next days.

    I went to aqua class today. It was crowded in the pool! Mondays always are crowded. Russ made a meal for our farmer friends and I made the brownies. They are going through some bad stuff with his Dad and are under a lot of stress. They had a house full of family the last two weeks too. We met them and other classmates tonight for dinner at a tavern that will be closing after 50 years in business after Christmas. It is an iconic place in this county and will be no more. It was packed with customers. Everyone trying to get their last meal there before it closes. We took the meal we cooked in a cooler and gave it to Kathy and Steve when we were all leaving. They can heat it up for tomorrow's dinner. Russ made enough for us to have it for dinner also.

    Tomorrow I will inventory my Christmas gifts for David, Jeff and their families. Hopefully wrap and begin to pack the boxes for mailing them off to FL and AK. I found a couple more small things for Rory and Hannah so will send those off to them in a large padded envelope.

    We drove through 3 of the villages on our way home tonight. The towns are lit up with Christmas lights on trees, street lights and businesses. Very pretty!

    Our Christmas will be quiet. We will go to my sister's Christmas Eve but otherwise no plans. Relax, watch Hallmark Movies and read all Christmas day.

    I hope you have a good week. Busy for me...

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I forgot to give you feedback on my Ninja. This is the one that I bought:

    I like it so far. It is a big step up from my Mr. Coffee that I had. I love the water reservoir that can be removed and filled. Then the water is drawn from there and completely empties to make the coffee. I also love the warming button. I press that and it will keep the hotplate warm for 2 hours. I'm not sure if that is in addition to the initial turn on of the system or steps up the heat but I like it. It comes with a tablespoon that is attached on the side. One level spoon for each cup being brewed or adjust as you like your coffee. Easy to take parts off and clean, can use the washable filter or take that out and put in a cone filter that can be thrown away. Removable parts are dishwasher safe as far as I understand, but read the manual. I can't remember about reservoir and its top. Filter and pot are safe. I have been setting it up at night to brew in the morning when I get up. Very easy to do and right on time.

    Let me know what you buy. There are you tube videos that give reviews and compare to cuisinart, etc.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    ...and great pouring spout. Doesn't spill when you pour a cup of coffee!