The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I think mine is a different model than yours - but I am still excited to try it. Bernie said he has people at work who like it so much they stopped getting coffee house coffee because of this machine. I don't often get 'good' coffee - i.e. Broken Mug/Starbucks/Scooters - it's so expensive, but usually once a month I allow myself a good nonfat latte. Any machine I have ever had has never compared, so if this one produces such an excellent pour - well color me amped up!

    Sleet, freezing rain and ice covered roads are waiting out there for me today after work. Fortunately I got here early enough it had frozen down, but it's a mess now. I HATE the ice. I will stress and be anxious all freaking day.

    I had more Kohls cash from my Black Friday order to spend. So last night I ordered up a few winter hats, a new pair of dress shoes for Caleb, a new pair tennis shoes for Zach, a couple pair of dress pants for the wedding next summer and a gnome kitchen towel for me. ;>) Like a hundred bucks for 12 things.

    Suppose I should pretend to do some work. Later ;>)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I have been letting my new Roomba vacuum my main level today so it figures out where things are in each room. It is recharging for the 3rd time and has emptied itself several times. It still has the master bath to vacuum. It spent a lot of time under the beds, couches and the dirtiest places. Hopefully it won't need to spend that much time every time since it was thorough today. I will have to figure out the mapping feature so I can name rooms and voice activate the room I want vacuumed rather than a whole day for the whole main floor. If I run it 2-3 times per week in the room we use daily, it should keep up with the dog hair.

    I hope you had a safe drive home. We are expecting bad weather tomorrow. I have to go in to Suttons Bay for a hair cut in the morning and volunteer in the afternoon. It is only a couple miles, luckily.

    Great deal at Kohl's! You got a lot of shopping done too.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    made it home safe yesterday and this morning was fine. It should warm up tomorrow thank goodness.

    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Hair cut done, volunteered for 3 hours and home again.
    Glad you got home safe yesterday. We are having high winds and snow right now.
    David called last night. Chantrelle and the baby, Ellis, were airlifted to Anchorage yesterday morning. Ellis had a high fever, congestion, dehydration...The hospital in Homer is not staffed for pediatrics and with her heart condition, they sent them to Anchorage. David and Halen (also has been sick but not diagnosed) drove to Anchorage to be there for Chantrelle. 5 hour drive! Ellis has been diagnosed with RSV and Rhinovirus(common cold?). She has been on an IV drip for dehydration and they took a blood culture to test for sepsis. She isn't eating much and they won't send her home until she is. I haven't heard if blood culture was clear and if she has been discharged yet. Scary!

    We got the house across from Jeff and Karah in St. Augustine for 5 weeks. Unbelievably cheap price too! Jeff's friend, owner, will give him the short term lease and Jeff will put the money down for us. We will pay him. We aren't going through Airbnb so the owner will not have to pay them fees and we won't have more fees, just a cleaning fee. We will leave January 22nd for FL. We have the house from Jan 25th-Feb 28th. We are so excited for less money and a nicer place across the street from the kids!

    I always loved when Wed's were done when I was working. Two days left and then the weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Russ tows a trailer of book materials to Gaylord, MI today for Power Books. Luckily the winds have died down and the snow has stopped. I will work on Christmas today. I need to find boxes to ship stuff to kids.

    Tonight, Becky (sister) and I attend an event for the National Writer's Series in Traverse City. Pete Souza, Whitehouse Photographer for Obama, Bush, and not sure who else, is presenting a photo presentation and narrative on life in the White House. As part of the tickets, we receive a copy of his book. I think it will be interesting to see the photos and hear about his time shadowing presidents.

    We feel so busy lately. From here until Christmas we have events to attend, people to get together with and volunteering with Toys for Tots and Power Books. Life sure has taken off. Many told me a person is more busy in retirement than when working. I think COVID stalled it but now we are creating a life here and it is happening.

    When do the boys return for Christmas break? Will they be home awhile? Mine never stayed home the entire time if they lived in apartment/house at school. They liked to be in their own place with friends that also returned.

    Very gray/dark day here.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    OH NO! How terrifying. How is Ellis? They have been reporting how rampant RSV is this year and with such a young one it can certainly make things worse faster. I remember Zach having it when he was about three months and it was terrifying. I am glad they are keeping her. While I know it is stressful for mom and dad, just knowing they are right there being monitored hopefully is a bit of relief.

    I know it also seems like the majority of people at work are sick this week. I guess coming back from Thanksgiving with the various cruds. I am going to be mad if I get it again after just getting over it. I think COVID is pretty rampant here, plus all the RSV. I am going to my primary doc this afternoon for the appointment I had to cancel a few weeks ago when I had COVID. It was supposed to be a check in to talk about how the HRT was going, but since that has been discontinued pending whatever the Gyn appointment reveals (which is next week) I guess this is the pre-appointment for the colonoscopy. That is still giving me anxiety.

    I think we are less than two weeks before the semester is done. I'm sure Zach will come home and stay home. Caleb I'm guessing will pop in and out based on what his buddy Alex is doing. Alex is the friend in Lincoln that has an apartment and he goes to stay with most weekends and is planning on living with after next semester.

    Up to mid-50's today and then the cold comes back. We moisture so desperately, I just would prefer it not to come in ice form first.

    Poor Husker volleyball is falling apart. They lost Kenzie Knuckles (DS) to a season ending knee injury last week, Nicklin Hames (S) to concussion protocol last week and a starting OH Whitney to illness this week. It could be a a quick exit to the NCAA tourney. Poor kids. Cook is going to have to look to beef up his bench DS and S people after it got decimated recently - for next year unfortunately. GBR!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I hope you don't get sick again. Lots going around this season since people aren't isolated any more. I am amazed I haven't gotten Covid or the flu. I'm out and about, not masking any more and often forget we had a pandemic. I probably just jinxed myself by saying that.

    I went to water yoga today. It felt wonderful. My joints have hurt this week. Not sure if it the weather changes or what. I sat in the hot tub for 15 minutes afterwards. I didn't want to get out but I know a person shouldn't be in them too long.

    Tomorrow, Russ and I are going to a local craft fair that will have 50+ vendors from around the state. He wants to see what crafters are making with wood and I love to browse and pick up hand made things if I have a use for them. Tomorrow eve we are going to my friend Laurie's house for dinner. I haven't seen her since last March and we have not gotten together with her and her husband as couples since we moved here. She is the high school vball coach and seems to be busy with camps, season practice and games, etc. She retired and then went to work at our alma mater doing behavior consulting on difficult kids that have not yet been labeled behavior disordered. She worked in a self-contained school for her career and taught kids with emotional behavior disorders that were on IEP's.

    I feel chilled tonight after being in my swim suit. I see a very hot shower before bed time. Maybe some hot chocolate with Baileys before bed?

    It will be nice to have Z home his entire break. Maybe C will stick around more?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We went to the craft show this morning. Russ saw a stand where a guy made beautiful wood toys from pallet wood. He makes his own patterns too. Russ was intrigued and I can see him working on something like that. We bought a carved wooden tree for the mantle made out of old Christmas tree wood. I also found an angel ornament for our tree made out of a slice of a birch trunk, beach rock and beach glass. There were a lot of home made crafts that I admired but didn't feel I needed to purchase them all. Some good ideas for next Christmas gifts for the girls. I've finished my shopping this year so didn't want to buy anything else.

    This afternoon I will make a green lettuce and veggie salad to take to our friends tonight. She is making spaghetti.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Bernie had to run to Wayne to get my folks Christmas tree down. I did some aggressive decluttering. On one hand I feel good about what I accomplished On the other still so much to do.

    Got my colonoscopy homework yesterday. Just over a week until that fun.

    The boys are feeling stressed with projects and studying. Less than two weeks to go.

    I thought about going to a craft show. I’m not sure I could get out without buying way more than I would want to

    Any word on the baby?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I enjoy craft shows. So much to see so a little overwhelming. I either like something or don't. I like to browse every stand before I purchase anything so I don't just buy mindlessly.

    No word on Ellis' recovery. Last I heard she was discharged and they would be heading home within 24 hours. Low grade fever at that time. They haven't responded to my texts in the past 24 hours. I know they would have been driving to Homer yesterday but I would think who ever wasn't driving would have given an update. They are probably tired.

    We had a nice time at our friends' house last night. Spaghetti dinner, chatting and then watched a movie. We watched Armageddon Time with Anne Hathaway and Anthony Hopkins. Very dark!! Takes place in the 70's and 1980. It is the director's autobiographical screen play of his childhood. He does a good job with beliefs and child rearing practice of the times, immigrant jewish family, etc. Hard to watch though.

    Still in my robe. I'm going to my great niece' ballet recital at 4pm. She is 3 so it should be cute but chaos. They all wear pink tutus. I will probably have PTSD from my first grade year having to take ballet and be in the recital. I was not cooperative, hated it and cried when I had to go or perform. I probably had anxiety when I was little.

    I'm hoping Russ will bring up our tree and boxes today so I can get started on it. I'm not getting the village out this year but we will enjoy the tree lights and ambiance.

    I remember finals week before a break. Pulling all nighters because I procrastinated on studying, writing papers last minute, catching up on text book reading...Oh the days!

    Well enjoy your Sunday. Good for you to get some decluttering done. I have some clean up projects in the basement to do but just haven't done them.

    Happy Sunday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Ellis is doing better but has a nasty labored cough. She is home and is going to the clinic today for a check up. I can't help but worry.

    The artificial tree is up and the branches are spread. I need help from Russ with garland and then I can put ornaments on. He went to work and the Y so is napping now. It is always a process over a couple of days.

    I think I told you Sun Country is going to fly here non stop from Mpls during the summer. They are offering cheap rates. Rory and Hannah purchased tickets for $36 each way for next August. I was talking with a MN friend this morning and a few of them want to fly out next summer. I said book your tickets and I'll put in calendar. They are booked for 7/31-8/4 and bought tickets for $54 each way. Still a steal! There are 4 for sure and maybe a 5th. I told them to split cost of rental car if they have a 5th because we wouldn't be able to fit in my Subaru Outback if their are 6 of us. 5 is the max including me, the driver.

    My sisters are planning the Christmas Eve gathering at my middle sister's house. It always gets out of control with food. The plan was to have each guest bring an appetizer/dessert but Becky, hostess, is now planning soup, bread, and many apps of her own. She wants to tell people what to bring rather than letting them decide. It's not a meal where everything needs to compliment the other. It's a buffet of apps except her soup and bread. She loves to cook so can't control herself. She also doesn't want people to bring something she won't like and prefers to delegate. When I've asked her to bring something to our house, she will bring what she wants, not what I want her to bring. It's all about her and her likes, no one elses. Drives me crazy!

    Well I am going to read and relax until Russ wakes up from his nap. I hope your Monday is going well. I did not go to aqua class today because I wanted to work on the tree and other things. I will go Wed morning.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm glad they felt Ellis was improved enough to release, but I'm sure still SO scary. That RSV cough is horrible to listen to them suffer with. Sending healthy thoughts!

    That's great that there is a low cost flight option for those friends and family to come see you. What a wonderful treat.

    Started shopping for my Gatorade, broth and jello. Grocery list of 'low-residue' foods for the weekend and Monday, then prep Monday, do the deed Tuesday afternoon. Good times.

    Nothing much else, just trying not to super stress about the scope.


    Healthy vibes!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The tree is decorated but I'm waiting for my new star topper to arrive on Friday and then it is complete. Hope I like it. I never wrapped presents (hate doing it) so I'm skipping class tomorrow morning to work on the AK presents. I need to get that box in the mail. I volunteer tomorrow and Thursday afternoon so not a lot of time. Charlie has a physical at the vet for his vaccinations on Thursday morning. Russ and I are doing a delivery of books to some counties south of us on Friday for Power Books. Busy week!

    My niece had a c-section today. She now has a girl, age 3, and a little boy, but not so little! He was born 9lb, 1oz, 21" long, and his head is in the 94th %ile! That is why they did a c-section. They thought he measured about 10 pounds and with the very large head (from both sides of the family) they didn't want to risk long labor and he gets stuck, then c-section. I bought her kids their Christmas presents today and want to make them a meal too. I'm thinking a one-pot spaghetti with ground turkey, salad and Texas Toast for bread. I don't think she will be home until Thursday or Friday so I will make the meal on the weekend or early next week and deliver.

    It sounds like you are prepared for the prep and procedure. It is interesting how medical clinics have different prep routines.

    Hope work is going well. Has your sister interviewed for any new jobs or is she not telling you?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I’m not sure what is going on with Michele and the work stuff. I don’t know if she has decided to let it be or is in the thick of searching. I know she just had an appointment with a dietitian as she had tested pre diabetic. So she is finally getting serious about that. Unfortunately she is on a low sodium low carb low sugar. That’s going to be tough! I’m struggling and I at least have popcorn.

    That new baby is just a bit bigger than my guys. Zach was 8 15-3/4 and Caleb was 8 14. I had trouble with Zach. His head was big and he kept getting caught. The doctor finally did the forceps after. Ugh. The stitches. A lifetime ago already. Kids in Zach’s class are getting married and having kids. So weird

    Great job with being on top of all your shopping and shipping

    I’m sure that new mom will be so appreciative of a prepared meal.

    Have a good day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The AK gifts are wrapped and ready to ship. I have a large padded envelope ready to go for Rory and Hannah since we already had our Christmas. I found a few more things for them. Tomorrow I will work on FL family's gifts and have it all mailed by Friday, hopefully. Then I will be done except for any baking I do (pecan pie...). I never got to the Y this week so I will definitely be ready to work out next week. I'm hoping my physical next week is on a day that I don't go to the Y. Need to check...

    Jeff and Rory were 9.1 and 9.2 lbs. David was my smallest at 8.12 lbs. I'm glad to be done with all that and raising teenagers too. Now I will just enjoy watching them parent and spoil my grandkids:)

    It looks like Covid is rising in CA? What is that about? They are having another surge of the virus. Is this going to be the norm forever?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It seems everyone at work is sick with something. It’s never ending. Oh and my gyn appointment is tomorrow and they are calling for icy precipitation. Awesome.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Two hour wait. Endometrial biopsy. Doc talks that he doesn’t really think it is cancer but if he had to cha cancer it would be endometrial. 😳. Good talk dude. The icing was just getting started when my appointment was over so I came home. Listened to the husker volleyball lose their match. Sigh. Hopefully tomorrow is better

    Is the baby getting better?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    When will you get official results of biopsy?

    Ellis is still coughing but reported to be better. I got my Christmas box mailed to AK and MN. Now to finish FL and mail off.

    I took Charlie to vet this morning for his physical. He is an expensive dog! Vaccines, flea and heartworm meds for FL, biopsy of his growth on his dew claw that causes him discomfort. It could be cancerous and needs to be removed. Spendy procedure...

    I volunteered this week a total of 6 hrs. at Power Books. Most people have gone south for the winter so she needs help to get books packed for distribution to kids.

    I hope your results are negative for cancer.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    He said probably two weeks.

    Pet costs sure add up don't they.

    Work is reconfiguring the freaking office, so we have to move soon and then we'll have to move again after they 'fix' it up. It sounds like it's going to end up being more open concept. Which I hate the thought of. I like having a couple of walls in a cubby to myself. I DO NOT want to sit at an open table in a huge open room of open tables. Gross. I hope it's not like what I am envisioning. Oh, and they expect us to get rid of all our paper. Uh, I can try to eliminate more, but paperless? We have to print work orders for the shop. And keep the parts lists showing what they subbed and keep cycle counts for auditors, and, and. What the what. The Lean consultants, bringing the pain.

    I made Bernie drive us both to work as it was super icy this morning.

    At least it's Friday.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Two weeks is a long wait. Wow!
    I hear you on the open concept office. When my department was making a move the admin staff wanted us to have open tables where we could sit randomly when we were in the office. Cheaper for them than purchasing and configuring cubicles. Luckily our boss went to bat for us and said it would not work. We had files and teaching materials we needed to keep with us and cubicle storage was a necessity. I hear the department is moving again back to a building we were in 15 years ago. I'm sure they will try to push open tables again. Do you have a department lead that can consult with higher ups?

    Is Bernie's company near yours? I don't like driving on icy roads either. Russ and I had to drive separate because our hours were different and I needed my car to get to kid's homes. Some treacherous winters...

    Today Russ, Charlie and I drove south to Ludington (town on Lake MI) to deliver materials and books. Cute town! Anyway, the two Health Depts were closed all day for a staff inservice so we had to leave all the boxes in the director of PBs cottage garage. Cute house in town! They bought it years ago as a summer cottage and she said she use to spend the summers there with her kids when husband was working and she had summers off (educator). Grandma lives on the street behind the cottage so kids could spend time with her. Director and her kids could walk a couple of blocks to Lake MI beach every day to swim and play. She told me Russ and I could use it if we ever wanted a get away. It would be fun to explore the main street of that town and walk the beach. Not much different than where we are now but just a different place 2 hours south of here. On the way home, we stopped for a mid day lunch/dinner at a restaurant. Charlie slept in the car with a blanket.

    I mailed Halen's bday card today! She turns 2 next week! Her KiwiCo activities box arrived this week so they will open next week to see what came this month. It is the first box in the one year subscription we bought for her.

    Tomorrow I will wrap Jeff's family gifts and start some Christmas cards. Tomorrow eve, we meet some classmates for dinner and then go to one couples' house to play cards. Russ doesn't seem to in to it but left it up to me. I feel we need to have social outings with others. Otherwise, too isolated.

    Last night a 43 year old woman was out walking her dog on a road a few miles away. A lady that had been drinking hit her and the dog and they died at the scene. The police took the driver to jail. No names have been relased yet. So sad. I don't know if she was wearing reflective clothing. It would have been dark out.

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend.