The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Water Yoga was wonderful. I think I will become addicted to it. It felt so good!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Water yoga was wonderful!!! My new addiction. Unfortunately I may not be able to go next Friday due to fireplace guy coming to finish up. It was so peaceful and felt so good to stretch my muscles without rushing through a warm up or cool down. A whole hour of stretches in the water.

    Yesterday I sent out a text to both my sisters and niece with a photo of the baby and the stats. My oldest sister said she never got it and insists I didn't send to her. She didn't get the news until evening when her daughter told her about it. The text never came back undeliverable to her so I would assume it went through. Of course, whenever she can't send a text or email to me or doesn't get one from me, it is my fault and something must be wrong with my phone, not hers. She is 72 and has difficulty working her computer, phone and TV but insists she does it all right. I only have tech difficulties with her, no one else. I am so tired of her comments about "my phone". She has an Apple phone and mine is a Samsung Android. I would doubt she has updated her phone in years. Either way, I never hear the end of it from her. Last night I sent her a snarky text and told her she has the photo and baby info now, so why is it still an issue she didn't get the group text? She never responded but pulled my other sister into it and she accused me of not sending it to Lynn in the first place because on their end, only Becky and Abby were on the text. On my end all three were listed. It just drives me crazy! I really question beginning issues with her cognitive skills. I emailed my brother the baby info. He wrote back "is it a boy or a girl?" They were all told months ago it was a girl. He is 70 and in his own world most of the time. I'm the youngest and feel like I am crazy much of the time. Rant over...

    We are having beautiful weather this week and weekend. Sunny, blue skies, high 50's to 60 and all the color has gone to yellows and golds. Still beautiful!

    I am going to bake cookies today. I hope you are having a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Yay yay yay for healthy baby delivery!

    Crazy Friday and a relaxing day today. Nothing exciting food prep and volleyball.

    Have a great weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Cut and froze some Rosemary and Thyme from my garden. Today I will toss some leaves on top of the tubs to disintegrate over the winter into the soil. I planted more bulbs yesterday but don't know how they will do. Do bulbs expire if they are from last year? I had so many left over so I put in daffodils and tulips in locations I missed last year. I guess it will be a surprise one way or another next spring.

    I saw a commercial for laundry detergent strips called Tru Earth. Have you ever heard of them? They come in unscented, fresh linen and some other fragrance. They are small strips that disintegrate in hot or cold water and are eco friendly. Good for travel too. I ordered a small box to try. They can be used in high efficiency washers.

    I volunteer at the theater at 3 today. I will be doing 2 shifts packing books for school kids this week. It's crunch time to get the books packed to distribute for Thanksgiving week.

    I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. Baby's name is Ellis Aleutia Major. Aleutia is for the Aleutian Islands in Alaska in the Bering Sea. Dave and Chantrelle spent years fishing there and exploring before kids. The name symbolizes adventure, wild, and beauty to them. Pronounced Aloosha... As far as I know they will call her Ellis. She is healthy and all is well. What a relief!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    How wonderful about Ellis. All those worries about her heart. I am so glad she and mom are doing well. A special and pretty name too.

    Are the older grands dressing up? Or are they still a bit too young to be excited by this day?

    I don't think bulbs expire. Unless they look rotten?

    The audit here in Columbus did not go well and Michele is off in Trident/Sarasota Florida this week for theirs. There has not been communication about what the plan for the resolution here is. There were two extremely inexperienced/young men here on Friday who did not have a clue how to do this audit and tried to slip out after saying all day things were good and right on thinking they were going to show us with like a $60,000 variance. We would never accept being that far off in our counts. It's a mess and the team has been working so hard and to have to potentially start all over is disheartening.

    The weather is going to be in the 70's this week!

    Do you get any trick or treaters?

    Have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Young, inexperienced accountants doing the audit? My ex husband is a CPA and his first job was doing audits for big companies that were clients of his accounting firm he worked for. He would go out of town for a couple of days or more to companies in MN, the Dakotas, WI... He and his team were in their 20's and that is the majority of their job. Not a lot of experience.

    I went to the Y for aqua fit today and then met Russ at the pet food store to pick out a new food for Charlie. We won't buy from Chewy any more because they use Fed Ex and they dump the box on the highway at our mailbox rather than bringing it up to our house like UPS and the post office. Russ complained to Chewy and they said too bad and didn't seem to mind losing us as a customer.

    We went out for lunch to a place we haven't been because we heard their hamburgers were the best around. Yes they are! Weird little place, like a diner, and their menu is burgers, fries, onion rings, milk shakes. The owner/executive chef brought samples to our table of items he is experimenting with. The best hush puppies we have ever had too. They have 1/4 and 1/2lb burgers. We each got the 1/4 lb and are glad we did. Very filling...

    I know Halen has a race car driver costume (she loves speed) with a blue race car to push around. They will do a combo of trick or treating and parties. Not sure about Miles and Layney. I'll have to ask them what they are doing. I'm guessing Miles wore a costume to daycare today and will go to neighbors if he wants to. We don't get trick or treaters due to being rural and outside of town. Most kids go in the town so they can walk house to house or they have parties.

    Another beautiful day here in the 60's.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The FL kids were dinosaurs and AK kid was a race car driver sitting in a big blue Li'l Tikes race car with a nice handle that parents could push. Miles had a Halloween party at daycare and wore his dino costume and then parents took both Layney and Miles to a few neighbor's homes for treats. It looks like Dave dressed up like a hotdog, Chantrelle and baby did not have costumes, and they all attended a party and went trick or treating in a neighborhood. Did you get trick or treaters?

    Another beautiful day in the 60's. I am packing books this afternoon. I may go over to my old high school and watch the vball team compete in district tournament. I haven't been to a game this season. I'll see how I feel after two hours of lifting books and boxes.

    Hope your audit doesn't have to be redone.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I thought we would get many more trick or treaters than we did. Last year we were really busy, but pretty sparse this year. And the weather was fantastic! I think the 'trunk' or treats that were at the school and a church drew a bunch away. I get it. It's a lot less walking! They weren't doing those as much when the boys were still really into it.

    Still waiting to hear how they will address our concerns with the audit issues. At this point all the material/items will have to be tracked back to the day they locked in the qty (10/28) to not only address the concern but all manufacturing that has happened. Or, even better someone will declare it has to be a new audit next month - which means the team has to start over and recount everything they just spent six weeks counting. SMH

    Dino's seemed popular this year. One of the team's little boy was also a dino.

    I love volleyball!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I volunteered at the literacy program yesterday and today packing books for school age kids. They need to get books delivered to all the schools that participate and have book boxes available for classrooms grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Due to kids in a grade being at different reading levels, each box for a grade level has to have books that span at least 3 reading levels. Lots of counting and trying to even out books that interest girls vs boys. My lower back get sore since I am standing for 2+ hours. I didn't go to aqua fit today because I knew it would be too much and I also didn't want to pen Charlie in the mudroom the whole day.

    In the 70's today! We have been so lucky with weather recently. Cool temps coming this weekend.

    My niece is planning a girls night out for my sister, her Mom. We are going out to dinner and maybe a movie. We are going to get her a membership to a book of the month club.

    Did you see my cute grandchildren on FB? So fun to see their costumes.

    I never made it to Vball. I was too sore from standing and packing books yesterday. They won and move on to quarter finals for district.

    Fingers crossed employees don't have to recount at your company.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It was 75 here today too! Air conditioner is back on.

    Hump day and Husker volleyball tonight. GBR!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Correction - air conditioner is off at work and the heat blower is on. Hades! It's so freaking hot. Supposedly cool moves in tonight and maybe rain. Please God rain. Extreme drought in our area and northeast NE where the farms are.


    Hopefully you aren't still too sore after all that bookin'.

    One more day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Another beautiful day in the 70's with cool off and rain headed this way for the weekend. Hope you get that weather before us.

    Russ and I went to Traverse City today. We bought a 6ft fold-up table to add to our seating for Thanksgiving dinner. We also did a lot of impulse shopping at a store. I bought two warm shirts and another pair of athletic leggings that are very comfortable. We picked up some chocolate bridge mix and licorice, a tool, Christmas wrapping paper and gift tags, and some ingredients we need for dinner with friends at our house Saturday eve. I am going to make a large cast iron skillet chocolate chip cookie and serve pieces with ice cream for dessert. We will grill burgers, have baked beans and cole slaw and our friends are bringing a cheesy potato casserole.

    I am so sick of political commercials!!! This is the worst I've ever seen. Both sides have crazy ads and every commercial is political here. Tuesday can't come fast enough.

    Our fireplace will be finished tomorrow and then we can use it!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The cool is moving in - it went from 80 to only 37 today. Could have snow overnight. Would rather have rain. Please rain.

    Not feeling spiffy today. Had another migraine yesterday and today I feel like I am getting sick. Oh and I started bleeding a couple of days ago. If this is from the HRT - not a fan. I go in next week for a follow up and will ask him if this is what I have to expect. The only good thing about menopause is the lack of period. And now plus that coming back I have had two bad migraines in two weeks. We'll see what he says.

    I love bridge mix.

    It Fri-yay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Fireplace is finally done and looks really nice. If the weather turns cold and snowy, it will be nice to use.

    I didn't go to water yoga today. The guys didn't leave until noon, Russ went to the Y for a training session on weight machines. I went to post office to mail packages and the pharmacy to pick up meds. Charlie and I took a walk in the orchard.

    I am cooking dinner tonight. I found a recipe for Creamy Asiago Chicken made on the stove top. Russ will make the noodles and Bokchoy to go with hit.

    Extreme temperature change for NE! We are expected to have warmer than normal temps for the next two weeks.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    That chicken sounds delicious. How was it? I have bok choy on my list this week too

    Feeling gross. I sure hope it’s “only” a cold
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    With the headaches you have had this week and now feeling crummy, you may want to take a Covid test.

    The Creamy Asiago Chicken was good but I would want to try over rice instead of noodles. We would tweak the amount of salt and add more herbs next time. It is a rich dish with the heavy cream and cheese that combine with butter and white wine for the sauce. I would cut the salt a little bit since cheese is salty, add thyme, more pepper and more sliced fresh mushrooms. Russ burned the Bokchoy on the grill so I would prefer broccoli or cauliflower with it next time. We will make it again. It is called Creamy Asiago Chicken and is from

    Gray and rainy today and the winds are suppose to be strong this afternoon, 40-60mph gusts. Our farmer friends are done with apple harvest, their Latino workers are leaving for Mexico to return next April, and they are due for some social time. They are coming for dinner, grilled burgers, coleslaw, beans, and Kathy is bringing her cheesey potatoes. I am making the large skillet chocolate cookie with chocolate chip icecream for dessert. Yummy dinner!

    I have cleaned the bathrooms, emptied the wastebaskets, put in a load of laundry, wiped down the stove top and counters, put stuff away, and now I need to dust and make the skillet cookie. Russ will vacuum for me. He does a thorough job.

    I hope you feel better and are just tired, not ill. Good excuse to watch vball or Hallmark movies and relax. My high school team won districts and are headed to regionals this next week.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Yummy food for you recently. Chocolate chip skillet cookie? Yes!

    I feel rough! It feels like a sinus infection but I will probably Covid test tomorrow

    I made Bernie get me egg drop soup and hot and sour soup and am mixing them together

    Watching state volleyball championships on NET.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We had a nice dinner with our friends at our house. The large cookie turned out but I put it in what I thought was a 10" skillet but turned out to be a 12". It was a little thin but was good with chocolate chip icecream and chocolate sauce. Next time we get together I think we need to play cards or Dominoes.

    The wind was gusty last night so our fireplace was banging (lined with metal in the chimney we think). The lights were flickering all night but we didn't lose power, although others in the county did. This morning I saw that the wind blew off a sliding screen door. There is a large hornet/wasp? nest hanging in our tree by the firepit. The wind did not blow that off the tree. Amazing engineering on their part! We wanted it to fall off but didn't happen. It is at least 2 feet in length and a foot or more wide.

    I plan to begin Christmas shopping today in a village north of us. I just want to pick up a few things at certain stores. I will go again later in the week to another village to get other items I like to give the kids (roasted coffee beans, local cherry salsa, etc.) I have ordered a gift for each new baby and am giving a year of learning projects to Halen and Miles for their birthdays and Christmas. A new project is mailed monthly and they can spend time with parents doing the projects.

    I am glad Russ and I don't exchange gifts. Too much pressure. Our fireplace update was a gift to us to improve our home.

    I'm sorry you feel lousy. I hope it is not Covid. Will you go to work tomorrow? I love egg drop soup!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Home Covid test is positive. SMH
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm so sorry you have Covid! Is this your second time? Where do you think you got it? Are you going to get the medicine from the doctor that they recommend? I don't remember the name of it but my friends who have taken it say it makes them feel better and recover so much faster.

    Very windy and cold today! I am headed for the Y to my aqua class and then I will come home and change to volunteer at Power Books this afternoon. We are still packing up school age books for the Thanksgiving break distribution.

    I did some Christmas shopping yesterday for the kids. Not much success but a little bit done. I really don't plan to do too much this year. I bought Rory and Hannah each a Michigan shirt, a pair of Snoozie Slippers for me (my others wore out), and a book for Layney and Ellis. The Christmas ornaments made out of polished Petoskey Stones have gone way up in price and down in size at the store I went to. If I don't see them some where else for cheaper, I won't buy them.

    Rest, sleep and take care of yourself.