The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Cool and overcast today. It is suppose to rain later. I am going to go to Leland with Jeff and family to get Miles some ice cream, shop a little, and go to a winery.

    Everyone is tired, Miles is taking a long nap and Layney finally pooped so will be less fussy.

    Becky, sister, stopped over to see the kids and Lynn, sister, and Sally, cousin are coming tomorrow morning. I don't know if they are leaving Tuesday or staying longer. I don't think they are eager for the two day drive to GA and another day to FL. Miles is having fun here and Jeff enjoys the relaxation.

    I'm looking forward to February when we are in FL.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I hope the rain held off for you and you got to do some pool time with those kiddos.

    Nothing to really report. There wasn't anything really fun this weekend. So that's a bit of a bummer. But it wasn't bad.

    Michele travels this week for the first time since she broke her leg. She won't admit it, but I think she missed it a little.

    We'll see what the week brings.

    Let's gooo!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We have had two days of rain. It cooled off so no pool time. Jeff, Karah and the kids left this morning. It was so fun having everyone visit. I wish David and family had been able to come but we may see them in February in FL.

    I've done a little clean up, am washing towels and rugs, and will relax the rest of the day. The house is very quiet!
    I'll take my time washing bedding, putting away toys and books, etc. We have been battling the fruit fly hatch of the century. I've never seen it this bad. We have vinegar traps near every sink, have spraying them with rubbing alcohol to kill the live ones, and have had to change the traps daily. The garage is really bad too. What a nuisance it has been to deal with this while the kids were here.

    Maybe your sister will feel better about work now that she can travel?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Another Monday in the books. I need to bite the bullet and go to Walmart after work for snack and then drop off a return at the UPS store for Amazon. Exciting times!

    There is a televised volleyball game tonight to look forward to. Husker vs Stanford. This will be their first 'true' test of the season and a team they lost to last year. GBR!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I am slowly washing bedding and towels, fighting the fruit fly infestation, and relaxing. I think we are on the tail end of the hatches at this point. I just refilled all the traps but need to put bleach and hot water down the drains again. I am washing our bed sheets and will do the guest room's next. I'll save the basement beds until tomorrow.

    Charlie and I went out for our walk. I could hear the crows squawking down by the corn field. That means they see something that they don't like in their perimeter or that is dangerous. It is a nice warning for me. I had my glasses on and looked towards the two track that goes past the corn and up into the orchards. I saw an animal on the track but couldn't tell if it was a deer or a coyote. With the way they were squawking, I would think coyote. Charlie and I turned around and went to our garden to check tomatoes instead. I picked a few and put in the freezer. I actually have another cuke and some green peppers growing. I'll give them some time and then will pull out all plants.

    I think the hummingbirds have headed south or will be this week. They have eaten 3/4's of the sugar water but are slowing down. I won't fill again unless I see them around.

    Charlie and I will go to the cemetery today to check the pots. My sister and I are going to do a bike ride on Friday afternoon in Traverse City on the trail that goes all the way through town. A different scenic ride.

    I hope you are having a good week. How are you filling your time at home without C being around? What do you hear from the boys?

    I need to get busy on Christmas shopping for the kids. I want to give Rory and Hannah their gifts at Thanksgiving so I don't have to send them. I think we will put up the tree early and have Christmas with them while they are here.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My farming friend texted and asked if we want some bushels of Ginger Gold Apples. I'm going over tonight to pick up 1-2 bushels. I'm going to can apple sauce, make apple pie bars, and crustless apple pie and apple cake.

    The kids made it to GA to Karah's parents. They are only 7 hours from home now. They will be exhausted by the time they arrive home tomorrow or the next day.

    I watered flowers at cemetery today, walked Charlie a couple of times, picked tomatoes, and watched the show Gutsy on Apple TV. It is about gutsy women who advocate for change in themselves and the world.

    Russ almost has dinner ready so signing off.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Such a long drive.

    Sounds like you have plenty of work for yourself with your veggies and soon to be picked up apples.

    My niece called last night and was offered (and accepted!) a job with a place called Cedars. She will be doing evaluations, checks and recommendations on folks applying to foster. She had originally applied for a job doing the matches but they only took one and someone who was bilingual. But she was pleased to be offered this opportunity. She is going after a new dream. I am so happy for her. I hope this new (and certainly challenging) path will give her the satisfaction she deserves in her work.

    Bernie has tix for the football game Saturday and I refuse to go (he guilted all of us into it last year and it was not fun), not sure if he talked Caleb into going. I hope Caleb does go and they have fun. I just hate them. Crowded, impatience, yuck.

    Hey, it's already Friday-eve.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Two apple cinnamon cakes in the oven. My back hurts from walking Charlie, standing in the kitchen, ... Tomorrow I will make apple bars or more cake to deliver to sisters, farm friends who gave me the apples and on Saturday I will make and can apple sauce.

    I met my cousin for breakfast and we talked for two hours. She really is planning to build a house and move here. We'll see if she is able to organize it and do it. Lots to do.

    I could use a nap but don't want to sleep through the timer for the cakes. Maybe when they are done. The fruit flies are still flying but we have control of them. I left the apples in my car with windows shut because garage is still bad. I'll just grab apples as I need them. What I don't end up using will be deer food.

    Wasn't it really hot last year when you went to the game? I remember you did not enjoy it. Is it a Husker's game at UN-L?

    I think the Hummingbirds are gone. Flying to Mexico... I will take the feeders down this weekend, wash and put away.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I am going to dehydrate apple slices today for snacks. I read I can vacuum seal and freeze so I can make a lot. I love dried apple slices and would be a nice, sweet snack when craving something. I'll do plain and cinnamon. The apple cakes worked out well. I made two and froze one. I will probably make more in the next couple of days to give away. I will begin making apple sauce tomorrow, plain and cinnamon, to can.

    How are you doing? I know work is less than stimulating. Have you seen any decent job listings? Do you get tomorrow to yourself since you aren't going to the game or are you going?

    I have a retiree zoom this morning. We haven't met since late July or early August. Everyone has been at their cabins, busy with the State Fair in MN, and family stuff.

    I need to do laundry and pull sheets up from basement room to wash too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I haven't ever enjoyed going to the games. Just too many people, no room, usually super hot. Not my jam. Bernie gets crabby, Caleb really isn't into football. Zach likes it ok, so it is/was a nice thing for them to do - but not my thing. Sounds like Caleb passed on going (yes it is the Huskers vs OU old-time rivalry game at UNL) - Bernie is giving the extra ticket to my/our brother-in-law and nephew. That sounds like a good plan. Josh and Dan will be fun for him to go with. Win.

    I texted Caleb last night and got a few responses from him. I asked how the food was, etc, and managed to get a bit of a conversation going. When I asked if calc and physics were going better it was silent. Sigh. That makes me sad/nervous. That probably means it's not better and he doesn't want to say it's bad. I wish I could make this better (or at least what in my mind is 'not good'). I'm going to text back today and just encourage and remind him that we are here for him. That he has hopefully made a point to get familiar with the TA's, the professor's office hours and the tutors. And that if none of that is clicking there are other options I'm sure. Other online tutorial options. I just want him to have the all the success!! It never gets easier.

    And I am still fighting these stupid bills from Zach's tests over the summer - and since he did a repeat test three months after the first now there are multiple ones that are being denied/causing a problem. Gargh. It makes my blood pressure so high trying to deal with those. They are all in-network providers and continue to throw it back to me that it's my problem No it's not! that's the point of in-network. They have to know what is covered, what the process is. But whatever, I'm not throwing in the towel yet. It just takes extra b/p pills when I dive into it. Frick a frack.

    Mmm, apple bars yum.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I dehydrated more apple slices this morning and will do another batch tomorrow for freezing. I made applesauce but only got 3 jars from 6 lbs of apples so no need to can them. I will take one to my sister's for dinner tomorrow eve and we will eat the other two in the next few weeks. Not sure it is worth all the work peeling and slicing to get only 3 jars. I could double recipe and get more but it is a lot of work. Maybe I'll make apple cakes and bars to freeze and give away instead.

    Slowly washing towels and bedding, vacuuming and mopping, and will put toys away in the basement. I'm tired now so the rest of the day is a little lazy. Clothes and towels in the washer so I will deal with those later.

    Weather has warmed up to the 80's. It is probably our last week of temps that high.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Win Win you didn't have to go to the game.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I vote apple cake and bars! 😊
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I agree. Today I made apple blondie bars to take to my sister's tonight. They are ok but nothing to rave about. I am dehydrating more apples now and when they are done, I will shower and get ready for volunteering at the theater at 4pm. Tomorrow or the next day, I will slice apples to freeze for future pies, apple sauce, etc. Apples have taken over my last week! I still have a big box in the car but the second box is almost empty. The deer are going to be very happy by the end of this next week. I will see if my sisters want to take some tonight. My guess is they will say two each which doesn't make a difference in my supply.

    I need to make the apple cakes tomorrow or tuesday so I can deliver one to my farmer friends thanking them for these delicious apples.

    Any thing fun on your agenda today?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Another week getting started. I am weirdly interested in all the royal drama. I don't even really understand why they are still so 'precious' since they don't actually rule the government. But everyone really worships them. Kind of fascinating.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I was in London for a summer after my sophomore year of college. I took my Humanities class there through MI State University. We lived at Bedford College-University of London. We only went to school half days M-Th and had afternoons to explore London and weekends to travel the United Kingdom by train. It was the summer of Princess Di and Charle's wedding so quite exciting in London. I met Brits that were very proud of their history and the monarchy. Not all Brits like it due to the royal family's wealth but many are proud of England's history, the pomp and circumstance, etc. I think it has to do with what is special about the United Kingdom to them. Have you watched The Crown? I have and enjoyed it. I like to watch documentaries on the royals just to see what their lives are like. I'm grateful I wasn't born in to that but it is interesting to learn about.

    My apple life continues. I was able to get my sisters to take a bunch. I'm down to one box that is 3/4's full and the apples are starting to lose their crunch. This morning I sliced 13 apples and vacuumed sealed them to freeze. Future pie or applesauce...

    Russ and I went to the YMCA today and took a tour. Nice facility and they have several aqua classes which I love! Nice fitness area with tons of cardio, weight machines and stationary bikes. There was an inside walking track too. The hospital offers free health classes there to learn about things of interest to stay healthy (balance, etc.). The yoga, fitness and aqua classes are offered throughout the week. Russ was excited about the rowing machines. As a couple over 60 we get a senior couple discount. Pretty reasonable monthly rate so I think we will join. There are 3 locations in Traverse City and we can go to anyone we want. The one closest to us is big and has everything. There is another one near my old house where I took swimming lessons in middle school. It is small and quiet.

    Tomorrow I take Charlie to get his nails clipped at the vet. It has been awhile and I can tell he finds it difficult to walk on our wood floors. If we get done before 10am, I'm going to check out a volunteer opportunity in Suttons Bay called Power Books. They provide books for kids by delivering tote bags of books to schools and other places. I have a passion for literacy and am an avid reader so this may be the group for me. It is their volunteer week where people can come and check them out. I've wanted to do so for over a year but with Covid, I didn't pursue it. I think they receive books, put some kind of stickers on the cover, sort them by age, fill tote bags and deliver. People who sew can volunteer from home and sew the bags. I have no interest in sewing.

    I need to get out for a bike ride this week. It has been several weeks.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    That’s so neat you spent time in England studying and exploring. I can picture Caleb doing something like that.

    Had my blood draw this morning for annual labs. Hopefully still in the good range because I have to talk to him about the shoulder and other joint pain and maybe something to help me lose some weight.

    I love that opportunity to help with a group that is doing books. I would be all over that too.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I volunteered at PoWeR Books yesterday. The lady who started it was there. It is based out of Suttons Bay and is supported by grants and donations that she advocates and applies for. Kara, lead person, gave me a tour of their space and told me how she started this organization and what the philosophy is. P-play, W-writing and R-reading which are the foundation for kid's learning, communication and literacy. She has her PhD and was an early childhood teacher. The books and materials are provided to children from birth to 12th grade through community events, school distribution, county programs such as WIC and maternal mental health, and parent and child groups/early childhood programs. It is right up my ally! I haven't been this excited about being involved in something for a long time. I stayed for 2.5 hours and helped put items in tote bags for the 3+ age group. They ship boxes to schools and organizations around the state and receive large amounts of book donations from different distributors. In addition, they have a group of home volunteers that sew the tote bags out of fun fabrics and make finger and other kinds of puppets. In each bag is a book to read, a composition book or blank book for writing/drawing, box of crayons, puppet, and an activity sheet that instructs parents and/or child what they can do with the materials. The totes are geared towards the age group they will go to. I love it! I will volunteer on Thursdays since they have inconsistent volunteers on that day and need help. I plan to go weekly unless I have a prior commitment.

    I made two apple cakes yesterday and delivered one to my farmer friends with some vanilla icecream. In return she gave me ground venison and venison chops to try. I haven't had venison in years but I did like it when I was a kid. Same for Russ...

    We need to fill out our YMCA paperwork online and get started.

    Becky, sister, and I are going for a ride through Traverse City on the trail system there. They completed a new part of the trail so we will check that out.

    Good luck with your labs and discussion with doctor about your issues.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm watching the news and just saw a story that is crazy. Social media craze- pour Nyquil over chicken breasts and cook them for eating when you are sick. Doctors say the fumes can be toxic when heated and the strength of the Nyquil can increase to dangerous level. What are people thinking? I really question the average intelligence of a person in America today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    good grief - that is like the craziness with the eating cinnamon. Just craaaayyyyzy.

    I love the PoWeR books group you described. What a blessing it must be.

    Caleb texted last night and sounds like he is planning to come home this weekend. I'll need to go shopping so there is something to fix.

    Hopefully this will give me a good feeling about things are really going for him. And hopefully they are going well.

    Hey, it's Friday eve!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I went to Power Books again this morning. Such a nice group of people in my age group. I spent the morning chatting with a retired kindergarten teacher as I worked. The director is going to send me a website that has organization that provide grants to those who meet their criteria. I am going to review them for her and see if any are appropriate for her to submit grant requests to. She doesn't have the time to weed them out so I offered. I may have recruited my sister Lynn to accompany me next Thursday.

    The temps have dropped and it is in the 50's today with lots of wind. Charlie and I walked our paths on the acreage and dropped apples for the deer. I need to finish cutting back my perennials and getting yard ornaments put away too. We are starting to plan Fall comfort meals. I am making meatloaf and mashed potatoes tomorrow. Russ stopped at a farm stand and bought acorn, butternut, spaghetti and delacotta squash. We will have acorn squash with our meatloaf.

    On Saturday, the next town north of us at the tip of the peninsula is having their "Uncaged" event. From what I have read there are a variety of bands (all kind of music) playing around town throughout the day. There will be food vendors and I'm guessing craft vendors too. I want to check it out. It is suppose to rain so I hope it holds off and lets them have a successful event. I won't go in the rain.

    I'm glad you will get to spend time with C. Do you think he is homesick to see you, just wants to see you and have a good meal, or picking up cold weather clothes? All of the above?