The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Doing another dermatologist pa appointment today. Blast off more spots.

    I wouldn’t like having coyotes so close to the house either.

    Your dinner sounds great!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My part of winterizing camper is done so now Russ can do the plumbing, water tanks...

    I managed to cut down one garden area and rake up the cuttings. Tomorrow afternoon I will tackle the back garden. I think I am going to cut up the veggie plants in my garden and leave them on the top of the soil until spring. Any nutrients in the plants may transfer to the soil. I guess my abbreviated version of composting for this year.

    I heard barking and then howling today in the middle of the afternoon. It happened several times. I wonder if it was a coyote calling for his pack? It didn't sound like a dog but more wolf like. I read that coyotes are called "song dogs" because of their different sounds varying from barking, yipping, howling, etc. It seems to be the year of the coyotes around here and it makes me nervous when I'm outside. I guess they are afraid of humans but I worry about letting Charlie out of my sight. We had encouraged him to wander our property and have freedom but now I don't want him to do that.

    After tomorrow the temps will plummet. Time to plant bulbs and spread wildflower seeds again.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It was over 80 degrees on Monday and the weather is forecasting 30's by Saturday. I guess it's that time of year. I like the cooler temps, but not that they will turn on the furnace at work and that makes it like 80 degrees in the office. The temperature regulation is not good. Plenty of areas complain they are frozen, but I am always melting.

    just another day - at least hump day

    need to break down and run in to Walmart tonight - bleh

    hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I took Becky as a guest to the YMCA this morning. We did the aqua fit and aqua stretch classes and then I gave her a tour. Not sure if she will join or not. She liked the class and was impressed with the facility but the drive to Traverse to exercise doesn't sit well with her. I mentioned she could combine it with her errands such as grocery shopping. She insists she only grocery shops once every two weeks. Not true but that is her perception of how she spends her time. I said the class makes me feel good and I hope it will help whittle away some inches and tone my muscles. Also, riding the stationary bikes, doing the cardio machines and weights will keep me in shape for next bike season and hopefully have health benefits. We will see what she decides.

    I cut down another garden today. Next will be the veggie garden and the island garden. Last will be my flower pots that still look great so we will see how long they last with the cool weather coming.

    Russ has dinner ready so signing off. How are the meds working? Notice any changes?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Snowflakes were sighted an hour from here. It won't get out of the 40's here today. It's going to be an early winter again! I am wondering if I should just put my bike away or wait until the end of the month.

    I am zooming with the retirees this morning and may go to the gym this afternoon. A friend who arrived in the area on Wednesday, just contacted me to get together today or tomorrow. If we go to lunch or get together today, I won't go to the gym. I am thinking I would like to go on Friday mornings so I may tell the retirees that I only want to meet one time per month so I can get to the gym. I am not so good at going if I wait until afternoon.

    How has your week gone?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    yesterday came and went and I didn't even sign on.

    I am nursing some hurt feelings (again) because I had asked Bernie why I can't even take a 15 to 20 minute shower three times a week and it stay warm/hot. He gives me the, "I expect too much," Later he tries to launch into the specifics of why the water heater can't do that, but all I can hear/focus on in expecting too much. That's just always how it is. If I ask for something, that's how I end up feeling. Intellectually I get it, the water heater can't sustain it - but emotionally it hits that scab that always gets ripped off. Bleh.

    I put my estrogen patch on last night and took the progresterone pill. So far, just a little gurgly inside.

    Great job prioritizing your workouts. That's what you have to do. I have been doing my machine as soon as I come home from work and that has been working pretty well for me. I go in so early I am not going to get it done before that, but then I do get home pretty early so it still feels early when I finish - and I have finally bumped my total time to 40 minutes. I haven't had that since before I had Covid. Yay me.

    Watched some volleyball last night, wish our setter situation was stronger. Don't think we can make a deep run unless that makes strong improvements the next few weeks.

    Hey, it's Friyay!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    How many gallons is your hot water heater? It must be smaller if you can't get a hot shower for that length 3x's per week. I shower every day and so does Russ and we both get hot showers. We don't take short ones either. Hmmm...

    Today I met an old friend for lunch and to catch up. She lives on Cape Cod but came up here in the summers when she was young in New Jersey and Indiana. She is the cousin of a local friend and we've know each other since junior high. She and her husband have a big Class A RV and have been on a 3 month trip in the U.S. They are making their way back to Massachusetts and stopped up here since she loves it here so much. We had a nice visit and caught up on our lives.

    Russ got most of the deck furniture put away and finished winterizing the camper. We have to carry the deck table and our front porch chairs to the pole barn when we are ready. We are keeping the chairs around the fire pit a little longer and plan to have some fires now that the weather is cooler.

    Good for you for exercising right when you get home. The key is if we make a habit of it and don't make excuses. I am looking forward to Monday's aqua fit class. If not too windy tomorrow, I'll take my bike for a short ride. It is cold here so I will need to bundle up. Biking season is coming to an end shortly I think.

    Russ took Charlie out for his morning walk. The red coyote was in the orchard straight out from our driveway. Russ said they stared at each other for a bit and then Russ clapped and made a gruff noise to scare him away. Closing in on us...

    Hope you are having a good weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I saw Where the Crawdads Sing tonight after my volunteer shift. It was very good.

    Russ thinks we have about a 30 gallon water heater. Two or fewer people in a house should be served well by a 23-36 gallon water tank. If you both shower right after the other, hot water would be depleted and not had time to heat up again. Russ said he has heard that older water heaters can get a build up of sediment that impedes their ability to heat up the water and keep it hot. Hope you can figure it out. You could call a maintenance guy and have a check on it and see if they find anything.

    I rode 16 miles on my bike today. Beautiful and sunny but very brisk temps. Fall color is turning rapidly now and should be peak by end of this week I would think. Tomorrow I will go to aqua fit in the morning. I am looking forward to it because it makes me feel so good.

    I hope you have had a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    great bike ride!

    Another weekend slipped away. Nothing remarkable. I 'completed' my Cologuard kit yesterday and will drop it off at UPS today. Kinda weird and a little gross, but as long as it works still better than the full colonoscopy I think. I guess we'll see. I am now a bit over four days in on new meds. So far no weird side effects. So, that's great. I'm not sure when to expect other differences.

    I always figured getting a cool shower was due to having four in the house and that the boys are definitely hard on the hot water. Unfortunately, there will never be a person allowed to come in and check things out, Bernie considers himself all things maintenance and will only get help on certain things. He states it would require installing more capacity which would be expensive.

    Got a hard freeze this weekend.

    I think both boys have 'fall break' this weekend. We'll see if they come home.

    Better get back at it.

    Have a great Monday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I had a hard time waking up this morning and started the head games to talk myself out of going to aqua fit class. But I told myself that I can't go Wednesday morning and I was excited for this class last night so get up and go. I did and am glad I did. I pushed myself more today and can feel it. Afterward I went to the mall to find a Famous Footwear because I want some slip on Sketchers. Pitiful mall but I did manage to try on Sketchers and determine my size. They had a horrible inventory for colors so I'm ordering off Amazon but know my size so won't need to return them.

    I came home and walked Charlie so he could do his business. Russ wasn't home yet. I am tired so the rest of the day is reading and napping. I will cut back the garden and haul my gardening stuff to the pole barn tomorrow.

    Bernie sounds like every other guy I know including Russ. Too expensive to call someone but they only think they have the skills. If you went ahead and called someone to check and make sure water heater is functioning well, what would he say?

    We haven't had a hard frost yet. I want to put down more wild flower seed but they say to wait until after first frost. Russ mowed the field for me in front of the house so I can spread seed there again. Maybe a few will pop up next summer, hopefully.

    Beautiful day here and more Fall color is popping. Happy Monday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Coyotes were yipping last night. This time they seemed to be just beyond our backyard at the neighbors yard on the other side of the pines. This morning when I walked to the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of a furry creature, larger than a rabbit, slipping into the pines by the apple tree. Not sure if it was a deer or coyote, but it was in the vicinity of where they would have been howling from last night. I walked Charlie on a leash this morning to do his business. Poor guy! I'm glad Russ is working to pay off the generator but I hate getting out there so early for Charlie and I'm a little spooked by how close the coyotes are. I don't want to witness Charlie being attacked and killed on my watch, or at all.

    Today is going to be high 60's so I will clean up garden and put stuff away this afternoon. I need to vacuum up dog hair, put in a load of wash, and clean up some clutter too. Tomorrow morning I drive my sister Becky to her colonoscopy appointment so I will miss aqua fit. I could go to a later class but I may wait and try the Friday morning class and get a bike ride in tomorrow.

    My weight is going no where but I hope I will tone up and lose some inches this year.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Tuesday just about slid past without me even logging on again today. I guess that's good.

    Thinking about groceries for the weekend already. It sounds like Zach will come home so need to ponder what to have. He always loves steak.

    Nothing much else - have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My Ohio friend called today because she was up here at her seasonal home. We went out to lunch so I didn't get anything done in the garden, vacuuming, etc. Tomorrow is another day but there is an 80% chance of rain. Oh well...

    Nice that Z is coming home. I love a good steak with a baked potato and salad. We are going out tomorrow eve to a restaurant in a neighboring town. New owners so we want to see if we like it. It's a BBQ place that is adding more to their menu.

    I had hoped to ride tomorrow but won't go if raining. Maybe I will get to the Y in the afternoon if it does.

    Have a nice eve.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The wind is horrible. I am reading about several fires burning in the areas around our family land/farms. The farmers of Northeast NE have had some horrible circumstances this year.

    Hope you get your ride.

    Take care
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Friday - eve

    I think Michele met with someone for 'lunch' that was more about job opportunities.


    I do want her to be happy, but this is stressful for me
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Why is Michele being so secretive with you? Is she just being cautious so word doesn't get out or she doesn't want to stress you?

    Too cold and rainy to ride. Pouring rain and it was also sleeting when I was out and about. My sister and I volunteered at Power Books this morning and then went out to lunch. Suttons Bay is crowded and busy with all the color peepers right now. I'll be glad when it becomes more quiet in a week or so.

    Russ spray painted the inside of the fireplace with black heat resistant paint to make it look new again. Next week the new grate, logs and doors will be put on. I am excited to be able to use it again with the temps getting colder. So we are ready for the fireplace guy to do his magic.

    The color is getting close to peak now. Our view is more gorgeous every day. It is sad to know that within a week or two, the leaves will fall and snow flurries will begin.

    I'm starting to get in the knitting mood again. I need to find my knitting bag and see what project needs to be finished. I also need to visit our local yarn shop. I haven't been in there yet.

    I'll be interested to hear what happens with your sister and work. Does Z come home Friday eve?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The boys came home this afternoon! It’s great to see them. I cooked a bunch and they looked at all the food like I was crazy. Zach hadn’t gotten a haircut since May so I made him go to Supercuts and yikes. He didn’t understand how to explain his normal cut. It’s super buzzed. Well hopefully it’ll grow. I can definitely see a lot of scalp massage n the back. That’s a bummer he’s thinning so much already. Caleb seems really subdued and I’m still fretting about him. He found out he has to take physics 2 and doesn’t think he can. He said he is going to talk to his advisor. I suggested he also talk to older students in the program and see if they have advice. Or maybe taking it at UNO (Omaha) since word is the teachers are better there. It’s so hard seeing him not seem happy

    Have a great weekend
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Had an amazing time watching husker volleyball with the family. Just enjoying their company. Today more momming/feeding my babies and just hanging out. Football soon. The colors changing in your area are beautiful

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm glad both boys were home and you got to spend time with them. I wonder why C seems so subdued? Was he a top student in high school and adjustment to college level classes are challenging? Home sickness? Maybe UNL isn't a good fit and he should consider a transfer for next year if not happy.

    The color is getting gorgeous! Peak will be next week for us. I need to get out and dump my flower pots and cut down veggie plants this weekend. Snow has happened within an hour of us and we may see flurries next week as temps drop. Lots of rain predicted and turns to ice or snow pretty easily when it's cold.

    I am feeling sluggish. I only got to aqua fit one time last week with driving my sister to her colonoscopy and zooming with retiree friends on Friday morning. I volunteered on Thursday so didn't make any time for the pool or gym. I'll go Monday morning.

    We are hoping to face time with Rory and Hannah later this morning. I need to get dressed and ready. We are expecting a baby any day from the AK family. I hope all will be well.

    Happy Saturday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I hope you got to facetime with Rory and got to your aqua fit class. I bet it help you feel better.

    How goes baby watch?

    Bernie did a bunch of the yard stuff yesterday. I just can't anymore/right now. I don't seem to be having noticeable side effects from the new meds, but also not sure if/when benefits make themselves known either. It's only been about a week and a half.

    Caleb took off yesterday. He doesn't have class until Wednesday but a friend has a birthday today and they were going to do something in Lincoln. I really had hoped to get a better idea of how things are going for C this weekend, but I still didn't. I think he (and we) thought things would just be wonderful and happy at school. That's mostly how I remember freshman year. Of course, no one loves classes, but the other - was fun! His classes seem to be so overwhelming I'm not sure he is finding any of those fun things.

    Zach is still home today. We watched another volleyball game yesterday and some Chiefs football. It's fun to watch with him. Bernie took today off so he was sad Caleb left, but it's not like he had anything planned and he can do something with Zach at least.

    Have a great day.