The New Water Cooler
What symptoms of peri-menopause are you experiencing? Marla has mentioned experiencing some symptoms in the past year but not sure if she has gotten any solutions/relief from her doctor. I am through it all but will have hot flashes for the rest of my life (part of 10% of women who do) according to my former ob/gyn.
Dress in layers so you can take them off if you get over heated. Buy those cooling pajamas that help with sleep. If you can afford it and need a new mattress, look at Serta for those that have the cooling material/top. Wear fabrics that wick away moisture or don't cause you to over heat. Eat healthy and balanced, exercise, and stay hydrated as much as possible. If symptoms are awful, see a female doctor that knows something about peri-menopause and menopause. Men have no clue.
I went to Aquafit this morning, came home for lunch and then drove to the neighboring town for my painting class I signed up for. It was canceled and I never got notice because the woman doing the enrollment missed my registration but they still had my money. Nice day for a drive and they will refund me my class fee.
I have had two pieces of my bday cake and that is enough. Too heavy and rich to have anymore.
Happy Thursday!
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what are you planning on doing in Phoenix?
I managed to get a full walk today, hopefully I’m on the mend
boy I wish I had good advice for peri. I have been SUFFERING with menopause for over three years. The hot flashes are the devil. I have three fans in my bedroom and keep the house around 68 degrees or less. I’m still sweaty.0 -
My biggest issue right now is sleeping through the night. I wake up 3-4 times. I haven't had to many issues with night sweats or hot flashes. Sometimes hot flashes can come at the right time. Once I got one this winter when it was -20C something. I was layered going outside. Shortly I took off my hat, scarf, gloves and unbuttoned most of my jacket. 😂😂
I also have bad mood swings, can't focus at work among just a few other things. I found Promensil Perimenopause which is a natural supplement and have been taking for about 1 1/2 months now. I find it helpful - just not with the sleep issue. Thought since taking it I went from waking an hour before my alarm went off to waking multiple times.
I have a free Friday evening when I get home! I work in a kids club at my church but we don't have it this week as it's March Break week.
My brother and I are going up to visit my parents grave tomorrow. I wish they had picked a grave sight closer to where we lived so I could go more (I don't drive.), but understand why they picked that place. I don't get up as much as I wish I could.
Now for some cuteness. My Wesley
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I think peri-menopause and menopause manifest differently in each woman. My two older sisters have never had hot flashes but I had many in my 40's and 50's and still get hot when I'm sleeping. However, they never sleep through the night and are usually up between 2-4am for the day. They end up falling asleep in their chairs in the afternoon. They are passed menopause but have had this issue for a long time. At home, I sleep without pj's most of the time. We also have a ceiling fan and another fan on my side of the bed going all night. We have had many different comforters trying to find the one that doesn't cause me to overheat. I also bought cooling pj's for travel. They worked pretty well on our last trip. I get leg pain and discomfort in my body in the night. I often have to take advil in the night to get through until morning pain free.
My friend Candy lives in a 55 and older community in Phoenix area. Her husband will be in MN working for the week so it will just be the two of us. The community has 3 pools, fitness rooms, golf course, putting green, pickle ball courts, etc. We plan to spend time at the pool, walk, drink margaritas, and show me around the area. Another MN coworker lives a few blocks away from Candy in the same community. Her house is her winter home. We are going to get together with Janeen while I am there. Temps are suppose to be 75-85 I think.
I went to the fitness class for active/older persons today followed by water yoga. I liked it. Combo of weights, resistance bands, ab work, balance, eye hand coordination…It will be good for building strength, core, and losing inches.
Happy Weekend!
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yeah, the sleep and murdery feels are horrible. The insomnia was awful for a long while. I finally started taking melatonin. I can’t recommend doing what I do, because I take more than recommended, but I take three melatonin. It helped a bit, but was waking up consistently at one or two. So I started layering a glug of benedryl along with the melatonin. It helps. Again, probably not recommended but never sleeping was killing me.
I got my sourdough starter today!
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I am excited for your sourdough adventures. Expect failures and successes. Share recipes that you like and I will do the same.
I am leaving for AZ tomorrow and will return Saturday. I probably won't check in while I am gone but will when I get back.
Snow falling today 😥
Have a great week.