The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I am glad both boys made it home safely. We have snow and more is coming. I need to go to my doctor's physical this morning. Russ went into work early and texted the roads are snow covered and slick in places. I will leave 45 minutes early to go 12 miles.

    I do not look forward to getting weighed. Also I need to stay calm so blood pressure is not elevated.

    Charlie had his chest xray yesterday. His lungs are clear so I am going to schedule the surgery for his dew claw. We aren't going to do anything else such as teeth cleaning. It all adds up and we feel he will be fine for now. If something comes up with his teeth next year, we will make a decision then.

    I booked my flight to Cabo. Wowzer prices are crazy from here in northern MI!!!!! I'm not using Alaska Air miles because I would have had to spend over 600 dollars to get to Mpls, stay over night with Rory and Hannah, get a ride to the airport at 5 am, fly to Seattle and then down to Cabo. Too long! I am going through Chicago and straight to Cabo in one day. Same for the return. Chantrelle confirmed our room at the exclusive resort where the wedding will be on the beach. Afterwards, we are driving over to the Pacific Ocean 45 minutes north of Cabo to an Airbnb we rented. I'll be down their from 3/18-3/30. By the time I return there will be signs of spring! Hopefully weather cooperates when it is time to fly out of here and through Chicago.

    Are you ready for Christmas?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Sounds like a lot of fun things to look forward to!

    I stopped looking at what the doctor's scales say. I weigh myself at home and that is what I go with.

    Hopefully your roads aren't icy. Today is going to be the only 'good' day this week (and it is still quite cold and slick) according the forecasts. Yesterday was icy. Tomorrow the temps drop dangerously and the snow and wind start. Thursday is supposed to be full on blizzard plus dangerous temps. Am hoping I get word to stay home Thursday. We'll see. Hope the folks don't get too upset if the weather doesn't cooperate and we can't get together Sunday. I think it will clear off enough by then, but not really interested in having to drive an hour and half (which could easily turn in three hours) in dangerous conditions.

    Warm wishes!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The predictions/forecasts are very doomsday-ish. 30-60 below with whatever snow that comes making ground blizzard conditions. I am planning to stay home if it is anything like they are calling. The majority of the office with 'work from home' - I have never been granted a VPN so I'll just stay home. I mean when the doctors offices and retail businesses plan to close. I'm out.

    Hope your appointment went ok
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    It is lightly snowing here now. By Thursday eve we are suppose to have the big storm and it is to last through Saturday and begin to lighten up by Sunday. We will see if they are right. Being surrounded by Lake MI can temper the storm in our area and push it elsewhere. There are two islands off our coast that tend to separate the moisture and send it north and south. I'm hoping we don't get it. I have tickets to a Christmas Variety Show Friday night and we are going to my sister's Saturday night.

    I didn't make it to water class this morning. I didn't feel well last night or during the night so didn't sleep well. I feel nauseous and have a dull head ache. It could be my diabetes meds, not sure. I haven't done a Covid test because symptoms don't seem like it would be that. If it persists, I will.

    Right now I am making Peasant Bread. It is a no knead bread made with instant yeast and baked in two 1 qt glass bowls for two small loaves. I wanted to try the recipe and see how easy it is. I hope it makes good toast.

    Good choice to stay home so you don't have to be out in the bad weather. I would think your weather will be fine by Sunday for your celebration.

    Doctor appt went fine. Good BP, pulse was normal, changed up a med, and told her I wouldn't live by the scale anymore, just how I feel.

    Charlie and I went out for a short walk (cold!) and put out some apples for the deer in a couple of places that they walk through our property. I have a whole box so I plan to keep feeding them if they eat the apples.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It's good your appt went well. Hopefully you feel better today and sleep better tonight.

    Watching the clock so I can begin the trek. The freezing drizzle is already here so the drive home will be stressful for me. Was hoping to be home before it started. Praying it doesn't get too bad, and that no one loses power. It's too cold for that.

    Warm wishes
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    snow and ice not as bad as predicted here thank goodness. The cold is pretty terrible. Unfortunately not so terrible that I didn't feel like I should go to work. So here I am, one of the few.

    I am alternating between super bored and super mad/busy because one of the few here to take care of manufacturing. Meh. I think if they expect manufacturing to keep running the presidents/vice presidents/other managers should all be here too. Lead by example you door knobs
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Storm has not arrived yet. They are predicting late afternoon, early evening (if it does). The weather people are really hyping it up saying it is the biggest snow storm/blizzard since 1978. Probably not where we live but maybe south of us. I read that a weather person from the weather channel arrived in Holland MI, 3.5 hours south of us, to cover the storm.

    The Variety Show has been canceled and rescheduled for next Wednesday eve. Our Christmas Eve gathering is also canceled. My cousin has Covid, another couple didn't want to drive in the weather, and my niece and family don't want to venture out in the storm with two small children. Everyone has respiratory stuff and are doing Covid tests. Russ and I will do a mini appetizer bar on Saturday eve with the ingredients we were taking to my sister's house. We had planned a simple meatloaf and mashed potato dinner with our summer corn we froze for Sunday's dinner. So a quiet, relaxing Christmas for Russ and I. I am ok with that!

    I have no plans to go anywhere in the next 3 days with blizzard conditions coming by tomorrow, supposedly. They are predicting visibility of 15 feet if the winds get up to 35mph or more.

    I did sleep well last night but still have a funny stomach and runny nose.

    Stay safe and warm! Enjoy your holiday with your family. I'll keep you posted on our "blizzard".
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hope your weather stays ok and that you enjoy your quiet time at home.

    The bitter terrible cold is still here. Hoping it eases before Sunday. A couple more hours at work then HO HO HO off I go.

    Zach got his first C in Business Statistics. Makes me feel less bad about my C (or maybe B-) in Stats back in the day. If my Brainiac boy who is cruising through a Comp Sci degree struggled with Stats, then maybe it is hard stuff. His scholarship survived for the eighth semester and he is almost done with college! Caleb's physics teacher still hasn't done grades, so that is pretty stressful, but he is hopeful. I am hopeful for him as well.

    Stay warm

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The storm arrived in the night. The wind picked up about 8pm last night and built through the night. I woke up to winter wonderland and high winds. I can believe that we will have 1-2 feet of snow by Sunday. It is drifting quite a bit in our yard.

    We all have had classes that challenge our intellect or just that tests are either poorly designed or prof isn't the best teacher. Mine was stats too!

    I made my Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie today. It has flaky sea salt sprinkled lightly on top. We will cut in to it tonight.

    The weather report says it feels like -5 here. I have not been near a door or outside to know. Charlie refused to poo the first 2 times going outside due to wind and deep snow. Russ took him out a bit ago and he knew he had to go so he ran to one of his spots and got caught in a snow drift. He managed to get out and plowed through more drifts and finally just did it and ran to the door. So funny!

    I have to say it feels nice not to have to go anywhere this weekend. I feel so relaxed which doesn't happen often with a holiday.

    Are you going to your parents on Sunday? I hope the temps rise for you.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Storm is still raging but should calm this evening or in the middle of the night. Our town is recording 18" of snow so far. Our drifts are over 2-3 feet. I am surprised a tree branch hasn't fallen on the camper. There is a sick Birch tree near it and it loses branches when it storms. It is strong for now. The big wasp nest up in our Maple is swinging in the wind but hasn't blown off the branch. It is at least 2 feet long, now has holes in it but is still hanging from the branch. Amazing engineering by the queen...

    I have to laugh at FL friends on FB. 42 degrees and they are freezing. I know it is what you acclimate too but how quickly they forget their northern MI roots, LOL!

    We will making appetizers for tonight's Christmas Eve food. Russ is making chicken wings and I am doing pigs in a blanket with two sauces, and a cheese spread with Breton crackers. Probably cheese and crackers too.

    What are your Christmas Eve plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Spending a busy day getting things ready for tomorrow. Making a quinoa salad and some cookies. Wrapping some presents. We played some blokus (a game) that we used to play years ago last night and had such a great time. Caleb wanted macaroni and cheese so we just threw that together and put in the oven. Zach is watching football and commenting while I’m in the kitchen. Busy but fun. Tomorrow is off to Wayne. Hopefully my folks are in a decent mood.

    Glad you are home safe and enjoying your snow day. We used to have to scoop a bare spot for Dave to poo.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Merry Christmas Marla! I hope you hava a wonderful day with your family. Christmas Eve sounded like such good family time.

    The storm has ended and the drifts are high. It is suppose to be unusually warm by the end of the week so we may lose it all but at least we had a white Christmas.

    This morning I am making waffles using the Pillsbury Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls in a tube. We will have sausage or bacon with them. Later day, Russ and I will eat a simple meal of meatloaf (made with Stove Top Stuffing as binder), mashed potatoes and our fresh summer corn that we froze. I feel a little guilty I didn't invite my sisters to dinner today but since we all had planned to get together last night at Becky's, I figured today would be Russ and I together. Now we didn't gather and they are both alone. I imagine Becky will invite Lynn to her house or Lynn will drive to her daughters if she is plowed out. Another relaxing day...

    Stay safe on the roads and have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Merry day after Christmas! We had a nice day yesterday and I am spending today recovering from yesterday 😉. I had several glasses of my favorite wine Edelweiss and a new one that was cranberry. Yummy but painful today.

    Watched some news about all the terrible weather and so many deaths because of. So sad. Glad to be close to home and staying home. I might get tinges of sadness seeing people traveling but mostly glad to not have had to risk it.

    A short time at work tomorrow to get everything sent to payroll for all the hourly partners for all plants then off until 1/3. Hopefully Caleb stays home and we can hang more. Maybe go to Omaha and shop for new vanities for the bathrooms. Clean out clutter.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Nice you get some time off. I hope C sticks around so you can spend time together.

    Russ and I went to the Y today. I went to water class and he worked out on cardio and weight machines. Class was only half full so that was nice! I delivered the cookies that Russ made to my sisters and our farmer friends Kathy and Steve. I spent time visiting with each delivery. The roads were snow covered and slippery so I had to drive slow. It is suppose to warm up and rain by the end of the week! I'm sure the rain will freeze over night. Yippee!

    This week is low key for me so I will read, clean and relax. Next week I will pack up Christmas stuff and begin to plan for FL.

    I'm glad your Christmas was nice.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    did my reports for payroll, just waiting to here they got what they need.

    Not sure what my goal for today is, hopefully some decluttering and maybe reading.

    Happy downtime!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We did our quarterly Costco shopping today. Five things on the list and a cart full later... Then we went out for a big mid day meal at a burger place we have discovered. If we eat anything for dinner, it will be a salad.

    I am going to face time tonight with a MN friend I haven't seen or talked to since we left. She and I worked together for many years. We weren't in the same school building in the last 10 years or so and didn't run in to each other except at staff meetings. We will catch up tonight.

    My body is still sore from water class on Monday. I will go again tomorrow and keep trying to build muscle and burn fat. Exhausting with slow results but maybe I'm redistributing the inches?

    Enjoy your R & R!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Have you seen the craziness going on with Southwest Airlines? Craziness stories about thousands of cancellations and stranded travelers. I used to think they were a decent option.

    Great job on getting your exercise going. I walked twice today. Tomorrow I think we are heading to Omaha to look at vanities
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I've seen the news on Southwest but don't understand what happened. Poor management or pilots and flight crews not showing up due to weather? Flying during the holidays has got to be awful.

    Only 6 of us in aqua fit this morning. So nice to spread out and run against the current using the whole pool. Lots of teens at the Y this morning because of vacation. The hot tub was getting crowded so I got out. I don't like being wall to wall people. As good as the water feels, I don't always like to be in a public hot tub either. Less people I can enjoy to a point.

    Nice job walking twice! Have you had rain and all the ice melted or still cold and cruddy? Our temps are warming up to 30s-40s so we will have lots of slush. If it freezes it will be bad.

    We are suppose to go to my sister's Saturday eve for dinner since Christmas Eve was canceled. She is making her home made ham and bean soup, salad and artisan bread. It will be an early New Year's Eve. If the weather is bad, we won't go but it is suppose to be fine.

    I have a mammogram on Friday afternoon. The annual...I am always glad to be done with it. Is there an age where a woman does not have to have them anymore? I think the cut off for a colonoscopy is 75.

    Are Z and C still home?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Caleb went back to Lincoln today to spend time with his buddies. He says he will be back. Will see.

    Supposed to have an extended cousin get together Saturday. Most of the younger ones are not coming but the older ones so far are planning on coming. My sister is hosting so I’ll help.

    I love time off
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The snow is melting fast with the temps in the 40's. Should be good driving to my sister's tomorrow eve.

    I made an egg bake this morning to bake for dinner tonight. I am going to water yoga and have a mammogram at 4pm. I will be zooming with my retiree friends in a few minutes.

    Any big plans for New Year's Eve?