The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Getting on your machine after work is a great idea to work off work stress and home stuff. Even 20 minutes or 10 minutes before work and 10 minutes after work may help. You must be worried about the heart issue. I would have trouble letting that go and waiting so long. Hopefully the cardiologist is good and you will feel like you are in good hands. Maybe he will refer you on to someone else if he thinks it is necessary.

    Good workout this morning. I've started going to the Y 3-4 days per week so the T and Th aqua class is different teacher and type of class than M and W. It is a lot of driving but I figure if I stay home, I'm sitting and reading so I may as well exercise for an hour. There is a Y in St. Augustine not far from our house so we may check it out for the cardio and weight machines. They may have aqua fit in their pool too. I need to ask about that.

    I'm praying that we don't start getting heavy snow around the time we are driving out of MI. We plan to go as far as KY the first night and stay in a hotel in south Cincinnati off I75.

    I hope you have a good day and can relieve some stress. Play some music and walk on that machine! It will help you fell better.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Cause there is so much everywhere else - work too! It's time for the work station shuffle as they jam us into different areas while remodeling. Yuck.

    I hope your weather stays clear and dry while doing all that traveling.

    Great job on all that exercising. Keep it up!!

    I definitely don't want to wait so long for the cardiologist, but that was first available. Ah well. Either I'm ok or not. I just wish I could 'tune it out' at night and sleep better.

    Just got back from the dermatologist and having a few more spots zapped. We commiserated about the anxiety about doing a colonoscopy (not the scope itself, but the not eating). He was the first I've met that 'got' that feeling that the not eating was the unbearable part.

    One day more.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hump day!

    Hope your weather is holding and you got another great exercise in.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I had a hair cut and pedicure this morning so did not get to go to aqua fit. I plan to go tomorrow morning and then water yoga on Friday. I went to volunteer today but I couldn't get in. The door was locked, the other lady that was volunteering was at lunch and the lead person couldn't get there until later. I waited for 35 minutes for the lady to come back from lunch and unlock the door and then I left and went home. Normally, I can use the code for the lock box to get the key to get in but the wrong key was in the box. I found out after I got home that someone had taken a bunch of high school age books and practically emptied the table of that age level books. Kara doesn't know if they were stolen by a volunteer or if they thought they were being helpful and took the books to give to some older kids. There is a system in place for book distribution so I think she is just trying to think positively about her volunteers. I am more cynical and think someone took them to sell or give away as Christmas gifts.

    I began to collect stuff on my list for FL packing. I tried on some capris and put some in the wash to take with me.

    It rained all day today. So weird! A few patches of snow left but otherwise in the 30's and rainy. It's coming and I know the timing won't be good for our drive south. I need to think positively but that is always our luck.

    Any plans this weekend?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Weather has been pretty decent the last few days here as well. I think a new storm system is moving in next week. Bernie thinks Caleb is moving back this weekend. I'm not surprised. He keeps driving back and forth because his buddies are mostly still there. This break wasn't as 'successful' as I was hoping, but this new part of life will take adjusting to.

    Hopefully the books were used in the manner the group most desires. And that all else will work out.

    There is a lot of house stuff I'd like to get going on, but it will likely take a talk/confrontation to get it going and not sure I can handle anymore. I should also be getting tax stuff ready - boo. And Bernie hasn't gotten the FAFSA done either (not he gets anything out of it - but you have to have it completed to even be considered for any aid).

    Friday eve.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I'm surprised C is still home. He had a long break. I thought classes would have started by now. Nice that he stayed home a long time though.

    What do you want done on your house? Does Bernie insist on doing things himself but doesn't do them or will he hire out? Russ doesn't even respond to my comments about projects I want done on the house that are needed. He thinks he should do them when I think we are better off finding someone to do them right and in a short period of time. What is it about guys? They are exasperating...

    I went aqua fit this morning, then visited a friend at her shop, then the chiropractor. Charlie and I took a walk and I watched a some shows in a series I started last night. Truth Be Told on Apple+TV with Octavia Spencer. It is pretty good. A Who Done It type how.

    I will weigh in tomorrow and record on my WW app. I'm such a slow loser that it will be interesting to see if or how much I've lost in 1.5 weeks. I need to tell myself not to get discouraged and just keep pushing forward. I feel good from exercise but get so frustrated the scale doesn't move much. Sometimes I wonder if I have a huge tumor in my body that adds to my weight but doesn't cause any other problems. I've always wondered about hypothyroidism too. My Mom had it but docs always say my blood test is normal. Holistic docs would say that you need to look at the bigger picture and include other tests besides the one blood test they do as part of a the regular blood panel.

    The sun is actually shining here! It has been non-existent this winter. Everyone is talking about the gray days. I can't wait to see the sun often in FL.

    TGIF tomorrow!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Weigh in revealed -4lbs lost in first 1.5 weeks. Not my best loss on the first week or so of WW's but I'll take it. My blood sugar has been much better since I started eating 3 squares and a snack (I am suppose to do this but don't always follow through).

    Colder today. Must be preparing for future snow this next week. We had a dusting over night. I am zooming with a couple friends this morning and then going to aqua yoga this afternoon. I'll keep putzing away at the packing.

    We can't wait until Charlie gets his sutures out on Monday. We are starting to take the cone off when we c!!an keep an eye on him. He wants to lick his paw but isn't suppose to until we know the incision is closed. We have been wrapping his paw with saran and a bandage when he goes outside to keep it from getting wet and dirty. The baby socks were a bust and wouldn't stay. Like with human babies...

    TGIF! Jeff says it has been 50's-70's in St. Augustine. I am excited for that!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I was wondering that sock trick would work. I remember trying socks on Dave dog when he was licking all the time. That was a big nope for him too.

    Great job on your loss! I gained weight the first two weeks until a sort of decent loss the third week. That was at the time of being on the HRT, then having some bleeding and going off of them - so I'm sure it played a part, but really hard to stick with it and not seeing the 'reward'. I am losing super - super slow, but can feel a difference in my pants. I also know that I am not rigidly following as I should (I don't track the milk I put in my coffee, many of my 'bites-licks-tastes I don't track) so it won't be a drastic loss ever. But, I know overall I am eating better and (overall) that is healthy for me. I am also following a thread of people who dive into the Beck Diet Solution and discuss different chapters/points each day. It's a lot of behavior/cognitive stuff that is helpful for me to to work on. I am definitely a person who 'knows how to lose weight, just can't put it in to practice'. Good topics and can help refocus on the hard days.

    Yes, Caleb has/is having a super long break. Too long frankly. Second semester doesn't start until 1/23. It's too long and will be hard for them to get back in school mode. In my opinion. Not a fan of that decision UNL.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I don't track halfnhalf or small tastes either. I always know a ball park of where I am with points. I have 40 plus additional weekly points due to my daily exercise but I have only used a few extra on 1-2 days. I am not going hungry and feel satisfied. It is the cravings for treats such as sweet and salt that I have to mentally fight. I'm doing ok with it and have tracked when I have had a small bowl of sherbert or icecream (only eat if I have points). The good thing is we are making WW recipes and so have a varied dinner each night. Gets us out of our box of what we usually eat. This way I eat less pasta and other starches since we love carbs and tend to plan meals that incorporate them too often.

    Yoga was so nice today. I struggle with the balance moves, even in the water. She does a lot of core work so I'm constantly having to remember to suck in the abdominal muscles and engage my core. The hot tub jets were finally working so I sat in there for awhile afterwards to warm up.

    We may check out an indoor farmer's market tomorrow for fun. We don't need to buy anything since we are leaving in a week but who knows? It is in the lower hall/tunnels of the old state hospital. Many of the buildings have been renovated into shops and restaurants, assisted living apartments, senior apartments, etc. I've seen the apartments but haven't been in the area with shops and restaurants. I'm curious so we will probably stop in and check it out. Russ and I went out to the local tavern for dinner last night but haven't done much else with one another in awhile. If he quits his part time job in the spring maybe we can plan some things.

    I hope you get to relax or have something to do that you will enjoy this weekend. Do you and your sister ever hang out just as sister's and not boss and employee?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Pretty quiet weekend. I volunteer at the theater today and will stay for the movie Banshees of Insherin. My sister called and they are both going with one of their friends. Wanted me to sit with them but all three are loud talkers so I said don't save me a seat. I usually can only see the first 2-3 rows when I walk in when theater is dark, so I will grab my own seat.

    My energy isn't too high today so I will save my packing for tomorrow unless I get a burst of energy. I don't feel the pressure yet.

    How is your weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Quiet weekend. Caleb took off Saturday. It seemed like he was a bit sad as he was leaving. Which really makes me crazy. Every time I wanted to do something with him he was busy, gone or not interested. I hate that his departure makes/made me feel like he was also disappointed in his break. I thought he was doing what he wanted by not doing stuff with me. Gah. Now I am back to being completely on edge about both of the boys. Zach with his back to horrible school status (barely passing and lying) and Caleb acting more on the depressed/low side. Me feeling like a failure for not providing them with the tools they need to be the successes I know they can be.

    I have obviously let my praying knees get lazy.

    Here's to another week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about the boys. It's hard as a Mom to see they are hurting or not applying themselves, but they are at the point where they have to problem solve for themselves and take control of their lives and futures. Of course, with support from you and Bernie if needed but they can't fly on their own if they don't set the course and do what needs to be done.

    I wonder if C doesn't like UNL and isn't happy there? Or is college harder and he isn't getting the grades he was use to in high school and is struggling with that? Boys don't open up easily. Will they talk to Bernie as their Dad? Does he encourage them to tell them what is going on with them?

    I just made hotel reservations at our stopping points going south. We will stay south of Cincinnati the first night in KY, and then outside Macon, GA the second night. That gives us a 4 hour drive on the 3rd day so we can take our time in the morning and arrive around lunch or shortly after. We can't get in to our rental home until 4pm so either hang at Jeff's house or leave later in morning.

    My brother who lives in AZ will be in FL at the same time. He is going to come see us from 2/13-2/15 and stay with us. Rory and Hannah will have left on the morning of the 13th.

    Well I need to tackle some packing and laundry folding.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    And because even though I have been tracking - must have been lying to myself about my portion sizes I am up over two pounds. Boo. I am hopeful most of it is water retention - as I have been hitting the popcorn hard, but I know it is partially true as my pants and bra were really tight yesterday. Boo. Get it together Marla.

    For Caleb it is (I think) that his classes were definitely harder than he anticipated - even with 'doing everything right' he still struggled big time. He has always had the smarts and the tenacity to make great grades. UNL has lots of people leading these first years of physics and calc that really have no business being teachers. Caleb may finally be seeing now how we talked and talked about how they will sort - these people have no care about helping you be successful and stay in the program. There are thousands there and enough will make it that they just sit back and let Darwin decide. How many kids go to other schools for physics and calc because you can't move on until you get those classes. Caleb's other big thing remains not having a girlfriend. Even though (just like living off campus) I tell him that will come, you have years to be in a relationship. That's a big stumbling block for him. Of course he doesn't do the sorts of things that would interact him with the available females (clubs, games, concerts) instead spending his spare time with his buddies (who have girlfriends) - sigh. I also come from the experience that I did feel that way too and then 'settled' for Bernie who was super interested in a relationship, but maybe I should have stayed focused on just being in the experience of doing college and meeting lots of people. But of course, what do I know.

    Big snow looking to come in tomorrow. Unfortunately it is supposed to be my hair day. We'll see how it shakes out.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I stayed with the same guy through under grad and grad school, then married him. The signs were there that we were too young and maybe not suppose to get married to one another. We both ignored those signs and settled for one another. I got David and Jeff from that marriage but that is the only positive about it. I should also have enjoyed college and made good friends, had fun in large groups. Oh well...I wouldn't have met Russ if Don and I hadn't married and moved to MN. I would never have ended up in MN on my own. Then I wouldn't have Rory either. It was all meant to be the way it happened and I'm happy with Russ.

    C will figure it out. If he is going to live with his buddies maybe one of their girl friends has a friend he could meet?

    I went to aqua fit this morning and then went to the grocery to get ingredients I needed to make Russ' birthday cake. I'm making him a small Black Forest Cake (4 layers). It is a serving for two so we will eat it and enjoy without having more pieces to tempt us. It is from The Pioneer Woman on Food Network.

    We are suppose to get snow Thursday. I hope the weekend isn't bad weather and I hope I can get to the Y for my last two classes before we leave for FL.

    I put some toys and kids' books in a tote to take down for our rental when the kids come over. I'm hoping Jeff and Karah will let me leave most of them for the kids when we leave. I may slip some a few small books (light weight) in my suitcase for Halen when I go to Mexico.

    I am up and down on my weight as usual. I had lost 5.4 lbs but was up this morning about 1.5 due to whatever. I am not strict about measuring. I usually eye my servings. Maybe I need to be more accurate with it. I am determined to lose even if it is slow. Hopefully the outdoor activities in FL will help me. Keep plugging away in NE too. You can do it. We just need to look at it as a process with good and bad days. Life needs to be lived and we need to be kinder to ourselves.

    Charlie got his sutures out but has to wear the cone for two more days (today and tomorrow) due to wanting to lick when it itches. He is moping around.

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    the snow is moving in. I-80 is closed from Kearney to Wyoming already. Getting a rather large amount showing in the forecast (some models showing 13 inches). Yikes, we'll see. Leaving shortly for my hair appointment which got bumped up in time. I came in at 5 and got plenty done. Though I still hope it's ok to return, because it feels like tomorrow is iffy.

    I am keeping after staying in the right mindset for attempting to stay on track. It's always going to be up and down. It just certainly is bummer to see it go that much. Today showed a decent amount back off, not everything, but no longer three up. And, yes I weigh everyday. It's just information.

    Awww Charlie, you're almost there buddy.

    Zach finally texted me back after I had asked how his first days of classes went and mentioned he is coming home this weekend. That is making me anxious. He never comes home so soon after the semester starts and the weather is not going to great. I want to ask why he is coming home, but don't want to make it seem like he isn't welcome. Sigh.

    Hump day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I wonder if Z has something to tell you or just needs to be home and cared for?

    Kudos to losing the pounds. I try not to weigh every day unless I feel I may have lost because I don't want to get discouraged. It doesn't motivate me if the scale goes up. I feel like a failure when it happens. I need to get control of my mind set/attitude.

    I took my 3 plants to my sisters so she can care for them while I am gone. If they die, I won't be heart broken. I vacuumed out my car and wiped down the inside. I like a clean interior when we travel. The outside is dirty but can't be helped until we get south away from salt and snow. It was snowing here around noon but nothing stuck. Tomorrow is suppose to be bad weather so we'll see if they are right.

    I didn't go to class this morning. I was dragging when I got out of bed and I just wanted to get the car and plants taken care of. Now I am going to start making decisions on what goes in the suitcase. I really shouldn't over pack since we can do laundry. Hard not to take too much.

    Rory texted and asked if we will be home on Sunday to talk. I don't know if he just wants to chat or has something to tell us? He calls so rarely, doesn't respond to texts or vmails much either. Hannah, girlfriend, keeps me informed as to what they are doing and how he is.

    Well, time to make clothing decisions. Stay safe with the weather!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Maybe a furthering of his relationship with Hannah?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I was wondering that also. Russ told me that Rory said he would talk to us before we left for FL so he thinks he is just doing that. If there was an announcement, they would tell us in person in FL in a few weeks when they visit.

    Well I didn't make it to class yesterday due to my own fatigue. Today is bad roads and school closings so I'm opting out of class again. I'm suppose to drive to Traverse City this evening to volunteer at the National Writer's Series with Power Books. If still slick roads I will see if I can get out of it. I don't want to risk an accident. There are some old people driving around here that shouldn't be on the roads. Or the opposite, people that go way too fast for conditions. I sound like an old bitty!

    I have my clothes narrowed down and will put in suitcase today. I will add underwear after my last wash load on the weekend. I need to pack my hotel bag too. We always pack a small bag each to take in to hotels when we stop so we don't have to lug the big suitcase.

    How is your weather?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Fortunately we did not get the full 14 inches forecasted, but probably a good 7. So it is still very slick. I made Bernie drive me to work since he doesn't mind driving on it and it makes me anxious. I regularly get zoomed by on these roads.

    Zach still acts like he is coming home even though the roads are bad (and he doesn't like driving either) - so that is also making me anxious. Why the big deal to come home when he normally wouldn't come until Spring Break. Meh.

    Hopefully they clear up quick.

    Isn't today freedom day for the pup?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Yes, Charlie is cone and bandage free. He licks his paw once in awhile but it is ok to do so now.

    We are getting the snow now. I canceled going to the city tonight to volunteer for Power Books. Roads are slippery per report on the news. I don't want to deal with it.

    I had to laugh. My oldest sister texted me earlier telling me not to drive in to the city tonight with this bad weather. Is she my mother? I know she cares but I had to laugh because she is just like my Mom was.

    I will be going into residual weekly points today. I had two multi grain blueberry waffles for breakfast, raw veggies, yogurt based hummus and some tuna salad for lunch. Russ is baking chicken, buttered noodles and broccoli for dinner. The noodles will have points but chicken and broccoli will be zero points. I may squeak by. I am going to take my scale with me to FL so I can continue to weigh in on my own scale. I don't know if Karah has a scale but I don't want to go to her bathroom, strip down before breakfast and weigh in. Seems too weird and intrusive. I've never taken a scale on vacation with me, LOL!

    I hope Z makes it home ok. I wonder why he feels the need to come home so soon. I hope he is ok. I wonder if he wants to talk to you and Bernie about something without C around?