The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Doc doesn’t think this is going to kill me. (Eyes rolling). Testing to come. Holter monitor (24 hour ekg). Echo cardio gram Friday and stress echo in a few weeks. Whee
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I am sorry you are having to deal with the emotions on your own. You can vent to me and I will listen. Your appt is today? Let me know if you find out anything. I hope you don't have to wait too long for answers/treatment. Hugs to you. I'm guessing you are going to the appt alone?

    Our friends did stay with us last night. It was so nice to see them. We hadn't seen them in person since we lived in MN but I had zoomed with Julie over the last couple of years. We ordered pizzas and ate on the deck, went inside eventually and talked until midnight. This morning they weren't in a rush so we had coffee, fruit and English Muffins for breakfast. They just left about 25 minutes ago.

    Another sunny day and in the 70's. We couldn't have asked for better weather. I am washing towels and sheets to remake the bed for David and family and replenish the bathroom. They never give you enough towels in rentals so I'm glad we have a laundry room. Tomorrow I will wash our bed sheets and won't clean until next Wednesday before David and family arrive. I am going to walk with Karah at noon on her lunch break. We are going to relax at the house today. I will be on the deck in the sun in the afternoon. I think I will put on my swim suit to get that base for MX. We will go to Jeff and Karah's for dinner. She is picking up left over pizza at our house for her lunch after our walk. This is the life and we are blessed.

    I will be thinking of you all day. Prayers you get answers you need.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    This time you are having in FL sounds so amazing! I am so happy for you to get these wonderful days.

    The doc yesterday seemed pretty good. He took his time going over my history. Doesn't feel that all these extra bottom beats are detrimental (i.e. not going to kill me - again eye roll), but that we'll do a bunch of tests to verify. At first blush it is sounding like just something I have to live with. While, obviously it's great its not going to shorten my life, I am not a huge fan of just ignore all that extra thumping - it happens about every third beat. Sometimes (at night most especially) it can be impossible to ignore and definitely making it hard(er) to sleep. Now that everyone made the point to point it out, it's hard to go back to not knowing. We'll see what everything says.

    It's funny. While the sticky pads for the EKG's and holter monitors have changed a bit (it's been 30 years for me) - that fact that they are all still wired. Everything is still attached by the wires to the pads back to the machines. You would think at this point in the future that stuff would be wireless. That the pads would transmit it back without the leads having to be attached. Think how that would be helpful in those urgent situations. Just get those pads on and the reading would take off. Not having to wrestle the pads on, then the leads while potentially other urgent things happening.

    Hump day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh- I forgot did you have a call from Rory before your trip. You mentioned he had specifically asked if you would be around for a call and found it a bit odd. Was it just for a chat or did he have some new news?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Well good news the thumps aren't detrimental but why are they happening? Any treatment or just live with it? Anything you can do to minimize the feeling?

    Rory called to wish Russ a happy birthday that Sunday, LOL! We weren't really thinking about Russ' birthday and it wasn't until Sunday that Russ realized that was why he was calling. So no bad news and no engagement news.They will arrive a week from tomorrow. David's family arrives a week from today.

    Karah and I walked for 45 minutes on her lunch break and then I gave her left over pizza to take home for her lunch. I put on my tankini top and went out in the sun to read and get color. When the sun wasn't hiding behind a cloud, it felt wonderful. I soaked up extra Vitamin D for you!

    We are going over for dinner in a bit. I am tired after being up so late and reading in the sun all afternoon. I am still tracking points and trying to be good but have had a few lapses with pizza and some snacks. But I see it as live life but don't over do it. Eat when I'm hungry, try to choose wisely, enjoy, and don't eat until I'm too full, just satisfied. I think that will work for me for slow weight loss since it never comes off rapidly anyway. I am at a 6 pound loss in the month of January. Onward...

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Just talked to David. He turns 35 today! Wowzer that I have a 35 year old son. They are having a good time in Wisconsin visiting his Dad, step mom and brothers. One brother is married with two kids so Halen has a playmate and they are having fun. They are also taking time to visit some of Chantrelle's MN relatives. Her Mom grew up in Redwing, MN.

    Another beautiful day down here. I'm washing our bedding and don't know what the rest of the day brings yet. Russ has to go to Pet Smart and buy more food for Charlie. He is being picky and doesn't like the new food we bought a few weeks ago. Luckily we started with a small bag.

    Hope you have a good day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Way to go on your six pound down!!!!

    Thanks for getting extra D for me. I swear I could feel it today. 😉

    Almost Friyay

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Rainy and cool today. It's the first day we have had rain. The temps dropped into the 50's after the winds and rain began. We had hoped to go to the beach this afternoon until we saw the forecast. Lazy day inside...

    Karah left for GA today for the weekend. We will have dinner with Jeff tonight and tomorrow and help with the kids. He is working from home today but the kids are at daycare.

    I just zoomed with the retirees from MN. Nice to catch up. One is in Palm Springs at her condo until April, the other leaves for AZ on Sunday and stays in her parents 2nd home down there, the other is going to CA on the coast for the month of March. Retirement is wonderful for those who can afford to do a little travel or go to warm climates.

    My sisters texted it is colder than usual in MI today. Temps that we normally had in a MN winter but aren't typical for northern lower peninsula of MI. They are griping and acting like it is the Artic. So funny but it is what a person is use to.

    When do you have more tests?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Today was the echo. They’ll have to send the holter off for reading and the echo and hopefully I will hear something back before the stress test in two weeks.

    It’s supposed to warm up this weekend so that’s good. I should go to church tomorrow but otherwise not sure of anything else

    Keep having all those good moments

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Russ and I went to the farmer's market early this morning and bought some produce. Jeff didn't go because he didn't want to wake up the kids and have to get them ready alone. We didn't linger. It is cool today and we are lazy. The kids are napping and Jeff will bring them over for dinner when they wake up.

    I took a short walk but my left knee was twinging so I didn't over do it. I didn't wear my walking shoes which I should have. Next time...

    Lazy days here...easy to do when you know you have time on your hands.

    Glad you have one test done.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Keep getting those walks in.

    Happy Sunday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I didn't walk yesterday and could feel it. If I don't move, I'm sore at the end of the day. Miles spent the morning with us while Layney was napping. We painted pictures with dot paints (like Bingo Markers), and spent a lot of time in the back yard blowing bubbles, playing ball and using sidewalk chalk. He has quite the imagination and loves monkeys. He wanted to know if there were monkeys in the trees on the side of the garage. That lead to telling him yes they were in the trees and one was hiding in the garage. It was so funny. Tall tales but we had him going. When the on demand water heater would make a knocking sound, we said it was the monkey hiding up on top of the garage door. So we yelled "get out monkey" several times but it didn't come out.

    Karah got back yesterday afternoon and the kids were glad to see her. They came over for dinner and Miles was fussy and acting out. Sunny and 60's today. I would like to do something outside the neighborhood for a bit. Not sure if we will do a tour or something. It is Monday so this time of year, not being busy, some places may be closed for staff.

    Have a nice day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Beach walking today for 45 minutes. Windy and chilly but pretty. The hard packed sand is easy to walk on and there is so much to look at. Lots of people with bikes, dogs, or just walking. We drove our car down on the designated beach road. It is one way so when you leave you have to follow it to the exit. It was quite a ways and I was afraid we would get stuck a couple of times. We have a Subaru Outback so the commercials show it doing rugged terrain. We still have our snow tires on and it is all wheel drive. They only allow all wheel/4 wheel drive cars to access it.

    We brought Charlie home and then went out to lunch. That will be our meal of the day. I had a BLT and their home made chips. We split a Key Lime Pie. It was the best I've had. I want to try to make one at home. I'm chilled so I'm under a blanket on the couch. I am a wimp just like Jeff. It's crazy how easy a person acclimates to warm weather and low to mid 60's feels chilly down here. I was wearing my sandals and capris so my lower legs and feet are still chilled. Crazy!

    We told the kids not to plan dinner with us. Layney was up most of the night, threw up and was fussy. She is cutting her first tooth. Miles came to visit but didn't say anything at all today. I hope he isn't getting sick. He is at daycare and Jeff stayed home to help with Layney since Karah has to work. They will probably alternate who does what. We didn't want them to plan a dinner with us included. I am plenty full and will have veggies and hummus if I get hungry tonight.

    Tomorrow I will make up the bed our friends slept in with clean sheets and Wed I will wipe down the bathroom and vacuum. David and family arrive Wed eve and will use that room. I need to get an extra blanket from Karah or go buy one. Hannah and Rory may need an extra blanket on their bed and there only two in this house. We are using one and David and Chantrelle will have the other.

    Stay warm up there.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Aww. Poor babies. Hopefully they feel better soon. I hate when they feel yuck.

    Did you figure out something to do out and about?

    Hi to your incoming friends!

    Sending healthy vibes
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    They think Layney has an ear infection. She is going to the doctor this morning. Miles is just being two! We did not do dinner with them last night. We relaxed, did not eat after our big lunch and gave them an evening without us hanging around. Layney slept until 5:30am so she got some rest. Miles stopped by this morning on his way to daycare. We each got to give him a big hug.

    Today we are going for a seafood lunch and then on a bike ride to the state park and beach. It is suppose to get to 70 and the sun is shining.

    I need to make the bed, wipe down the bathrooms and we are working on a grocery list for when kids all arrive. I can't wait to meet Ellis tomorrow eve and see Halen. Of course, parents too! It has been since Jeff and Karah's wedding week when we went to the beach with them, that we have seen them in person. That was November 2021.

    I hope you have a good day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    That is a quite a stretch without seeing Jeff and his crew. What an exciting time to see all and get all the love and hugs. It was/is Ellis that had the pregnancy indicated heart problem? How has that been going?

    Here's hoping Laney is fighting off the yucks and lots more monkey times for Miles.

    A bike ride on the beach sounds great.

    Family time!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Ellis, Halen and parents arrive tonight. They will be exhausted since they had a busy week in MN visiting lots of people and spending some time in WI with David's Dad. He said they will be glad to be in one place for a week and not worry about child proofing. This house is sparse/minimalist furniture and decor so it should be fine for busy Halen. Ellis is doing well. She will have a cardiology appt when she gets back to AK.

    Beautiful today, 73 and sunny. I have spent a lot of time on the deck in the sun and just returned from a bike ride. I've been washing bedding and towels and have a small load of my clothes in the wash. I'm sure David and family will have laundry to do so I am getting our stuff done ahead of time. Jeff brought over a pack n play crib and an inflatable toddler bed. Russ and I will set them up in David and family's room in a bit. They won't get here until about 9pm. I'm sure the kids will have fallen asleep or be very tired. I imagine we will be up late visiting. I guess Chantrelle and the girls have colds they caught from their cousins in WI. Great, I don't want to get sick.

    I'm hoping the rain doesn't come tomorrow and we can go to the beach to play and walk. Jeff and Karah may be able to take time off so it would be great if we could go and wear out the kids. Rory and Hannah arrive late tomorrow night in Orlando. Russ will drive and pick them up.

    What is new in your house and with the boys?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Gotta go dig some holes in the sand and shake off all the travel!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Wowzer it is wild here with the kids. Halen is over stimulated, over tired, and VERY active. More so than David was at her age and I thought he was challenging. They have their hands full. Miles is mesmerized by Ellis. He stares at all her hair and she is a little peanut too. She makes Layney look very large but they are 4 months apart too so big difference in growth and skills between 3 and 7 months.

    David grilled Wahoo fish tonight. We had fish tacos, guac, chips, coconut rice and black beans. Very good! Russ just left for Orlando to pick up Rory and Hannah. They won't get here until after midnight. I'll be showered and asleep by then I think.

    Interesting watching two-year old dynamics. Refusing to share, jealousy if one gets attention and the other doesn't, etc. I am glad I am past that stage of parenting and am no longer working either. This lady likes her down time to read and do what I want. I would never be a daycare provider Grandma unless it was one day a week. Russ and I would struggle to watch all 4 of these littles if parents went out. The babies don't sit independently, are rolling, eat frequently, and the toddlers are always into something with Halen as the ring leader. Whew!

    We may go to the Alligator Farm tomorrow. It is hard to time outings or do them due to the differing nap schedule.

    Well hope we survive!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hot today! We went to the alligator farm this morning. We saw albino alligators, other species of alligators, crocodiles of all types, tortoise, turtles, and exotic birds. I avoided the Kimodo dragon and snake exhibits.

    A wedding party just moved in next door. We will see how wild the neighborhood gets tonight and this weekend.

    The kids are napping or trying to. Tonight is burgers on the grill at our house. Rory and Hannah got here last night and are out to lunch and doing errands right now.

    Relaxing on the deck.