The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    We seem to be on the bottom edge of this system. In the two to four inch range, unfortunately probably getting icy rain first. Yuk.

    I am hungry (no food for four hours before test), un-caffeinated (no caffeine for 12) and ready to get this over with. I am in a mood for sure.

    Glad your cruise was a success.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I hope they finally give you results of your tests. Nice to have less snow. MN is getting quite a bit in the next 24 plus hours. My sister said our area in MI is due for 8+ inches or so. I hope our drive home next week goes ok and roads are dry.

    We went on the trolley tour today. We stayed on the trolley for over an hour and listened to the narrator give historical information. We never could have walked the distance so I'm glad we were on the trolley. Eventually we got off and went to a restaurant and ate on the patio. It had been recommended by Jeff and Karah. Then we walked home. Lots of people arriving down here for the warm weather. Many people must choose to get away from the north in March when they are sick of winter and also get warmer temps down here. We have run into many people from MI in the last few weeks.

    I am going to continue my hotel search so stay warm!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Russ and I walked to the other side of the neighborhood and went to a resort restaurant for lunch on the inlet. We sat on the deck in the shade. Hot today but we know our time is limited so I will not complain about it. We will enjoy while we can. I had grilled Mahi Mahi, coconut rice and grilled plantains. We split a piece of Key Lime Pie. One of the best we've ever had. I will have to get serious on points again when we leave here. I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds in the last 5 weeks. Oh well...I'll get back at it at home.

    MN and MI are getting womped with snow. Our driveway was plowed at 4am this morning and is already full of snow again. We will probably have to shovel around garage doors to get our car in the garage next week if they keep getting snow.

    Taco night with the kids tonight at our house. Karah is bringing her tasty, fresh quacamole.

    I booked our hotels, one outside Knoxville, TN and one in East Lansing, MI home of my alma mater, Michigan State University. We are going to go to my favorite Mexican restaurant while in East Lansing, my last hurrah for high calorie food, before heading home on Thursday next week. We will be home by this time next Thursday, one week from today. Sad to return to snow and cold...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Can't believe your Florida trip is almost over already. I wish work hours went as fast as it seemed your trip did.

    Boy, a big ol' Mexican restaurant meal sounds yummy. Aside from the calories I don't really need, this week I have also been struggling with something going on in my gums and moved into my left teeth. It kind of started with a big of irritation in my gum and has just progressively gotten worse each day. Today many of my teeth ache on the left side. I will probably call the dentist tomorrow. I'm afraid to think about how long I will have to wait to get in. They are horrible to get into. I mean, if you don't make your six month appointment as you walk about, when you call in it's at least three months. Hopefully for this (feels like) acute thing it won't be like that. Sigh.... I am falling apart!!!

    The stress echo was YUCKY. I had to stop my metoprolol which meant my blood pressure was elevated and that made me feel unwell. No caffeine, so that made feel unwell. And it was icy - so that stressed me out and most likely made my blood pressure worse too. I had a stress test when I was a teenager but that was only the walking on the treadmill with the ekg leads. This one, they did an IV and injected some contrast stuff, did an initial Echo picture, the doctor came in and then I did the treadmill (which at least didn't take a super long time since they crank up the incline and I was feeling unwell and kind of panicky so my target heartrate they wanted was achieved fast), injected another dose of contrast while I walking (uh fun) and they had to run back to the table for more Echo and the tech has you do several 'exhale all lung air and then not breathe/hold breathe' repeatedly to get a good look at the heart because after all that without doing that you are to 'lungy'. I was practically gasping - and I have been walking on my machine at home for 60 minutes a day and this treadmill test was barely five minutes. But it's over. He believed there is no recurrence of my WPW it's some odd 'function' of the lower right heart that is trying to get involved. I don't really understand but he was pleased that when I started exercising the beats were all 'normal' and the odd SVT didn't happen at all. For now he leaving me on the metoprolol and we are going to maybe adjust dosing. It was hard to really be connected to the appointment part of the visit while I felt bad and was basically gasping for air. But I go back in six week to discuss if they medication adjustment is helping. I don't want to add a bunch of extra metoprolol since it is a beta blocker and the big thing is I have to watch that extra tiredness. And I am so over doctors saying - hey the good news is you aren't going to die. I mean I tend to have a really snarky outlook but after hearing that from every appointment (primary care, gyn, cardiology, skin, etc) I'm over it. Not that I want them to say you are going to die, but ok - is that the only line you have? It's a true bummer that this is another issue I am going to have to medicate for. Those years after I had the ablation and were medication free was so liberating. But, medication is always the first course of action, I just don't have a great history of tolerance. But, yes, at least I am not going to die.

    Soak up that sun!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Wow. I actually got in to the dentist today. I hope whatever the issue is is simple (like antibiotics). Fingers crossed
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    he thinks I may be clenching and have some bite issues. He is suggesting trying some night guards. We'll give it a go.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My dentist has to be schedule 6 months in advance too unless it is an emergency. I was going to ask you about clenching and a bite guard and then I saw your next note. I have one but don't wear as much as I should. I clench when I drive and when I sleep (sometimes). It does cause tooth and gum aches so when I wake up with that, I know I was clenching in my sleep. I hope the bite guard helps you.

    That must have been a long appt for you with the doctor. I'm glad they aren't saying it is something serious but I hear you on their line. I don't think many doctors have great people skills. Have you ever considered a holistic doctor that approaches the whole body system and how they are interconnected rather than MD's that prescribe meds for symptoms? Insurance doesn't always cover them but an appt or two could be helpful if you could find one in Omaha or Lincoln.

    We walked over the bridge to downtown again this morning. We were going to tour the fort but decided to go to Flagler College first because I wanted to see the Tiffany windows inside. The courtyard, entrance and lobby are beautiful! We couldn't go past the lobby if we weren't part of a tour. I did manage to see two Tiffany windows and took pictures of them. We didn't walk to the fort because my left knee and arthritic feet had enough and Russ' ankles were hurting. I'm done walking to downtown but would like to walk the beach a couple more times before we leave on Tuesday.

    Everyone one of us has runny noses and congestion. Jeff seems to have it the worst. Mine is very mild and sporadic. Miles was sent home from daycare for coughing a lot. We haven't done Covid tests at this point. The pollen count is very high here so Russ and I feel we have allergies acting up and aren't "sick".

    81 today but feels hot in the sun. We spent the afternoon on the deck but the heat and humidity became tough for me so I came in to the AC.

    I hope you don't have too many side effects from increasing the medication.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We have started sorting and packing. Charlie got a good bath and nails clipped today. I washed his bed and seat cover before he got home from Soggy Dog. I took him for a walk at noon. The sun was hot so we only went about 1.5 miles. I wanted to go further but I felt his paws would be uncomfortable and the heat was getting to him. I haven't gone back out for a walk alone. I've been doing my own laundry, going through the pantry and packing up my stuff, and reading on the deck. The sun is intense when it hits the deck head on so now I am inside in the AC.

    I hope we get lucky on the travel weather. Our area in MI is getting lots of snow. Russ says the weather will have moved through ahead of us in the next two days. We may hit bad weather in MI. Fingers crossed we don't.

    I saw a picture of I-80 on FB. Wowzer!

    Hope you are well and enjoying your weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Packing up computer now. I will check in from hotel tomorrow eve or Wed.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh my. You’re already on the road! Wishing you safe travels and warm fun memories of your family and cool trip.

    On the road again
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Big wheels keep on turning!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Two long days of driving. We will arrive home around noon tomorrow. We are at our hotel in East Lansing, MI, home of Michigan State University. We are going to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Hopefully Charlie does ok in the hotel room. We are going to put him in his kennel so he feels more secure. Hopefully he will nap. He is not typically a barker but we will either put on TV or white noise machine to mask outside noises he may bark at.

    Temps here are in the 50's and no snow. When we get up north tomorrow it will be 30 degrees and lots of snow and ice. In the south, daffodils were blooming and there were the first blossoms on some trees along the highway. In our neighborhood there were purple blossoms on some bushes but I don't know what they were. I will miss the warmth but not the humidity. It was hard saying good bye to the kids. I always cry! Miles doesn't understand we aren't across the street even though we drove to their house with our car packed and showed him we were going bye-bye. He was asking for us last night. So sweet!

    How are you? Any test results yet? What are you up to besides work?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    What a special thing to have all the time Miles really building that closeness. So HEART.

    One of our local schools was 'swatted' today. The cops were called stating there was an active shooter - there wasn't. Can you imagine how terrifying that was for everyone? It apparently at multiple schools in the state and has been happening all over. I know there is no answer, but what is wrong with people. Yuck.

    Hopefully you are almost home. Your meal picture on the FB looked so good!

    He had decided the my heart looked healthy, there was no signs of any recurring WPW, but I didn't think to ask about why I developed this 'function' of extra right side beats. For now he is adjusting my medication. I go back in six weeks and then I want to ask why this may have developed, what I am supposed to say to the medical people who were so concerned about the readings of the telemetry/ekg so that if I am back in hospital for something I know what to say.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We got home about 11am this morning. We are both tired! We have been unpacking and relaxing. We went to a local restaurant for a mid day meal/dinner and then stopped at our small grocery in town to pick up a few things. Russ will shop in Traverse City this weekend.

    My sister Becky got home from Costa Rica yesterday. We chatted briefly on the phone and she had a good trip. Lynn had a cortisone shot in her right hip to determine if her hip is what is causing her so much pain or if it is the arthritis on her spine. She is a mess! If it is her hip, she will have a hip replacemnt since the ball is worn and bone on bone.

    Charlie is glad to be home. His tail was wagging when he got out of the car. He went down to the road to his poop spot and then ran up our driveway. He has been on a leash for 6 weeks so this was his first run since January.

    It is 4pm and I'm ready to take a nap. I doubt I will be up too late tonight. I'm so glad I washed and changed sheets and cleaned the house before we left. I don't need to do anything but my laundry this weekend.

    Well I'm going to lay on the couch and read and possibly take a nap. Do you feel comfortable with the info you received on your heart?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The sun is shining here! Lots of snow and drifts in our yard and plow hills are big. Charlie is glad to be back on familiar territory but probably misses the sun and warmth for walks.

    I've caught up with my sisters and am zooming with retiree friends in a bit. I'm off to yoga this afternoon to work out the kinks from car, hotel beds, unfamiliar pillows...

    Hope you are well. TGIF!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Well I gained half my loss back being on the road, eating out, etc. I'm back on track and have lost 1 of the pounds I gained back. Sunny and 42 here today so I took Charlie for a walk. I'm trying to exercise either walking or pool at least 45 minutes 4 times per week. My walks tend to be 30-35 minutes but the classes are 45 minutes to an hour so they make up the slack.

    I made the WW White Chicken Chili with the Great Northern Beans and chunky salsa in it. It is 1 pt for 1 cup. I had it for lunch and will eat it for lunch until gone this week. Russ is making their Taco Soup tonight for dinner. It is very good if it is the one I remember from years ago.

    Miles looks over at our rental house and says "GiGi Papa". He has told his parents he wants to go to Michigan. Yay! I love that little guy. I wish we could see Halen more easily but it will have to be through portal until they make it here or we go there.

    My sister Becky came home from her trip with a bad cold. She says she did a Covid test and it was negative. I told her she can't come over and I won't be over to pick up my house plants until next week. I don't want whatever she does have. She is very congested and coughing but says she feels "fine". She sounds horrible so I find that hard to believe. She thinks Lynn and I are "ridiculous" to not spend time with her to avoid sickness. She doesn't understand how virus' spread or doesn't care if she infects someone else.

    I hope you are having a fun and/or relaxing weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I’m with you on not visiting. Even if it’s “normal “ sick no one wants it.

    Zach got home yesterday and is on spring break. Caleb has break the following week.

    Zach and I have been hanging out on the couch watching the girls state basketball games. Just relaxing and talking here and there. I pinned him if he has started sending resumes. He claims he has done a couple. One for the hospital in Norfolk. I challenged him to apply for a job I saw at Loup Power. It would be a great place I think. We’ll see if he does

    Sounds like it’s good to be home but hard to be apart from your buddy Miles. It just makes my heart burst how you guys got to build up that bond.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Fresh snow today. I had hoped to take Charlie to the bike trail in a sunny area that would hopefully be bare pavement to walk today. Not!!! He didn't like the snow falling on him this morning when we went out so I knew the trail would be wet, cold and trudging through the snow. They groom it for x-country and skate skiing so they don't want walkers ruining the tracks. I will take him out on the farm road in a bit since it is only lightly snowing now. I'm trying to get steps in each day but ice and snow aren't helping. So much easier in FL.

    I gained half of my pounds that I loss back but have lost almost all again. 1.4 pounds to go and I will be on my way to new loss. I made the WW white chicken chili and the WW taco soup which are both low in points. I've had those for lunch and dinner this week and that has helped. I have the ingredients to make the 0 pt veggie soup in the next couple of days. Russ bought me ingredients to make very low point freezer treats since I like a dessert in the evening. I really want to lose and keep it off this time.

    Bad roads today so I didn't go to the Y. Tomorrow I have a hair cut, pedicure, and chiro appt so won't get to class until Wed morning. I will go to classes W-Th this week and walk other days.

    Nice that Z is home for break and you are getting a chance to spend time together and talk. Has he said anything about his grades? It is amazing he is already going to graduate and move into the career world. I hope you and C get to spend some quality time together and he opens up with you.

    Well it is time for my walk with Charlie. Boot, hat and mitten weather...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Nothing more has been said by Zach about his grades. I am still harboring very unhappy feelings about, and back to not trusting him. When he says he has applied at these couple of places he mentioned, I honestly don't believe. I think he is 'thinking' about it. My folks and sister keep asking about graduation and I'm not sure I believe it will happen. He says it will, but, well...

    I think we are in for some rain and snow this week. Haircut tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Well I hope Z figures it out. Does he think he can move home and not be applying to jobs? I remember when I got my bachelor's degree I was burnt out. I went home for the summer and worked as a waitress in the evenings. In the Fall I student taught and started my graduate program in January. By the time I graduated with my masters, I never wanted to be in school again. However, continuing education credits are necessary to maintain licensure, so I did take classes for the rest of my career. I hope Z figures it out. He has time...Remember Rory graduated with a bachelor of science degree and then told us he was not going to graduate school and didn't like his major. He paid for a solar program and then decided to become an electrician to make better money. I bet he goes back to solar in the future as an electrician. He's 28 and still doing his apprentice program to become an electrician. They just have to find their way.

    I got my hair cut, a pedicure (buffed nails and shaved callouses, no color) and went to chiropractor for adjustment today. In between, I picked up my houseplants at Becky's and visited Lynn at her house. I hadn't seen either of them since we returned home.

    Charlie and I walked twice today. Two coyotes passed through in the night because I saw their fresh paw tracks in our yard. One came from the pine grove and Charlie was very interested in the scent he picked up on around the edge of the grove.

    Russ returned to his assembly job today. He is working to buy a smoker and a new printer and will quit at the end of April. They fired 7 people while we were gone and he is the only part time employee with a very flexible schedule. They like him and also appreciate he shows up for his shifts. He is ready to be completely retired and do his projects around here this summer.

    Well I hope your week is going well. I'm going back to Aqua Fit tomorrow and then going to make my 0 point WW soup in the afternoon. I made one of the low point desserts this morning so it will be ready for my treat tonight.