The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Sounds like the "old boy network" and "who you know" going on. Poor management above! What do your brother-in-law and sister plan to do?

    I have been painting second and 3rd coats on trim, touch up, etc. I have to fill a couple of large screw holes and paint the last of the trim in the basement Russ just bought. Touch up the closet ceiling and then wait for the bench to arrive. I went to Target and bought baskets for shoes/boots for underneath the bench and baskets for the shelf to hold winter wear, appliance manuals, and Charlie's stuff. I'll post a picture of before and after when all done. I wanted to pick out bright, cute blue and white baskets but decided on neutral to blend in with paint and wood so I don't have to be limited on what color to paint the mudroom when wall paper is removed.

    Sunny and 40's today but snow predicted by Saturday.

    I finally made it to Aqua Fit today. My sister Becky joined the Y and she met me there. Tomorrow I am picking up my cousin and going to the class at the Y near her home. Then I will go to yoga on Friday with my cousin. That will be 3 classes this week if weather doesn't interfere.

    I am reading the book Lessons in Chemistry. It is pretty good but I was born in '61 so remember our household being traditional, Dad at work, Mom home, volunteering, housework, etc. The book takes place in the '50's and '60's at least so far.

    Russ is making a WW meal tonight of chicken cutlets with hot cherry peppers, bake potato on the side. It looks good! Tomorrow or Thursday I will make a WW Skillet Enchilada Dinner with a side salad. I have to say we are eating pretty well and healthy. I am fluctuating as usual in between formal weigh ins

    Hang in there with work.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Mmm, that chicken sounds good. How did it turn out?

    Oh mylanta, the construction ramped up with the official start of two way traffic (down from two driving lanes each side plus turn lanes for both right and left). AND they put four way stops at the light by the truck stop. It's taking over 30 minutes to go a few blocks. It. is . insane. There will be violence, watch. This is only the first day. My anxiety is through the roof. I hate driving in good conditions. This is making me come out of my skin.

    I don't know what Dan and Michele will do. Things have been rough anyway. It's all such a crap show.

    Hump day.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The chicken with the hot cherry peppers was so good! It is spicy! Here is the link:

    Tonight I made an Antipasta Salad for dinner. I will make the Skillet Enchiladas tomorrow eve since I am home all day. The salad was good. I could eat it for dinner once a week easily. It wasn't weight watchers. I just got it off of Pinterest. I combined chopped romaine and iceberg lettuce in a bowl. I added chopped pepperoni and salami, provolone cheese, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, pepperoncinies, artichoke hearts, cucumber, and red onion. I served with croutons, grated parmesan cheese, Italian Seasoning, Red Pepper Flakes and Zesty Italian Dressing as add ons.

    I took my cousin to Aqua Fit this morning. We will go to yoga together on Friday. Tomorrow I will paint the last of the trim pieces. I have no idea what is going on at Power Books or what the volunteer shifts are during the week. I have asked but haven't gotten feed back. I may have to stop down at the site and see what is going on.

    Rory turned 28 yesterday!! I can't believe how time has flown by.

    Your traffic sounds awful. Is there an alternate route to get to work such as through neighborhoods to bypass the construction?

    Another school shooting...what is wrong with our politicians? They are cowards and will not do what is right because they will lose money from the NRA. They are more concerned with the second amendment and don't appear interested in tackling other issues. Frustrating and sad!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I so agree. I keep getting into arguments about AR weapons with Bernie. I don't think anyone outside of military and police need those. You don't hunt with them and you can 'defend' your home with a handgun or shotgun. It's so sad and scary.

    The years just keep whizzing by don't they.

    Man, I have to stop reading about your great meals when I am so hungry! That salad sounds pretty fantastic too. I don't do a lot of salads because I always end up with too many calories in dressing and toppings.

    A lot of my inability to deal well with things right now is also because my hot flashes are really bad again. They just make me so miserable. And yes it is still 85 in the office. So add in that and then every 20 minutes or so additional body temperature spike. I'm a mess.

    At least it's Friday-eve.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hot flashes are the worst. My only advice is to dress in layers. I had to stop wearing sweaters for years. Now I can wear them again. I also wear a light winter coat unless it is frigid outside. I over heat in stores and the car. If you have a doctor that believes in eastern medicine (Chinese medicine...), the herb black cohash may help your hot flashes. Years ago I went to see an acupuncturist at the School of Chinese Medicine in St. Paul and they prescribed it then. I used it for awhile but can't remember if it had a big impact or not. They were large capsules full of the herb. Acupuncture may also help you if there is a good one in your town. I love acupuncture for bodily issues, weight loss, sinus issues, etc. I haven't gone in years but should find another good one.

    Here is a good one. Russ thinks he is always right and knows a lot about everything. I have told him we have had mice in the garage because I see the droppings. He insists there aren't any and keeps canned goods and other groceries on restaurant shelving in the garage outside the house entrance door. I've told him several times it is not a good idea, except canned goods only. He won't listen. Well I went to gather my ingredients for the skillet enchiladas I am making tonight from the shelves. The whole package of corn tortillas was ruined by a mouse eating through the bag and munching on a dozen of the tortillas. He is at work so I texted and asked him to pick up another package after work due to the mouse issue. I would bet my last dollar he will insist it couldn't have been a mouse because we don't have them, LOL! Why don't men ever want to admit they don't know everything and always have to be right?

    Did I tell you that Charlie has been diagnosed with Pancreatitis? Maggie died with it back in 2019. We didn't recognize how sick she was, thought it was aging, and by the time it was serious we were getting ready to leave for Mexico for David's wedding. She was put on meds and the dog sitter took care of her but by day 3, she took her to her vet and they said they could no longer help her. We had her put down with us on the phone talking to her. Now Charlie has it but we hope we caught it early. He will have to have a diet change and Russ will have to stop all the treats. I've been on him for years about the treats and extra table food but he wouldn't listen. Not that he caused Charlie to be sick, but all of it didn't help Charlie's weight and digestion.

    I went to the chiropractor today so decided not to paint. I'm going to wait until Saturday and enjoy the relief of lower back and hip aches for a couple of days. Water yoga tomorrow, yay!

    I agree about the AR's. No one but military should have those. Gun laws does not mean ruining gun ownership or taking away guns. Just stop selling AR's and letting anyone buy guns. Politics should not rule our safety but people in power are weak and are cowards to do anything. Where would their campaign funding come from if the NRA is not involved?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Charlie is barely eating. We are currently giving him rice with boiled chicken and low fat broth. He will wait most of the day before he takes any bites. He hasn't pooped in a couple of days so he may be uncomfortable on top of his inflammation.

    Raining today and will get up to 50 in Traverse City. Snow expected tomorrow. This needs to end!

    Zooming with retired friends this morning and then off to water yoga.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh poor puppy. I hope he feels better soon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Russ found Charlie a low fat food but he has only grazed. I can tell he has lost weight even with his fluffy coat hiding it.

    Today is Miles 2nd birthday! Growing so fast...

    Did some touch up ceiling painting in the closet and a first coat on corner pieces. 2nd coat tomorrow and then nothing else until bench arrives.

    Snow is falling...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I need to look for acupuncture here and see if it could help me. I have to be careful because of my heart with supplements so many of them are contraindicated. But I am so miserable. But the HRT led to a whole bunch of expensive tests and scary weeks so maybe suffering is the better option. Not a fan of either.

    Did Russ agree to move food not in solid containers after seeing the eaten tortillas?

    Awww Miles. Is he still looking for you at the rental house?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Russ has done nothing about the food on the shelves. He didn't even respond when I said only canned and jarred items should be out there. He keeps a large supply of stuff since we live a ways from a grocery that has better inventory although he still manages to go to the store quite often. I think it is his thing to do when bored.

    Herbs can be tricky and always best to check with your pharmacist if you are on other meds. I think pharmacists are a better source of info for the affect of herbs on drugs. Doctors have rudimentary training in meds I think. They know what to prescribe for different symptoms.

    We portaled with Miles and Layney this morning. He told me he is two and held up four fingers, LOL! They have been swimming in their pool since temps are up in the 80's. They had another couple who have two kids Layney and Miles' ages over for a bday gathering yesterday.

    40's and sunny today. I hope snow melts this next week. I finished my trim painting and Russ is out in the pole barn putting together his new smoker.

    Happy Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    May be worth it to invest in some larger food storage containers. Or just plastic totes. I wonder it that would keep them out. Icky.

    Another week started. I can't believe it's Easter week already. I guess my folks don't want to have it this year (for the last four years or so they insisted on having it) - so not sure what's up. I mean it's easier for us to have it down here, but I'm guessing there is some reason they haven't shared.

    I wonder if Caleb will come home. It doesn't really bother me, but what does bother is the chirping from other people about where whoever is missing is at, and what they're doing and chirp, chirp, chirp. Can't you just accept and enjoy who does show up?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My sister and I had a cheat day today when we went shopping in the city. We bought a shepherd's hook (short one) for my brother's grave stone so we can put a hanging plant on it. She already has a double hook tall one to put by my parents' grave stone. I guess new plan for the cemetery flowers this year. We each bought some other stuff and then we went to a burger place she had never been to that Russ and I love. They have the best hamburgers ever! We each had a 1/4 lb burger and split onion rings and fries. They have the best of those too. I've eaten my points and then some for today, so no dinner needed.

    We are going to my niece and her family's house for Easter brunch. They are doing an egg hunt for their 3 year old daughter and then a light breakfast with Mimosas and coffee. Russ and I will have our own dinner later in the day. We are thinking ham steak, mashed potatoes and a vegetable.

    I noticed some cyclists on the bike trail when we passed it today. I asked Russ to get my bike out of where ever he has it stashed in the pole barn. I'll charge up the battery and hope to ride later in the week. It is suppose to be in the 60's on Wednesday so snow should melt fast.

    I wonder what is going on with your parents? Just feeling their age and don't want to prep for a gathering? Will Z come home even if C doesn't? Why do they talk so much about who is missing? Life happens for everyone and it is a personal choice. Nearing exam time too...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I guess it's just something to talk about, but for some reason it feels like a shame thing.

    I am feeling like a burger too, maybe this week for me too.

    Hope you get to ride soon.

    Crazy windy and snow in parts of Nebraska again. I don't think it's coming here, but the weather is shifting.

    Another day down.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Good workout at Aqua Fit this morning. Smaller number of attendees so that was nice. More room to pick up the pace.
    Russ installed the frame that will hold the oak bench top in the closet today. I had to help with the first two frame pieces and then he was able to do the rest without me. Now we are waiting for the top and touch up painting after that. Yay! I hope the bench top is completed soon and he gets the call to pick up.

    Tomorrow I pick up my cousin and take her to Aqua Fit at the Y near her house. Thursday I am going to volunteer a couple of hours at Power Books. It seems like they have a lot of helpers now so I probably won't be volunteering as many hours as I was in the Fall. Biking season is close so I will have more time to enjoy the outdoors. I am hoping to get out on the trail on Saturday if not too cold. Most of the snow is melted and after the high temps tomorrow the last of it should be gone. Now to get out before we get more snow.

    The scale showed I gained a pound from my cheat meal. I know that is not fat gain, just the larger amount of food going through my system. It will come off.

    Charlie isn't eating much at all. I hope we aren't losing him.

    Hump day tomorrow!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh pupper - what does your vet say? Thinking good thoughts.

    Today was follow up visit with the cardiologist. Hooked up for another holter monitor to see if the increase in the meds lowered the percentage of PVC's. He thought based on the EKG it looked like 5% vs the 10% it was before (he says lower than 20 to 25 % is nothing to get to bothered by). Either way he still says the heart is healthy, it's not WPW coming back and as long as I don't experience an increase in some alarming symptoms that all is well. I asked what I should say if I am again hooked up to a telemetry (like I was for the colonoscopy and everyone was so worried and talked about not doing the procedure because of the readings). He said to just say (snort just say), you've been evaluated, your heart is healthy and having extra pvc's is normal for you and no reason to not proceed. We'll see. While this has all been frustrating, sometimes alarming and very expensive - I have to just make myself be ok with it and now that know you have the answer and just move on.

    I really want to 'reward' myself with some food, but trying to hold out since I assume we'll have a largish meal on Sunday.

    Hump day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Pretty good class this morning. We did a lot of core, leg and arm work.

    I walked Charlie twice today so he could meander around the property and sniff the fields. He seems happy and was running along sniffing everything. He only ate half his breakfast but was begging for my lunch. Maybe he has just turned picky and doesn't like the low fat food and lack of treats he was getting.

    Tonight I am making dinner. Skinny Taste Sheet Pan Pancakes with fresh berries and scrambled eggs. Russ is working so I try to make dinner at least one of his two days he works. Three more weeks and he will quit, hopefully.

    I think that is good news on your cardiology results. Good thing it was all checked out and you are within range of normal.

    We had torrential rains today so more reduction in snow piles and patches. 60's here for just this day but it helps. I hope I can ride on Saturday. I better get my battery out by tomorrow morning and charge it up.

    What are your Easter plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I don't know what the plans are for Easter. Aside from my sister texting mom and offering to have dinner (and us assuming she would say she wanted it), mom actually saying Michele could have it - there actually hasn't been any further talk. Michele had to travel to Baker City, OR for work this week and won't get back until tomorrow. I'm guessing we'll just have lunch on Sunday. Right now I'm guessing I'll bring a salad (maybe fruit if it looks good). And I guess I should ask the boys if they are coming home.

    I can see that C dog might not like the new food. The vet keeps recommending this kidney care stuff for Roxy but she won't eat it all. At the age she is and she got kind of scary skinny for awhile we decided that whatever she would eat is what we'll feed. For a long while she wouldn't eat hardly anything. Recently she has 'deigned' to regularly eat these push up pate things. They look nasty and smell terrible, but she eats them and finally stopped losing weight. She has to be over 16 at this point, so we're just trying to keep her happy.

    Friday eve. Thank goodness.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I volunteered at Power Books today. It was me and the site coordinator so pretty quiet and relaxing. I stuffed book bags for babies and age 3-5 years. Easy and I was able to sit down. No heavy lifting. I will go back next Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon to help.

    Very windy and cold today, but sunny. Charlie and I went for a walk on the property and his nose was up in the wind catching scents. He kept sniffing toward the orchard and watching it closely. I didn't see any critters but he caught a scent of something. I directed him the other direction just in case a coyote was sleeping in the grass. I don't know where they hang out in the day time.

    I hope your parents are ok. Have you talked to them or your sister to find out why they are giving up the Easter meal at their home? How old are they now?

    Charlie isn't starving himself but I can feel his ribs when I pet him. Maybe his appetite is getting less like mine as I age. I don't eat as big of servings as I use to and fill up fast. Sixteen is a long life for your dog. Charlie is 12 or 13, not sure.

    Water yoga tomorrow. Yay! I look forward to that class so much. Do you get tomorrow off (Good Friday) or does corporate world work?

    Happy Easter!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Good Friday is hit and miss. I personally have never worked anywhere that had it off. It seems like most of the places Bernie has worked have had off.

    So it sounds like Caleb is coming home. And Zach went from coming, to not coming home due to loads of projects. I think he also thought that dinner was going to be at the folks like it had been (which is in Wayne where he goes to school), but if he needs to work, he needs to work. He has less than four weeks to graduation. He probably knows also that if he would have come home I was going to press him on getting some resumes out. I know I have to stay out of it, but gah, it doesn't take that long to put an already prepared resume (which he should have done last summer for a class). Staying out of it. Trying. We'll probably need to take him something to eat because I doubt the cafeteria will be open on Easter and definitely nothing in town will be. I'm sure my folks will have something to say about him not being there. I still remember going to my grandma's late one of the first years I was dating Bernie because we went to his grandparents to eat and my mom gave me the cold shoulder. Yeah, that right there is why I still hang on to bad feelings about how people react to people being there or not at events. Because it shouldn't have mattered. Anyway, feelings. So complicated.

    PS Roxy is my last cat. No more doggo's in my house.

    Another hour then imma outta here.

    Have a great weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My Mom use to get her nose out of joint if I went to my first husband's family for Christmas or any other holiday. They lived in Chicago and it was easier to travel there for a holiday than to northern MI. Even when we were dating in college, she would resent the time I spent with them. This went on until we were divorced. I missed a lot of family holidays when I moved to MN (all Thanksgivings and attended only about 3 or 4 Christmas holidays. I regret it now but at the time I didn't have enough days off at Thanksgiving and travel weather at Christmas through the UP of MI could be unsafe. As much as I love if our kids come here for a holiday, I don't resent them if they don't. I also totally understand they need to divide time between in-laws. They have their lives to lead.

    Yoga was a full class but a good one. Our weather is taking a turn for the better with a warm up next week. The snow patches are minimal but 80% chance of snow tomorrow, blah!

    Good for Z making the decision to get his stuff done. 4 weeks will fly by and then he will be home, right? It's nice you will be able to spend some time with C.

    I had recorded my body measurements a year ago. I'm going to measure tomorrow and see how I have changed. I am 10.6 lbs less than I was then and have been exercising. Hope I've lost a few inches. I feel like I have.

    Well Happy Easter and enjoy your family time and being with C.