The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I can't remember if I told you I was going to try GoLo for weight loss. I decided to do it simultaneously with WW's. The kit arrived last night and I started this morning. The eating plan is basically a diabetic diet, which I do somewhat, and eating balanced meals with 2 proteins, 1 carb, 2 veggies, and a fat. No snacking unless going longer than 6 hours between meals then get a bonus food to add on to a meal or two, or a protein and carb snack in between. The supplement which helps get metabolism back on track and control blood sugar spikes (plant based), is taken during the meal or right after, not on an empty stomach. So supplement 3 times per day with 3 meals per day. I am also tracking points on WW's so it all pretty much goes together. We will see if this helps me make some progress. It isn't too much of a change from what I was doing with exception of hitting all the food groups. GoLo aims for clean eating, so no deli meats, processed/packaged foods, no labeled low fat/low sugar foods or diet sodas/sugary drinks. They claim a person loses 1-2 pounds per week but could vary, gets better sleep and has more energy.

    This morning I went to the 9am and 10am aqua fit classes. The 9am is in the shallow therapy pool (4ft deep) with a combination of cardio, core and strengthening exercises. The 10 am was in the lap pool (deep water wearing life belts). 40-45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of core and strengthening. Whew!

    Cold here with wind and intermittent snowing. Some on the ground but not much. I am under a blanket on the couch trying to stay warm while reading and on the computer.

    I hope all is ok with you at home and work.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'll be interested to hear how GOLO works for you. I obviously see it on tv all the time. As I am obsessing over where I could have 'gone wrong' last week with my eating - the only thing I did different from the weeks I had been losing was I had grapes as my fruit last week. I had a big bowl of fruit left over from Easter and it was mostly grapes with a few strawberries and I put those in a cup to take to work for my snack instead of my apple(s). I mean the calories aren't significantly different, but I know grapes have more sugar and they did allow me to go without needing my 'just in case' bar. So overall I should have been on the low end of my points. I really NEED to see that reflection of the scale going down when (at least as far as I can tell) I did the work. DEEP BREATH. I just have to continue. I just have to continue. Eventually I'll gather enough data to 'fix' and lose. Just have to continue.

    So the shower will be a kitchen/misc type shower as far as I know. When Michele decided/indicated that I could help out with it and have it here in Columbus I had asked if she thought my house was big enough to host it. I think she didn't realize how the list would grow and grow. The first list I saw was 56 with at least 20 I wouldn't have to 'worry' about - i.e. out of state etc. No worries - I can get 35 in my house. This last list had 69 on it. Even with 20 not coming that's a potential of 50. That's going to be really uncomfortable I think inside my house. And with having the invitations printed it's not like I can change locations. I don't care about size - just kind of frustrated that she didn't think that through when I had asked about me hosting at my house. So the more I consider - I think the garage is going to be my best bet. It will suck because I'll have to argue with Bernie about getting it cleaned up again and since the date is June 4 it could be hot. I don't know. I'll keep thinking about it. I had the boys' confirmations inside - but I know there wasn't that many - I'll have to dig out my notebook and refresh my memory on how people I had seated inside. Maybe I can do it.

    I kind of yelled at Bernie on Sunday. I asked him when he was going to discuss what he was doing to me with his 'not happy and going to get another job thing' again. He just looks confused like what he's doing doesn't affect me at all. I yelled at him - do you I've ever been happy since starting Behlen - when does it get to be about me???? It wasn't productive of course, he just shut down because 'I don't understand.' Yeah - I don't understand about working for people who have it out you. That's every job. Meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Day 1 of GoLo is done. I have eaten 3 balanced meals including the various food groups, appropriate serving sizes, no snacks, lots of exercise and drinking water. I took 3 Release Capsules for the insulin resistance and blood sugar deal and feel pretty good. I am merging the GoLo principles with WW's. Here are some thoughts to ponder that may help you or not(per GoLo Info):

    -Eat 3 balanced meals per day. This includes 2 proteins, 1 carb, 2 veggies, and 1 fat (2-1-2-1). Protein servings are 3 oz/meat, 1 egg, 2 oz raw nuts, etc., 1/2 cup serving for veggies and fruit, starchy veggies are 1/4 cup, healthy fats include butter (1 tsp), olive, avocado or coconut oil 1tsp - 1 Tblsp, home made dressing 2 Tblsp, 8 olives, 1/4 cup avocado, 3 Tblsp unsweetened coconut flakes.

    -they stress there is a fine line between eating too little and unbalanced and eating too much. Eating too little and not balanced leads to stalled metabolism, insulin spikes that deplete energy and turn food/sugars into fat rather than digest, therefore, weight gain or no progress. Eating too much leads to poor digestion and weight gain.

    -they stress clean eating as much as possible. Shop the outside of the grocery aisles but frozen veggies and fruits are good. Plain yogurt (not nonfat or low fat) and whole milk are good. I will not drink whole milk but am willing to drink and use 2%. I like my Dannon Light n Fit Yogurt Vanilla and will stick to it.

    -My balanced meals today fell within my points range on WW's. Basically, Go Lo is eating like the diabetic diet but without snacks between meals.

    -they say it is good for the body to rest in between meals. Same concept as intermittent fasting but they don't have you skipping meals and going longer than 5-6 hours without eating except when sleeping.

    -they have me measure my waist and weigh when I start. Check these weekly. If scale doesn't move fast, celebrate the inches, better sleep, and increased energy and good digestion.

    Your shower sounds stressful with all those guests. I'm not much for hosting or entertaining if I can avoid it so that many people would be stressful. Do you serve a meal buffet style or is it just cake and coffee?

    When is the wedding?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The wedding is July 8. I really wasn't worried about doing this shower until I got that last list and there were even a few more names that they indicated they were leaning towards inviting (another 10 of 'probably should invite'). After Michele gets back from vacation next week I am going to have to ask her to go through the list and give me what she thinks for the number of who will likely attend. And that I am not inviting any more. When it was talked about with me it seemed like I was mainly having the old-timey type shower we had just for the Broekemeier side and our mom and an aunt. The Broekemeier's have a huge family which is fine, but then suddenly it was all the Hall (his huge family) and all those aunts and cousins and her girl posse- which they should do their own shower but since not that should have been decided and then I would have gotten the fellowship hall at church. I'll figure it out- girl posse may have to sit on the floor.

    I looked through the history on the home laptop last night looking at where Bernie has been applying. He has also put in at a couple places in Wayne. I don't know what he is thinking. That is an hour and a quarter each way. Does he really think he is going to commute that? In his truck that would be around $40 a day just in gas. I hate this so much. And I am beating myself up so much as well. A year ago when he got the offer at Vishay and was so excited to just get back to work (and was happy to go to Vishay) he had started then two weeks later got an offer at BD. It was more money and he acted like he was going to dump out of Vishay to go BD - just because of more money. I did a lot of talking about burning bridges and basically did my best to talk him out of it. And now he probably won't be able to get another offer from BD. Sigh. He makes me nuts, but no, I don't want him miserable. And I don't want to establish another home in another town and somebody have to commute 12 hours a week. I guess I could 'punish' him and tell him he has to live my folks, but that's just mean. Bleh. Stress.

    Michele is on vacation this week (actual out of the country and no contact for the first time four year) vacation, and of course lots of things are popping off. So work is 'fun'. Fun, fun, everywhere.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I've got to stop stressing about things that are making me anxious.

    I am going to try to focus on why I wanted to do this in this first place. To make a pretty, fun, memory for my best niece. I was just thinking about Caleb's men's group from last year (Bakers Dozen) and how they sang that Wedding Singer song Grow Old With You - I just texted him if a quartet could pull it off. It would be a cool entertainment piece. It could be Zach, Caleb, Alex and if they could pull in one of the Bass II for the low. How fun that could be.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    It sounds like you have some great ideas for the shower. Can you still get the fellowship hall at your church? That may be the least stressfull. Could you have it catered, simple food with a cake, and take off even more stress? I am at a point in life where paying a little more to relieve stress or save on time is my thing.

    Interesting that Bernie would consider the commute to Wayne and back. Maybe he could stay at your parents during the week and come home on weekends? You would have your alone time.

    We purchased concert tickets to see Jason Isbel and the 400 Unit in Ann Arbor, MI on 6/25. I am looking at hotels for two nights since it is about 5 hours from us. I have always wanted to explore Ann Arbor. That is where the University of MI campus is and the concert is on campus in the auditorium.

    I measured my waist and weighed myself this morning to have a starting point for Golo and guage how it works for me. I have lost another 1/2" on my waist and almost an inch on my hips! This is before Golo so I am hopeful. I have lost the emotional eating pound I ate last weekend when we had to euthanize Charlie. I am back on track and doing ok.

    I was tired this morning and did not get up to go to the Y. I don't know if I will get there again this week unless I go to a late afternoon class tomorrow. I drop a friend at the airport at 2:45 and then will go to Cosco. If time works out maybe I will go to the 5pm deep water core class. We will see. Otherwise, I need to get walking.

    I made that 2 ingredient dough with self rising flour, plain greek yogurt and salt. I made flat bread (pitas). I haven't tried them yet. Maybe tomorrow for breakfast.

    Well I hope all settles down for you soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I like the two ingredient dough too. I should make some more. I am sad - did a mid-week check in and my weight still hasn't adjusted down at all. That means all those ups are not just bounces. Sigh. I, again, have been super on plan and should be seeing steady downs. My brain says just give up and eat everything because eating on plan isn't working. I have to fight that. I just have to keep sticking to it.

    The food shouldn't be too big of issue. Her Aunt Kim (Broekemeier) is going to do the sweets (cookies, brownies), Aung Elizabeth (Broekemeier) will do some of the breakfast casseroles. I am going to buy bagels to make a bagel bite platter and order mini cinnamon rolls from one of the sweet shops. I could make the rolls, but this will be less stressful. Then coffee, and I saw a recipe for a pitcher of a sweet coffee drink (I think something the younger ones might like) and some mimosas. If fruit has a decent price and looks good I may do a bowl of that.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Are you in menopause? With your issues with hormones you may have difficulty with weight loss. It is harder as we age and I have read that estrogen levels (not sure up or down) make us gain easily and lose very slowly if at all. Could you talk to your doctor, see a nutritionist,...

    I am liking the GoLo. I am down 1.6 pounds since Tuesday when I began the program. I feel good eating balanced meals, am not hungry and no weird effects from the release capsule that aids metabolism. I am eating so healthy now. I measured again and have lost more inches with exercise and the weight. Would you consider giving GoLo a try? You may want to talk to doctor first though. They may have a better idea of what is going on.

    Your shower food and touches sound lovely. I am sure your niece will love it and be so appreciative.

    It's really getting green here, leaves are opening, bulbs are up and blooming in the woods but temps are cool and precipitation alternates rain and snow.

    Hang in there and continue to make good eating choices. The other effect could be stress/higher cortisol levels. You have a lot of worries with Bernie's job hopping, the shower, your sister moving, work, C and Z... Stress is our enemy when trying to lose weight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am in menopause, yep. I have always struggled to lose weight. Always. I have to expect it's going to be even harder. I just don't like it. I will consider the GoLo - the not snacking thing will be an issue for me. I am a snacker.

    Happy to see another work week come to a close.

    Zach texted last night he is coming home tonight. For some reason that is making me anxious. I have this bad feeling it might be uncomfortable news (not graduating). Stay tuned to tomorrow's episode of, "as the cookie crumbles...."

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Oh no! I hope you are wrong about Z. Try to stay calm and just give support. I would guess he is upset already. I hope that is not the news he is going to give you. Maybe he just needs a home cooked meal and some love before finishing up.

    I had my last hurrah for a bit. Russ and I went and got our snow tires off and regular tires put on. We went to dinner and I had chicken wings. They were yummy but tomorrow I won't cheat and will make healthier choices. I have done well at meals but tonight was planned since we would be in the city.

    I hope your weekend goes well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground. This is getting ridiculous! April 23rd, trees budding and opening, bulbs up and blooming and still so chilly it can snow and biking would be miserable.

    Today I volunteer at the theater and I will stay for a movie. It is a Michigan made movie, a documentary I think, that is drone footage over the scenic views of MI.

    We got Charlie's ashes back yesterday with the paw print and a certificate. They also included a small pouch of some of his hair. That made me cry.

    I hope your time with Z has been happy and not worrisome.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It went back from 90 to freezing here too. Crazy weather systems.

    Thankfully, Zach's trip home wasn't for anything 'bad.' He had a haircut and I think just needed a short break. I think I unfortunately was leaning toward thinking bad because of how I had stumbled into the 'bad' news (to me and my momma heart) over winter break of his one and half years of falling grades and then lying about it. That's obviously still on my mind heavily. He claims anyway to be on track. He is still really stressed about all the projects remaining and whenever I try to give him some positive pep talk he doesn't really want it. I'm not trying to minimize how he is feeling, but just remind to focus on the next thing. He doesn't have to eat the whole pie, just a bite at a time. Or course I wanted to get into job searching but just even asking him about when he has to move out of his dorm (before graduation or after) was 'too much' for him right now. So I swallowed all the mom stuff and packed him a big container of grilled chicken, a pair of black pants, his dress shoes and a black polo shirt and suggested he hang up his grad robe to let it hang out.

    Two weeks from yesterday is the ceremony for Wayne State's commencement. Graduate degrees at 9:30 and others at 1:30. I just don't know how many they are graduating. His class as freshman was over 3500 which was the largest ever at that time. I'm not sure how many made it to this point. If the weather cooperates the ceremony will be outside in the Willow bowl which is one of the most beautiful places. If it has to be moved inside the gym is not very big so not sure how that works for us parents and family.

    Here comes another week.

    Hope your weather cooperates so you can get a ride in soon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I'm glad he didn't have any upsetting news. He sounds very stressed and must have needed home time. I remember just going home for a change of scenery, home cooked meal and time to myself when I was in grad school. I was so stressed with all the work, I had to get out for a weekend.

    I hope you get to see him graduate outside. So exciting that he will be done. I wonder what will come next? He's young and has plenty of time to figure it out. Rory is still figuring it out. I hope his electrician journey sticks. He isn't using his 4 year degree.

    I volunteered at the theater but they sold out every seat so I didn't stay for the movie. I didn't want to stand through it. I have never worked a crowd that big. The theater holds about 180 I think.

    I have had some slip ups with an occasional chocolate covered pretzel or too big portions of rice. I will stay with the plan but need to watch my portions and sugar intake.

    I need to figure out what to eat for dinner. Russ and I did not plan a meal. He is eating his frozen lasagna meal. I'm not hungry but know I am suppose to eat.

    Enjoy Sunday eve.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    My weight is still way up from where it was right before Easter. Even with two solid weeks of being super on plan and rolling over almost 40 points each week. I am guessing it must be too much popcorn. I am going to try to cut it back, but that gives me anxiety, because that is what I use to keep my the hunger pangs at bay. And I was losing using the popcorn before, but I'm guessing my body has just gotten used to it and the lower calories and I have to shake it up again. Meh. I was SO excited on Good Friday when I saw 160.8. And ever since watching the number go up and up and stay up (164.8) is so sad. Especially when I'm not even eating poorly. I would reach out to a WW coach, but I know they are going to say, drink more water, eat less popcorn. So I'll try to get my mind right and try. Gr.

    Come on Monday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Maybe change up what you are eating for a week. Cut out any non lean meat, heavy dairy such as cheese, butter and creamer/milk, eliminate soda and sweets, increase water/healthy beverages. See if that helps charge your metabolism.

    I love popcorn and it is a good filler. Are you putting butter on it? I have been spraying butter flavored PAM, enough to make salt stick to it.

    I need to make my lunch but don't feel I can eat all the food groups right now. I'm thinking avocado toast with tomato and some cheese, 1 protein, 1 fat, 1 veggie, 1 carb. I am suppose to eat 2 proteins and 2 veggie servings
    per meal.

    Hang in there. It will come off as long as you are doing the plan. Just a plateau and fluctuation.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    My only milk is my skim in my coffee. Only soda is my one Diet Coke a day. Very little cheese (usually only if in a casserole on a weekend). My protein is usually eggs or grilled chicken. My “bad” sweet is two tootsie rolls midgets a day. My popcorn only has salt on it. I do count like 8 points for it since I eat several cups. I need to measure more. Make sure I’m not overdoing portions.

    I have been eating a bigger portion of the plain yogurt I switched to that to get the two points back. I should start counting that again

    Monday over
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Working my way through another day. Thoughts keep flitting to Zach. He has had huge projects due yesterday, today and tomorrow along with a big presentation. Just sending him as much emotional juice as I can.

    Roll on.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    It sounds like you are eating healthy. Do you think you are eating enough calories in a day to keep your metabolism going? Too little calories causes metabolism to slow down to protect the body and keep reserves. I didn't lose anything in the last days. My big win was .5" lost on my waist. I went to two aquafit classes this morning and feel like I got a good workout. I did some shopping afterwards and came home and made a salad with chicken, cheese, lettuce, veggies and croutons for the carb. Dinner tonight is WW 3 Bean Chili we had in the freezer.

    Sunny today but we have had rain and sleet all in one day today. We just need some nice weather and temps.

    Have you talked to Z since projects were handed in? When is his last day/exam?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I periodically check the calories and I should be in an appropriate deficit range. It's just really hard for me. I don't burn a lot of calories - even with my daily walks. It's way worse now. Excited to see a mid-week dip this morning for the first time in weeks. I can't let myself get too excited though - it's only one day. If it hangs on for the week then yay. Nice job on losing inches!

    Oh my poor Zach! He texted me last night that he was finally finished with one project after being up for 32 hours. He thought he was finally off to sleep - then he texted back - nope - now I have to work on my group project. Oy! I sent him a, "I'm praying big that this part won't take long and you get sleep soon". This is supposed to be 'dead week.' It will be if he doesn't get some sleep. Today will be his seminar class and I'm guessing is the group project. Praying they got it figured out and he got some sleep and that it goes awesome. I'm so worried about him. Next Friday the 5th is the official last day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    One more week for Z!!! Yay for him. He will be so relieved but then has to figure out a job. After I finished my bachelor degree I was so burned out and went home for the summer. I can't imagine if I had to send out resumes and look for a job at that point. I was scheduled to student teach in the Fall and start grad school in January so I didn't have to. I did have a job ready to start right after grad school graduation. That happened in the last quarter before the final day. One of my profs received a call from a school system in the town I was moving to and asked me if I wanted an interview. I was moving there to be with my fiance at the time, so it was a yes to the interview. They were desperate, so they nabbed me for the position as a Speech Pathologist. All worked out without a lot of effort on my part.

    You are doing great with your eating. Menopause is horrible and really affects our bodies in a bad way. Hang in there! If nothing else, you will maintain and not gain a lot during menopause. Stay healthy!

    These veggies are making me constipated! I need to up my water and start a probiotic. Right now I am miserable so not eating much today. I will resume the plan as soon as I get my probiotic and feel better.

    Russ hung my curtain rods today so another project off my list. He picks up the oak bench top for the closet tomorrow. I will be staining and varnishing this weekend. Project should be done by the end of next week. Finally!

    I am going to aquafit tomorrow morning and then my sister is coming over at 1:30 to help me stuff envelopes for Power Books. Letters that are going out to potential donors and for grants. I like to help the director when I can. I doubt she ever sleeps.

    Have a nice day!