The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am still so mad and upset about my cat situation. Eventually, after Bernie and I spent many hours stressing (and me contacting an old contact who used to be Animal Control in Columbus and HER contacting a lawyer) we were able to be allowed to quarantine Roxy at home for 10 days. This is all infuriating. I have to own the fact that I did not keep track of her rabies status. I did unfortunately rely on the vet to make me aware and somehow it was missed. While I did miss she was expired, they have the responsibility to know if the animal they are working on is up to date or not. Especially considering they have her records. They have the responsibility to handle an animal who is ill in a manner that is safe for their workers and the animal. They have the responsibility to know that a sick animal, coming out of anethesia is likely disoriented and very likely to lash out. The office could have vaccinated her right away when she was dropped off (they told Bernie to drop her off as they didn't know when they would see her). Bernie advised as we always do that she will be agitated by being there. They could have worn bite gloves. They could have just told us this happened and that due to her status we will have to watch her and return her for a follow up in 10 days and then she would be vaccinated. Instead they called Animal control and threatened to take her to the 'pound' (Paws and Claws) because we were in violation of the rabies vax. We have been written up as having an animal who bites. While we eventually got it worked out that she can quarantine at home. It's so unbelievable. She is like 18. Already in poor health. Being caged at the pound would probably kill her. She is a housecat who isn't exposed to other animals or situations where she could get rabies. I am not saying the rabies is not a big deal, but this all could have been handled so many better ways. The vet we originally started with at that clinic recently retired and this was our first experience since he left. I would love to blast them all over all social medias but I know we are going to need more care for her. The vets we used for Dave also retired. I'm not sure who I would move. But I am still so pissed off.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm glad you were able to get the coyotes away. Fortunately I don't see those around here. The former Animal Control gal (actually who we got Roxy from) she and her husband moved to Phoenix 16-ish years ago and she said the coyotes are terrible out there.

    Bernie loves his smoker.

    After I slept in on Sunday I tried to re-focus myself on the bridal shower. I went out for flowers and got my pots planted. Boy did I get sweaty. I had showered before, and had to shower again. I like the pots I did last year better than how these are looking. I got too many pinks, I liked last year where I stuck with the vibrant purples and reds and whites. We'll see if I can keep them good until the shower.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Do you still have your cat?

    Glad all worked out with graduation. I've never understood the 3 ticket rule for indoors. It discriminates against step parents if there are two, grandparents, whomever is involved. It affected us when one or two of the boys graduated high school. David didn't graduate college, dropped out junior year and went to AK. Jeff went to UW-Madison and they did graduation by college. We were able to have several family members from his Dad's side and ours at the ceremony inside. Rory graduated UND in Grand Forks. They held the ceremony in the basketball arena so all was good there too. I think it was just Russ and I that attended though.

    Did you ever find out what is going on with your parents and why they didn't host Easter, or are they just acknowledging they can't do it anymore?

    When does C come home from school?

    I went through Charlie's belongings this morning and cleaned them up, washed some stuff, ... Not sure what to donate to the Humane Society. I guess I should find out what they will take. We decided we would keep one bed, leash, bowls, and some toys in case one of the kids comes with a dog at some point. Rory and Hannah want a dog when they buy a house. David and Chantrelle have a dog but they usually find a friend to keep their dog when they travel to the Midwest.

    Nice day outside. I volunteer this afternoon at Power Books. I really need to clean up my perennials and garden containers this week if weather allows.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Yeah, we still have Roxy cat. We know she is getting close to the end of her time, but it would be gutting to have her last days caged in the pound surrounded by all those unwanted and potentially sick animals. I mean the quarantine rule is to keep other people and animals safe, which we can more than do in our home. And she would very likely continue to lash out - because - DUH - stressed and DUH still not vaccinated. Just so ridiculous. And that I now basically have a 'record'.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    A record with the vet or police? Why haven't they vaccinated her? Is it due to her age at this point?

    I volunteered for 3.5 hours at Power Books today. I'm going back tomorrow afternoon. We have a lot to do so books can go out to the kids in schools by early June for summer break.

    Tomorrow morning I will go to Y for aquafit and then to PBs in the afternoon.

    I need to get out and clean up perennials and garden on Wed and Thurs this week if it is not raining.

    Hang in there!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I/we are on record/file with the city police as having a cat that bit and was expired on vax (oh and get this for clarity - we don't live in the city limits - and when we have tried calling Animal Control in the past because Bernie got bit by a feral cat we were told it wasn't their problem). I don't know if the vet will do the shot at the follow up. I guess we'll find out in a few days.

    Works craziness is extra high this week.

    Trying to get focused on the shower.

    Also feeling the downer of being up two pounds again from having two 'fun food' days this weekend. It literally took me the entirety of the time from my up bounce from one day of Easter fun food to get back to where I was before that (and even then I wasn't all the way back) and I have another big bounce up. It's just frustrating. I didn't go over crazy with the food. I hate the feeling that I have to be super on plan for a month to just basically maintain after one indulge. I mean next month is the shower and my birthday. So by the history that means I probably won't be able to even maintain. Sigh. I have to just shake it off. Stay as on plan as possible and remember that my clothes do still fit better. My brain also wants to see the scale go down (and to see my face thinner). But giving up won't make it happen.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    You looked great in the photos you posted of graduation on FB. Maybe your body is at its ideal weight?

    I am up 2 lbs too. I gain and lose them several times before they are gone. I had two cheat days (emotional eating) on the weekend because I was so frustrated. I just made it worse. Persevere and stay the course...

    I didn't know they could put it on file with the police if your animal isn't vaccinated with a rabies shot. Your cat is a house cat, not feral. Weird!

    I have to get ready to go volunteer at Power Books. I'll check in later.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    We just have to keep trying and persevering. (I only had that one picture that really liked and that's because my niece took and she is a camera magician ;>))

    Even if we maintain, need to keep focusing on our healthy habits. Press on!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Beautiful weather, finally!

    I took my cousin to aqua fit today. The teacher worked on core/abdominal area. Yesterday's teacher did the same thing so that's good. I will go tomorrow morning to two consecutive classes and then I'm done for the week.

    My cousins, niece, and one sister are going out Friday night to dinner and to listen to an author at the National Writer Series. It is in Traverse City so I don't want to drive in for yoga, go home and shower and drive back to the city. Too rushed...

    I came home with the intention of working on my garden containers and perennial weeding but I sat on the front porch in the sun instead. The cherry blossoms are blooming and the view from our porch is beautiful and peaceful.

    I am zooming in a few minutes with my former knitting group. I haven't picked up my knitting in so long. I really should get back to it.

    Persevere, our word of the month. Forgive ourselves for our cheat days too.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I went to two aquafit classes today and then shopping at Kohl's for capris and shorts. Even though weight loss is slow, I have gone down a size in pants. I bought one pair of shorts, two capris and a capris active pant for biking. These should get me through the summer or until the next size down. Luckily I still have some clothing items I had grown out of.

    Another beautiful day here. It reached 80's and lots of sun. The deer or rabbits have managed to eat my tulip blooms off the stem before they opened. I have seen rabbits eating my perennials so I sprayed them today with Rabbit Out. I hope it helps. The last two years I didn't see them eating the flowering plants as they bloomed. The rabbits have munched our bushes to the point that some look pretty bad. I don't know if they will grow and look good. A month or so will tell us.

    Are you enjoying having Z home?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I got some work given to me late yesterday that is stressing me out. Apparently the new regime's and consultants have decided our group is 'only' going to schedule/plan. In nearly 13 years I have not done that, it's not that I can't learn, but honestly I was content with the tasks of my work day and scheduling and planning can be so rigorous and stressful. It's not like we make only chocolate bars or a single product. We are 'diversified' and we have different business units moving through multiple work centers in different capacities and, and, and... I don't know what the timeframe for this is, but she has to start writing all these 'standard work instructions' and wants me to get going on them (because I know she is overwhelmed too) but I don't know how to write a work instruction for complicated tasks I've not done. And, frankly, it's impossible to have a true standard when basically everything we do is special. A steel building is different for every customer. A grain bin is different for every customer. A press is different for every customer. Even the farm gates have different sizes, color and shapes. Almost every product has special. Sigh/sob.

    Yeah for getting to buy a smaller size!!!

    This week is testing my perseverance, but imma trying.

    Caleb is in the middle (well almost the end) of dead week. I hope he is doing ok. I'll risk reaching out to him tonight I think. See what he's thinking for next week.

    It's nice having Zach home, but I am back to having that antsy feeling about him needing to get after looking for work. I think he's already getting too comfortable just relaxing.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    You have continuous events that cause stress. It's even more important now to treat yourself to something (pedicure, special coffee and a walk or window shopping, new outfit, massage!!, etc.) I am sure Z needs time to decompress but he will want to have a job. Right now he is probably grateful to veg out, eat home cooked food and just watch TV. Could you set a timeline with him? End of July, August, etc. to get resumes out and find a job?

    We went to Traverse City today and looked at deck and house stain colors. Gathered info to get the conversations going. Luckily, we agree on a lot as long as we both are on the same wave length and understand one another. That is the challenge...

    I put on a bathing suit and sat in my lounger reading for a couple of hours this afternoon. Got a little color to start the summer. In a bit, my cousins and sister will pick me up for dinner out and going to the National Writer's Series. Always an enjoyable evening.

    We are having another couple for dinner tomorrow eve. Grill burgers and teach them Mexican Train Dominoes, hopefully. I have been wanting to play but Russ won't just sit and play games with me.

    Daughter-in Law's parents from Georgia are in MI for the tulip festival in Holland, MI. They are venturing up our way on Sunday to see this part of MI and we are meeting them for dinner Monday eve and then coming back to our house for the famous cherry pie from our neighbor's store in Traverse City.

    I got the name of a wall paper remover today at the paint store. I'm going to call her for an estimate. If not outrageous, I'm hiring her to take the ugly wall paper down in this house. Time to make this place ours in every room.

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned. Planting any flowers yet? We can't up here. Too early but I'm getting ready for the garden.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I love tulips! When I was little my grandma took me to the tulip festival in orange city Iowa. It was so cool. I can’t grow them for some reason. Maybe I’ll try again. I love those bulbs so much.

    I can’t get Caleb to text me back. So I don’t know when he is done or moving out or where he is going. And Zach has slipped into his habit of gaming/reading all night and sleeping all day. I wanted to go to church together but he didn’t surface until almost 7pm. It’s really disappointing. I wanted to spend just a little time together.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I had asked Bernie to help me with the work instruction since as an engineer he does that sort of thing. But, as usual, that was an inconvenience he wasn’t interested in.

    As you can infer I am feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight.

    Hope your dinner was fun
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Dinner out with the cousins, niece and sister went well. The author was Chasten Buttigieg, Pete Buttigieg's, husband. Kal Penn, the actor, was the interviewer. Together they were so funny so a lot of opportunity for laughs but also stories from Chasten's newest book. He grew up in Traverse City so he talked about what it was like to discover he was gay in a town that was pretty conservative back then and his fears of losing friends and family if they found out he was gay. Very interesting question and answer session.

    We ate at a new taco/burrito place. The food was good but it was very noisy. My middle sister, Becky, is the one that went. I am seriously worried that she is in the beginning of dementia. My mother, her oldest sister, and two of my Dad's sisters all had alzheimers/dementia beginning in their 60's/70's. One of my cousins in Illinois, female, now has it, and now I think Becky is in the beginning of it. She is asking the same question over and over and doesn't seem to process or remember the answer (she asked when my oldest sister's hip replacement surgery is at least 5 times during the drive to Traverse City and dinner). She has asked my sister, Lynn, at least 10 times when it is scheduled and asked me at least 3 times outside of last night. She also has outbursts of words/sentences that are not even on topic of what we are all discussing. She just interrupts with whatever she is thinking. This makes me think she is having a hard time following conversation around her. During the writer's event I noticed she was sleeping and when she woke up she played on her phone answering email but didn't listen to the author. She has had angry outbursts at Lynn lately that have been cruel. I am wondering if she knows something is wrong but won't talk about it and is taking it out on Lynn. Scary! I hope I'm wrong but my cousin agrees with me. None of us want to go down this road or see it happen to each other.

    We had our friends, Laurie and Chris, over for dinner and then played Mexican Train Dominoes. They are remodeling their home so we had them over because they haven't had a kitchen for 2 months. Their remodel should be done by June. Laurie and I have been friends since 8th grade. She retired from teaching emotional behavior disordered kids but went back to work as a behavior consultant at the school we graduated from. It was fun to catch up.

    Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you get some time with Z tomorrow. He really is taking his alone time after his difficult studies and graduation. Maybe C is just so busy and tired and doesn't feel up to talking or texting? Boys are harder to communicate with, I think. They don't always answer texts or answer their phone. Rory doesn't call or respond much. His girlfriend keeps us informed. Same goes for David and Jeff. They text or call once in awhile. I tend to send couple texts so that one or the other responds. We arrange face to face calls once in awhile.

    I don't get why Bernie won't help.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    That does sound concerning with Becky. Would she take someone with her to a doctors appointment? Maybe there are medication therapies that could help.

    Last weekend when we were sitting around eating sandwiches and cake the talk turned to wedding stuff since we are less than two months to niece Caitlin’s big day. She had asked mom for a wedding picture to display. So we were looking through her pictures and when she saw the wedding cake she asked who made it, and mom said, “Sarah Miller.” Both Michele and I looked at each other and questioned her if she was sure. She was emphatic that she was. We just shrugged and said ok, because Sarah Miller made our cakes because she was a friend of a friend of Dan (Michele’s husband). So it’s doubtful she was mom’s cake maker.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The mind is so fragile and our recollections can be so off.

    My sister is always in denial and would never admit she has any health issues. She would never agree for someone to go with her and if we brought up our concerns she would lash out. Dysfunction is key with her.

    I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. Russ surprised me with one of those Skylight Frames that the kids can email me photos right to the frame and I can add them too. It changes photos as you watch. He smoked a pork butt in his smoker today so we ate pulled pork on a bun, potato wedges, and coleslaw for dinner.

    I went and picked up the cherry pie for tomorrow night's dessert with Karah's parents. Then I did yard work for a couple of hours. I sprayed weeds, cut down native grasses so new growth gets sun, put out my garden ornaments and trimmed some bushes. Tired!

    The boys each called me today and Jeff and Karah called on portal with the kids. Miles and Layney are battling it out now that she is crawling and getting into his stuff. Miles is screaming instead of using words and wants help with everything rather than figuring out his toys for himself. I remember those days and am glad I made it through it. We sympathize with Jeff and Karah but it is a phase that will lead to the next.

    Lots of coyotes around this spring. Noisy at night and close to the house. Cherry blossoms are beautiful. Apple blossoms are next.

    Happy Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    That Skylight frame sounds like a cool gift especially with how often all those gkids change!

    This morning my mom added a Facebook 'gif wishing me a Happy Anniversary. It's not my anniversary. It was my sisters over the weekend. :(

    Oh boy, cherry pie. I love homemade sour cherry pie with vanilla ice cream. YUM!

    Yikes, just barely three weeks to the bridal shower. Oof-dah.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    This cherry pie is made from local tart cherries. It is the best I've ever had. We buy them from our neighbor's store for special occasions/entertaining. So we will have it to host Tim and Sue, Karah's parents, tonight.

    I vacuumed and washed my car today. It needed it badly. It hadn't been washed since we were in FL. Russ put my bike rack on my car for the summer. It was dirty from our FL trip and needed a good washing so it will work properly. That lead me to wash the whole car and vacuum out more dog hair and stuff. I finally was able to wash my front floor mats. On Friday, I will be driving my friend and I down state to the Amish auction and flea market. We plan to have some fun.

    Do you feel your Mom has some dementia? Does she confuse you and your sister with other things? I wish dementia was not a part of this world. It is a horrible condition.

    The rabbits munched on our bushes this winter. Russ trimmed some of them back to 4-5 inches high and we will see if they get new growth like last summer. If they do, we will cover them next winter and put out rabbit food for those that live under our decks and under the trees around our house. Maybe they will leave our vegetation alone.

    It is still in the low 60's and I feel cold. My hands feel like ice.

    Did you have a nice Mother's Day?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Mother's Day was just another day. I am trying to put the 'sad' feelings in a box, but... Zach was barely awake long enough (during the time I was up) to just say the words, "Happy Mother's Day" - I'm sure he meant it, but honestly could have done SOMETHING to show a small bit of appreciation. Caleb texted the night before at like 11 pm - I'm surprised I heard it. He offered to drive home with a friend in the morning and maybe take me out 'somewhere.' I replied that I would love to see him, but wasn't really interested in going out on Mother's Day as it would be so busy. (In the entire time I have been a mom we have literally NEVER gone out on Mother's Day - I hate crowds, they know I hate crowds). Then he replied back that he would be really busy with studies so he probably wouldn't make it home and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. And... that was it. It was just all a let down. I'm not really that superficial (I don't think) but it just makes me sad that there is no effort for anything. It's not like my birthday or Christmas is any different. I mean honestly a cup of good coffee or a best mom key chain (I've never even gotten one of those). Just a true recognition of something I would like. Anyway...

    I don't know if mom has dementia but it does seem like she is getting things confused more these days. Just something else to worry about with the folks.

    I texted Zach early this morning - how many places have you applied, how many hours a day are job searching, what sort of networking are you doing. Nothing replied almost eight hours later.

    Hope you get your 'ride' on soon!