The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Huh, I though I posted something. Must not have clicked 'post.'

    Nothing much new. Just dithering and worrying about Zach.

    Keep marching on!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Aquafit this morning, stuffing envelopes with my sister for Power Books in the afternoon. Now I'm watching The Last Last Last Late Show and then off to bed. Tomorrow is staining my oak bench and going to water yoga.

    Happy Weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It's Fri-yay. I broke down and texted Zach - haven't heard from him. I hope he's ok and sleeping.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Will he come home next weekend or stay a bit and unwind, pack slowly, etc? Exam week this next week?

    I went to water yoga and it felt so good that I don't want to ruin the after feeling with staining my oak bench today. I will stain in the morning and let dry until Sunday, then do first coat of poly.

    Nice day today. Russ did some seeding in the yard since it is suppose to rain this next week.

    Any special plans for your weekend? I am going to help my sister put together her outside herb planter after I stain my oak tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I stained the oak bench top this morning. It is a beautiful piece of oak. Tomorrow I begin to put on the poly. 3-4 coats should do it over the next 3-4 days. I can't wait to see the finished bench nook and get all the coats off the guestroom bed, organize winter vs. spring/summer coats, clean out the cedar closet and take unwanted clothes and coats to an organization that will take them. Weather is still too cold for riding my bike, rain and snow in the next days, again!

    I visited my friend Sarah at her store this morning (antiques and nic nacs). I ran into someone I knew 45 years ago so it was fun to catch up with him. Then I went to the grocery to get Russ some carrots for a dish he is making for dinner. The guy in front of me at the cashier resembled a former boyfriend from my senior year of high school but I wasn't sure. The guy I am thinking of ended up being an alcoholic and went to AA in his 20's. I've heard he is not sober and drinks at the local brewery which is owned by his son-in-law. Not sure if true. Anyway, this guy strongly resembled him but when I heard him talk to the cashier, he sounded like he was either drunk or had neurological issues. He also bought two packs of cigarettes and I never knew him to be a smoker. I didn't speak to him because I wasn't sure. I know his wife died this past winter and he has had a rough year. Sad!

    I hope you are having a good weekend. As of this morning, I am down 14 pounds since January 3rd. I fight for every ounce!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Bernie and I ran to Wayne today to do a bit of cleaning at the folks house so they don’t feel like they have to overdo anything to themselves. I’ll also feel better knowing that the bathroom had a good cleaning and I got most surfaces touched in the kitchen and vacuumed. Dad of course drug Bernie off to the farms to feed his stupid horse. Clean the stall and had him cleaning in one of his shops. Gah! Not what I brought Bernie up there to do. Oh and my brother in law was up there working anyway and would have done it like he always does. But as usual dad had to do things his way. Still telling us how he can’t get around (true) He’s a mess physically. Meh

    We dropped off a subway sandwich for Zach on our way out of town. He was looking much better. He survived last week. He has two finals this week and one more project/presentation. I am feeling much better this weekend than last. Woot.

    What a great loss! I stress ate after the fun with the folks. I had a hamburger and hot fudge sundae from this little place in Wayne. So freaking good. But I can guarantee that’s going to hurt me Monday. Ah well. Press on

    Nice job on the bench!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about the sundae and burger. Sounds yummy and we can cheat ourselves to things we like when we choose. It's a journey...

    I'm glad Z is doing better and there is light at the end of the tunnel for him. This week and done!!!! Proud Mama!

    It was nice of you to help your parents out. Living so far from my kids, we won't have that when the time comes. Hannah and Rory offered to take down wall paper when they are here in August. I will not have them spending their week doing that. I'd rather pay someone to do it.

    I would guess bench will be installed by Wednesday if Russ fells like doing it then. It is going to look so nice. I will post before and after pictures on FB.

    Enjoy your Sunday! Off to help my sister put together her new herb garden container
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    It is cold, windy and snowing outside! No nice Spring for us. At least my bulbs have come up despite winter hanging on.

    I wasn't needed to volunteer today. They had 8 people show up unexpectedly so no room left. Fine with me. I will volunteer Thursday afternoon instead.

    I am trying so hard not to snack between meals or after dinner. I feel good now that I am eating balanced and healthy and don't want to give in to cravings for food that will set me back. I feel my cravings diminishing and I have increased my protein intake to stay satisfied longer. I am hoping to reach a 15 lb loss by tomorrow morning.
    Snail pace!

    One more coat of poly and I may be done with the bench top. Possible 5th coat will be needed but I am hoping to be done.

    Hope you are having a good Monday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I beg to differ that you are on a snail pace. You are killing it.

    It was freezing this morning, but should be over 70 in a couple of days. What’s a crazy spring.

    Another Monday down
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I weighed and measured this morning. Did not reach 15, still at 14lb loss. No snacking for 3 days and eating balanced, but no loss. Today I went to the Y and did two consecutive water classes. I didn't feel like I got enough of a work out in the first class. Kind of a low key class today. I always feel like I got a work out after two in a row. Tomorrow I take my cousin to a class unless she backs out. If she does, I will go on my own.

    I put the last coat of varnish on the oak bench. Russ will install it tomorrow and I will do any touch up painting needed before the weekend. It will be nice to put coats away (currently the guestroom bed is full of coats). We need to sort and give away what we don't wear any more.

    Snowing yesterday and today. Cold! It is suppose to warm up tomorrow and get into the mid 60's by the weekend. I hope this will be the end of winter.

    When will Z come home?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    As of last Saturday Zach still didn't know when he had to move out. Right now he believes it is on Saturday after graduation, but I do believe he will find out he has to move Friday. I told him we are ready to jump in a vehicle and come help him Friday as needed. (Although, really the only heavy thing he has is his mini-fridge). We'll see.

    Just kind of staring the clock this week.

    Here's to another strong day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Russ and I are putting together the closet nook today. I hope the bench fits and the trim pieces make it look finished and great. I will touch up any scratches we make putting the bench top in and then we will decide the height of the hooks. It took about two months to get this done since we had to wait for the oak bench top to be made.

    I inquired about a hutch on Facebook Marketplace. I am looking for a simple hutch that has upper shelving that is adjustable and lower cabinets/drawers. I want to put it in our breakfast area in the kitchen as a coffee/tea station, store cook books, and any other overflow we use daily. By moving the coffee maker, it would free up counter space we need for food prep. I also want to find a portable island with a nice cook prep top that can accommodate two stools and replace our table (don't like and don't use). This would be in same area as hutch and would make the kitchen more functional and give us more space to prepare/serve food.

    Our weather is cold today and tonight will be down to 34. Nice weather is coming by the weekend. I need to clean up my garden containers and Russ is going to redo my irrigation system for more even watering. I hope I can plant by Memorial Weekend.

    Two days and Z is done!!! You must be excited to have him coming home. Don't be surprised if he lays low for awhile and just relaxes to decompress.

    Have a nice Wednesday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hump day!

    I expect he'll hibernate in his room until I force him to come out.

    I'm hoping the weather will cooperate to get some flowers in the next week. If I am having 50 people to my house in four weeks I would like to have a few flowers in my pots. I think the weather would be great Saturday, but imma gonna be busy! ;>)

    It's been pretty interesting the number of people telling Dan and Michele that they couldn't believe that TPTB (the powers that be) insisted that Dan had to relocate in order to take the Omaha job. That they should have pointed out all the people who don't live where they work and he is literally the only one they are requiring to do so. Sigh. It is of course b.s., put pointing it out only works for the special chosen and obviously they aren't or they wouldn't have been given the ultimatum. It is good that people see it though. Not that it changes anything.

    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I have to wait for the bench trim to set so I won't touch up paint and varnish until tomorrow afternoon or Friday. Hooks on after that, so closet nook done on the weekend.

    It is weird they can't stay in their home and he works remotely and does the commute once in awhile. When will they move?

    Lucky you can put flowers in pots this weekend. Not here! Hope I can by Memorial Day.

    Since I skipped the Y today to help with closet, I went for a walk. My left foot has arthritis so it is a challenge but after 20 years of excruciating pain in my right knee, I can walk a mile or more on this foot.

    When will C come home?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I went to aquafit this morning. Good workout today. I had to get home for a chiropractor appt and then on to Power Books to volunteer in the afternoon. I came home tired so have not done any touch up painting. I will start fresh in the morning and get it done. Then we can hang hooks and organize our coats, etc. Another project will be done!

    Our weather is suppose to be nice this weekend. I hope to get in a bike ride.

    What are your plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh boy have things gotten crazy here for me the last couple of days. I am heading out to take care of some it here shortly, so I will try to get back on later to get more into it. But our cat Roxy who is like 18, was seeming sick a few days ago, we got her a vet appointment and took her in but they told us to leave her because they wouldn't see her for awhile. While treating her she bit someone, not completely unexpected, sick, upset - apparently her rabies is expired. They sent animal control after her and us. Even though she was at the vet and they were negligent in how they handled her- could have been addressed there. So much going on - I will try to get back on later. I am so pissed off!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Shouldn't the vet have seen that her vaccine was expired and let you know when you dropped her off? What happens next?

    I finished my painting and varnishing, cleaned up the closet nook area and started putting shoes in baskets that go underneath. Tomorrow morning we will hang the hooks and the coats can go back too. I may need to buy two more hooks, so if I do I will run to Home Depot to get them so this can be done.

    I went to water yoga and it was a great class today. I got my hair cut after that and now have a free weekend to do whatever I want. I'm hoping for some dry, warm weather so I can weed and cut back some native grasses so the new growth can thrive.

    We were sitting at the dinner table and Russ saw a young deer run out of the trees in our backyard towards my garden. It stopped and looked back, ran in circles, and was very excited. It kept watching the pine trees so we thought it was waiting for its family. I saw 4-5 deer earlier in the late afternoon running from our pine grove across our road to the swamp. But all of a sudden the deer took off toward the orchard and two coyote came out of the pines in pursuit. It was broad daylight. Russ ran out on the deck and screamed at the coyotes and they ran off in a different direction. We hope the deer got away safely. Excitement in the country!

    I hope you get things figured out with your vet and the cat. Thinking of you...

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    In to a spring cleaning mode now that the bench/hook nook is done.
    Today I cleaned out the laundry cabinet beneath the laundry sink so Russ can replace the faucet this week. I sorted, tossed and organized what needs to be kept (old towels, rags, cleaning products) between 3 bins that will slide underneath in the cabinet. Next I need to do the upper cabinets in that room. I am finally starting on clothes/coats to give away. I am hoping Russ can install some closet organizers so I have shelving to store things in bins in the main floor closets that I like to have quick access to.

    When we were at Home Depot yesterday, I looked at quartz counter top patterns and back splash tile. I will need to look at Lowe's to see if they differ in what they have. There is also a tile store that is owned by my sister's friend. He helped us repair a broken fire place tile before we moved in to our house. I want to see what his store has too. We have so little counter and back splash square footage, I am hoping I can really get what I want for an okay price.

    How was graduation? I loved your pictures on FB. Did you throw a party or go out to dinner with family to celebrate? Is Z home yet?

    We are going to portal with Rory and Hannah in a bit.

    Russ is trying his new smoker today. He is smoking baby back ribs for dinner. I hope they turn out. I volunteer at the theater later today and then we will eat them when I get home.

    What happened with the vet?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Whew. There was lots (too much for me) of excitement last week. The best news being Zach conquered all his projects and tests (at least as far as he can tell) and GRADUATED!! Woot. Unfortunately for the outdoor graduation, storms moved through and the school decided to do the ceremony indoors. We are so grateful for the rain though. SO GRATEFUL. It was a bummer in the sense that seating was extremely limited and each graduate was given only three wristbands. I didn't even tell my folks there was three - this way both were disappointed instead of one and trying to get them climbing bleachers. They were able to watch on a livestream. They live so close to the school, we just walked down and back to their house and had sandwiches and sweets and drinks after. My sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephew all joined to celebrate the graduate. It was very nice. Of course my dad had to be himself and cause some issues - and maybe I'll elaborate later - but overall - SUCCESS! We moved Zach out before the ceremony and then we all drove home and unloaded and crashed hard. Zach slept pretty much the whole day Sunday just coming out to eat once. I suspect he'll need a few days of that.