The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    edited March 2023
    The visit with the tax lady was unsatisfying for me. She was just a wholly unpleasant person. I wasn't sure how to explain my issues. I started with that I had done our taxes for over 25 years and felt comfortable doing them until the last ten or twelve when we started getting the k-1 due to Bernie's family business. (Whatever it is for him). I said my big worry is that I think I had filled out the boxes differently this year vs last year(s) and either I am doing it wrong now or previous. She just kind of stares, and says she doesn't do turbo tax. I'm like, ok. Of course you don't - you're a pro. I had brought my laptop and all of my paperwork. I wasn't sure if that meant she would expect to redo everything. She didn't say, but finally started looking at the k-1 section when I brought it up. She eventually clicked through it and yes, I had a couple of numbers in the wrong boxes. She did get things switched around. She acted like even if I had done the QBI wrong last year it was fine not to amend. Bernie chose her because he worked with her husband, and of course he's always able to make friends with everyone. They are chatting - she makes a kind of snide comment about procrastinators when I say thanks for getting us in - and I comment that the k-1's don't come out until mid-march. And then she gets defensive because there are fewer people going into taxes and how late they have to work - she makes a point to say she works 7a to 9p and is still working on some of her corporate clients. I'm like, big deal. Plenty of people work long hours. While I'm glad to have gotten this return straightened out, but she made it seem like it was such an imposition and that she really didn't want to work on others. She made a statement that I should be able to find the right boxes next year. Bernie of course skips out of there - and says I thought she was nice. I'm like - FFS. Because you didn't have to do anything and she insulted me the whole time and made it clear she didn't want more business.


    It's so hot in the office today! Almost time to go

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    That does sound unpleasant and she sounds like an unhappy person taking it out on you. Her issue, not yours. She could have said no to looking at your return but she didn't so it's on her that she has too much to do. Well do you have some peace of mind that all is well for now? I wouldn't hire her in the future if she is going to be such a "B" and insulting too.

    Doing projects with Russ can be stressful. He has a "different" way of looking at how things should be done. It's his way but doesn't always make sense to me. My job on this closet redo will be the painting, staining, varnishing, getting baskets, and putting back together. He will do all the carpentry and install the light. Easier for me in a small area to stain and varnish oak trim pieces before they are installed. Touch up is ok if needed. Same for painting the shelf and touch up if needed. I can't get a clear answer on whether I am painting bead board after it is on the wall or before. Every time we discuss, it gets more confusing. I can tell he gets perturbed when I don't agree with him. It always goes this way. I hope this project turns out and I'm pleased. I appreciate he is willing to do it but the process is always an experience.

    Snowing and looks like January today here. This is the day I would have flown to Cabo. I am relieved I am not getting on another plane but wish I could have seen Halen and Ellis again at the beach and pool side.

    The National Weather Service is predicting warmer than normal temps for MI in April, May and June. Looking out the window right now, it doesn't seem possible.

    Well toast yourself with some Moscato that you are done with taxes. Russ does ours and hasn't started yet but should be simple, hopefully.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Finished staining and varnishing today. Still working on painting trim boards and moulding. Tomorrow we cut and put up bead board in closet. Hopefully it goes in straight and looks good. I painted the ceiling in the closet today and it looks clean. It's coming together. It may take a few weeks to receive the bench from the wood company that is gluing the pieces together. Then I will stain and varnish and Russ will install. Once hooks are up I can put coats and other things stored there in their place. Yay!

    I am volunteering at Power Books tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours. That will probably be it for the week. I want to go to aqua fit and yoga, finish painting bead board and trim and clean out cedar closet to store coats that aren't seasonal. Time to begin some spring decluttering and cleaning I guess.

    Did you have a good weekend? I haven't been outside since Friday. Very windy and cold so I've been working on my part of the closet redo.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hey, your project sounds like it is really coming along nicely. Well done!

    The wind has been howling here for multiple days. But today is the first official day of spring, so hopefully the weather will start acting like it soon.

    A member of our church here in Columbus that didn't have any close family passed away recently. He is a cousin to my brother-in-law (sisters husband) via the fact that Dan's dad and Harlan were some type of cousin. I also had always found him to be a nice man so we all had gone to the funeral. It seems now that the lawyer keeps asking my brother-in-law to do all these errands for him. He needs a family tree (the Broekemeier side is quite large) even though all of Harlan's estate is going to charity I guess they have to send out some sort of letter. So Dan and Michele have to build a family tree and get addresses for over 32 cousins - yikes. Then the lawyer wants him to start picking up the mail and doing the thank you's and, and, and. I'm like - is Dan the executor? Nope. Hmmm. It's not that you don't want to help, but the things they are guilting them into doing are taking a good bit of time. It's just interesting.

    Have a good aqua and yoga!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Plans changed today. I am packing books tomorrow since I'm needed more tomorrow than today. This morning, Russ and I cut and hung the largest pieces of bead board to line the closet. I am almost done painting the trim we have but we need to buy a few more pieces to finish off corners and seams. The bead board does not fit seamlessly due to this being an older home and walls aren't even, etc. I will messenger you pictures of before and after when we are totally done.

    Tomorrow we will do more installation and then I will pack books in the afternoon. We are both sore and tired from squatting, lifting, etc. Getting older is limiting for some tasks. I won't get to aqua fit until Wednesday morning. We need to get this done so it is off the list and move on. It is a different form of exercise.

    Sunny day but plenty of snow on the ground for the first day of spring.

    Is that lawyer trying to push his job on to your BIL? If he wasn't named executor he shouldn't feel obligated to help. Seems a bit much.

    I am relaxing until Russ comes to tell me he needs me to help cut the next boards. Luckily he has that great wood shop with table saw and all sorts of stuff. I don't usually go in there but went in this morning. Quite the set up!

    Have a nice Monday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Plans changed again and Power Books doesn't need me today either. Yay! I helped Russ with cutting the last pieces of bead board but will wait until tomorrow to paint second coats on trim and paint the bead board installed on closet walls. Russ will be working so I can have music loud and get it done. Not making it to Aqua Fit so far. I get so sore painting and staining that I may just wait and go to yoga on Friday and resume cardio next week.

    Low 40's today!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My oldest sister Lynn stopped by this afternoon. I hadn't seen her in awhile. I had told her I was doing WW's but losing slowly. She said she could tell I had lost some weight. I think my face and neck look thinner and my belly is slightly flatter when wearing clothes. She went grocery shopping and is starting her own healthy eating diet today. I'm glad because she needs to lose too and doesn't always eat healthy and balanced. She seems motivated. I have readjusted my thinking to accept I am a slow loser and just need to persevere making better choices, portion control, exercise, etc. and eventually I will be where I want to be. It is not a race, just a life style I need to embrace.

    Tomorrow I will be painting and making dinner while Russ works at the factory. He will be quitting in about a month or sooner.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Great job! And being a good example too! That's one of the hardest things is getting our minds right. I mean I just want to 'be good' for a couple of days and be skinny. But, the reality is this is how we have to eat forever. I have to accept that it's going to be most days of lower calories overall, with the occasional higher days. While it's momentarily 'fun' to constantly eat whatever, I honestly don't enjoy having my clothes be tight and seeing my face full and puffy. Onward.

    This week is hard, have been more hungry than the last couple. While it's normal to fluctuate I admit I enjoyed having an easier time having a down week. It's very motivating seeing that number go down. So these first few days of this week are messing with my head seeing that number rise a bit. My body will always fight the loss. Just doing my best to fight through and stay in the zone. I have slacked off on my roasted vegetables. I need to get a big batch of carrots peeled and roasted to go with my dinner.

    Have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Still painting...I painted the first coat on the bead board and it looks good. I can't wait to see it more finished with trim pieces and shelf. I will finish painting the trim pieces that I currently have tomorrow and also the second coat on the closet. I'm hoping it won't need 3 coats. Then Russ can proceed with trim/finish work.

    I hear you on the up and down of the scale. I try not to get on more than 1-2 times per week because I get so frustrated with water retention, etc. I'm a snail and need to embrace it!

    I am making a quiche with a puff pastry crust tonight for dinner. I hope it tastes good.

    I am sore and tired so relaxing now before having to make dinner.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    woohoo it's Friday - eve

    let me know how your quiche turned out. I would love something new with eggs.

    Happy painting.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The quiche was good. I changed up the recipe and added veggies and cut up sausage that we like. The puff pastry made a good crust. Here is the link:

    I put in sauteed mushrooms and wilted spinach, green pepper, green onion, and cut up the cherry tomatoes and placed on top. Salt, pepper and a sprinkling of dill. I also used shredded swiss cheese instead of pepper jack. You could use whatever you like. I sprayed Pam on a 9x13 pan, laid in the pastry overlapping and pushed up to the sides and sealed the seam. So it makes a huge pan and is deep dish. It was good! I had a piece for breakfast this morning and Russ took a piece to work. We still have half left so it will be tomorrow's breakfast too.

    Second coat done on bead board. I used a roller for smooth surfaces for the second coat. Much easier and faster than brushing it. Russ will buy the last of the trim pieces tomorrow so I will have a few more to paint. He should start installing trim pieces and oak on door frame this weekend. I don't think I need to paint a 3rd coat. I am going to have him install the light so I can see if I need to before I consider the painting done.

    Snow is melting but we are due for more on Saturday. Blah!

    I am going to water yoga tomorrow since I haven't been to aqua fit this week. Hopefully back at it next week since my part of closet is done until the bench arrives.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    This is our favorite egg bake. It is manageable for 2-4 people. I also change this one up to include either ham or cooked sausage, and some combination of green onion, green pepper, spinach, broccoli, etc. The croissants make it wonderful and the I love swiss cheese in it. Again, you could adapt how you choose. This is one you put together night before to bake in the morning or make in morning to bake for dinner. I always make it for Christmas morning and sometimes a dinner treat other times of the year.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Mmmmm... both of those sound delicious.

    It is so freaking hot in the office for the last weeks. There is a bunch of construction (again, don't get me started on that) - but they have blocked a bunch of the vents, and put these new walls up and it is a freaking oven in here. It's been in the mid-30's all week and in the office it's over 85. I. am. dying. I have two fans going and my sleeves pushed up over my shoulders like I am at a ballgame. This is literal hades.

    All I can think about is getting out of here and into my 66 degree house.

    Have a great yoga.

    If you hear a booming in the distance, that's my heat rage explodoing.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Yoga felt so good but lots of ladies there today. The class is gaining in popularity. I like it when there are only 6-10 of us. Today was 15 plus the teacher. She said she has had up to 22 in the class. I've never been there for that amount of attendees. The pool isn't that big. I was able to stretch out my sore spots. It is as if she knew what I needed and focused on those areas. Class is slightly different every week with exception of some core moves.

    Your work environment sounds miserable. I hope you get relief soon. When will construction be done?

    We are suppose to get a lot of snow tomorrow. 8-10 inches! We will see if they are right. Have you gotten any or has spring arrived for you?

    I am sending off little kid's gardening tools to the grands for Easter. Chantrelle plants a container garden and Miles can dig and plant in their yard. I sent a magnetic drawing toy to Layney and will send Ellis a cloth stroller book on sea animals since they live in Homer.

    I lost 1.2 pounds this week! My oldest sister started her own diet and had a good first week. I hope she sticks with it and we can provide encouragement to one another. I don't want a competition so I'm keeping it low key, just sharing recipes and tips. Trying to encourage her success... I haven't told Becky I am on WW's. I don't want judgement, comments or anything from her. She can be brutal and unfiltered, also competitive.

    Friday!!!! What does your weekend look like? I'm painting more trim pieces tomorrow and maybe go through my clothes and coats for give away.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The snow is falling fast! At least 6 inches on the deck so far. It's pretty but we are expecting an inch per hour until 11pm. Luckily it will melt fast with warm temps.

    I made the breakfast cookies. They are baking now. I'm hoping they taste ok for having one on the way to aqua fit or Russ when he leaves for work so early. Ingredients are mashed, ripe banana, old fashioned oats, powdered peanut butter (PB2), and semi sweet chocolate chips.

    I lost another 1.2 pounds this week so that is 2.4 for the week. Yay! So interesting that I lose in clumps rather than steadily.

    Russ put up the oak trim around the door to our closet nook. It looks nice! He also installed the new light and put up some of the finish trim. Tomorrow he will install the shelf and supports which will hold the shelf and hooks. Next he will build the frame for the bench top and install sometime this week. I will touch up paint but can't finish my painting until bench is installed because there will be finish trim on top of the bench around the bead board walls. Looking nice so far.

    Well I hope you are getting more spring than we are.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Wow!!!! Congrats on the fantastic results. You go girl!

    It snowed here too. I was so surprised to wake up and see about seven inches. Crazy. It should melt soon enough I think.

    Yesterday was just kind of a depressing day finishing up the taxes and paying those and then the property taxes. Sad face.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Watching some basketball. Creighton is a Nebraska team. Not generally a Blue Jay fan, rooting for the state team today.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The upsets in the tournament make it more interesting. I was rooting for Michigan State but since they are out I won't pay much attention until the final 4. Looks like an interesting match up and nice to see different teams in the finals.

    Some painting touch up tomorrow is on my agenda. Time to go through clothes to give away. Some I haven't worn in 3 years so need to go out the door.

    Our snow is melting fast. 40 and sunny today helped. However, weather shows 30's with rain, snow, the whole thing these next days. Yuk!

    Tax time is nothing to smile about...

    Happy Monday to you.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Creighton lost to San Diego. It was a close game. At least there is a player on San Diego from Omaha. I can root for them.

    Another Monday in the books!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Work shenanigans afoot again. There has been more of the putting people into created positions - this one a new Lean Director - the job wasn't posted - and then my brother-in-law just got told last week that he is going to report to this guy (who was a Plant manager at the Omaha plant who had no experience and no experience as an executive Lean director). The VP of Manufacturing asks Dan if that's ok - and Dan finally says no. My poor brother-in-law has been given extra jobs for the entirety of time he's been here. He just takes on whatever they give him. After almost twenty years he's reached his limit. This guy they are making him work for now is who my niece worked for briefly during her terrible time in Omaha. And this guy is just a snake. Literally telling people they couldn't talk to her, that she was reporting things to him (she wasn't), all sorts of gross business practices. He was why she left. Now they expect Dan to work for him - when Dan has more experience and ability to actually be a Lean Director. So. This will interesting. It all makes me so sad. This place is deteriorating. Dan (and Michele) shouldn't have to start over at this point in their lives after devoting over twenty years each here. They should be at the point to start thinking about not working, not starting a new career.
