The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh how tragic. I preach and preach to my kids that if they drink NEVER drive. My dad lost one of his sisters a brother in law and a niece to a drunk driver back in the 70’s.

    Happy Halen day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My niece is friends with the driver's sister. My sister and niece know the whole family. I would assume she will get time for manslaughter and with the drinking offense, maybe more time added on? Sad for both families...

    I am lazy today. I am enjoying sitting by the tree but need to iron the tree skirt and put it around the bottom. I will shower at 3pm before we leave for dinner with friends. Tomorrow I will wrap remaining gifts, write out some cards and be productive.

    Gray sky season has begun...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I just have my nieces kids' presents left to wrap and a meal to make for her and her family. I will deliver mid week. I can mail the FL familys' box tomorrow! So glad to be done with all that wrapping.

    Russ is outside with Charlie trying to get a urine sample from him. This should be interesting! Charlie is going to have some testing prior to surgery to remove the dew claw so they need it for analysis.

    We went to dinner with my classmates last night. Even at 4:30 the place was busy. They will close for good the first of the year so everyone around is trying to eat there as much as possible. The place will be missed! Family owned tavern for over 50 years...

    I am going to make a pound cake with lemon glaze this afternoon in a bundt pan. The recipe looks yummy and we love lemon. Dinner is cheese, crackers, veggies and dip tonight so the dessert will taste good too.

    I hope you have had a good weekend. A dusting of snow on the ground here. Russ saw very large coyote tracks this morning going across our driveway. Lots of rabbits and a fox near by so they will probably get eaten by the coyote soon, unfortunately.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I thought Bernie said we were going to go do something this weekend, but I didn't plan it so nothing happened. so frustrating. He acts like I don't want to do stuff. I don't want to always have to plan stuff! And yeah, I asked him what we were doing.

    I think I mis-typed the day of my scope. But tomorrow is prep day and Wednesday is the day. The hospital gave me my pre-call today and said I can't eat the whole day tomorrow. I had originally thought to eat a light early breakfast (egg and cream of wheat) since I don't have my scope until after noon on the 14th. So that really ramped up my anxiety even more. I'm not sure I can go that long without eating, but I don't want to mess it up and then get told I have to do it again. GAH.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    They have you drink so much liquid you won't be hungry. You can't have anything of color I don't think. Clear liquids and the prep stuff. Stay home Wednesday after procedure. Don't go to work! Are you home tomorrow doing your prep? You don't want to be working as you drink the stuff. Is this your first procedure?

    I hear you on the one that has to plan. Russ doesn't plan any trips, camping trips, reserve plane tickets, etc. We either agree or don't agree on daily or weekend plans. Often we get our signals crossed.

    Today we helped set up Toys for Tots at the VFW in a village near us. Unpacking donated toys and items, setting them on tables...Last year Russ put together bikes but there weren't any for him to do this year. The ones they had arrived put together.

    I am officially old. I just applied to receive my SS benefits beginning after my March birthday. All those years of working and now the time to collect is here.

    I made a sour cream pound cake with lemon glaze yesterday. It was terrible. We each ate one piece and I tossed it today.

    I mailed the Xmas pkg to FL today and finished wrapping my great niece and nephews' gifts. I will grocery shop tomorrow, make a double recipe of the ground turkey spaghetti, wrap up one batch for my niece and family and we will eat it for dinner. Russ works a full day tomorrow. He is getting tired of this job so I don't know how much longer he will last doing it. We will be gone for almost 6 weeks so he may hold out until we leave, have a break and go back in the spring for a bit.

    Good luck with your prep tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you. It's the worst part of having a colonoscopy. The procedure is nothing you will remember since you are put to a twilight level of anesthesia. Not totally under but unaware and sleep like.

    Hang in there!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am working until 12:30-12:45. I don't take my first stuff until 1 p.m. and then the first big glug of the gatorade/miralax combo a few hours later. Since my scope isn't until noon Wednesday the purge stuff starts later. I won't work tomorrow for sure since by the time I am done will be when I am normally done for the day. Hopefully I will be ok to work Thursday because there is a lot going this week. I wasn't aware at the time I made my appointment but the consultants are back this week putting our team through the wringer.

    There is a huge storm hammering western and central Nebraska. Again, the moisture is so desperately needed, but worrying about if it will affect either of the boys for when they finally want to come home. It's far away from both of them so far.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    You will be fine when procedure is done. Intestines will be squeaky clean! Eat gentle foods for a bit afterwards so you don't shock your digestive system (no hot spices, chili, etc.). Work on Thursday shouldn't be a problem. If they find any polyps and have to remove them, they may tell you to watch for bloody urine. A little blood is normal but a lot would be a phone call back to the doctor.

    I went grocery shopping for the first time in awhile. Russ usually does it. Wow, prices are crazy! Right now I am making a one pot ground turkey spaghetti for my niece and her family. We will eat the other half tonight for dinner. I need to put a salad together for them too.

    I need to take Charlie out for a walk so will finish everything when we get back. It tastes pretty good and is kid friendly for her 3 year old.

    I hope the storm doesn't interfere with the boys driving home. When do they come home? We have patches of snow only. Sun actually has come out for a bit. Miracle!

    Good luck with your prep. It's the worst part so when it is done you are good to go. All will be well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Should have gone with something less sweet than the regular Gatorade. I thought I would need/enjoy the calories but it is so much sweeter than I am used to consuming. Half more to go. I had drank a bottle of pineapple coconut body armor this morning. That’s what I should have used. Tasty but not too sweet.

    No word from the boys. Hopefully they are hanging in there.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Weather is changing here. Winds are picking up, it's colder and tomorrow is suppose to be freezing rain and snow. Hopefully we won't get the freezing rain part.

    Thinking of you today. You are probably in the worse part of the prep now. In 8 hours in will be over!

    I am missing aqua fit again today. It is just so busy right now with holidays coming up. I need to make a meat pie for dinner tonight. Russ is working. I will make it before I go to Power Books at noon to pack books for schools. I am in charge today until the director can get there. I hope I know what I am doing. As far as I know, one other volunteer is joining me. Often others walk in the door but didn't sign up. All are welcome to help.

    Fingers crossed that next week will slow down until Christmas and I can fit in my exercise. I'll just need to get out and walk if weather allows.

    Good luck today!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    My big fears of not doing the prep right and getting told I would have to redo it didn’t happen. So that’s a relief. I guess the scope itself was ok since I don’t need to do again for 10 years, but I am getting sent to the cardiologist since they didn’t like the EKG. Siiiiggggghhhhhh…. Another appointment to stress over. I guess the doctor office will be calling later. I had Wolf Parkinson’s White syndrome as a teenager that was resolved with ablation but nothing since then so having to go back down that rabbit hole sucks

    I just inhaled a subway. So good
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Well at least they are being pro active and cautious, not blowing anything off. A former coworkers husband, in his 40's, went to ER with bad case of reflux. He was having a heart attack so lucky he went to ER. It is so easy to ignore our symptoms so I am glad your doctor is thorough. Good news you had a good scope. Did you see any of it on the screen or were you out of it?

    I wrote out a Christmas card letter today but printer is not printing clearly, once again. If Russ can't fix it, then this will be second year I did not get a letter sent. I will just do cards if it isn't going to work I guess.

    I volunteered today and the 1970's recipe of cheeseburger pie is baking now. I feel very tired today and had a hard time with the math of counting when I was packing books today. I hope dementia isn't targeting me.

    Bad weather suppose to arrive early tomorrow morning. We will see. I can stay home tomorrow or go to the Y. I'll see how I feel in the morning. I would like to get my cards/letter mailed by Friday or Saturday.

    Enjoy eating!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The tiredness could also be the beginning of getting sick. Either way hopefully just a good night sleep is needed
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I wondered if Covid is coming on. My brain was foggy yesterday and I was congested. We haven't had real cold weather and minimal snow in last weeks. I may be reacting to any grass molds/pollens still out there too. I did not sleep well at all, tossed and turned, got up to put some pain relief gel on my joints, and finally slept and woke at 8am.

    The wind was howling all night and I could hear the banging of the metal that lines our chimney at the top. Today is gray, blustery, wet, slushy and minimal dusting of snow. If this freezes and mixed rain/snow continues to fall, it will be horrible driving. I am not going out today.

    I volunteer at the theater on Sunday for 1.5 hours and then I am done with all volunteering until second week of January. At that point, we will be preparing for FL. The guy has not given Jeff the short term lease yet and we have not put money down yet. I want to cancel the other house asap.

    I need to get dressed, proof my Christmas letter, and print. Russ changed the cartridge so we'll see if that was the problem.

    Did you get a bad storm in the past two days?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Western Nebraska has been slammed the interstate passed Grand Island is closed to the borders. A bit of snow in Omaha and North (too close to Wayne for my comfort) and their roads are slippery. There is also a wind advisory for our county today so making the roads and visibility potentially worse. I did just text Zach and he is done today. I tried to encourage him to maybe just sleep there tonight and drive tomorrow. Especially since he sounds exhausted from all his final projects and tests. Either way, I'll worry. No word yet from Caleb.

    Hope you feel better.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I am feeling ok. I'm assuming just allergies...

    Christmas letter printed fine so yesterday I worked on those most of the day. Ran out of stamps so that is my project today, buy stamps and finish the last group.

    I zoom with my MN friends this morning and then will go hunt for stamps at the post office or grocery. This is the first time in several years I have actually sent out a holiday letter. No excuses when retired!

    I hope Z stays in place until tomorrow. When are C's exams done? I'm sure you will be relieved and a happy Mom when they are both home safe.

    I canceled the FL rental in Ormond Beach. Jeff confirmed with his neighbor that he saved our dates for us and he doesn't need a deposit since he knows Jeff. The short term lease should come next and we are good to go. If it falls through, we will be home for the winter. I am hoping to connect with my daughter-in-law, Chantrelle, about Mexico this weekend. I need to reserve a flight to somewhere down there but don't know what the plan is.

    Are you ready for Christmas? What are your family plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I hope all your plans go through like you want.

    Zach is home and wearing his pajamas and in full reboot mode. I finally got Caleb to text me back. He is done with finals but staying a couple of days to “hang” with friends. Make good choices baby boy.

    It was food day at work. A team member made taquitos and a green sauce. Oh so good. I wanted to eat a dozen but limited myself to two.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Two more Christmas letters to send off. I had to wait for the addresses from a couple of MN friends.

    Russ and I went to a holiday concert at our small town theater venue tonight. Interesting people watching. Some people dressed in fancy clothes like they were at a gala or fancy New Year's Eve party in New York City. Most were in their up north practical clothing. It was something festive to do. It snowed today so we have a few inches on the ground. The roads are icy so I'm not crazy about that.

    It sounds like Z knows how to relax and enjoy being home. Has C made new friends at college or are these friends from your town that go there? Are you worried that he is partying too much and that's why he stays there? Does he have a girl friend?

    I am tired to night so going to bed earlier than my usual late time. I volunteer at the theater tomorrow afternoon. They are showing a different Christmas movie every night for the next two weeks. Tomorrow is Polar Express so it will be busy I'm sure.

    Sleep well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Russ is doing some of his baking today. Yesterday he made a white chocolate almond bark with pistachios, craisens, and dried apricots on top. Very good! Today he is making two kinds of cookies. I am lucky! I baked my coffee cake and froze it for this coming weekend and I will make a home made pecan pie this week. I found a recipe that uses bourbon and maple syrup instead of corn syrup. I made one last year with maple syrup and no corn syrup and it was so good. The bourbon is an add on this year to give a different depth of flavor.

    The snow plow came early this morning so we have greater than 3" of snow. Hoping for a white Christmas next weekend without bad weather. I still want to drive around and see the lights. I love going to Glen Lake and seeing the floating boat with the lighted Christmas tree in it. Always fun!

    I have my physical at my doctor's this week. I am sure I will hear about my weight as usual. I haven't been to the YMCA in two weeks due to volunteering, shopping, wrapping and sending off boxes. I am going back Monday morning if weather cooperates.

    I am going to try to make Peasant Bread this week. A no knead dough that bakes in pyrex glass bowls, 1 quart size. Recipe makes two small loaves. The outside of bread is buttery and brown supposedly. It looks good for toasting or to have with soup. I am curious so thought I would try this non complicated and quick recipe.

    Well I should get dressed for the day and finish those last two cards. I am looking forward to taste testing Russ' cookies!

    Happy Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Holy ice storm, blizzard warning and negative wind chill. Oy. Praying it’s not as bad as predicted!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I love the sound of that pistachio bark and bourbon cake! Yum.

    Caleb made it home Sunday and was in a pretty good mood. That was nice to see. He thinks he’s passing all his classes so that is good.

    The boys are playing cards with each other. Makes my heart happy