The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Wow, did they give Z a reason? Is he going to look for a job just to make money and be around people? He may be more interested in chillin' since he is probably tired from all the studies.

    Kids hate writing thank you notes. My mother was on me and I did the same to my boys. Drove me nuts but is necessary.

    I planted some perennials yesterday and have one more area to do but am waiting for Russ to help me dig up the area. He is working hard on the deer fence and is very tired and sore. He has two more wood poles to sink today and tomorrow will get the hinges and latch for the door, then build the door. I should be planting veggies some time this weekend.

    Last night I met up with a high school friend I hadn't seen in 40+ years. We went to a brewery to listen to a guitar player while we had a drink and caught up. It was a nice evening and the entertainment was outside area. The stage was covered and there was a tent and open areas with picnic tables and benches. Heaters and string lights were everywhere.

    This recent school shooting is upsetting to say the least. It makes me so angry that our gov't won't take any action in the right direction to make guns less available to people who shouldn't have them. They talk about it being a mental health problem, but it is both. Our mental health services are less than stellar and not available to all in this country. I'm fed up with our gov't, both sides, and wish citizens would vote everyone out and get new younger people in there. Unfortunately, DC has corruption and politicians vote the way their monetary supporters pay them to. Enough of my soap box! My heart breaks for those families and community in TX.

    Today I am going to the 2pm classic movie at our local theater, Bridge on the River Kwai, an old WWII movie with William Holden.. It is rainy and I'm not going to be doing any gardening or riding my bike.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The only thing Zach got back in response (after more than six weeks of being led on and jumping through their hoops) was they decided to go a different direction. Which is would have been nice to know that he was either in competition or whatever did happened. Because, again, he could have pursued other opportunities. Due to his other summers there he had observed and was under the impression that interns are welcomed back each summer if the desire to return. And he actually liked what he was doing. So he was content. I'm guessing the new IT VP is outsourcing most of the programming, but there still could have been IT work for him for eight weeks. Or they could have been up front back in February. Grr. Still so pissed about it. Zach doesn't really need the money. He has pretty much everything he made for the last three summers still in savings. It was more about the experience. He found a class to sign up for that will free up some time for him in the spring. But there isn't an incentive for him to do many classes in the summer because his scholarship pays for his tuition for fall and spring semesters. Not summer classes. He is 'supposed' to be focusing on eating better and exercising (his poor blood panel, i.e. fatty liver? - too much junk and alcohol I guess), and what else yet I'm not sure. I don't think it's worth making him get a job at Burger King (or whatever) for only a few weeks.

    I hear you on the anger. It's absolutely ridiculous that this is a political issue. And that even though I generally identify as conservative, I can't come out and say that I don't see any reason for most people to be able to buy AR's. Or I could come out and say it and start arguments that have no end. No one wants to give up their points of view. But I also don't believe it's just a gun issue. It's mental health, it's a 'soul' issue. In my opinion.

    Caleb took off early this morning for Nashville. They won't arrive until almost 10pm, so this day will be a long one of bus boredom. At least when Zach went, their first day of bussing start like at 8pm so much they got a good chunk of bus time while sleeping. Hopefully it's fun and memorable.

    Work is heading back down that path of famine. It's been feast for several years (even through the pandemic strangely enough), but orders are drying up and we have so much inventory on hand from trying to keep up with the feast time. Now leadership is beating on us for having too much on hand and how to get rid of it and still build what the customers actually want. Meh.

    I love hearing about all the interesting places and things you are doing. Imma live vicariously. Not sure what life will look like in August when both boys take off for school.

    Still keeping Karah and the babe in my prayers.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The grand baby had gained weight as of a few days ago and was in the 8th%ile. She was 4 lbs. 11 ounces. They are delaying birth until 6/10. Karah says all tests look good. Fingers crossed she won't have any severe health issues.

    Are you under new management in your department or is your sister still your boss? What does she think of Behlen at this point? Sorry for Z but maybe he will get motivated to get healthy with all the time he will have. Take up running, eat right, etc. Does he have a buddy that would do it with him so they are accountable to one another?

    I tend to be a bleeding liberal but see both sides typically. I'm so frustrated with politics and the games they play so neither side can accomplish anything good for this country while in office. It is not about the average citizen and a better life for all, but about their power and lining their pockets. End of soapbox...

    Empty nest is interesting. If you have any hobbies you have been wanting to start, any current you haven't had time for, friends you want to reconnect with, that is the time. Maybe you and Bernie could have a once a week date night either out or home. Take turns picking the restaurant, movie, activity, etc. See if that helps you connect and begin to make progress with communication again.

    I am zooming with my knitting friends in MN in a few minutes. We catch up about once a month. We had rain this afternoon. Yay!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am so glad that baby girl has gained a little. Here's praying she keeps it up!

    Michele (sis) is still my team leader. I don't think she is happy either. But, as of yet not unhappy enough that she is walking away. Yet. This year has been a big change for her too, since Phil died (he was the CEO and her direct report and someone she had the utmost respect for) she has been definitely feeling less of the work love. We'll see.

    Whew - tomorrow is Friday. Going to an open house tonight for a former Immanuel classmate (pre through 8) and who is going to be Caleb's roommate.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member

    one of the parents on the trip started a Messenger group and is posting pictures. So I am seeing a few things they are up to. Yesterday was mostly working with the National Barbershop Harmony Society leadership. It looked like Caleb's quartet even got to get special attention. Wow!

    It looks to be a beautiful day today. I wonder if Zach would like to go golfing. I could take him and walk it with him and just enjoy some time outside moving. I would even try but I'm not sure shoulders would do it. Not sure what else on tap for the weekend. Everything was just focused on the graduation and now it's over. I should be looking forward to Hawaii, but sigh... Caleb even just asked this week if we were going. I didn't realize he didn't know it had to be canceled because people who get fired don't get vacation. Even though he has a job, no vacation. So sigh.

    I guess there is his freshmen orientation to look forward to on June 11, he'll finally get classes then.

    come on Friday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Karah told me the baby will now be induced on 6/13. Pray all goes well between now and then and during labor and birth.

    Cool here, in the 50's and low 60's. I planted some Cosmos today in my front garden. Russ put the door on the deer fence/garden and has all the fencing up. Tomorrow he will add some trim pieces to reinforce the fencing wire. I will be planting my garden tomorrow and hopefully the rest of my perennials Sunday and Monday.

    Today I went with my middle sister to a couple of nurseries. I bought pots and shade flowers for the cemetery graves of my parents and Steve. My oldest sister and I are going to meet to put the annuals in the pots and put them by the grave stones. Then we went out to a hot dog place for lunch. My middle sister has no interest in helping pay for flowers, planting the pots, or being included in the watering schedule. She thinks we should plant hostas and never tend to them again. The grave stones are under a pine tree so the soil is acidic. Grass doesn't even grow there. There haven't been any flowers in pots there in years because neither of my older sisters could agree on what to put there. Sometimes the different opinions and dysfunctional personalities drive me crazy.

    I am inside now drinking hot tea and done for the day. Have fun going to grad parties and finding out what kids are doing next. I hope work gets better for all.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Beautiful, hot, sunny day for planting!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    We worked outside today too. Separated some mums and irises and bought a couple of perennial plants to put on the west side of house that has been empty for years. Sweaty and tired. It’d be nice if they take off

    My favorite day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I planted seeds and starter plants today. It took me 3.5 to 4 hours without a break. Nice sunny day and perfect temperature. I made a map of where to put plants and seeds for companion planting. It took me awhile since I had to refer to my map a lot. Hopefully I didn't over crowd the plants. It is lightly raining right now so I'm glad about that.

    Tomorrow I hope to plant my perennials I bought for the back deck area that needs a lot of help and saving. Russ will need to help me dig holes for the plants because the soil is pretty packed.

    I really want to see the Top Gun movie this next week. I've heard it is better than the first one.

    Lots to get done this week to prepare for our trip to MN next Sunday. I have to clean the camper and make lists of what goes in there for showering, kitchen, clothes, dog stuff, etc.

    I'm glad you had a great day and your flowers look beautiful. I hope I can get some pots done this week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My sister and I planted the flower pots for the grave stones today. My brother's stone was finally set in the ground. It looks good. We went out for lunch and ice cream afterwards.

    Russ worked hard on the irrigation system for the garden. A few issues to work out so it waters everything. Hope he gets a solution before we leave next Sunday so I don't lose plants.

    Feeling lazy now and no plans to doing anything strenuous until tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The mobile groomer comes to wash and trim Charlie today. I was surprised she was working today. It is so convenient to have her come to us in the nice months. She has a trailer outfitted with electricity, grooming table, sink, and she gets water access from our spicket.

    Russ went to Traverse City to get a piece he needs to improve the irrigation system for the garden. I am going to tackle digging the perennial holes on my own. They have to get in the ground before I kill them. I want to see Top Gun this week before we leave but Russ isn't committing at this point due to his physical exertion working in the yard each day. I may go on my own. I want to see it on the big screen and have missed many movies over the years because I didn't just go without him.

    It is suppose to get in the mid to upper 80's this week so I just turned on the AC. I want to get ahead of the heat for sleeping tonight. I even closed shades where direct hot sun of the day comes in. We will appreciate it later when we come in from working in the yard.

    Well I'm having my coffee and then will go out to beat the heat of the day. Too bad my body doesn't respond to yard work as exercise and drop pounds. I hope I can fit in some short bike rides this week on my own before we leave. I've been too busy and sore to ride this past week. My sister invited me to go today with her friends but I said no. I have too much to do and still have to clean the camper and get that ready for our trip. One day at a time.

    Have a great day. I hope you get to relax or get to do something you enjoy.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I hear you. My body doesn't seem to count outside as calorie burning exercise, even though it costs me more pains (and for days).

    I have been seeing good reviews of the Top Gun movie. I just really don't really enjoy the theatre so much. I would be interested to watch at home.

    Enjoyed the long weekend. Even though the yard work is still making me ache I think it looks pretty good. Bernie didn't plant a couple things because it was supposed to storm. It didn't, so hopefully he gets them in tonight.

    Caleb made it home from Nashville. I think he enjoyed it overall, although the bus ride was brutal and he didn't sleep much since he claims his roommate snored worse than Bernie (wow, that had to be bad!) He thought the people of Nashville were really nice and his favorite thing was the riverboat show and cruise. He thought the Opry was kind of boring except for the Beach Boys (not sure who else was playing). Tomorrow their recordings 'drop' on You Tube promoting the original songs Barbershop Society wrote for CHS. Their quartet even spontaneously sang on the street. I'm worried he is losing too fast/ cutting too many calories - he has been getting dizzy sometimes. I understand the draw. He has worked so hard and does look great. And I'm sure he is getting a lot of compliments. Well, there will always be stuff I worry about.

    Tomorrow is June!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Is it C or Z that is trying to lose weight and losing too fast?

    My perennials got planted today in the mid to high 80 degree heat. Russ had to deal with a water leak in the camper but was able to help me dig the holes eventually. He will finish the leak fix tomorrow, hopefully, or we may be canceling our trip to MN. We have been lucky with this camper, only minor repairs until now. My muscles are so sore!

    It sounds like C had a good trip. Russ and I have Nashville on our bucket list for a long weekend.

    Tomorrow I have to take my car back to the tire place for them to look at the rear tire that isn't holding air. They took snow tires off and put the others back on and it has been leaking since they did it. After that I'm going to see Top Gun Sequel. Russ doesn't care if he sees it so he will do his errands and get Charlie out of the mudroom and walk him.

    Fingers crossed the deer don't eat my perennials or yours either.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It's Caleb that I am fussing over. Always something right. He starts at Behlen today. It's off to a messy start. Their onboarding sucks. They didn't tell him to bring his 'two forms of i.d. (I-9), blank check for direct deposit, they didn't have the training people set up, and if I hadn't gone along with him for his drug screen he would have been turned away because he is only 17. Gawd, this place sux.

    Anyway, is your camper ok? Hope your trip doesn't get canceled.

    Bernie planted last night. I wasn't in the mood to get dirty and am still sore from the weekend anyway.

    Caleb is chipping away at his thank you's. I know very few people do them anymore, but I know how much it meant to my grandma so it still means a lot to me. I still hear from people who have gotten them from my kids how much they appreciate still getting one. So, I think it's worth it. Hopefully someday the kids get that too.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I doubt my boys write thank you's any more now that I'm not there to nag. I've always written them and will continue to do so. I have to say when I don't receive one from a friend's son or daughter for a wedding or grad gift, I wonder if they even received it or just didn't care enough to acknowledge.

    How much weight has C lost? I've noticed in pictures you post on FB that he has slimmed down. Why is Behlen so messed up? New owners don't know what they are doing and hired incompetent managers?

    I went to Traverse City to get my tire fixed and then went to the Top Gun sequel. Russ doesn't care about most movies and had other things to do. It was good but had a darker mood than the first one. It was good and tied up the loose ends from the first one. I can't believe I was 24 or 25 when I saw the first one and now I'm 61!
    Tom Cruise has aged well even though he has gotten strange in his later years.

    Is your major yard work done and now just maintain it? We will need to seed again in the Fall and get more mulch around the shrubs and gardens.

    Some lettuce, kale and carrot seeds are sprouting!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    New leadership since Phil died and I think they are mostly terrible. Wish I knew what kind of job I would like to try to leave for. Yes, there are jobs out there, but what I have been doing the last 12 years is kind of unique to manufacturing and if I'm leaving I'm not sure what I would want to go into. Nothing I see online is tripping my trigger I guess. My sister said her injury which led her to having time at home to 'stare at walls' led her to believe she is probably ready to say good-bye maybe next year after Caitlin gets married. We'll see. We're all feeling unhappy with new leaders. If she could finally come up with a business, she has always wanted to be a business owner. Just never found the one that she could do without killing herself (her personality to never stop working).

    I would guess Caleb has lost at least 50 lbs over the last year, but it has picked up more in the last couple of months. He thinks he wants/needs to lose another 30. He thinks he wants to be 160 lbs. That's more than 30 more. I think he looks fantastic. I also remind him, he is a big guy (tall!). He is not going to be tiny. Maybe I should just worry more about my own weight. I saw a couple of pictures my niece took that I was in from graduation and I am just horrified. HORRIFIED. Oh my gracious, my belly was so huge. I have been mentally thinking how big my sister let herself get and then looking at those pictures was karma for sure. I have really let myself go. So depressing. It's not that I don't try. I walk on my machine five days a week and try to be careful with what I eat. I just can't hit that low deficit I need to lose. I burn so few calories. WHAH.

    The yard work has been trying to plant in some areas that have been neglected for years and then sprucing up the others at the same time. Bernie seemed in the mood so I am trying to take advantage.

    Friyay eve at least.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    How did C lose his weight? Wow! Sometimes when a person loses quite a bit they seem to want to set another goal. I had that MN friend that had a goal of 50lbs. When she reached it she went for 100 and never missed a day walking 5 miles for a year. She became obsessed and I could tell she had a fear of putting it back on if she didn't walk. The photos I've seen of you on FB look good. I always think that you are a normal size and do not look over weight at all. I definitely have the baby/menopausal belly fat. Maybe that is what irritates you. Our bodies change with pregnancy, childbirth and during menopause. Menopause weight seems to be around the middle for some reason. I don't see it in your pictures or you hide it well.

    Maybe stick it out for a year too and keep looking. Even if something doesn't sound like the best fit it may be a stepping stone to what comes after that. Hard to assess a work climate when interviewing for a new job so that is tough.

    Today I went to the chiropractor, got my second booster shot and visited my sister. Tomorrow I will inventory the inside of the camper stuff and clean it. The bedding is clean so the bed just needs to be made. I need to check and see if the towels smell ok or need to be washed. I'm washing Charlie's bed now so it doesn't stink up the camper. Sweaty little hot body...

    The garden is looking good so far. I hope I come home to healthy plants. On Saturday I need to thin the lettuce and carrots a bit. One of the tomato plants has flowers on it. I get confused about tomatoes and peppers. Do I need to pinch the first flowers off or just let them do what they do? I read so many confusing articles and suggestions...that is probably part of my problem.

    I'll check in before we leave. I'm not going to take my computer and don't know if I can check in on my phone. I can't access my password and username list in my google stuff for some reason. If I don't check in, I'll be home on the 14th and will touch base then.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm glad your trip still sounds like a go - and that you hopefully have a great time. I will try to keep checking in and then you will have a few to look forward to upon return ;>).

    I do think Caleb fears about putting weight on. I know he is worried about going to school and cafeteria food. I actually lost a bit of weight in college. Partly because I didn't really enjoy most of the cafeteria food, and I really watch what I eat when I am around people - I guess that's how I can do my next diet. Just always have someone next to me. Meh. I like to be alone, obviously, because then I eat. I know menopause is part of the belly. Yuck. Hopefully I can battle it back. I don't want to start avoiding pictures. I did that for a number of years when Caleb was little because I was really heavy.

    Hey, it's Friyay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I avoid pictures as much as possible. I am not photogenic and then the weight...

    I cleaned the camper and did my last load of laundry today. I've made my packing list and Russ has inventoried his camper supplies, tools, etc. I'm trying to put the staples like salt, pepper, coffee, napkins, paper towels, shower gel, shampoo, etc. in the camper. We haven't meal planned yet but will be out with others a lot so we don't have to plan every meal. Breakfast and lunch food mainly.

    I am very tired. I wonder if it is the effects of my second booster yesterday? I'm hoping to do a short bike ride tomorrow afternoon for exercise with my sister. I have to get my clothes in the camper and a few other things in the morning.

    Well I'll check in by tomorrow eve and then see if I can use my phone for access while I'm gone. Last time I tried I couldn't log in.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I tried to access this thread through my MFP app on my phone and couldn't find it. Now the truck is acting up so this should be an epic failure of a trip or it will go ok. It's always something. I feel like the guardian angels are always trying to tell us not to camp or travel. Stuff always happens a few days or the day we are going to leave. It is so much work to get the camper ready, pack, plan the trip and sometimes I wonder if I have the energy or if it is even worth it.

    I rode my bike today with my sister. We went about 15 miles. I needed to work off some energy because I had just heard from Chantrelle (AK daughter in law) that her 20 week scan showed the baby's heart is not developing typically. It is called myocardioma and is a rare condition. I couldn't find much on it on the internet except the baby could be prone to bronchitis and pneumonia. So now I worry about Jeff and Karah's birth next week and the development of David and Chantrelle's baby. What are the chances both babies have issues? Add in the truck stress and it hasn't been a good afternoon. Venting over...I'm not in a good mood.

    I'll check in when we get back, sooner or later depending on our road trip.