The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I think I wish they only went navy to gray, no white- but I think they’re not bad
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Ugh glitched. All my stuff gone
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I had a post about my new furniture arriving. It looks good and I like it. I will try to recreate it

    Hopefully your trip is continuing to be great!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Floor and drapes look good! Are you pleased? Home projects are so time consuming.

    We just arrived home in the last hour. We had a good time in Mpls and saw lots of friends. It was great to see Rory and Hannah and meet Hugo. Our trip to our friends up north was fun too. We went on a pontoon ride, had a bonfire, talked, had a fish fry (Al fishes), and enjoyed catching up. We took two days to drive home through the U.P. of MI. We stayed the night in Marquette last night. Our hotel was right next to Lake Superior so we had a beautiful view from our room. We went out for dinner and then walked on the piers by the water. Pretty drive home today but two near misses with other cars driving carelessly and Russ going too fast. We stopped in Traverse at the grocery to pick up some things. It is hot and dry here. I watered my pots and garden every other day with the irrigation system from my app. The pots all died anyway. The garden is salvageable. I need to water and then pick sugar snap peas tomorrow. My lettuce grew back fast! I cut it before we left and took it to MN. It is at least 6" high again. I need to check the carrots too. I will do it tomorrow. Tired today and it is late afternoon.

    Well time to relax. Frozen pizza for dinner and back on track this week. Too much wine and sweets on vacation.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Our new water softener was put in today. We can adjust the level of softness so we will figure that over time. Raining today so I haven't harvested the garden or dealt with my dead flower pots. Tomorrow! I did make both queen beds and cleaned up some stuff in the bunk room down stairs. Tomorrow I will dust and Russ will vacuum. We will be ready for our two guests Thursday eve. They are staying one night.

    I got my sourdough starter back from my niece today. I fed it and it is doing its thing.

    Not much else is new. What about you?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Glad you made it back safely and had a good time!

    I am trying to get used to my new bed. I am enjoying playing with the adjustable mattress and sitting on it is comfortable, but I am struggling a bit with the sleeping. It’s firmer than I thought it would be. Hopefully it will ease up.

    The heat is ramping up again this week. Yuck
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I went and bought more annuals at 50% off for my dead flower pots. Not as pretty as the first round but at least they look better than no pots. I harvested lettuce again today. I wonder if it will grow back a third time?

    I just talked to a former coworker and friend who now lives in AZ. She had knee replacement a week ago. It is so interesting how different Ortho docs have different procedures and medicine preferences afterwards. Her meds are different than mine were post surgery. She is only taking Tylenol one week post surgery but had a nerve block and a pain pump for the first 3 days afterwards.

    We are ready for tomorrow's company. They are only here for one night. Becky and Lynn come for dinner tomorrow night to visit with them. We grew up with them in Indiana when we were young. Our parents were good friends and our Dad's were fraternity brothers in college.

    I need to start reading the book club book for our August meeting.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Friday eve

    Glad to get another week over
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I rode 15 miles on my bike yesterday to get my knee stronger and bending. Today I rode into Suttons Bay on the trail to visit Sarah at the nursing home. 4-5 miles round trip. She had a bruised face from falling and landing on her face. I think she was trying to get out of her wheel chair to get something and fell. She can't tell me because everything she says is a story that is not based on current reality.

    I picked a lot of sugar snap peas from the garden. Some were on the vine too long so I left them. They tasted fiberous and tough. The cherry tomatoes are gradually ripening and taste really good. The tomatilloes are huge plants but won't be ready until mid to late August. Russ' wild flower meadow is beautiful!

    I saw a long garter snake on our street today and I almost ran over him. Yuk!! I hate snakes.

    Our visit with our life long friends from Indiana was nice. My sisters came over for a fajita dinner (Russ cooked) and we caught up and had a nice time. They spent the night and left Friday morning after breakfast.

    What have you been doing this summer besides work? I am hoping to get to the beach this week for some views and relaxation.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Snak, nope

    Doing pretty good getting some house stuff done. Still working on getting the bedroom finished up and going through things to clean out the small third bedroom upstairs and maybe get the floors done in there.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    We need to get going on some projects inside and outside the house. Russ is rebuilding the split rail fence that divides the garden from the yard. It looks nice, half done. I want to pick out new entry doors this summer and get them installed. We need to get estimates from roofing companies and choose a house color, then hire and schedule a painter for next spring. Kitchen will be after that, I think. Good for you for moving forward on your Reno.

    I've been lazy all day. I took a short walk on our paths on the property and took pictures of the blooms. It is a beautiful day here so I sat on the porch reading for a long time. Now I'm watching the Olympics.

    I visited Sarah at the nursing home yesterday. Rode my bike to see here so I got some miles in. I will ride to Suttons Bay tomorrow if I volunteer at Power Books. Too hard to find parking spaces this time of year with all the tourists. Easier to ride and get exercise too.

    I saw a snake skin next to our house in the grass today. Yuk! I haven't seen any in the yard since we moved here. I hope I don't.

    I stripped the sheets off the bed today to wash them. I pulled the extra set of sheets from the closet and laid them on the bed to put on later. Then I took the sheets to the washer. It turns out, I washed the clean sheets! So now I am washing the dirty sheets and drying the clean sheets. I've never done that before. I hope I'm not losing my mind.

    Summer is 2/3's over. So hard to believe how fast the days are passing by.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Nope nopeity snakes are a hard no for me.

    Good for you getting miles in on your bike. Hopefully that means you are feeling mostly healed from surgery. I know it was harder the second time.

    I’m not sure how much we are really getting accomplished, but even the little bit is more progress than we have done in years. Years! So much more to plan and work on. The deck is a wreck. The side door in the garage needs to be replaced. I am more than ready to replace the counters and sink. Floors in two other main floor rooms and one in the basement. New vanity and lighting in my bathroom. It would be a smart investment (imo) to pull out the fiberglass shower in my bathroom and install it with tile. If I had access to the right skills trades I could do some stuff!

    This whole week is excessive heat warning. Bad deal
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I hear ya on the Reno projects. Our MN house showed its age at 20-25 year. We managed to update the kitchen, two bathrooms and put in wood floors throughout. It helped with showings when we went to sell. Huge number of offers since it was in an affordable price range in a good school district. Now to get some things done on this house! Finding the skilled people that will show up and not over charge will be a challenge.

    I am going to the pool in a bit for my class. I haven't been in a few weeks and my knee and muscles need to move and get stronger.

    Today is our 31st anniversary. Wow! We never get our act together to plan anything and some years we one or both of us has forgotten the day. It's always a busy time of year for us. I will bake a cake later. Russ has been craving a chocolate cake. I will make a double chocolate cake with cherry filling and cherry frosting. We may go out for an early dinner somewhere.

    Stay cool. It is hot and humid here too.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Another month over

    A “derecho” moved through parts of Nebraska just now. Straight line winds 80-120 mph. Nebraska having a terrible year

    Happy anniversary. Your cake sounds delicious.

    Hump day

    Go USA volleyball. They pulled off a win against Serbia today. This team is struggling a lot compared to Tokyo. I doubt they’ll be able to repeat the gold. Hopefully they’ll find their rhythm
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    It has been fun watching the Olympics. I saw the US play China but haven't seen them since. I love the gymnastics and swimming.

    Lunch at friend's house today, Mary, Lynn and I. They are childhood friends. We had lunch, took a boat ride and got some sun, then took a dip in the lake since it was so hot.

    You have had horrible weather this year. Any damage in your town?

    I am reading a lot about sourdough bread making. I will perfect my baking skills and make a decent loaf at some point.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    edited August 1
    Columbus missed the worst of it. Lincoln and Omaha got nailed - again. Caleb said their place wasn't majorly damaged - but without power. Nephew Josh, place ok - had power. Niece Caitlin - many trees downs, one on roof - no power. Largest power outage in Omaha history. West Omaha may be without power for 6 or 7 days. It's still over 90 here for at least another week. Dang! Mother nature. Ease off already.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    And all I can see is dollar signs and dollar bills flying away at what this will not only cost now - but in future premiums.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I thought you had been having success with your sourdough bread baking?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Wowzer on that storm. I'm glad everyone is ok.

    My loaves are up and down. I really don't know the ins and outs of breadmaking so am trying to read up on it to get better loaves. I've learned a lot from my reading and will try another loaf Sunday/Monday this weekend.

    I went to Aquafit and water yoga today. It felt good. I did the deep water Aquafit and then to the therapy pool for a different water yoga class than I typically go to. Now I am heading over to the cemetery to water the flowers. My sister has been doing it for several weeks so my turn.

    We talked with our grand daughters in AK through Portal today. They are so cute! Chantrelle, DIL is alone with them until mid September. David is down in OR working on the cabling ship. Good money but she has the girls all the time. She said she found a sitter and has had some time to herself too. That is good.

    Stay cool!