The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I don't know about what C is doing but I do know several people who did not experiment with drinking and drugs in high school but did so in college when they were away from home. It is normal for some to be curious and try it out. I hope C is not doing so but you know he is a good kid who may just be pushing his independence.

    I'm glad Bernie has a lead for Zach. I hope something works out for him soon. Is he looking at jobs in neighboring states or does he want to stay in your town?

    My pedicure was so nice. My feet feel so much better. Afterwards, I took Sarah some brownies at the nursing home. I ran into her husband and he told me she tried to get up and do something for herself and fell and hit her head again. She still has a bruised face from a few weeks ago and now has a big bump and bruising on her forehead. She doesn't have any memory that she can't just walk, but needs help. It is very sad.

    Tomorrow I hope to ride my bike if the weather is not rainy. Otherwise, I will wash sheets and remake the downstairs beds for company next weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    It is windy and rainy today so no bike ride. I picked veggies in my garden and am relaxing and reading.

    Our neighbor's father who farms the orchards near us, dropped off a huge box of peaches. Russ has been cutting and freezing them so we can make smoothies, cobbler, pie, milk shakes etc. We don't want a fruit fly infestation so he took them to the pole barn to slice.

    Waiting for Rory and Hannah to call us and discuss their arrival next Friday. Russ and I need to plan the weekend menu while her parents are here. We want to follow Hannah and Rory's lead on what they want to do and eat while her parents are here.

    We had at least 3" of rain this past week according to my rain gauge!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Costco trip today for paper products and a few other things. I fed my sourdough starter and it is so healthy. I need to bake something with the discard and I also plan to make a sandwich bread loaf which is softer and shaped normal for sandwiches.

    My sisters are coming for dinner when Hannah, Rory, and her parents are here. Russ will smoke ribs and a pork butt in his smoker on Sunday. We will have ribs, homemade Mac n Cheese, watermelon, coleslaw and dessert Sunday Eve.

    Cool day here. Nice and sunny and I feel lazy.

    How are you?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Yum. Your menu sounds delicious. Bernie did a pork loin this weekend and it was really good. We have a local shop that has a small storefront and they offer really good meat and way better prices than the grocery store. They are dealing directly with some of the packs and passing on the savings. You have to get a bigger box but we just repackage. We get chicken breast for less than $2 a pound. The pork loin was $2 a pound. I saw on their board they have brisket for $4 a pound. I think we should get one and try it. Bernie can smoke it and we can freeze it into smaller portions

    The week is racing on
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Have you ever tried pickleball? I told Bernie we should learn to play
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Your meat choices sound wonderful. It's nice to have a place to get quality meats for less.

    We have 4 pickle ball racquets and balls but have yet to play since I had surgery. I want to learn. Hannah's parents play so I'm hoping they will give us a lesson this weekend when they are here. We have a park down the road that has a lot of courts and there is one in town too. Youtube has videos on how to play. I just need to watch some so I understand the rules of the game.

    Today I will make the downstairs bed and clean the bathtub in the guest bathroom. We won't vacuum, dust or clean the toilet and vanity until Friday morning.

    I fed my sourdough starter yesterday and will feed again tonight, late. I want to try making the sandwich loaf tomorrow and bake by tomorrow night or Friday morning.

    Two nights ago, our outside cameras showed two young coyotes walking by our house in the driveway. Last night showed a bobcat walking through our front yard. Lots of activity while we sleep! Hugo, Rory and Hannah's dog will have a lot of new smells. I hope it doesn't scare him. Charlie use to refuse to pee at night before bed. The wind rustling the pines, animal smells, not sure what scared him but he would go back in the garage and hold it until morning. We really miss him.

    Another nice, sunny day. Temps will be mid 80's to 90's over the weekend. We haven't had many hot days like that this summer.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Accomplished my tasks today. I received a surprise text from my AK daughter in law this morning. They are available in October after Oct 3rd for us to visit them in AK. I booked a VRBO from 8/8-8/18, now to figure out our flights. We could fly to Chicago and fly non stop to Anchorage on AK Air. We have enough miles that we may get the tickets for really cheap or free. We would have to pay to get to Chicago from here. We are glad we get to make the trip to see David and his family. We don't know when we would see them again in person for a long time. With his work schedule, it is hard for them to come here and for us to visit them there when he is around.

    Our house guests arrive within 48 hours. It will be good to spend more time with Hannah's parents and Hannah and Rory. I hope Hugo travels well in the car.

    Have a happy Thursday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    My first sourdough sandwich loaf is in its final rising stage. I will bake this morning and fingers crossed it works out. It is a different texture than a sourdough boule loaf which has a chewier crust and more artisan like. This is baked in a loaf pan and will be shaped like sandwich bread. Hopefully it will be tender too. Always a work in progress and this is my first time making this type of sourdough.

    Rory, Hannah and her parents arrive this afternoon/evening. I need to dust and vacuum, clean the guest bathroom toilet and sink, pick veggies from garden, water the garden, and pick up fruit and orange juice at local grocery.

    Russ' wildflower meadow looks so pretty. So much color and different types of flowers blooming now.

    Any weekend plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Yum - I bet your bread is delicious. Fresh bread is amazing. I can't imagine fresh sourdough!

    Hugs for Hugo - and his humans! ;>)

    Yay for getting to plan a visit to Alaska. I bet that will be fun.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Hannah's parents left last night. The kids dropped them off at the Traverse City airport at 5:30. After they left them her parents learned their flight was delayed 3 hours. Then it was delayed again until midnight. I've not known that to happen with Sun Country Airlines from Traverse City to Mpls. We think it had something to do with severe storms in Mpls last night and pilot flying time expiring. They possibly had to bring in a new crew.

    I will need to detox after Hannah and Rory leave this Friday. We have eaten fudge, been out for breakfast and dinner. We did do a nice hike up to a bluff over Lake MI so I got a workout one day. More walking in the past few days than I have done in awhile so that is good for me. I really need to get off my butt!

    Hannah's Dad is really shy and likes to be at home. He is not a big traveler unless they are going to his son's football games by car. He does not like to fly but made this trip for his wife and Hannah. The kids are going off on their own today to Traverse City. I will wash sheets and towels and pick up my knitting.

    I hope you are having a good week. What's new with you?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Sounds like a good visit. Except for the delays.

    The pictures of the bread looked delicious!

    Zach just got called for an interview Thursday. Here in town. If you are of the mind, would love som good vibes for him. Please God, let us be moving in the right direction

    Rub Hugo for more luck too!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    God - it breaks my heart how excited he is. He is studying and preparing and so freaking excited. Just like the other few interviews. He pours himself into. Please God. Let this move him forward.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Sending good vibes to Z. I hope tomorrow's interview goes well and he gets good feedback. I can't even imagine job hunting in these current times. I wouldn't have a clue.

    Today we went winery hopping outside of Traverse City on the Old Mission Peninsula. I hadn't been to any of the wineries out there. We chose 3 and did a tasting at one of them and just glasses of wine at the other two. They had good snacks so we ate our snack/dinner between all 3.

    The kids have one more day and then they leave for Mpls. It went very fast. It is hard to believe summer is over this weekend. We have a picnic at my cousin's beach house on Monday and then we move into Fall. There will be less people around until the Fall color pops.

    It went from 90 degrees yesterday to temps in the 60's today. Relief!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I’m so glad you have had a great visit. So many fun things to do around you!

    T-minus two hours. Please, please, please. Please let us be through the hard. I don’t know if any of us can withstand more of this
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Sending positive thoughts and prayers Z's way!

    Kids went kayaking this morning and went out to lunch together. Hugo is staying with Grandpa and Grandma and isn't so sure about it. They have been putting him in his kennel while they are gone but we said leave him out so he gets use to us and knows we are ok too. He is sitting on a chair across the room staring at the kitchen door waiting for them to come home. Another overcast day. I'm washing towels and sheets from guestroom, fed my starter, and plan to make blueberry muffins with sourdough discard in a bit.

    Hopeful for Z!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Aww sweet Hugo. Dear J’s home is a safe place too. I love his name.

    Zach felt very positive about the interview. He was with them for over two hours. An in depth tour and met several other people. The last time he was this upbeat was after the BD interview that would have been an offer if they hadn’t shut down the branch a week later. Anyway

    He’s writing his thank you letters. I’m not sure how long the decision process will be. The main guy is leaving for vacation tomorrow for two weeks.

    Thoughts and prayers still appreciated!

    Hugo hugs
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Sounds like it went well. Does Z know how many people applied and are being interviewed for this job? Did they say when they would let him know? Are there more levels of interviewing? I will keep sending positive vibes and prayers to NE.

    Rory and Hannah leave early in the morning. The house will be so quiet again. We will miss them both and Hugo too! They will return at Thanksgiving if weather cooperates for driving.

    Next guests arrives next Thursday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    No decisions until dude is back from vacation. So at least two weeks.

    Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I feel them

    Bye R and H! Hugs to Hugo!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Rory and Hannah made it over the Mackinac Bridge yesterday morning and then stopped for gas. They couldn't get their car started again and had to call a tow truck. Luckily it only needed a new battery rather than a mechanic. They got back on the road after a couple of hours and made it home last night by 7pm their time. Long day for them!

    Beautiful day but I stayed off the bike trail due to the holiday weekend. I don't like riding with too many people. They often don't practice good trail etiquette and it gets frustrating to have to slow down or try to pass a group blocking the trail.

    Russ vacuumed and mopped for me today. I went to Traverse to pick up my new glasses but the place was closed. They did not indicate closure on their website. Wasted of time and gas. I will pick them up Tuesday.

    Tomorrow I will make my desserts for Monday's picnic at my cousin's beach house.

    Any plans for Labor Day at your house?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Meal planning for my friend's visit this Thursday through Tuesday. She eats Vegan/Vegetarian so we plan accordingly. She visited last summer and we had some good meals. Russ and I aren't going to give up meat but eating veggies and grains for 5 days does make the body feel good.

    Windy, but beautiful day.