The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Torrential rains last night and all day. Flood warnings for our community. I'm glad our house sits on high ground.

    I visited Sarah at the nursing home today and had to wait for the rain to lighten up so I could go to my car.

    Tomorrow I am suppose to go to the Farmer's Market with my two life long friends that live her seasonly. It is suppose to be a nice day so fingers crossed that they are right.

    Happy weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    We too had way too much rain Friday night. After like five years of drought we need a break from the rain. Flooding is a big problem now. We too are fortunate in that we live up enough to generally avoid flooding. But we still need a break. This year has been rough and is just getting started.

    I was up early yesterday and got some eggs at Columbus version of the farmers market. I grabbed a couple of other things but were honestly kind of disappointed. Not as good as I make. Still looking for a delicious dessert to give myself as a belated treat to myself. Guess I’ll just have to make it myself. But that doesn’t sound fun either.

    Extremely hot weather here now too. Bleh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    We went to the Farmer's Market today. It was sunny and nice so good weather to walk around. I bought some vanilla scented lotion made from goat's milk, a home made Chex mix with honey and garlic seasoning, a garden ornament made out of recycled metal, bike chain formed into the shape of a bike and welded to a metal rod, and some gruyere cheese from The Cheese Lady. All three of us spent money on fun things. We went to lunch at a place none of us had been to and sat on the deck. I had Thai Pork Tacos and Mary and Lynn had wonderful looking salads. We came home and I showed them my garden. It has exploded in size with all the rain! Lots of peppers and tomatillos are coming in. My lettuce is getting big! All are growing well.

    I made a banana coconut cream refrigerator pie when I got home. That will be my treat tonight. Neither Russ or I are cooking dinner. Probably cheese and crackers for me.

    Russ picked up our new maple and tulip trees today. He will be tired planting those! They will look beautiful in the Fall along our driveway and one in the back yard.

    Lynn, Mary and I are hoping to do a bike ride together on Thursday. I hope the weather cooperates.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    My last post disappeared. Argh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    That happens to me all the time after I've written a few paragraphs. Drives me nuts.

    Woke up to heavy rain and winds. Wind and hail warnings too. Restless night with an achy leg and questionable digestion so I'm not venturing out to the Y this morning. Lazy! Later today is suppose to clear and be hot and sunny. I am going to go help a friend fill her bike tires. She is scared to fill them and possibly blow up the tire. If nice, we may take a cruise on her boat.

    This rain is not going to be good for the cherry crop. The farmer's are getting ready to shake the trees and many cherries have split open with all the rain.

    How are things at your house, work, in NE?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Things not going great for those along the water. Even though I hate to admit it out loud - I am already dreading what all this is going to do to next years insurance. This years was already up like 30% and we increased our deductible.

    Eye exams Thursday.

    Extreme heat this week. Usually we don't get blast of he** weather until later in the summer.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Cool 60's here today but warm in the sun.

    My friend Kathy and I spent the morning going to thrift and consignment shops for deals and then went to lunch as ate on a patio. It was nice to catch up. She wanted a break from the farm before cherry harvest begins next week. She and her husband work from dawn to late evening when harvest is happening and are typically exhausted. I won't see her until August or September unless she tells her husband they need to go out one evening.

    Russ planted our new maple trees and they look nice. I'll be interested in seeing how vibrant their Fall color is in October. He has 3 more smaller Tulip trees to plant which will be bright yellow. They are fast growers so we can enjoy them for years and will see them get big.

    Trying to coordinate my friends Lynn and Mary for our bike ride tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Nebraska and Iowa got hammered again last night with large hail and damaging winds. We avoided the worst of it, but flooding is happening and lots of damage all around. Enough Mother Nature.

    Can Russ plant those trees by himself?

    Did you find any treasures today?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    The neighbors' son helped lift the large Maples into the holes that Russ dug for each. Russ straightened and filled in the holes. He bought two more Tulip trees which are very small so he will plant those himself.

    Kathy and I had a good time at the thrift and consignment shops. We ate lunch on an outdoor patio at a sandwich shop in Suttons Bay. I bought an angel food cake pan since I am on an angel food kick and got rid of my pan years ago. I also bought one quarter zip active wear top for biking and a sleeveless summer sweater to wear with shorts and jeans. Three items for $21.

    Today, Mary and I drove to Frankfort, a cool town south of here. We shopped at a really fun nursery and then rode our ebikes on the Betsie Valley Trail for a total of about 10 miles. She stayed at our house for dinner tonight. Russ cooked a shrimp and pesto pasta and grilled asparagus. Mary's husband had gone home to Ohio for a few days so we had her over. Always nice to spend time with her. We've known each other since we were age 5 or so.

    I may go to water yoga tomorrow. It has been awhile.

    Positive thoughts for good weather to come your way.