The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    So our neighbor to th west built some weird and ugly retaining wall and fire pit thing in his backyard. But I am pretty sure he is over the property line. We have a nice vinyl fence that I put up years ago and we made sure to be inside the boundary and his installation is right up next to the fence. It’s going to be interesting when Bernie points it out to him. They hired a different neighbors kid to do it and Bernie talked to him one day and mentioned the property line and the kid was like I didn’t think of that stuff. This is going to be something
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Spring baking championship finale! I like these three
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    We went out to try the breakfast at the same place we had lunch yesterday. Nothing special...I had the lemon ricotta pancakes and bacon. Russ had eggs Benedict. If we go back I will get the veggie omelette. We have breakfast in our rental but felt like a treat. We went home after and got ready to go to the beach. We took a beach umbrella provided with the rental, our new small cooler packed with snacks and drinks, and the folding chairs in a bag that Jeff lent us while we are here. It was a gorgeous day! It really is a beautiful, clean beach her and the sand is so easy to walk on with the tide going in and out and packing it down. I don't usually go in the ocean but I went in up to my thighs and let the huge waves crash in to me. The water is so warm but it felt good since the sun is so intense. I layered on the 70 SPF sun screen today and it worked very well. I also sat under the umbrella when I wasn't walking the beach or in the water. Perfect day! We are picking up sea food take out and eating at Jeff's house tonight. They have treated us to two-three meals and we've only provided one.

    I think it is going to be a volatile season of weather nation wide. We are predicted to have a drier summer with higher temps. We shall see what that means in northern MI.

    Poor C with his car. I hope it gets fixed satisfactorily.

    Maybe no big change at work for you is good?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Another storm system through and safe. Weirdly we were without power for about five hours this morning, not from the storm but a hassle nonetheless.

    I think I read something somewhere about salt water being good for healing. Maybe you just needed salt water therapy to kick your recovery over the finish line

    So casino gambling became legal in Nebraska recently and Columbus has been building one. It’s on the west side of Columbus not all that far from where I live. I had hoped it would be not that big of a deal, but they are almost finished and this morning the sheer velocity of the crazy amount of lightning from where it is just made me sigh. It’s definitely going to be a thing.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    Is it a huge casino? They can attract a lot of travelers since rooms and food may be cheaper so they are enticed to gamble. They draw bus loads of seniors. We had them in MN and in MI. There is one on the reservation in our county but it sure doesn't seem as busy as it was 40 years ago when it was newer.

    Yesterday was a beach day until our umbrella that provided shade started leaning and falling due to high wind. It was a beautiful, hot day and being on the beach was wonderful. We took walks, read and people watched. I like walking in the waves.

    This morning we went to visit the fort in downtown St. Augustine that had been there since the 14 or 1500s when the Spaniards landed and built a fort to defend the land they claimed. It has quite a history and is part of the National Park system. Since I had the senior lifetime pass we both got in on that. The average height of men at that time was 5 ft 5 inches! They would sleep two to a bed or on wood platforms side by side. The rooms were dark and a little stinky from the ocean, the rocks that the fort are made of (shells in the mixture). I bought two cute books for the FL grandkids for Christmas since it will be the history of their state.

    It is in the 90's today, so Russ and I drove down the coast to Flagler Beach for lunch on a shaded outdoor patio. I had a pomegranite Margeritas and feel sleepy now that we are home. I will snooze and read in the AC. Later we are going to Jeff's and grilling burgers. I am going to wear my swim suit and take a change of clothes so I can cool off in his pool before or after dinner.

    I went to the Y again yesterday to ride the bike and walk on the treadmill. I will do so again tomorrow. That will be 3 times this week, once last week and I will go on Monday or Tuesday next week before we head to Charleston on Wednesday.

    Time for my snooze. I hope all is well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    90’s? That’s really warm!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    Well the moisture built up and we had a downpour this morning. I was at the Y and getting done with my work out but didn't want to go out in it. The winds are high too so I stayed and walked on the treadmill until I could get to my car.

    I took a dip in Jeff's pool with both grand kids watching. They seemed amazed I could swim and Miles yelled inside the door to his Mom, "GiGi's swimming". So funny. We had to change plans from grilling burgers because Jeff's grill was out of propane or his torch was not sure. We ended up going to a burger place close by.

    Russ and I are relaxing in the rental today. I iced my knee, ate a breakfast he cooked and then took my shower. Depending on the weather we will take the kids out for ice cream later.

    Do you have plans for Mother's Day? Nothing as of yet down here. I did tell Russ I want donuts from one of the donut shops close by on Sunday morning.

    Well I'm a blob on the couch!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    The kids are ice cream monsters! They ate their own and then wanted to drink their parents' milk shakes. I had Creamsicle ice cream in a waffle cone. It didn't have the orange and vanilla flavor that I remember as a kid but it was good.

    Hoping good weather for a pool day at their house tomorrow and then seafood or BBQ dinner after Layney's nap. Russ is in to bird watching so he will go on a hike at a trail in the morning. I will relax.

    Sunday, Mother's Day, will be beach day! Russ and I are planning our visit to Charleston and deciding what we want to do with the one whole day we have there.

    Well happy weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    I love ice cream so much! I remember eating this amazing blueberry ice cream on the one vacation Bernie and I went on before the kids to Maine. I usually want chocolate but that blueberry was something. I also love good soft serve twist. I want ice cream now!

    Glad for a Friday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    In the winter I crave chocolate ice cream or those with chocolate in it. When the weather is hot, I really enjoy ice cream with fruit in it or flavored with orange, strawberry, cherry, or lemon. More refreshing I think.

    Russ is off on his hike and I'm still in my pj's. I'll be glad to be done with this rental. Not cleaned to my standards, old and dated. On top of that, a queen bed and we are use to a king. I knew about the bed and figured we could handle it if I didn't have to deal with stairs to enter unit, go up and down to bed, etc. The tub is a little scary for me. No grab bars and slippery. Russ has had to help me get out so I don't fall. My surgical leg still makes me feel like I'm not totally stable and coordinated so standing on a wet tub floor and raising the other leg freaks me out. Hopefully our place in Charleston and Asheville are better. I know there are king beds in both.

    Are you going to brunch or seeing family for Mother's Day? Have you had any contact with your sister or niece?

    Happy Mother's Day! (in case I don't check in tomorrow)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Not sure what happened to my second little note, but I bought myself a new nightgown last night. I discovered the Soma Cool Night collection. So soft and light.

    I sent my mom a new vest for Mother’s Day. She likes the layers and having many to choose from is something she likes now for when she goes to cards. When we grew up we barely had any clothes. Part of that was lack of money I’m sure but also because of the way she grew up too. It was hard even as a kid who didn’t necessarily care about style but it does make you stand out in a not necessarily good way.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Anyhow, she likes having more clothes now

    Nothing new yet on Caitlin. She had more tests last week and next week a lumbar puncture (yikes) and then after that the big appointment to find out what her plan is.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    I hope Caitlin's prognosis is good.

    We went to the beach today with Jeff, Karah and the kids. It was very crowded with families bringing grills and having picnics. The waves were big and the day was overcast until late afternoon. We left about 2:45. I took a walk on the beach for exercise and will go the Y in the morning for my last time while here. If our next places we stay have an exercise room I will look for a stationary bike just to keep my knee bending.

    Karah made pulled pork, Mexican corn, cuke/tomato/onion pickled salad, and Mac 'n Cheese tonight. We went for dinner and I brought a shark bubble gun for the kids that I bought about two years ago and remembered to bring down here. We just got home and are relaxing. Miles was bugging Jeff to swim in the pool and Layney was ready for bath and bed. Karah was very tired and hopes they go to bed early.

    Did you do anything special today?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    I made slow cooker scalloped potatoes because they sounded good.

    Caleb was home and talking about interviews he has at a couple of restaurants and a quick lube place.


    Another week starts and it will be mostly meetings about the new system and trying to figure out how to get all our work done on top of the 25 hours of meetings. Fun will be had by all.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    Has Z had any luck with job hunting?

    I love scalloped potatoes!

    I went to the Y here in FL for the last time on this trip this morning. Then I took Layney's birthday gift over to Jeff and Karah's so she could hide it while Layney is at school.

    We will meet them for dinner tonight and then tomorrow is our last day here. Russ and I will do the trolley tour in historic downtown. We really enjoyed it last winter and neither of us can remember much of the history. Then I will need to pack up my separate hotel bag for SC and NC instead of lugging my big suitcase into the hotels for only 2-3 nights. I did my last load of laundry today so now I need to pick what I plan to wear in each location.

    Back at the rental relaxing. I will be glad to be done with this rental.

    I hope work isn't too miserable.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Wow your trip went fast. Happy Layney Day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,269 Member
    Layney will be 2 on June 13th. She is doing so well developmentally but is temperamental. She likes things her way and has to be her idea! So 2....

    We just booked a sight seeing tour in Charleston and a Hop On Hop Off Tour in Asheville. They are good way to see more and learn history but also to peak our interest and what we want to go back and see more in depth when the tour is over.

    It is raining today. We went out for breakfast, Russ will vacuum out the car hopefully, and we are getting packed up. We had planned to do the St. Augustine Trolley Tour again but severe storms are expected. We are also under a tornado watch. The winds really blow here. It is so flat! Luckily our tickets are good for a year. We can use them next winter.

    Any news at work on expectations for your position?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    These meetings are rough. So much time and stress bringing up a new ERP system and also not being able to get our actual work done because of the meetings. I hate just watching pie in the sky theory at this points with lots of it will be so much better but being as how I have a brain and can see it won’t be better. Just different and won’t be saving us any time. Whatever.

    Sounds like good stuff for your trip home
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    Hope you trip is going well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,722 Member
    oof - this week has been something.

    here' hoping to a nice weekend.