The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    edited June 10
    Over an hour and a half at the doctors office waiting. It’s time for me to be eligible for the shingles shot and I’m fine with getting it, but because it is one day before my 50th birthday they wouldn’t give it to me. They scheduled this appointment but didn’t schedule it so I could get it done? One day. Oh and my ldl is still a little high so I get to start a statin. I’m not really excited about it since I often have trouble tolerating medication and I can’t take anything for what makes my life miserable (hot flashes) and my blood pressure was really high in the office. Of course it was. I was super agitated. So woohoo I have to go back in three months. Sigh
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Is this your family getting together for the memorial gathering for your other brother?

    Yeah, I don’t know what is going on with all the extra severe weather. It’s been a mess.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    nifty fifty - woo

    I changed my linked in to have the banner that I am open to work and I sent connections to all the HR people here - just to make sure they could see it - I guess I am staking my flag - not sure what I hope to gain from it - I'm sure it will just get me in trouble (i.e. out of this job) - but I'm in a mood -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Happy 50th!! Any plans for today besides a doctor appointment?

    When I had the shingles vaccine it was two shots a month or more apart. I did them just before we moved here. I don't know if I have to have a booster or if the two shots were good for life. Because I have Type 2 diabetes, I have to take Prevastatin even though my cholesterol is normal and often in the lowest end of the normal range. I rebel by not taking it every day. I also take a very low dose of Lisinopril because my BP always seems to be slightly elevated at the doctor. They labeled me with high BP.

    Good for you putting your flag up that you are interested in a new job. I'm proud of you!

    Bookclub went well last night. All 4 of us were present and we had a good discussion of the book Molokai'. Two of us had read it many years ago and two had not. Even though I've read it twice I still missed some details in the book. As we discussed the questions I had found about the story, we each remembered some different events/points in the book. We meet in July and will discuss Orphan Train. I read that book over a decade ago so will re read it for the discussion.

    My brother should be arriving any time now. He is driving up here from Indiana after visiting friends. He will stay with us until Saturday. The burial of my other brother is on Thursday. I will be glad to get that done for final closure.

    I hope you have a nice day. Are the boys home?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I feel like a bad person. Last night Bernie texts me that he is bringing home El Mezcal for dinner - and is that ok? I texted back I wasn't really in the mood for that. He texts back, oops. We usually get El Mezcal for take home about once a month. I am generally happy to have it, but I have just been feeling a bit tired of it. The last three of four times I have only eaten like three bites and let Zach the rest the next day. I did have something I was in the mood for, but he didn't ask and so I feel bad I was hungry last night, and that nobody bothered to ask me what I wanted. Bernie is mad because he went out of his way to bring home something.

    My folks want to come down this weekend so I will have to put something together for that. They say it's for my birthday - but more so to see Bernie and make sure dad can give him something for Father's Day.

    Caleb texted me yesterday to please make him a dentist appointment. I'm like, I don't know your schedule - he returns back that he should be able to get whatever off. I roll my eyes and make him an appointment. Then text him the date and time and the phone number and warn him he better not miss it. He texts back thanks - and I text him back - I think you mean Happy Birthday.

    I attempted to make myself something different to eat for the week and made two huge pans of enchiladas to the way I wanted them to taste. I made two knowing Zach and Bernie would eat one. I only got to eat two servings of the second pan - the one in my mind was 'mine.' I texted Bernie yesterday that this is why I give up cooking. Even when I do, I don't get it eat it unless I hide it or try to shove it all in my face faster than you can. It's stupid having to hide food - and it makes him grumpy if I label it because then it's my 'special' food.

    Michele texted me Happy Bday and love you - and all I can think is ok. I guess she is over whatever has been keeping her from talking to me? I don't think I am at this point. I just replied back, thx

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I'm sorry your birthday wasn't what you wanted it to be. It seems like Bernie doesn't put thought in to making things special but maybe is doing what he is capable of?

    I'm glad your sister reached out. That is a first step.

    Do you go all out on Father's Day for Bernie or do the boys? I just give Russ a card. We may go to a Farmer's market, hike or kayak depending on our mood.

    Tomorrow is Bruce's burial. I will be glad to get it done for closure. My oldest sister worries and obsessed about all the details. It is not a funeral, just watching his urn go in the ground. There will be one reading and then we will chat and go to lunch. Lynn bought flowers for each person to put one in his grave hole. Then she is upset that those hanging plants we bought aren't blooming. Out of our control but she goes on and on. Today she was obsessing on whether the grave digger had dug the hole. She doesn't trust the funeral home to follow through and get it done to her specifications and timeline. I wonder what she will worry about when this is done?

    Becky, Brad and I went out to lunch today at a bar just north of us. It is on the bay and we had a table on the balcony looking over the water. It was a nice place to eat and chat.

    My garden is doing great!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I hope you are having a nice time having Brad around. And that you will all feel peace after things are done.

    Grow garden grow!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Well the burial is over and we had beautiful weather today. There were 8 adults and one 4 year old at the grave side. My sister did a reading that she picked out about "a brother and homeless". I thought that would be weird and maybe inappropriate but it ended up being a nice thing. We each put flowers on top of his urn/bio in the hole. Those who wanted to say something or share a memory did so. My cousin who couldn't attend wanted a picture of us all so the funeral director actually took a group photo of us by the grave. That has to be the weirdest photo I've ever been in. We went for lunch on a deck at a local restaurant. Russ and I got a soft serve ice cream cone on the way home and Brad went over to my sister's house to visit with her, her daughter, and the grand kids. My cousin Bill gave my siblings and I each a small, framed photo of my brother Bruce from my sister Becky's wedding many years ago. It would have been taken 4 years before he left home for good.

    Tomorrow Eve we have a family dinner at Becky's. The two cousins that were at the burial will be there also. Brad will leave early Saturday for Chicago to catch his flight back to Bellingham, WA in the late afternoon. He was diagnosed with a type of lymphatic cancer this winter and fatigues easily. No treatment at this point because it is slow growing. He told us that life expectancy with this cancer could be 5-15 more years. My question is: Why isn't it being treated? He is going to be 72 in September.

    How is your week going? Weekend plans? Father's Day?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    That does seem weird that they aren’t treating his cancer. I hope he does well and can stay healthy.

    I’m glad you were able to get together and hope that there is some peace in the resolution.

    Enjoy your time together.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    The tx would be chemo and it would be way worse than the slow growing cancer that may never be his cause of death. He gets blood drawn every 3 months to monitor his cancer. I guess it is a blood disease and is the best of the 500 lymphatic cancers a person can have.

    Brad left this morning to catch his flight out of Chicago back to Washington. The dinner at Becky's last night was very nice. We all had a nice visit together.

    I rode my bike to Suttons Bay today to visit Sarah at the nursing home. It is a 2.5 mile ride on the bike trail one way. She is continuing to regress in my eyes. I'm not sure she always knows who I am because she talks about "Jenny" and means me. I am in the room and tell her I am Jenny. Sometimes she seems surprised at that. She also talks about her husband John who is also in the room and he says "I'm John".

    It is suppose to be a really hot week in the 90s. We will see if the prediction is accurate.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Jeff and Karah in FL are due with a baby boy Dec 6th! This will be our 5th grandchild. I hope the pregnancy goes well since Layney's was so stressful with growth issues.

    Russ and I had a good Father's Day. We went to a Farmer's market, bought some Autumn Blaze Maple Trees for our property, hiked and ate a nice dinner out.

    How was Father's Day at your house?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming new g-baby! Prayers for health for all.

    How is Laney doing? Do they still need to worry about heart issues?

    Found out from my folks that my sister and Dans sister
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Layney had growth issues in the womb. Ellis in AK is the one with the malformed heart. Both girls are healthy and normal which is wonderful. They are nervous about this pregnancy and don't what to have problems like they did with Layney.

    I had lunch with a high school friend who is up vacationing from Virginia. She grew up here but lives near Richmond. They come up every summer to vacation at a local resort and visit her family. She is the one that had ovarian cancer and has been in remission for over a year now.

    What were you going to say above about your sister and Dan's sister? You didn't finish the sentence.

    What did you all do on Father's Day? Anything special or just another day?

    Very hot and humid here this week. Garden is doing great though.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Sorry I was at the dentist. Michele and Elizabeth went to Antique Roadshow recently. I know she has wanted to go to that for years. I used to try to help her get tickets. It was surprising to hear from the folks she finally got to go (and not from her). Soooooo yeah.

    I am sending healthy vibes
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Maybe Elizabeth got the tickets and asked her knowing she wanted to go. They are sister-in-laws? Has Michele not reached out after the last time? I still think she must be upset about something with you and is avoiding conflict. Could it have something to do with her daughter and you?

    I drove to the Y this morning and found my class was canceled again. I was not dressed for the fitness floor so left and went home. I bought some strawberries for Sarah and took them to her this afternoon.

    It is very hot here today so I worked in the garden early on and am inside being lazy.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I just really can’t believe she didn’t say anything about getting to go. She has wanted to go to that for years. Obviously there must be something fatally wrong with our relationship. Just like not saying anything about her looking for other work. Talking to me about the Roadshow would have been something not work related. It could have been “safe “. Whatever.

    Another day over. Really dragging today
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    She certainly has distanced herself. She has to be mad about something and won't discuss it. Maybe pop in on her at her house for a "visit" and force a conversation?

    I had my hair cut off today. I went short! It has been many years since I have had hair this short. It feels good to have it off my neck. It is like a longer layered pixie cut.

    I made angel food cake from a box and baked it in mini loaves and cupcakes. It will go great with all our strawberries we have now.

    Very hot here today but suppose to cool off in the next two days.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I love angel food cake. When I was little my grandma sometimes made me a homemade chocolate angel food cake for my birthday cake. Mmmmm.

    My new boss is taking tomorrow off. This is her second day off in less than seven weeks. It's good to be queen.

    I don't really think I'm going to try anything with Michele for now. I thought about going to talk to Dan or emailing her something. But I know she'll just say that with everything with Caitlin and work and blah blah there's too much going on and it's too hard. Or something like that. And she certainly can feel however she wants. It's just hard and weird. I have become way to reliant on her for an outlet. It's very difficult adjusting to having no one to talk to.

    More rain here and plenty hot for June. Yuk.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Well if you hold off and let whatever is going on with your sister ride out, maybe she will reach out at some point. I'm sorry you don't really know why she has distanced herself and you both can't talk it out. Family stuff can be difficult.

    Started raining last night so it has cooled off. Over cast day and I have been very lazy reading, napping...

    Tomorrow night we go to a concert at Interlochen School For the Arts. We are seeing Jason Isbel and the 400 Unit. We saw them in Ann Arbor a year ago. This will be a better venue and close to home.

    I got off track with my eating when my brother was here. I'm having a hard time getting back on track. I need to focus.

    I've started scheduling get togethers with friends in Mpls during our week there in July.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Hope you have a great weekend