The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Glad the kids made it home safe. Car trouble is the pits.

    Bernie did get a brisket and smoked it overnight Thursday. It is delicious. At $4 pound a great way to get red meat that tastes a lot like prime rib I think. We made a physical Costco run Friday and just stocked up on a lot of things. Lots of protein and yogurt and cheese and the more healthy frozen options. Bernie and I are trying to make better choices.

    Going to head to church tonight. Even though I pray for the family every day and night at home, I definitely feel like we need to get inside the church and pray some more that this is finally Zach’s time.

    Watched some volleyball too of course. Nebraska looking a bit rough. They won, but ugly and the competition is tough. We’ll see what happens. GBR
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Today we go to my cousin's beach house for our family get together. There will be 7-8 adults and two kids if all attend. My desserts are done and ready to go.

    I imagine it will be a hard wait for Z. Two weeks is a long time when you are hopeful this is the job. Did he like the people? What is the job?

    I received a vmail that my hair stylist has left the salon. I don't know if she quit or was let go but I need to reschedule my October appt with someone new again. Frustrated! This use to happen to me in Mpls until I found Roger my last person. He was stable, owned the salon and I went to him for several years.

    I have a list of things to accomplish before Kristin arrives from Mpls on Thursday. Busy week! It will only be in the low 60's when she is here with exception of arrival and departure day at 70 to 76. She is excited for the cool temps.

    I need to catch up with Vball. I do love watching college play. I need to shower, wash bedding, make Kristin's bed and get ready for picnic. It isn't going to leave the 60's today. It will cooler on Lake MI so I will layer and wear pants.

    Have a nice day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    The picnic was interesting to say the least. Most of the adults except Russ, me and my niece were in their late 60's to mid 70's, all women except my cousin Bill. My niece was with her children, ages 5 and 18 months. The two grandmothers of these kids were fussing the whole time about what the kids were doing, where they were, etc. Their mother was present but they obviously don't give Abby any credit for keeping her kids safe and being a good Mom. Their behavior seemed over the top. My cousin who hosted the gathering was less fussy but still a nervous wreck when the kids tried to go in the house from the deck. One of the grandmothers snapped at Russ when he said Bernie, the 18 month old, was doing fine next to him and the railing. She said "you don't know that nothing will happen!" Their big worry was he would fall off the deck, disappear out of sight, etc. The kids were off to the side of the house playing in a sandy area and doing fine. My sister Lynn, Grandma, started saying she heard the kids out in the driveway and where were they. She even got up to peek around the corner of the house to find them. I could see them on the side of the deck and told her they were there twice. She wouldn't listen and kept asking "where are the children?". She reminded me of my Mom in the early stages of her Alzheimers. She asked that question a lot but it typically meant her own children (we were all grown up). My poor niece! Her Mom, my sister, undermines her with the kids, says passive aggressive comments about her parenting and choices (Abby is a wonderful young woman, 44 years old), and does not seem to trust her. It makes Abby feel like an incompetent parent. She is a great Mom!

    Russ and I will have to evaluate if we go to that picnic next year. It was so weird! The weather beautiful and Lake MI was at its best. Sitting with the old ladies and all their fussy comments was so annoying.

    I went to Aquafit this morning, picked up my new glasses, visited Sarah and took her some treats, and put together some bread dough to bake tomorrow.

    How was your day?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Sorry. I’m still here. This week has been hectic!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    That does sound like some odd behavior at your picnic. And it must be really hard for Abby. I forgot she has a baby Bernie.

    Overall it was a nice long weekend. Got a good bit accomplished. Not really thrilled with our anniversary Monday. I had mentioned that there is a cidery not that far from us and that it would be fun to go. Bernie wasn’t interested. Same story, different day

    This week has been nuts
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Happy Anniversary! How many years? Russ can be picky about what he likes to do too. He certainly does not hesitate to say "no" and not want to do something that he is not interested in doing. I on the other hand will say "yes" if he wants to do it so it isn't all about my interests. Men!

    Kristin, my friend from Mpls is here. She arrived yesterday and is here until Tuesday morning. Yesterday I picked her up at the airport, went to lunch, came home and then went on a hike (uphill then downhill). I went to Aquafit before I picked her up and then went to shop for new hiking shoes for AK. Russ cooked a vegetarian dinner of veggie lomein and veggie spring rolls. Kristin is vegetarian and vegan. Healthy weekend for us.

    Today is cold and rainy. Shopping or a hike with our raincoats!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    what a fun and healthy visit you have going on.

    Go you!

    (anniversary was number 29) -
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    How often do you have to use your starter? I have been pondering getting one going, but don’t know if I can keep it. Someone on a different board on WW was talking about having one once but it went moldy because she wasn’t baking enough.

    What a week. That had to be the longest short week.

    Husker volleyball took a beating on Tuesday losing in three to SMU. It was not pretty. They are struggling early. So much talent. Hopefully they dial in. After so many years of disappointing football (fu Eickhorst and Callahan for ruining the team for decades). We are cautiously hopeful. Saw some good things from them last week. The new qb could be the real deal. As long as the line doesn’t let him get killed. Huge rivalry game tonight against Colorado. They thumped us last year and they weren’t amazing. They have a couple of big names but they are definitely beatable. We will see how it goes. This time it’s a home game. Colorado fans are so dirty. Last year a bunch of fans were throwing crap on the field at the players. Gross. I hope that NU is loud, but not stupid like that.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I feed starter once per week. Equal parts starter, flour and warm water. It stays in the fridge when I'm not using it. If I am going to bake I pull it out, feed it again, and let it double in size and get bubbly. Before feeding, I dump it all in a small bowl and put back in only the amount of starter I want to feed. The extra goes in a separate jar and is called discard. Their are many recipes on Pinterest for discard use. I love the banana bread and scones. There are beginner groups on FB that you can read and learn what others are doing. I think there is a lot of better info on the internet regarding sourdough and recipes., and Maurizio Leo "The Bread Guy" are good sources. Artisan Bread Made Simple is an easy cookbook too.

    Kristin and I have been having fun. We have been rock hunting, buying local jewelry, hiking and today we toured the Traverse City Asylum that opened in 1850 and closed in 1989. Some of it has been renovated into shops and restaurants, businesses, apartments and some of the old buildings are still dilapidated. Very cool place with quite the history of caring for vulnerable people from very disturbed to unwed mothers. We learned a lot. We went for a walk and she is still out walking. My feet hurt so I only did one round around the orchard.

    I haven't had TV time since she got here so haven't seen any vball. Cold nights here now and Fall days this week. We will probably get another warm spell before Sept/Oct are over.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    We spent the afternoon at Lake MI beach looking for Petoskey stones. I found more than I have ever found in the last 45 years. We took a walk on the beach and then at smoked trout Kristin bought at the fishery. We took a cooler with a few snacks. Russ has been cooking vegetarian/vegan meals to accommodate Kristin. I have to say I feel better after eating this way. I like meat but less may be a good thing. I wouldn't want to be Vegan but I could do more vegetarian meals.

    Kristin flies home tomorrow. I will need a nap with all the walking we have done. Good for my knee and body but more than I have done in a long time. We did one of the local hiking trails yesterday that I had never done. It was a great trail so I want Russ to walk it with me.

    Kristin is packing and then we are going to watch the second and third series about the Twin Flames cult that is local to Suttons Bay unfortunately. The leaders moved here in the past year or two. There are two docuseries, one on Netflix and one on Prime. Weird people and what a scam!!!!

    I hope you had a good weekend. Another week until Z hears something?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    Kristin left at noon. I'm tired! A lot more walking than I am use to since my knees went bad but good for me now that they are replaced. I need to build strength and endurance in my legs, heart and lungs.

    I went to Costco after the airport (right next door) then came home and sunned myself and read on the deck. I fed my starter and filled hummingbird feeder for one last time, I think. One came up to me on the porch. I don't know if he was saying thank you and good-bye or bugging me to change the food. I told him the food was new and to eat up, LOL! He flew away.

    How are you?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Ugh. This week is not starting out great. Caleb texted me last night that several people at his garage are sick and so is he with Covid. I’m so sad that he has it. And worried too. Caleb can be like me and get weirdly sick. I am hoping he only has mild symptoms. I stopped at the store on the way home and bought wipes and disinfectant and drinks and soup and snacks. And Bernie is driving down to drop it off. I can’t not try to mom him. Even as much as we are struggling with each other I still want to make him feel better
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Glad you had a good visit. Now enjoy some relaxing
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I'm sorry to hear C has Covid. I hope he will be fine and of course you should mother him. I hope Bernie doesn't get it and bring it home.

    Russ and I have had every Covid vaccine and will get another next week along with our flu shots. We want to protect ourselves since we are going to AK in October. Travel on planes, airports and the amount of people who don't believe in vaccines in AK and Homer is daunting enough for us. Neither of us has had Covid so we want to take any precautions we can. I just hope David and family don't get it before we get there.

    I'm getting back on track today with my eating. Proteins, veggies, healthy fat and one carb with each meal along with increasing my water intake. I will continue to walk, go to Y and hopefully get on my bike soon.

    Stay well and I hope C gets well and Z hears good news soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    it's running through the office too - along with other garbage. I haven't had my flu shot yet either. Next week. I hope I can stay healthy. haven't had great luck with Covid. Bernie just dropped off my stuff. He is pretty paranoid about getting re-infected himself.

    My check in this morning with Caleb said he was doing alright - his head felt better, but still coughing. Hoping he stays on the mild end.

    When do you leave for AK?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    We leave here on the 6th and arrive in Anchorage on the 7th. We will fly to Homer on the 8th in a small plane, 12 seater? Should be interesting.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    Have you ever flown on a plane that small?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    so far (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood) avoiding the 'vid that is racing around the office. I'm not sure how hopeful I am to keep avoiding it. I certainly haven't had the best luck with it. I went in for another set of fasting labs this morning as a follow up from my appointment in June. Had to start that stupid statin and I do not enjoy how it makes me feel. I finger joints and toe joints and shoulders ache so bad. They said this is common and to take coQ10. I started taking that too (another freaking pill - and a ginormous one) and that doesn't take the pain away. I am telling him next week that I really don't want to keep taking it. They have me on the lowest dose - and honestly I don't even take it every day. I know terrible arthritis is coming for me. My mom's finger joints are like the size of grapes. Why do I want to start that misery any sooner than necessary?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,789 Member
    I know the reason is to get my HDL and LDL lower which can cause other issues. I know, I get it. But why does trying to 'fix' that have to involve pain? I'm guessing they tell me to just push through. Taking some advil. Blah, blah. I don't like taking Advil constantly.


    This crazy week.

    Caleb thinks he is getting better. Which since he's be feeling bad since Tuesday, I'm guessing he downplayed his first few days to me. I sure hope he is. And that his housemates stay ok - otherwise they are in for a rough go of passing it around.

    Next week 'the guy' that Zach interviewed should be back from vacation. And, boy, do we all hope and pray for some great news. I have been after him to keep getting other resumes out and nothing. Just nothing. It's just awful.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,335 Member
    I have been on a 12 seater one time when I was in my early 20's. The plane was full so everyone was cozy and chatting. I hope you can avoid Covid. I take a statin due to my Type 2 diabetes. I don't like it and am not always consistent but I know it is to keep arteries and veins flowing and ward off heart disease. I wonder if my increasing joint pain is just my arthritis or exacerbated by the meds? My feet and toes hurt a lot. My hands have gotten worse and I feel arthritis in my right hip, neck and spine. It is in all my joints, unfortunately.

    I hope C is feeling better. College town and housing with friends would make it hard to stay healthy.

    Russ and I just got back from going out to breakfast at a really great cafe that sources all their food locally. Then we went on a 2 mile hike in the woods on a trail that was hilly. Good workout! I showered and am relaxing the rest of the day, LOL!

    Good luck to Z! Fingers crossed and prayers for a job.