giving it a shot but feel out of water



  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @justsayinisall Wowza!!! Look at those guns! You are doing an amazing job, lady, be proud of yourself for increasing those calories and lifting! I have your NSV to share with the fam an was wondering if I could add your picture to it in the background. What do you think?

    Team EM2WL
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    you have my permission to share. And thank you for the compliment. I've never done a side by side comparison of my pictures before and I don't measure really so it was interesting to see.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @justsayinisall you need to do it more often, the pictures tell a much better story! You are rocking it! The difference is huge, your progress is huge! Thanks for the permission!

    Team EM2WL
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Look at you - bulk planning already - what a mindset change, huh?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    WOWOWOW!!! Look at those guns!!! Holy Moley!!
    thats HUGE progress!!
    What a huge mindset shift to start thinking about bulking. Wow!

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @justsayinisall your quote came out on EM2WL Facebook page today:

    Thanks for inspiring us and letting us post it!
    Team EM2WL
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Weekly update
    Week 33
    average calories 1966 starting weight 202.7 ending weight 202.8

    Total calories eaten 13,762, Fit Bit burned 17,731 -3969

    The weight was right around the 202.7 for about three days. Then it jumped up to over 203. Yesterday it dropped down around 201 and something. Same ole' Same ole.

    I went back and took a look at my settings and I realized I was set to 50/30/20 so I changed it to 40/30/30. We'll see if that does anything. I haven't been giving much thought to protein in a long while, not while cutting anyway. It's back on my radar though and it's giving me something to dally with.

    Onwards and hopefully downwards I go!

    Started cutting:
    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight 209? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2

    Week 21
    average calories 1867. Starting weight 204.2 ending weight 203.2

    Week 22
    average calories 1907 . Starting weight 203.2 ending weight 202.1

    Week 23 & 24 vacation

    Week 25
    average calories 2063. Starting weight 202.1 ending weight 207.8

    Week 26
    average calories 2063. starting weight 207.8 ending weight 207.3

    Week 27
    average calories 2028. starting weight 207.3 ending weight 207.2

    Week 28
    average calories 1961. starting weight 207.2 ending weight 206.2

    Week 29
    average calories 2130. starting weight 206.2 ending weight 205.7

    Week 30
    average calories 1813 starting weight 205.7 ending weight 204.3

    Week 31
    average calories 1953 starting weight 204.3 ending weight 203.6

    Week 32
    average calories 1926 starting weight 203.6 ending weight 202.7

    Week 33
    average calories 1966 starting weight 202.7 ending weight 202.8

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited June 2016
    Any issues with eating out more or meals where you are estimating a lot?
    Sometimes seasonal changes makes that happen more, though it seems to be around Nov-Dec normally.

    So into 10th week since vacation weeks, doing deficit eating.

    Perhaps time to come out of diet and eat at maintenance for a week.

    Good attitude though "Same ole' Same ole" - not linear many times.

    Speaking of water wooshes - enjoyed any hard adult drinks lately?
    Might make two fit the calories day before weigh-in - been known to cause that effect.
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    edited June 2016
    Yes to the eating out, twice last weekend!

    Funny you should say that about eating at maintenance for a week, I was just mulling that one over. Part of me doesn't want to do it because, you know, I haven't gotten this stupid weight off yet but then the part that has come here and learned...well THAT part of me is smarter and knows I should. The funny thing is I really don't feel like I'm dieting much. The days where I am really active (gym, bike ride, shopping and walking all day) and I get to eat 2200 calories for the day? pffft that's not a diet lol.

    I totally wish there were adult drinks in my life. I only indulge like once every three years or so. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. One doc says don't drink at all, another says don't worry about it because my liver function tests were only abnormal for about a year and that was 7 or 8 years ago. That's what started this whole new healthy lifestyle. I was never a big drinker anyway so it's not like I'm missing too much. Now I miss! every. damn. day *sigh*

    Ok new game plan (thanks @Heybales, you are wise); Starting Monday I will take a week off and eat at maintenance. Come back, tighten up my food logging, hopefully stay out of restaurants lol, aim to hit my macros. I've never been one too concerned with macro's but what the heck, it will give me something else to concentrate on.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    The focus on macros is very helpful! Makes a bug difference.
    And no, this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle, remember? The suggestion to eat at maintenance for a week is excellent, diets breaks are necessary to keep things going every 8 to 12 weeks to remind your body of where the maintenance level is. You are doing great progress, don't get discouraged. There's nothing wrong with eating out a few times a week, as long as those days don't become an all-out event and you keep your macros going.

    Team EM2WL
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Week 34
    average calories 2055 starting weight 202.8 ending weight 202.9

    Total calories eaten 14,386, Fit Bit burned 17,941 -3555

    Weight is going up a bit. I was good all week, only ate out last night, numbers were trending up before that. Not too worried. I do know that I spent a ton of time right around this weight. My body just does not want to be below 200 I guess lol. Nah, I'll get there...I will. Some days I just wish it were a lot faster!

    Any ideas or insight as to what is going on?

    Going to eat at maintenance for a week, maybe two...not sure yet.

    Started cutting:
    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight 209? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2

    Week 21
    average calories 1867. Starting weight 204.2 ending weight 203.2

    Week 22
    average calories 1907 . Starting weight 203.2 ending weight 202.1

    Week 23 & 24 vacation

    Week 25
    average calories 2063. Starting weight 202.1 ending weight 207.8

    Week 26
    average calories 2063. starting weight 207.8 ending weight 207.3

    Week 27
    average calories 2028. starting weight 207.3 ending weight 207.2

    Week 28
    average calories 1961. starting weight 207.2 ending weight 206.2

    Week 29
    average calories 2130. starting weight 206.2 ending weight 205.7

    Week 30
    average calories 1813. starting weight 205.7 ending weight 204.3

    Week 31
    average calories 1953. starting weight 204.3 ending weight 203.6

    Week 32
    average calories 1926. starting weight 203.6 ending weight 202.7

    Week 33
    average calories 1966. starting weight 202.7 ending weight 202.8

    Week 34
    average calories 2055. starting weight 202.8 ending weight 202.9
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Does it feel like you are as energetic as normal (circumstances allowing of course)?

    Does the Fitbit step count and daily burn amount seem to be consistent through these weeks?

    I know for many as summer heat hits things slow down again as to extra activity, which would make the TDEE not as high.

    But then again, decent workouts in heat with more sweat or at least more need to stay cool - causes body to hold onto more water for keeping cool.
    That could be from exercise, or even being more active in the heat - gardening for instance.

    And the fact it'll take you a month to have figures worth relying on.
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    @heybales Energy is a little less I think. Not sleeping well for the last few weeks.

    The days I don't gym I am out walking, 40-90 mins. It's very humid here in Florida and height of the HOT months. On gym days I ride my bike in the heat too.

    okaaaaaay duuhhh WHY don't I ever recognize this stuff until I am typing it out?!?!?! durp durp durp lol

    Good thing I didn't stress about it too much! Looking forward to my week at maintenance. Ohhh butter how do I love thee, let me count the ways...
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    @justsayinisall - you've made remarkable progress. Thank you for posting your weekly summary.
    So, what is your TDEE?
    Do you eat at a cut for so long and then switch to maintenance? So, do you switch to maintenance before getting to goal weight?
    What is your weekly workout routine?

    A bit about me - I've been doing Strong Lifts 5x5, for about 12 weeks. I'm eating about 2100 cal/day. 67", weight at avg 219. It's been as low as 216 and as high as 220. I feel like my weight is all over the place. I know that I've made improvements due to losing inches. But, my weight is stalled.

    What @heybales said about working in the heat may explain some of my no weight loss lately.

    I'm not freaking out, I just want to make sure that I'm on the track. I consider myself to be in a cut. I'm trying to gain muscle and lose weight.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Don't forget extra energy fighting off bugs! And that would be in the heat too.

    @lwhayes820 - does it feel like the workouts are as strong?

    Of course as you lift longer, then improvements on the bar are going to be harder to come by - but at the same time some form improvements could keep it going, and weight should be going up.

    But if tired (and that could be from many reasons) - you may not be getting the workouts you should be getting.

    That makes your TDEE lower - that makes your eating too high perhaps right now.

    You may also be needing a workout break, 12 weeks is pretty decent time if you haven't had one.

    Perhaps take a lifting break while in deficit, smaller TDEE so eat smaller amount - just walk.
    The week after when you start lifting again - take a diet break, eat at TDEE that is higher with the lifting.
    No better time to be eating at TDEE then coming off a rest week and you are stronger - body will know how to use those extra calories.
    Many people will increase weight on the bar, and keep it even when cut starts again.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    @heybales - work outs are still strong. Getting to weights that are making me really sweat and work hard. Some exercises it's taking me 2 or 3 tries to progress to the next weight. E.g., squats @ 180 and 185lbs. Or deadlifts @ 210 and 220lbs.

    I think you're right about taking a break and cutting calories some. Planning a trip, so this is a good time for a break.

    Thank you.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hi @lwhayes820 I agree that 12 weeks of strong lifts it's definitely time to take a rest/deload week. With a holiday coming up it's perfect timing too.
    While cutting you should take TDEE breaks where you eat at maintenance for a week just to remind your body of what maintenance is ;)
    Here is some info on plateaus for you.
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator