Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    I found when I started lifting I was very strong through the traps as I tended to lift with those muscles but my lats were so underdeveloped they didn't do much. I have spent since Feb doing alot of rehab work esp with low rope pull downs and really working to keep shoulders down when doing any lifts, that and having a trainer poking me in the middle of my back and holding shoulders down helped too. He also told me to tuck pelvis under/tilt forward helped to activate things not sure why though.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Squats 120# 5-4-4
    Bench 85# 3x5
    DL 170# 1x5
    PU BW 5-4-5
    Hip thrust 135 3x10

    I feel like I will never move past a 120 squat. Ever.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @andylllI yes you will. Remember when you would have seen 120 as being impossible? It's all progress... Sometimes not as fast as we want but it is progress and it will continue.

    Don't be disheartened.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    Squats 120# 5-4-4
    Bench 85# 3x5
    DL 170# 1x5
    PU BW 5-4-5
    Hip thrust 135 3x10

    I feel like I will never move past a 120 squat. Ever.

    I'd really, really recommend fractional plates. I have a set of eight 0.25kg plates, so I can add half a kilo at a time.

    That's about a pound. It takes the fear away - I mean, if you can squat 120, you can squat 121lbs, right? And so on...

    (I wish someone would fix the screen width on here, too much scrolling back and forth!)
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Just the basics today, ran out of time.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 66 kg
    Bench: 5x5 @ 32.5 kg - another woman in the gym showed me how I could use blocks to help my feet reach the ground!
    Row: 5x5 @ 36 kg - 2x18kg dumbbells

    All good!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Rest day for me, today.....just an hour's skiing to report. Gym again in the morning
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    didn't want to go but i went. once i was there i didn't want to squat but i did. i was rewarded.

    squats: 95. same weight, but idk what happened. i'm just not having this 'fold over/hip-wiggle on my way out of the hole' thing going on any more. i did warmpup front squats with a light weight (30lb), and another hting i did that i haven't done before was just going down to the hole position with that dumbbell, and then holding everything under tension for 10-15 seconds or so before coming back up. really really focused on the lower-abs contribution and on not letting my shoulders roll forward.

    so i think that paid off. when i did my squats i went down upright, i stayed upright, and then i stood up again. went like a bomb. and i was pausing in the hole but almost all of my ascents were practically explosive once i started them. so i'm liking this. idk why it's easier since supposedly there's less hip drive this way. but i suspect having the weight stacked much more directly through my spine and into my feet on the ground is playing a big part in it. and also, yeah. mega-tight shoulders and a really really meticulous setup process.

    bench: 75. i didn't do all 5 sets but i did get at least 3, and there was lots of volume for warmup at lower weights. so i'm okay with that. unracking is a problem because the pins are juuuuust far enough out of range that i can touch my thumbs to the bar when i'm making my 'shelf'. so i have to let go of a little of that in order to take my grip and unrack, which always leaves me trying to get it back while i'm already under tension with the bar at lockout.

    MAY start asking for liftoff, but i'll try it at trainer day first to see if it makes a big difference. otherwise i'd rather bench below my capability than expose myself to most of the twits at this gym.

    deadlifts: 130. i did do a few reps at 140, but not the full 5 and they were so hard i'm going to re-try that weight anyway.

    rows: 75. i only did 4 sets of these. then i wandered away to try that pec stretch on the half-foamy, and when i looked up again someone had taken the bar. that was just fine with me, so i just came home.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Squats- 5X 65/75/85/95, 5X5X105 I am still on a deload so working on perfect form.
    Sumo squats-5x 5X 95
    0HP - 2x5x45, 5x50, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X150 this is the most I have ever lifted! I will stay here for a while and work on my form.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Morning all - happy Monday! I guess most of you in the States have a short week this week. I could do with some of that right now!!

    SQ 5x5@52.5kg remained at the same weight as last time. Need to watch my knees so will stay here next time too to work on form. Then did 3x10@40kg - a weight I would have thought was heavy just a few weeks ago and seemed so easy! Did give me chance to make sure my form was ok though. Still want to work on it a bit more. Reading about @canadianlbs form work makes sense.

    BP 5x5@35kg - same as last time, but happy with that. May do once more at this weight before adding a little on. I have no fractional weights so its a case of stick or move up by 2.5kg which is a lot (I think!).

    BB ROW - 5x5@35kg - again, same weight as last time, but working on keeping my but out and my back straight. Getting better. Will continue here next time round too.

    seated row - 3x10 - first half of each set at 40kg then back down to 33kg. Aiming to be able to do all 10 in a set at 40kg in a couple of weeks.

    Pressups, swissball stuff, step ups, - all good.

    Walking up the stairs at work in my office, however, not so butt definitely feels that I have worked hard already today, and having done a bit of skiing yesterday evening, it's protesting! Good job I have a desk job to give it a well earned break.

    Well done to all those lifting more than ever before - it really is encouraging to read!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Haven't posted in a while.

    Yesterday's workout...

    Squat: 65kg - 5x5
    Bench: 30kg - 5x5
    Row: 47.5kg - 5x5

    My hubby gave me a new pair of chucks. Man could I tell the difference, especially while squatting. I could really focus on driving my heels down.


    Going to do some cardio and maybe some ab work.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I am starting the 5x5 program today after work! It's been about 100 years (ok, 20) since I've done any real weightlifting. Interested to see how it goes. Wish me luck! Also, looking for a "things you wish you had known" type thread, if you know of any.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @BethAnnieT welcome aboard! Even after 20 years you'll discover the wonders of muscle memory and progress really quickly I reckon. Good luck and enjoy!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    "things you wish you had known" type thread, if you know of any.

    that's a great idea.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    mmm food. I mean hi.

    Did my workouts this weekend but it was late and after working long shifts, ended up with over 20 hours at work over the two days instead of the scheduled 16. It's going to be a rough holiday season as I work retail and we don't have enough people so any call-in leaves us running ragged. We're getting by but the next week is going to be a challenge and I'll be working a fair amount of it all. We are open all day Thanksgiving (Christmas too) and my family is in different states so I won't have family food but whatever we bring in to work to share.

    Despite the crazy work weekend, I did work out at the gym. I even jogged Saturday night but I only did 20 minutes instead of 40 but I'm going to do a long jog tomorrow since I don't have work. I also was at the gym later than normal both times because we had so much to do and manager struggled with the numbers, plus gave her a ride home last night, so I was at the gym past midnight. Good news is that I'm almost back to my before vacation weight on the scale and lifts are still up though I really need .5 plates/things for upper body lifts as I'm so close to my 1RM for my working sets.

    Saturday, 29 - upper power

    bench 3x4 @ 100 - heavy but manageable, we'll see how 105 goes
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 30 - back to the 30, might try 35 next time
    bent row 3x4 @ 100 - fixed weight, heavy but did okay
    lat pull 3x8 @ 80 - also heavy but doing better this time around
    OHP 3x3 @ 80 - barely, tad shakey and will stay at this weight a bit
    bar curl 3x8 @ I dunno, ez curl plus 10 - I thought it was maybe 15 for the bar but it was heavy and I managed 40 with the straight bar, so I don't know anymore on that weight, I don't like the ez curl bar for curls at all.
    skull crushers 3x10 @ ez curl + 10 - tough but managed

    5 minute warm up, 20 minute jog, 5 minute cool down on treadmill.

    Sunday, 30 - lower power

    squat 3x3 @ 165 - heavy but got through, will do just small increases now, just did the 10 cause de-load and such but felt easy last time.
    deadlift 3x3 @ 195 - not too bad, plus 2x5 @ 145 sumo
    leg press 3x8 @ 220 - did fine
    leg curl 3x8 @ 70 - still a challenge
    standing calf 3x10 @ 75 - feel a tad short for it but eh, calves

    Now to work on my online stuffs and write lots of words.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Today: combined a & b because i missed all last week (hubby was out of town no one to watch kiddos) and gym is closed a lot of this week because of thxgv (small town)

    Squats: 5x5 at 100 lbs
    Ohp: 3x5, 2x3 at 45. Fail.
    Bench: 2 or 3 x 5, 3 or 2 x 3 at 70. Fail.
    Row: skipped
    Deads: 1x5 at 125. I was supposed to do 135 i think but i suck at math. Need to calc which plates i need at home for each lift lol.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Squats 120# 3x5 (finally but I think a PL judge would have dinged me for depth on at least two of the reps)
    OHP 65# 5-4-3
    Row (DB)!60# 3x4
    Chin ups BW 5-4-5
    SL hip thrusts 3x10
    Skull crushers 20# 3x10
    Commandos and dead bugs 3x10 ea.

    I'm getting a cold. Sigh.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session gym was really hot and not comfortable to lift in
    Leg press single legs 3x12 15kg
    Hammy curls 3x12 12.5kg
    Leg extensions single legs 3x12 12.5kg
    Deadlift 1x12 40kg, 1x10 50kg, 3x5 60kg
    Squat 1x12 30kg, 1x5 32, 35, 3x5 37.5kg
    Bench db 5x5 14 kg someone took my bench when I was DL :(
    Lat pull down 3x10 33kg
    Triceps 3x12 10+ half
    Preacher curls 3x12 12.5kg
    Skullcrusher 3x12 7kg

    Hoping tomorrow won't be so hot or busy
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    edited November 2015
    Just started the program yesterday. Did a short warm-up on the elliptical, then workout A at the bar weight on Squats and Bench. On barbell rows, I tried 45 first instead of 65 and think I will use 45 as my starting point until I get my form locked in because I found my back wanting to round in the later sets.

    I haven't lifted weights in a long, long time. Last time I did a squat was 1993. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in high school, and it was 205 pounds... hoping to get back there some day. Not to high school, mind you, just the squat weight. :)

    Workout B scheduled for tomorrow, then A on Saturday. Once I get familiar with the program I might start working in some extra credit lifts like y'all do.

    For now I'll stick to the basics (plus volleyball, spin, and hot yoga on off days). For the past couple of years I have been really wanting to do something like this. So I'm very happy to be here!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Congrats on the start @BethAnnieT!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Squats -5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 110
    Sumo squats-5X5X 95
    BP-5X 65/70, 5X5X 75
    BR-5X5X 80

    I am still on a deload this week working back up to my max which is five more pounds on each. Then hopefully I will be able to up the weight.