Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squat: 67.5kg, 5x5 - almost my bodyweight, so I either need to do 70kg next time or lose 2 lbs.
    OHP: 25kg, 4/5/5/5/5 - super pissed that I missed the first set. I definitely could have done it if I had rested another minute between my working weight and my warm up.... :rage:
    DL: 75kg, 5x5 - no increase from last time but my form was all over the place so I wanted to give it another go. Much happier with my form this time.

    SS Cardio: 20min, 3.5mph/level 6 incline


    Hot Power Yoga
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Empty gym tonight - not sure where everyone was!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 67 kg - feeling good
    Bench: 5x5 @ 30 kg - not so good! I had to drop down a weight. I need to get less chickenshit about getting stuck - it's not like I couldn't get out from under just 30kg!
    Row: 5x5 still at 18kg dumbbells - happy enough with this

    Pull ups: 2x10
    Abductors: 2x10
    Single leg raised glute bridges: 2x10
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    felt a bit rushed at the I wasn't as focused as I am in the mornings when I go. No idea why because although busy, no one was hassling me for the rack etc... Ho hum!

    Anyway, I recognised the potential to be clumsy so I erred on the side of caution and didn't increase weight this time.

    SQ 5X5 @50kgs
    BP 5X5 @ 35kg
    Row 5/4/5/5/5 first trousers at 37.5 then down to 35kg

    DL 3X10 @ 45KG
    Lat Pulldown 3X10. @33kg
    Lunges 3X10 each side @ 20kg barbell.....wanted to do 25kg but the bar was in use.
    Dumbell shoulder press 3X10 @ 8kgs x2

    All in all, it was a fair workout so no idea why I felt a bit meh to start!! Perhaps I should just Stick to the early morning workouts instead!
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    @Ariadnula I had that happen too last night managed to miss the other side of rack when racking bar with 32.5kg - thank goodness safeties were in right place and just quietly wriggled way out. The second time when I couldn't complete the set at 30 kg and then couldn't get bar back on rack I decided at that point it was time to move off bench to something else. Its frustrating and annoying.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    christch wrote: »
    @Ariadnula I had that happen too last night managed to miss the other side of rack when racking bar with 32.5kg - thank goodness safeties were in right place and just quietly wriggled way out. The second time when I couldn't complete the set at 30 kg and then couldn't get bar back on rack I decided at that point it was time to move off bench to something else. Its frustrating and annoying.
    It is, isn't it? And on some racks I can't use the safeties because they won't go low enough - on the rack last night, set at their lowest point, they stop the bar at about two inches above me! Very frustrating.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I have to admit, I've never tried benching in the squat rack or power cage. I've failed and used the lower rack spot on the flat bench, plus had to put it on my chest then get out from it on both flat and incline, but never put the effort into brining a bench over to the rack in order to use safeties. hmmm

    No workouts to report, just work. I closed tonight and have an 8 am to 6 pm shift for black friday. Lucky us get freight on that day, so should have plenty to do. Saturday is upper power, so we'll see if I can make it on bench without fail as I'm working with weights very close to my 1rm.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    The smaller gym that I use midweek doesn't have any benches with rack hooks, so if I use a barbell then I need to be in the squat rack anyway, safeties or not.

    Your job sounds so hard, @DawnEmbers ! Such long hours, too. I'm impressed you make it to the gym at all.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @DawnEmbers I feel your pain - my husband is a retail manager and although we don't have Black Friday etc as such in the UK, this is the busiest weekend of the year.

    I "forgot" to mention my fail yesterday when benching, but as I can see that I am in such good company, I will....

    I bench with rack hooks - am happily managing 35kgs but as we don't have tiny fractional plates, I am not ready to make the leap to 37.5kg. Yesterday, I completely forgot a) that I was benching and not squatting (even though I had left the squat rack and relocated to the bench) and b) that the bar weighs 20kg without the weights (even though I use this same bar every time I bench.

    So, why oh why did I load 30kg onto the 20kg bar, then wonder why I couldn't do anything other than let it land on my thighs because it certainly wasn't going anywhere skywards!!!

    And of course the gym was full. And of course I made out like I knew exactly what I was doing. And of course I do not think for a moment that anyone in the gym actually believed that!

    Needless to say, once I had wriggled out and taken some of the weight off, I did my 35kg sets and strutted off!!

    Rest day for me today - I think my brain needs it, even if my body could do something!!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »

    I "forgot" to mention my fail yesterday when benching, but as I can see that I am in such good company, I will....

    I bench with rack hooks - am happily managing 35kgs but as we don't have tiny fractional plates, I am not ready to make the leap to 37.5kg. Yesterday, I completely forgot a) that I was benching and not squatting (even though I had left the squat rack and relocated to the bench) and b) that the bar weighs 20kg without the weights (even though I use this same bar every time I bench.

    So, why oh why did I load 30kg onto the 20kg bar, then wonder why I couldn't do anything other than let it land on my thighs because it certainly wasn't going anywhere skywards!!!

    And of course the gym was full. And of course I made out like I knew exactly what I was doing. And of course I do not think for a moment that anyone in the gym actually believed that!

    Needless to say, once I had wriggled out and taken some of the weight off, I did my 35kg sets and strutted off!!
    ha! Thanks, that's made my morning. Well done on recovering with aplomb and carrying on.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I've got some lovely bruises on my thighs so won't forget the experience in a hurry!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sleep average this week is in the range of 5h45m so uuuugh could've used more sleep. I pre-workouted it up but crashed about halfway through because I just don't have much. and also because the bench workout from 2 days ago was still present in my shoulders xD

    No barbell week day 1 (Gbb 1 #3)

    3 rounds of 50/10 intervals
    - double kb clean & press (20lbs) 13 / 12 / 11
    - spider push-up 10 / 8 / 11 regular
    - goblet bulgarian split squat (20lbs) 10 / 13 /12
    - suspended plank knee tucks attempts: 35s regular plank on the ground because trx straps were too high and I couldn't get in, like 7 plank knee tucks, about 5 on the last, tried to stay up as much as I could between reps. Meh

    6 rounds of 20/10 each:
    - bottom half burpee (push-up + double leg plank tuck) 6 / 5 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 4 (total 28)
    - sit-outs (per side) 6 / 6 / 5 / 6 / 5 / 5 (total 66)

    I think that's more sit-outs than last week, but 1 less half burpee? Eh. Like I said, chest still not fully recovered from heavy bench, so not too bad considering.

    Then I did straight arm lat pulldowns as I find they really help with my shoulder stabilization and I only had time for 1 mobility/rehab exercise

    25x20, 35x15, 45x12, 45x12, 45x13 then I repped out to 20 in triceps extensions cuz I could.

    I want sleeps now D:

    @kimiuzzell good job on bailing out despite the misload! That's why it's good to practice failing even before you get anywhere close to needing to! xD
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Actually had a good bench day for once, and I pulled up my big girl pants and went upstairs to the weights room (we have a power cage downstairs, but it was in use by a girl doing bench)

    Squats: 3x5 65kg - dear god, this was insanely heavy, my form was completely shocking, really have to work on my knees staying out

    Rows: 1x5 45kg, 2x5 40kg - 45kg felt terrible and there were no 1.25kg plates available, so dropped back. 40kg feels great

    Bench: 3x5 40kg - some of those reps were a grind, but I made it :)

    The weights room is hot and smelly, and I finally have story to share in the "so there was this guy in the gym" thread
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Last night's session - yeah I know 4 days in a row it SHOULD have been a rest day but I'd had a crappy day with the littlies and needed out of house.
    Didn't intend to DL or squat and was going to do ISO work and some benching but there were no free benches and the rack was empty so I did squat and DL til a bench came free.

    Leg press 3x12 15kg
    Hammy curls 3x12 15kg
    Leg extensions 3x10 15kg
    DL 3x10 50kg, 1x5 60kg
    Front squat x12 25,30,35,40kg then x10 45,x5 45kg
    Bench x12 20kg, 3x12 25kg, 3x5 30kg
    Seated row 2x10 33kg, 10/8 x 33+ half will go back to 33 nxt session
    OH press db 3x10 10kg wasn't going to do this weight but someone had both 8 and 9 kg db
    Preacher curl 2x15 15kg

    I can't wait to get back to 5x5 range for my lifts, these x12 sets for DL, squat and bench are starting to get taxing. Mind you I don't think my trainer intended me to be doing them with as much weight as I am.
    Weekend off, now have to take hubby Xmas shopping for his mum.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2015
    trainer day: bench 72.5, deadlift 140, 3x2 negative chins with hands pronated.

    none of it was easy, and i quit the amrap sets as soon as i had 6 for each lift. but i guess it still counts since both were increases, and both of them did get done. i think i'm forgetting too, to account for the fact that the warmups were all done at higher weights too. think ima start recording total weight moved for each lift so i don't start to get sad about How Feeble I Am.

    bench sets: 2x5@45, 1x5@50, 1x3@55, 1x2@65, 2x5@72.5, 1x6@72.5.
    set totals: 450+ 250+ 165+ 130+ 725+ 435
    total weight: 2155 pounds

    deadlift sets: 1x5@75, 1x5@95, 1x3@115, 1x2@130, 1x6@140
    set totals: 375+ 475+ 345+ 260+ 840
    total weight: 2295 pounds

    okay then. assuming my math is right that looks like a lot, especially for bench. guess maybe i'm not all that feeb.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Absolutely you're not feeble!! Go find a note of what you were doing 6 weeks ago or 3 months ago and then tell me you haven’t gotten stronger, with better form etc......!!

    I'm having a second rest day....spending it with my daughter who will be shortly leaving for the Alps to ski/work for the winter. Will be hitting the gym tomorrow and have still done my 3 days lifting for the week so all is good!
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    OMG look what you have achieved . it is amazing and you should be totally stoked with it.
    Never ever think what you have achieved even on your most off day is nothing.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squats: 70kg, 5x5 - I'm finally squatting more than I weigh.... booyah!
    Bench: 32.5kg, 3/4/4/4/3 - Had to be rescued for the first time. :blush: Did 3 reps on my last set and tried to push out a 4th.... wasn't happening. Guy working out next to me rushed over to help me out. I was really glad it was my last set because that was super embarrassing.
    Row: 50kg, 5x5 - No problems here. Knocked out 5x5 like a champ.


    Rest day.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I love reading about everyone's workouts even though there are some acronyms and terms I don't understand... :)

    I just started this program, and on Wednesday I did my first Workout B. I was able to DL 95lb so that was nice, but was not able to do more than 1 set of 5 on OHP at 45, so I grabbed the 15 lb dumbbells and did the other 4 sets at 30. Was that the right thing to do? Or should I have just done what was possible at 45, which could have been 4 sets of 2-3?

    Doing my second workout A today after a mellow spin class to warm up, then hot yoga tomorrow to stretch it all out.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    I love reading about everyone's workouts even though there are some acronyms and terms I don't understand... :)

    I just started this program, and on Wednesday I did my first Workout B. I was able to DL 95lb so that was nice, but was not able to do more than 1 set of 5 on OHP at 45, so I grabbed the 15 lb dumbbells and did the other 4 sets at 30. Was that the right thing to do? Or should I have just done what was possible at 45, which could have been 4 sets of 2-3?

    Doing my second workout A today after a mellow spin class to warm up, then hot yoga tomorrow to stretch it all out.

    Normally the program is to stick to the same weight all 5 sets. The point is to try to get to 5 reps on each sets, but if you don't, you'll just repeat the weight next workout and try to squeeze out a little more.

    Unless, of course, you feel like there is some kind of danger with you moving the weight further along.

    But give it a try, and give yourself a chance. You might be stronger than you think! :)
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    You guys are making me nervous! My gym is usually very empty (yay for getting the one and only squat rack! But boo if i ever need assistance!)

    Squats 5x5 @ 105 lbs
    Ohp 5x5 @ 45 lbs
    DL 1x5 @ 135 lbs