No-Gain November Week 1 Check-In (11/2-11/8)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    CW: 151.8

    Thurs, 11/5:

    Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 45min walking. Lovely weather! check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 15/30g net check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yup! check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    November Drumsticks of Meatiness Collected!

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Beginning weight: 145.2 (that's 11/2's weight.. Nov 1's was a dehydrated fluke)

    Sunday, 11/1:
    (0) Carbs: 35/30g - Whoops! Put more food in front of me than I needed, ate it anyway.
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 143.6 (-, dehydrated)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, Foundation Poses
    (0) Steps: 4,275 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 130/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options
    Drumsticks Earned: 4/7

    Monday, 11/2:
    +1 Carbs: 16/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.2 (+)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, Foundation Poses
    (0) Steps: 3,769 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 127/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options - nope, actually I ate a handful of Frito's corn chips that my husband was having. Womp womp. I asked him not to let me have the first chip in the future. ;)
    Drumsticks Earned: 5/7

    Tuesday, 11/3:
    +1 Carbs: 19/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.2 (nc)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, 10 Push-ups, 15 sec plank
    (0) Steps: 4,312 / 5,000 (no idea how I got more than Monday)
    +1 Water: 89/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: Screw you, tempty-face Frito's!!
    Drumsticks Earned: 6/7

    Wednesday, 11/4:
    +1 Carbs: 8/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 144.6 (-)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, 20 Push-ups, 30 sec plank, Chiro Exercises, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 7,833 / 5,000 (had some manic energy to burn off)
    +1 Water: 103/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: picked plain dark chocolate powder instead of the truvia hot chocolate mix
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/7 (BOOM)

    Thursday, 11/5:
    +1 Carbs: 11/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 144.2 (-)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 7,139 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 90/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: skipped a lot of everything!
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/7

    Holiday Drumsticks of November:

  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    I would like to join. I am not great with challenges but I would like to give it a try.

    SW 339.1
    GW 329.1

    Carbs stay under 30
    Get 64 oz of water
    Exercise 2 times a week

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I would like to join. I am not great with challenges but I would like to give it a try.

    SW 339.1
    GW 329.1

    Carbs stay under 30
    Get 64 oz of water
    Exercise 2 times a week

    Welcome! Just do the best you can hitting your goals every day. One day at a time. :+1:
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    1. Stay under 30 net most days- check
    2. Meal planning for each day-check
    3. Pay more attention to hydration-check
    4. Get in some physical activity daily. Start a bodyweight routine and work on decluttering my house. nope
    5. Read daily-check

  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Nov 5
    1. Pre plan meals (yes)
    2. Stay within calorie allowed (no...again...cheese... absolutely no discipline. so sad)
    3. Work out as planned (yes)
    4. Journal (yes_
    5. Mindful eating (mmm. No)
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Nov 5
    Stayed below 1200 calories; carbs were under 50 but way above my goal of 15
    Increased steps but not yet to 10000
    Did not drink enough water.

    I think I need to adjust my goals and be more specific. I also need to do a better job of planning meals.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    11/6 summary -

    Logged Food: :)
    Exercise as Planned?: Did some walking. Not great, but something.
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes :)
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Under.
    Planned Day Ahead: Going grocery shopping shortly.
    Down a pound this week. Sooo sloooow.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Summary Nov 1-8
    1.Pre-planned meals: Yes: All week pretty consistent with the planning; the execution was another story.!)
    2. Stay within calorie goal: My weekly calories were over my goal; however it was certainly better than the previous weeks ;so I am pleased.
    3. Work out per plan: (yes)
    4. Daily journal (yes; surprisingly this is helping me with my overeating habit by making me more focused and mindful)

    Objectives Nov. 9-15
    1. Pre-plan my meals
    2. Stay within calorie goal (1132 rest days, 1482 workout days)
    3. Work out per plan (add 2 short 30 min runs)
    4. Daily journal
    5. Slowly transition from IF 18/6 to 23/1

  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Bacon's lave, I love the idea.

    How do you know if your electrolytes are good or not?
    Reason that I ask is:
    I am 3 weeks into low carb and high fat but my poor body is on a digestive go slow. I am eating kale, arugula spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, spring onion, broccoli, and cauliflower plus proteins from seafood, eggs, bacon, almonds, cashews, macadamia, chicken, beef and lamb.

    Even added benefiber, metamucil and eventually Senna tea. Desperate woman!! thinking maybe there is something I am missing like electrolytes. Time to fire my digestion up to beyond snail's pace.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Bacon's lave, I love the idea.

    How do you know if your electrolytes are good or not?
    Reason that I ask is:
    I am 3 weeks into low carb and high fat but my poor body is on a digestive go slow. I am eating kale, arugula spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, spring onion, broccoli, and cauliflower plus proteins from seafood, eggs, bacon, almonds, cashews, macadamia, chicken, beef and lamb.

    Even added benefiber, metamucil and eventually Senna tea. Desperate woman!! thinking maybe there is something I am missing like electrolytes. Time to fire my digestion up to beyond snail's pace.

    Low-carb diets cause the body to excrete electrolytes more than the standard diet, so it is recommended to get 3,000 to 5,000 mg daily of sodium in the beginning. After a few weeks many can ease back on the salt to 2,000 or 3,000 once they have a good level going. No one gets enough potassium. You should also eat potassium and magnesium rich foods or supplement. To supplement potassium, I use potassium salt liberally on food or in broth and take a magnesium pill at bedtime. I take about 300mg at night.

    The magnesium will help with the "going" problem, but also increasing fat intake seems to help some people.

    I generally go a lot less often than I used to. Sometimes 4 or more days. But it doesn't bother me. Try the magnesium. Magnesium citrate, glycinate, or malate are the best-absorbed forms. Magnesium is also absorbed by the skin, so soaking in epsom salts may get you some mag in your system. But I don't have time to lounge in a bath, so I just take the pill.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member

    Fri, 11/6:

    Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Bodyweight. Whew! check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 22/30g net check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yup! check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    November Drumsticks of Meatiness Collected!

    We'll not talk about Saturday...except to say, that my oldest had her 13th birthday party. I had pizza and cake. So no drumsticks for me all around. I planned to have pizza and cake. And now that's over. I'm on track this morning as planned as well.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited November 2015
    Week's summary for me

    * Stay under 20gm net carbs daily (experimenting; might increase this is a bit)
    Did not manage this (closest I got was 21 gm net carbs) but I've been firmly in ketosis according to the test strips. I may or may not increase my goal a bit to 30gm net carbs or so.

    * Hopefully lose at least 1lb/wk. Two would be great. I'd have to lose 8 to hit my Transformer DietBet goal for this month since I bombed month 2.
    Lost 3 lbs this week.

    * Exercise at least 3x/wk and start incorporating more HIIT and strength training
    Exercised 4x this week including one HIIT session!

    * Run 5K Thanksgiving morning
    Did pretty well with training this week.
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm in! I've been thinking about the upcoming holiday. This will be my first Thanksgiving on keto. Last year I was doing a more flexible primal, but have been focused on keto since April. I'll check in weekly!

    SW: 146.8 as of today.
    GW: 140 by the end of December

    I'm a daily diary logger, so I'll keep that up (it has helped so much!)
    I want to keep my daily net carbs to 20 or less.
    Keep sugar grams at 10 or less.
    Make a point to drink more water! I've been really bad about this.
    Keep planning my meals each day and packing my lunch the day before.

    I've started feeling like my body is ready to begin exercising, so I want to start slowly, with 2 days a week of jogging, one of my dance dvds, or strength training. Nothing too stressful, just something to get me moving and feeling like I'm exercising!

    For Thanksgiving, here's my plan:

    We'll be heading up to my MIL's, and there's usually lots of carby treats made available, including my nemesis, potato chips. Last time we went up there I brought along a bag of plain pork rinds and used those with the sour cream dip, and it worked great! So, I'll be doing that again.

    I'll eat turkey of course, and will bring along some sort of keto-friendly veggie side dish. I'm thinking a keto shepard's pie sounds good. Maybe make some cheesy mocktatoes too.

    For dessert, I want to try making a low carb pumpkin-cheesecake pie! I found the recipe here:
    Having a yummy dessert to eat and share will make it a lot easier, and this recipe looks SO good.

    Someone mentioned making a cranberry sauce with erythritol. I haven't tried that! I'll have to check that out.

    I think that's it! I'll check in next week!

  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    Last week's check in. - I haven't been at a computer, and it is way to hard to do this on my phone!

    Thursday 11/5
    Water: 80/80oz
    Logged Food: √
    Exercise: √
    Carbs: √
    Calorie Limit: √
    Planned Day Ahead: √

    Friday 11/6
    Water: 80/80oz
    Logged Food: √
    Exercise: √
    Carbs: √
    Calorie Limit: √
    Planned Day Ahead: √

    Saturday 11/7
    Water: 48/80oz
    Logged Food: √
    Carbs: √
    Calorie Limit: Over!
    Planned Day Ahead: √

    Sunday 11/8
    Water: 48/80oz
    Logged Food: √
    Exercise: √
    Carbs: Over by 10!
    Calorie Limit: Over by alot!
    Planned Day Ahead: √

    It is so much easier to be 'good' during the week than on weekends!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    November Goals:

    1. Review basics and get back to following more carefully
    2. 10,000 steps per day (work days); 5,000 steps per day (weekend)
    3. Keep at around 40 net carbs per day
    4. Log Food Daily
    5. Additional exercise at least 3 times a week (yoga, weight lifting, biking)

    11/01 - didn't get my steps or track my food so I'm going to say nil for the day just to be honest :)
    11/02 - Also didn't track my food (was so busy all day long) but I did get in my 10,000 steps and did some yoga!
    11/03 - Great day. I got in my steps, did some weight lifting, tracked my food and was under 40 net grams of crabs.
    11/04 - Another great day - got my steps in, did yoga, tracked my food and under 40 net carbs.
    11/05 - a repeat of yesterday!! :)
    11/06 - 11/08: Weekend went pretty well. I was very low on calories and good on carbs but only one day I didn't get to 5,000 steps. (I wasn't feeling very well). But overall my weekend was much better than ones in the past!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Monday report.
    Bad weekend. 3 days of bingeing.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited November 2015
    Beginning weight: 145.2 (that's 11/2's weight.. Nov 1's was a dehydrated fluke)

    Sunday, 11/1:
    (0) Carbs: 35/30g - Whoops! Put more food in front of me than I needed, ate it anyway.
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 143.6 (-, dehydrated)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, Foundation Poses
    (0) Steps: 4,275 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 130/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options
    Drumsticks Earned: 4/7

    Monday, 11/2:
    +1 Carbs: 16/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.2 (+)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, Foundation Poses
    (0) Steps: 3,769 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 127/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options - nope, actually I ate a handful of Frito's corn chips that my husband was having. Womp womp. I asked him not to let me have the first chip in the future. ;)
    Drumsticks Earned: 5/7

    Tuesday, 11/3:
    +1 Carbs: 19/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.2 (nc)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, 10 Push-ups, 15 sec plank
    (0) Steps: 4,312 / 5,000 (no idea how I got more than Monday)
    +1 Water: 89/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: Screw you, tempty-face Frito's!!
    Drumsticks Earned: 6/7

    Wednesday, 11/4:
    +1 Carbs: 8/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 144.6 (-)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, 20 Push-ups, 30 sec plank, Chiro Exercises, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 7,833 / 5,000 (had some manic energy to burn off)
    +1 Water: 103/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: picked plain dark chocolate powder instead of the truvia hot chocolate mix
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/7 (BOOM)

    Thursday, 11/5:
    +1 Carbs: 11/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 144.2 (-)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 7,139 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 90/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: skipped a lot of everything!
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/7

    Friday, 11/6:
    +1 Carbs: 7/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 143.6 (-) This is the FIRST time I feel like 143 is a legit scale report. Unfortunately it didn't last...
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, Chiro exercises, push ups, planking, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 5,038 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 86/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options: I took a very tiny portion of creamed spinach and a couple pickle slices just to combat some dry pork. :P
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/7

    Saturday, 11/7:
    (0) Carbs: 49/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.2 (+)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, Chiro exercises, parking far away
    (0) Steps: 4,802 / 5,000
    (0) Water: 76/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options: I had tacos. :neutral: And I learned that crunchy corn anything is a big trigger for me. I don't know my actual carb count for sure because the restaurant had no nutritional information, so I based it off Chipotle's recipe.
    Drumsticks Earned: 3/7

    Sunday, 11/8:
    (0) Carbs: 33/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 145.4 (+)
    +1 Exercise: Foundation Poses, Chiro exercises, parking far away
    +1 Steps: 5,132 / 5,000
    (0) Water: 76/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options: I planned to have coconut macaroons for my mom's 1 month ketoversary. I didn't plan to have all those zoodles with dinner...
    Drumsticks Earned: 4/7

    Holiday Drumsticks of November:
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    The xylitol in the macaroons (I'm assuming that was the issue) made me SO sick. I will be avoiding the sweet-replacements in the future, and try to use just stevia where I can (there's the pumpkin cheesecake I wanted to serve at thanksgiving). I could also have just had an upset stomach from dehydration, too much coffee, and extra carbs.

    Either way, trying to go pure carnivore this week. First test: tonight I'm making butternut squash for everyone else.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    The xylitol in the macaroons (I'm assuming that was the issue) made me SO sick. I will be avoiding the sweet-replacements in the future, and try to use just stevia where I can (there's the pumpkin cheesecake I wanted to serve at thanksgiving). I could also have just had an upset stomach from dehydration, too much coffee, and extra carbs.

    Either way, trying to go pure carnivore this week. First test: tonight I'm making butternut squash for everyone else.

    Good luck. :+1:
    And sorry about the tummy upset. My stomach was a little pissed at me over Saturday. Gluten AND sugar. I deserved that for sure.
    I haven't really tested myself on sugar alcohols. I'm ok with liquid sucralose and stevia. My stomach is fine with aspartame and ace K, but there's something wonky going on with my response to it in diet soda. I wouldn't be surprised if it's an insulin response or something.

    Has anyone here actually made a cheesecake that was really good? I'm wanting to make something for MIL and me for Thanksgiving. I don't have a spring-form pan, though. Hmmm... I have a chocolate no-bake one I have made before.... Just thinking out loud I guess. I really want to stay on-plan for Thanksgiving. I'll be bringing Deviled Eggs. That's my "thing." I'm thinking of a green bean casserole and a mock-stuffing in small servings. Maybe a

    It is so much easier to be 'good' during the week than on weekends!
    Isn't that the truth!


    Sun, 11/9:

    Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 45 min walk check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 17/30g net check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yup! check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    November Drumsticks of Meatiness Collected!